cold; poor; to tremble

strokes 12
strokes after radical 9
斑疹伤寒 斑疹傷寒 ban1 zhen3 shang1 han2

饱暖思淫欲,饥寒起盗心 飽暖思淫欲,飢寒起盜心 bao3 nuan3 si1 yin2 yu4 - ji1 han2 qi3 dao4 xin1
lechery springs from warmth and nourishment, kleptomania springs from hunger and cold (idiom)

北寒带 北寒帶 bei3 han2 dai4
the north frigid zone

避寒 避寒 bi4 han2
to escape the cold by going on a winter holiday

冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 冰凍三尺,非一日之寒 bing1 dong4 san1 chi3 - fei1 yi1 ri4 zhi1 han2
three feet of ice does not form in a single day (idiom); Rome wasn't built in a day

不寒而栗 不寒而慄 bu4 han2 er2 li4
shiver all over though not cold; tremble with fear; shudder

唇亡齿寒 唇亡齒寒 chun2 wang2 chi3 han2
lit. without the lips, the teeth feel the cold (idiom); fig. intimately interdependent

达乌里寒鸦 達烏裡寒鴉 da2 wu1 li3 han2 ya1
(bird species of China) Daurian jackdaw (Coloeus dauuricus)

大寒 大寒 da4 han2
Great Cold, 24th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 20th January-3rd February

胆寒 膽寒 dan3 han2
to fear; to be terrified

倒春寒 倒春寒 dao4 chun1 han2
cold snap during the spring

地方性斑疹伤寒 地方性斑疹傷寒 di4 fang1 xing4 ban1 zhen3 shang1 han2
murine typhus fever

防寒服 防寒服 fang2 han2 fu2
overcoat; down jacket; winter wear

风寒 風寒 feng1 han2
wind chill; cold weather; common cold (medicine)

副伤寒 副傷寒 fu4 shang1 han2
paratyphoid fever

高处不胜寒 高處不勝寒 gao1 chu4 bu4 sheng4 han2
it's lonely at the top (idiom)

高寒 高寒 gao1 han2
high and cold (mountain area)

孤寒 孤寒 gu1 han2
alone and poor; humble; (Cantonese) miserly

寒蝉 寒蟬 han2 chan2
cicada in winter; fig. mournful sound

寒潮 寒潮 han2 chao2
cold wave

寒碜 寒磣 han2 chen5
ugly; shameful; to ridicule

寒伧 寒傖 han2 chen5
variant of 寒磣|寒碜

寒窗 寒窗 han2 chuang1
a life of strenuous studies (idiom)

寒带 寒帶 han2 dai4
polar climate

寒冬 寒冬 han2 dong1

寒风刺骨 寒風刺骨 han2 feng1 ci4 gu3
bone chilling wind (idiom)

寒光闪闪 寒光閃閃 han2 guang1 shan3 shan3
to glitter like frost and snow (idiom)

韩寒 韓寒 han2 han2
Han Han (1982-), PRC blogger, singer and professional rally driver

寒假 寒假 han2 jia4
winter vacation

寒噤 寒噤 han2 jin4
a shiver

寒荆 寒荊 han2 jing1
(polite) my wife (old)

寒冷 寒冷 han2 leng3
cold (climate); frigid; very cold

寒流 寒流 han2 liu2
cold stream

寒露 寒露 han2 lu4
Hanlu or Cold Dew, 17th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 8th-22nd October

寒毛 寒毛 han2 mao2
fine hair on the human body

寒门 寒門 han2 men2
poor and humble family; my family (humble)

寒气 寒氣 han2 qi4
cold air

寒舍 寒舍 han2 she4
my humble home

寒食 寒食 han2 shi2
cold food (i.e. to abstain from cooked food for 3 days around the Qingming festival 清明節|清明节); the Qingming festival

寒酸 寒酸 han2 suan1
wretched; poverty-stricken; unpresentable (for clothing, gifts etc)

寒天 寒天 han2 tian1
chilly weather; (loanword from Japanese) agar-agar

寒亭 寒亭 han2 ting2
Hanting district of Weifang city 濰坊市|潍坊市, Shandong

寒亭区 寒亭區 han2 ting2 qu1
Hanting district of Weifang city 濰坊市|潍坊市, Shandong

寒微 寒微 han2 wei1
of humble origin

寒武 寒武 han2 wu3
Cambrian (geological period 545-495m years ago)

寒武爆发 寒武爆發 han2 wu3 bao4 fa1
the Cambrian explosion

寒武纪 寒武紀 han2 wu3 ji4
Cambrian geological period (545-495m years ago)

寒武纪大爆发 寒武紀大爆發 han2 wu3 ji4 da4 bao4 fa1
the Cambrian explosion

寒武纪生命大爆发 寒武紀生命大爆發 han2 wu3 ji4 sheng1 ming4 da4 bao4 fa1
the Cambrian explosion

寒心 寒心 han2 xin1
disillusioned; bitterly disappointed; terrified

寒暄 寒暄 han2 xuan1
to exchange conventional greetings; to talk about the weather

寒喧 寒喧 han2 xuan1
to exchange conventional greetings; to exchange pleasantries

寒喧语 寒喧語 han2 xuan1 yu3
polite set phrase; salutation; pleasantries

寒鸦 寒鴉 han2 ya1
(bird species of China) Eurasian jackdaw (Coloeus monedula)

寒衣 寒衣 han2 yi1
winter clothing

寒意 寒意 han2 yi4
a nip in the air; chilliness

寒战 寒戰 han2 zhan4

荒寒 荒寒 huang1 han2
desolate and cold; frozen wastes

饥寒交迫 飢寒交迫 ji1 han2 jiao1 po4
beset by hunger and cold (idiom); starving and freezing; in desperate poverty

家世寒微 家世寒微 jia1 shi4 han2 wei1
to be of humble origin (idiom)

解寒 解寒 jie3 han2
to relieve cold

噤若寒蝉 噤若寒蟬 jin4 ruo4 han2 chan2
to keep quiet out of fear (idiom)

静若寒蝉 靜若寒蟬 jing4 ruo4 han2 chan2
as quiet as a cicada in winter (idiom)

苦寒 苦寒 ku3 han2
bitter cold

耐寒 耐寒 nai4 han2
coldproof; resistant to cold

贫寒 貧寒 pin2 han2
poor; poverty-stricken; impoverished

破胆寒心 破膽寒心 po4 dan3 han2 xin1
to be scared out of one's wits

破瓦寒窑 破瓦寒窯 po4 wa3 han2 yao2
lit. broken tiles, cold hearth; fig. a broken-down house; poor and shabby dwelling

凄寒 淒寒 qi1 han2
cold and desolate

前寒武纪 前寒武紀 qian2 han2 wu3 ji4
pre-Cambrian, geological period before c. 540m years ago

清寒 清寒 qing1 han2
poor; underprivileged; (of weather) crisp and clear

祛寒 祛寒 qu1 han2
to dispel cold (TCM)

驱寒 驅寒 qu1 han2
to warm oneself; to expel the cold (TCM)

伤寒 傷寒 shang1 han2

伤寒沙门氏菌 傷寒沙門氏菌 shang1 han2 sha1 men2 shi4 jun1
salmonella typhimurium

伤寒症 傷寒症 shang1 han2 zheng4

受寒 受寒 shou4 han2
affected by cold; to catch cold

数九寒天 數九寒天 shu3 jiu3 han2 tian1
nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year

鼠型斑疹伤寒 鼠型斑疹傷寒 shu3 xing2 ban1 zhen3 shang1 han2
murine typhus

鼠蚤型斑疹伤寒 鼠蚤型斑疹傷寒 shu3 zao3 xing2 ban1 zhen3 shang1 han2
murine typhus fever

啼饥号寒 啼饑號寒 ti2 ji1 hao2 han2
hunger cries and cold roars (idiom); wretched poverty

天寒地冻 天寒地凍 tian1 han2 di4 dong4
cold weather, frozen ground (idiom); bitterly cold

胃寒 胃寒 wei4 han2
stomach cold (TCM)

下寒武 下寒武 xia4 han2 wu3
lower Cambrian (geological period approx 530 million years ago)

下寒武统 下寒武統 xia4 han2 wu3 tong3
lower Cambrian series (geological strata from approx 530 million years ago)

小寒 小寒 xiao3 han2
Lesser Cold, 23rd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 6th-19th January

心寒 心寒 xin1 han2
bitterly disappointed; frightened

嘘寒问暖 噓寒問暖 xu1 han2 wen4 nuan3
to enquire solicitously about sb's well-being (idiom); to pamper

严寒 嚴寒 yan2 han2
bitter cold; severe winter

一暴十寒 一暴十寒 yi1 pu4 shi2 han2
one day's sun, ten days' frost (idiom, from Mencius); fig. to work for a bit then skimp; sporadic effort; short attention span

一曝十寒 一曝十寒 yi1 pu4 shi2 han2
one day's sun, ten days' frost (idiom, from Mencius); fig. to work for a bit then skimp; sporadic effort; lack of sticking power; short attention span

枕冷衾寒 枕冷衾寒 zhen3 leng3 qin1 han2
cold pillow and lonely bed (idiom); fig. cold and solitary existence