More moral strength increases one's safety, more power and influence increases one's danger (idiom, from Records of the Historian 史記|史记). cf Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it (William Pitt the Elder, 1770).
德高望重德高望重de2 gao1 wang4 zhong4
a person of virtue and prestige; a person of good moral standing and reputation
登高望远登高望遠deng1 gao1 wang4 yuan3
to stand tall and see far (idiom); taking the long and broad view; acute foresight
登高一呼登高一呼deng1 gao1 yi1 hu1
to make a clarion call; to make a public appeal
的士高的士高di2 shi4 gao1
disco (loanword); also written 迪斯科
垫高墊高dian4 gao1
a support; to raise; to bolster; to jack up
东缅高原東緬高原dong1 mian3 gao1 yuan2
Eastern Myanmar plateau
堆高机堆高機dui1 gao1 ji1
鄂尔多斯高原鄂爾多斯高原e4 er3 duo1 si1 gao1 yuan2
Ordos Plateau, Inner Mongolia
凡高凡高fan2 gao1
Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), Dutch post-Impressionist painter
梵高梵高fan2 gao1
Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), Dutch post-Impressionist painter
反高潮反高潮fan3 gao1 chao2
非高峰非高峰fei1 gao1 feng1
福星高照福星高照fu2 xing1 gao1 zhao4
lucky star in the ascendant (idiom); a lucky sign
高矮高矮gao1 ai3
height (i.e. whether short or tall)
高矮胖瘦高矮胖瘦gao1 ai3 pang4 shou4
one's physique (tall or short, thin or fat); stature
高安高安gao1 an1
Gao'an county level city in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi
高安市高安市gao1 an1 shi4
Gao'an county level city in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi
高岸高岸gao1 an4
in grand style; high bank
高岸深谷高岸深谷gao1 an4 shen1 gu3
high bank, deep valley (idiom); secluded location
高昂高昂gao1 ang2
to hold (one's head) high; expensive; high (spirits etc)
高傲高傲gao1 ao4
arrogant; haughty; proud
高八度高八度gao1 ba1 du4
an octave higher (music)
高帮高幫gao1 bang1
high-top (shoes); ankle-high shoes
高保真高保真gao1 bao3 zhen1
high fidelity; hi-fi
高碑店高碑店gao1 bei1 dian4
Gaobeidian county level city in Baoding 保定, Hebei
高碑店市高碑店市gao1 bei1 dian4 shi4
Gaobeidian county level city in Baoding 保定, Hebei
高本汉高本漢gao1 ben3 han4
Bernhard Karlgren (1889-1978), distinguished Swedish linguist and sinologist
高不成低不就高不成低不就gao1 bu4 cheng2 di1 bu4 jiu4
can't reach the high or accept the low (idiom); not good enough for a high post, but too proud to take a low one
高不凑低不就高不湊低不就gao1 bu4 cou4 di1 bu4 jiu4
can't reach the high or accept the low (idiom); not good enough for a high post, but too proud to take a low one
高不可攀高不可攀gao1 bu4 ke3 pan1
too high to reach (idiom); eminent and unapproachable
高材高材gao1 cai2
great talent; rare capability; person of outstanding ability
高才高才gao1 cai2
great talent; rare capability; person of outstanding ability
高材生高材生gao1 cai2 sheng1
student of great ability
高才生高才生gao1 cai2 sheng1
student of great ability; talented student
高参高參gao1 can1
senior staff officer; staff officer of great talent
高层高層gao1 ceng2
high level; high class
高层建筑高層建築gao1 ceng2 jian4 zhu4
high-rise building; skyscraper
高层旅馆高層旅館gao1 ceng2 lv3 guan3
luxury hotel; high class hotel
高层云高層雲gao1 ceng2 yun2
altostratus; high stratus cloud
高层执行员高層執行員gao1 ceng2 zhi2 xing2 yuan2
senior executive
高叉泳装高叉泳裝gao1 cha1 yong3 zhuang1
high leg swimsuit
高产高產gao1 chan3
high yielding
高敞高敞gao1 chang3
large and spacious
高唱高唱gao1 chang4
to sing loudly; fig. to mouth slogans
高唱入云高唱入雲gao1 chang4 ru4 yun2
loud songs reaches the clouds (idiom); fig. to praise to the skies
高超高超gao1 chao1
excellent; superlative
高潮高潮gao1 chao2
high tide; high water; upsurge; climax; orgasm; chorus (part of a song)
高潮迭起高潮迭起gao1 chao2 die2 qi3
each new high point replaced by another; (of a movie etc) one climax after another
高程高程gao1 cheng2
altitude (e.g. above street level); elevation
高城深池高城深池gao1 cheng2 shen1 chi2
high walls and deep moat (idiom); impenetrable defense
高处高處gao1 chu4
high place; elevation
高矗高矗gao1 chu4
高处不胜寒高處不勝寒gao1 chu4 bu4 sheng4 han2
it's lonely at the top (idiom)
高淳高淳gao1 chun2
Gaochun county in Nanjing 南京, Jiangsu
高淳县高淳縣gao1 chun2 xian4
Gaochun county in Nanjing 南京, Jiangsu
高次高次gao1 ci4
higher degree (e.g. equation in math.)
高村正彦高村正彥gao1 cun1 zheng4 yan4
KOMURA Masahiko (1942-), Japanese politician, foreign minister from 1998, minister of defense from 2007
高达高達gao1 da2
Gundam, Japanese animation franchise; Jean-Luc Godard (1930-), French-Swiss film director
高达高達gao1 da2
to attain; to reach up to
高大高大gao1 da4
tall; lofty
高大上高大上gao1 da4 shang4
(slang) high-end, elegant, and classy; abbr. for 高端大氣上檔次|高端大气上档次
高档高檔gao1 dang4
superior quality; high grade; top grade
高档服装高檔服裝gao1 dang4 fu2 zhuang1
haute couture; high fashion clothing
高蹈高蹈gao1 dao3
to travel far
高德纳高德納gao1 de2 na4
Donald Knuth (1938-), famous American computer scientist at Stanford University
高等高等gao1 deng3
higher; high level; advanced
高等代数高等代數gao1 deng3 dai4 shu4
higher algebra
高等法院高等法院gao1 deng3 fa3 yuan4
High Court
高等教育高等教育gao1 deng3 jiao4 yu4
higher education
高等学校高等學校gao1 deng3 xue2 xiao4
colleges and universities
高低高低gao1 di1
height; altitude (aviation); pitch (music); ups and downs (success or failure); whether sth is right or wrong; comparative strength, weight, depth, stature; (spoken interjection) anyway, whatever; eventually, in the end
高低不就高低不就gao1 di1 bu4 jiu4
can't reach the high or accept the low (idiom); not good enough for a high post, but too proud to take a low one
高低潮高低潮gao1 di1 chao2
the tide; high and low water
高低杠高低槓gao1 di1 gang4
uneven bars (gymnastics)
高地高地gao1 di4
highland; upland
高调高調gao1 diao4
high-sounding speech; bombast; high-profile
高度高度gao1 du4
height; altitude; elevation; high degree; highly
高端高端gao1 duan1
高额高額gao1 e2
high quota; large amount
高尔察克高爾察克gao1 er3 cha2 ke4
Aleksandr Kolchak (1874-1920), Russian naval commander, head of anti-Bolshevik White forces
高尔夫高爾夫gao1 er3 fu1
golf (loanword)
高尔夫球高爾夫球gao1 er3 fu1 qiu2
golf; golf ball
高尔夫球场高爾夫球場gao1 er3 fu1 qiu2 chang3
golf course
高尔基高爾基gao1 er3 ji1
Gorkii (name); Maxim Gorkii (1868-1936), Russian proletarian writer and propagandist
高尔基复合体高爾基複合體gao1 er3 ji1 fu4 he2 ti3
Golgi complex (in cell biology)
高尔基体高爾基體gao1 er3 ji1 ti3
Golgi apparatus
高尔机体高爾機體gao1 er3 ji1 ti3
Golgi apparatus; also written 高爾基體|高尔基体
高发高發gao1 fa1
(of diseases, accidents) to occur with a high incidence; (old) to score highly in the imperial exams
高发人群高發人群gao1 fa1 ren2 qun2
high-risk group (med.)
高反高反gao1 fan3
altitude sickness; abbr. for 高原反應|高原反应
高仿高仿gao1 fang3
imitation; quality fake
高飞高飛gao1 fei1
Goofy (friend of Mickey Mouse)
高飞高飛gao1 fei1
to soar
高飞远走高飛遠走gao1 fei1 yuan3 zou3
to fly high and run far (idiom); to leave in a hurry for a distance place
高分高分gao1 fen1
high marks; high score
高分辨率高分辨率gao1 fen1 bian4 lv4
high resolution
高分低能高分低能gao1 fen1 di1 neng2
high in score but low in ability (as a result of teaching to the test)
高分子高分子gao1 fen1 zi3
macromolecule; polymer
高分子化学高分子化學gao1 fen1 zi3 hua4 xue2
polymer chemistry
高峰高峰gao1 feng1
peak; summit; height
高峰会高峰會gao1 feng1 hui4
summit meeting
高峰会议高峰會議gao1 feng1 hui4 yi4
summit conference
高风峻节高風峻節gao1 feng1 jun4 jie2
a high class upright character (idiom)
高风亮节高風亮節gao1 feng1 liang4 jie2
of noble character and unquestionable integrity (idiom)
高峰期高峰期gao1 feng1 qi1
peak period; rush hour
高风险高風險gao1 feng1 xian3
high risk
高风险区高風險區gao1 feng1 xian3 qu1
high risk area
高富帅高富帥gao1 fu4 shuai4
"Mr Perfect" (i.e. tall, rich and handsome) (Internet slang)
高干高幹gao1 gan4
high cadre; top party member
高港高港gao1 gang3
Gaogang district of Taizhou city 泰州市, Jiangsu
高港区高港區gao1 gang3 qu1
Gaogang district of Taizhou city 泰州市, Jiangsu
高高低低高高低低gao1 gao1 di1 di1
high and low; uneven (in height); uneven (of ground)
高高手高高手gao1 gao1 shou3
Please do not be too severe on me!
高高手儿高高手兒gao1 gao1 shou3 er5
Please do not be too severe on me!
高高兴兴高高興興gao1 gao1 xing4 xing4
cheerful and optimistic; in a good mood; gaily
高高在上高高在上gao1 gao1 zai4 shang4
set up on high (idiom); not in touch with reality; aloof and remote
高歌高歌gao1 ge1
to sing loudly; to lift one's voice in song
高歌猛进高歌猛進gao1 ge1 meng3 jin4
to advance singing loudly (idiom); triumphant progress
高阁高閣gao1 ge2
high building; fig. to shelve sth
高跟鞋高跟鞋gao1 gen1 xie2
high-heeled shoes
高弓足高弓足gao1 gong1 zu2
high-arched feet
高句丽高句麗gao1 gou1 li2
Goguryeo (37 BC-668 AD), one of the Korean Three Kingdoms
高勾丽高勾麗gao1 gou1 li2
variant of 高句麗|高句丽
高估高估gao1 gu1
to overestimate; to overrate
高官高官gao1 guan1
high official
高官厚禄高官厚祿gao1 guan1 hou4 lu4
high post and generous salary (idiom); promotion to a high official position
高官显爵高官顯爵gao1 guan1 xian3 jue2
high ranking
高管高管gao1 guan3
executive; senior management; (contraction of 高級管理|高级管理)
Kaoshu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县, Taiwan
高数高數gao1 shu4
further math; advanced mathematics (school subject, abbr. for 高等數學|高等数学)
高树乡高樹鄉gao1 shu4 xiang1
Kaoshu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县, Taiwan
高斯高斯gao1 si1
Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), German mathematician; Gauss, unit of magnetic induction
高耸高聳gao1 song3
erect; towering; to stand tall
高耸入云高聳入雲gao1 song3 ru4 yun2
tall and erect, reaching through the clouds (idiom); used to describe tall mountain or skyscraper
高速高速gao1 su4
high speed
高速挡高速擋gao1 su4 dang3
top gear; high gear
高速公路高速公路gao1 su4 gong1 lu4
expressway; highway; freeway
高速缓冲存储器高速緩衝存儲器gao1 su4 huan3 chong1 cun2 chu3 qi4
cache (computing)
高速缓存高速緩存gao1 su4 huan3 cun2
高速路高速路gao1 su4 lu4
highway; expressway; same as 高速公路
高速率高速率gao1 su4 lv4
high speed
高速网络高速網絡gao1 su4 wang3 luo4
high speed network
高塔高塔gao1 ta3
高台高台gao1 tai2
Gaotai county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖, Gansu
高抬高抬gao1 tai2
to speak highly of sb
高抬贵手高抬貴手gao1 tai2 gui4 shou3
to be generous (idiom); to be magnanimous; Give me a break!
高台县高台縣gao1 tai2 xian4
Gaotai county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖, Gansu
高谈阔论高談闊論gao1 tan2 kuo4 lun4
to harangue; loud arrogant talk; to spout
高汤高湯gao1 tang1
clear soup; soup stock
高唐高唐gao1 tang2
Gaotang county in Liaocheng 聊城, Shandong
高堂高堂gao1 tang2
main hall; honorific for one's parents (old)
高唐县高唐縣gao1 tang2 xian4
Gaotang county in Liaocheng 聊城, Shandong
高体鳑鲏高體鰟鮍gao1 ti3 pang2 pi2
Rhodeus ocellatus (small carp)
高田高田gao1 tian2
Takada (Japanese surname)
高铁高鐵gao1 tie3
high speed rail
高铁血红蛋白高鐵血紅蛋白gao1 tie3 xue4 hong2 dan4 bai2
高通公司高通公司gao1 tong1 gong1 si1
高筒靴高筒靴gao1 tong3 xue1
tall boots
高头高頭gao1 tou5
higher authority; the bosses; on top of
高徒高徒gao1 tu2
brilliant student
高维高維gao1 wei2
(math.) higher dimensional
高维代数簇高維代數簇gao1 wei2 dai4 shu4 cu4
(math.) higher dimensional algebraic variety
高维空间高維空間gao1 wei2 kong1 jian1
(math.) higher dimensional space
高纬度高緯度gao1 wei3 du4
high latitude (i.e. near the poles)
高位高位gao1 wei4
high position; eminent status; top job; raised position; upper (limbs); a high (i.e. local maximum); high point on scale, high grade, temperature, latitude etc
高温高溫gao1 wen1
high temperature
高温热流高溫熱流gao1 wen1 re4 liu2
a heat wave
高下高下gao1 xia4
relative superiority (better or worse, stronger or weaker, above or below etc)
高纤维高纖維gao1 xian1 wei2
high fiber
高仙芝高仙芝gao1 xian1 zhi1
Gao Xianzhi or Go Seonji (c. 702-756), Tang dynasty general of Goguryeo 高句麗|高句丽 extraction, active in Central Asia
高县高縣gao1 xian4
Gao county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾, Sichuan
高翔高翔gao1 xiang2
Gao Xiang (1688-1753), Qing dynasty painter
高效高效gao1 xiao4
efficient; highly effective
高校高校gao1 xiao4
universities and colleges; abbr. for 高等學校|高等学校
高效率高效率gao1 xiao4 lv4
high efficiency
高效能高效能gao1 xiao4 neng2
highly efficient; effectivity
高薪高薪gao1 xin1
high salary
高薪酬高薪酬gao1 xin1 chou2
high salary
高薪厚禄高薪厚祿gao1 xin1 hou4 lu4
high salary, generous remuneration
高薪聘请高薪聘請gao1 xin1 pin4 qing3
to hire at a high salary
高辛氏高辛氏gao1 xin1 shi4
one of the five legendary emperors, also called 嚳|喾
高薪养廉高薪養廉gao1 xin1 yang3 lian2
policy of high pay to discourage corruption
高行健高行健gao1 xing2 jian4
Gao Xingjian (1940-), Chinese novelist and Nobel laureate, author of Soul Mountain 靈山|灵山
高兴高興gao1 xing4
happy; glad; willing (to do sth); in a cheerful mood
高性能高性能gao1 xing4 neng2
high performance
高雄高雄gao1 xiong2
Gaoxiong or Kaohsiung city and county in south Taiwan
高雄市高雄市gao1 xiong2 shi4
Gaoxiong or Kaohsiung city in south Taiwan
高雄县高雄縣gao1 xiong2 xian4
Gaoxiong or Kaohsiung county in southwest Taiwan
高学历高學歷gao1 xue2 li4
higher education record; record including Master's or Doctoral degree
高血糖高血糖gao1 xue4 tang2
hyperglycemia; abnormally high blood sugar level
高血压高血壓gao1 xue4 ya1
high blood pressure; hypertension
高压高壓gao1 ya1
high pressure; high-handed
高压电高壓電gao1 ya1 dian4
high voltage
高压锅高壓鍋gao1 ya1 guo1
pressure cooker
高压清洗机高壓清洗機gao1 ya1 qing1 xi3 ji1
high pressure washer
高压手段高壓手段gao1 ya1 shou3 duan4
high-handed (measures); with a heavy hand
高压线高壓線gao1 ya1 xian4
high tension power line
高压氧高壓氧gao1 ya1 yang3
hyperbaric oxygen; hyperbaric oxygenation; also abbr. for 高壓氧治療|高压氧治疗, hyperbaric therapy
高压氧疗法高壓氧療法gao1 ya1 yang3 liao2 fa3
hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT); also 高壓氧治療|高压氧治疗
高压氧治疗高壓氧治療gao1 ya1 yang3 zhi4 liao2
hyperbaric medicine; hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT); also 高壓氧療法|高压氧疗法
高雅高雅gao1 ya3
dainty; elegance; elegant
高阳高陽gao1 yang2
Gaoyang county in Baoding 保定, Hebei
高扬高揚gao1 yang2
held high; elevated; uplift; soaring
高阳高陽gao1 yang2
common name, e.g. Gao Yang (1926-1992), Taiwanese historical novelist
高阳县高陽縣gao1 yang2 xian4
Gaoyang county in Baoding 保定, Hebei
高要高要gao1 yao4
Gaoyao county level city in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆, Guangdong
高要市高要市gao1 yao4 shi4
Gaoyao county level city in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆, Guangdong
高邑高邑gao1 yi4
Gaoyi county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄, Hebei
高邑县高邑縣gao1 yi4 xian4
Gaoyi county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄, Hebei
高音高音gao1 yin1
high pitch; soprano; treble
高音部高音部gao1 yin1 bu4
upper register; soprano part
高音喇叭高音喇叭gao1 yin1 la3 ba5
高邮高郵gao1 you2
Gaoyou county level city in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州, Jiangsu
高邮市高郵市gao1 you2 shi4
Gaoyou county level city in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州, Jiangsu
高于高於gao1 yu2
greater than; to exceed
高原高原gao1 yuan2
高原反应高原反應gao1 yuan2 fan3 ying4
altitude sickness; acute mountain sickness; abbr. to 高反
高原山鹑高原山鶉gao1 yuan2 shan1 chun2
(bird species of China) Tibetan partridge (Perdix hodgsoniae)
高原岩鹨高原岩鷚gao1 yuan2 yan2 liu4
(bird species of China) Altai accentor (Prunella himalayana)
高远高遠gao1 yuan3
高院高院gao1 yuan4
high court
高云高雲gao1 yun2
Gao Yun (died 409) emperor of Northern or Later Yan dynasty
高瞻远瞩高瞻遠矚gao1 zhan1 yuan3 zhu3
to stand tall and see far (idiom); taking the long and broad view; acute foresight
高涨高漲gao1 zhang3
to surge up; to rise; (of tensions etc) to run high
高招高招gao1 zhao1
wise move; masterstroke; bright ideas
高枕无忧高枕無憂gao1 zhen3 wu2 you1
to sleep peacefully (idiom); (fig.) to rest easy; to be free of worries
高脂血症高脂血症gao1 zhi1 xue4 zheng4
high blood fat disease; hyperlipidemia; hypertriglyceridemia
高职高職gao1 zhi2
professional; advanced; senior
高职院校高職院校gao1 zhi2 yuan4 xiao4
professional school; higher vocational school
高致病性高致病性gao1 zhi4 bing4 xing4
highly pathenogenic
高质量高質量gao1 zhi4 liang4
high quality
高中高中gao1 zhong1
senior high school; abbr. for 高級中學|高级中学
高中生高中生gao1 zhong1 sheng1
senior high school student
高中学生高中學生gao1 zhong1 xue2 sheng1
student of a senior high school
高中高中gao1 zhong4
to pass brilliantly (used in congratulatory fashion)
高州高州gao1 zhou1
Gaozhou county level city in Maoming 茂名, Guangdong
高州市高州市gao1 zhou1 shi4
Gaozhou county level city in Maoming 茂名, Guangdong
高赀高貲gao1 zi1
high cost
高宗高宗gao1 zong1
Gaozong Emperor, Temple name of the tenth Song Emperor Zhao Gou 趙構|赵构 (1107-1187 AD), reigned (1127-1162 AD)
高足高足gao1 zu2
honorific: Your distinguished disciple; Your most brilliant pupil
高祖父高祖父gao1 zu3 fu4
高祖母高祖母gao1 zu3 mu3
戈兰高地戈蘭高地ge1 lan2 gao1 di4
Golan Heights
格里高利格里高利ge2 li3 gao1 li4
Gregory or Grigory (name)
格列高利历格列高利曆ge2 lie4 gao1 li4 li4
Gregorian calendar
更高性能更高性能geng1 gao1 xing4 neng2
high performance
功高不赏功高不賞gong1 gao1 bu4 shang3
high merit that one can never repay (idiom); invaluable achievements
功高望重功高望重gong1 gao1 wang4 zhong4
high merit and worthy prospects (idiom)
贡高我慢貢高我慢gong4 gao1 wo3 man4
haughty and arrogant
孤高孤高gu1 gao1
过高過高guo4 gao1
too high
汉高祖漢高祖han4 gao1 zu3
posthumous name of the first Han emperor Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦 (256 or 247-195 BC), reigned 202-195 BC
汉高祖刘邦漢高祖劉邦han4 gao1 zu3 liu2 bang1
Liu Bang (256 or 247-195 BC), first Han emperor, reigned 207-195 BC
好高骛远好高騖遠hao4 gao1 wu4 yuan3
to bite off more than one can chew (idiom); to aim too high
红高粱紅高粱hong2 gao1 liang2
red sorghum
红色高棉紅色高棉hong2 se4 gao1 mian2
Khmer Rouge, Cambodian political party
黄土高原黃土高原huang2 tu3 gao1 yuan2
Loess Plateau of northwest China
假高音假高音jia3 gao1 yin1
falsetto, same as 假聲|假声
较高级較高級jiao4 gao1 ji2
better quality; comparatively higher level
精干高效精幹高效jing1 gan4 gao1 xiao4
top-notch efficiency
京沪高铁京滬高鐵jing1 hu4 gao1 tie3
Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway, completed in 2010; abbr. for 京滬高速鐵路|京沪高速铁路
居高不下居高不下ju1 gao1 bu4 xia4
(of prices, rates etc) to remain high
居高临下居高臨下ju1 gao1 lin2 xia4
to live high and look down (idiom); to overlook; to tower above; to occupy the high ground; fig. arrogance based on one's social position
Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
临高臨高lin2 gao1
Lin'gao County, Hainan
临高县臨高縣lin2 gao1 xian4
Lin'gao County, Hainan
另谋高就另謀高就ling4 mou2 gao1 jiu4
to get a better job somewhere else (idiom); to seek alternative employment
另请高明另請高明ling4 qing3 gao1 ming2
please find sb better qualified than me (idiom)
美国最高法院美國最高法院mei3 guo2 zui4 gao1 fa3 yuan4
Supreme Court of the United States
米高扬米高揚mi3 gao1 yang2
Mikoyan (name); Anastas Ivanonovich Mikoyan (1895-1978), Soviet politician, politburo member in the 1950s and 1960s; Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan (1905-1970), brother of the politician and one designer of MiG military aircraft
明镜高悬明鏡高懸ming2 jing4 gao1 xuan2
perspicacious and impartial in judgment (idiom)
名师出高徒名師出高徒ming2 shi1 chu1 gao1 tu2
A famous teacher trains a fine student (idiom). A cultured man will have a deep influence on his successors.
fig. a tree may grow a thousand zhang high, but its leaves return to their roots (proverb); fig. everything has its ancestral home; in old age, an expatriate returns home
束之高阁束之高閣shu4 zhi1 gao1 ge2
tied up in a bundle on a high shelf; to put sth on the back burner; no longer a high priority
水涨船高水漲船高shui3 zhang3 chuan2 gao1
the tide rises, the boat floats (idiom); fig. to change with the overall trend; to develop according to the situation
苏联最高苏维埃蘇聯最高蘇維埃su1 lian2 zui4 gao1 su1 wei2 ai1
Supreme Soviet
抬高抬高tai2 gao1
to raise (price etc)
糖高粱糖高粱tang2 gao1 liang2
sweet sorghum
唐高宗唐高宗tang2 gao1 zong1
Emperor Gaozong of Tang, reign name of third Tang emperor Li Zhi 李治 (628-683), reigned 649-683
唐高祖唐高祖tang2 gao1 zu3
Emperor Gaozu of Tang, reign name of first Tang emperor Li Yuan 李淵|李渊 (566-635), reigned 618-626
唐高祖李渊唐高祖李淵tang2 gao1 zu3 li3 yuan1
Li Yuan (566-635), first Tang emperor Gaozu, reigned 618-626
提高提高ti2 gao1
to raise; to increase; to improve
天高气爽天高氣爽tian1 gao1 qi4 shuang3
see 秋高氣爽|秋高气爽
甜高粱甜高粱tian2 gao1 liang2
sweet sorghum
跳高跳高tiao4 gao1
high jump (athletics)
堆高车堆高車tui1 gao1 che1
power pallet truck
外高加索外高加索wai4 gao1 jia1 suo3
South Caucasus
万丈高楼平地起萬丈高樓平地起wan4 zhang4 gao1 lou2 ping2 di4 qi3
towering buildings are built up from the ground (idiom); great oaks from little acorns grow
武艺高强武藝高強wu3 yi4 gao1 qiang2
highly skilled in martial arts
心高气傲心高氣傲xin1 gao1 qi4 ao4
proud and arrogant
兴奋高潮興奮高潮xing1 fen4 gao1 chao2
peak of excitement; orgasm
兴高彩烈興高彩烈xing4 gao1 cai3 lie4
variant of 興高采烈|兴高采烈
兴高采烈興高采烈xing4 gao1 cai3 lie4
happy and excited (idiom); in high spirits; in great delight
性高潮性高潮xing4 gao1 chao2
orgasm; climax
性交高潮性交高潮xing4 jiao1 gao1 chao2
性欲高潮性慾高潮xing4 yu4 gao1 chao2
颜值高顏值高yan2 zhi2 gao1
眼高手低眼高手低yan3 gao1 shou3 di1
to have high standards but little ability; to be fastidious but incompetent (idiom)
阳高陽高yang2 gao1
Yanggao county in Datong 大同, Shanxi
阳高县陽高縣yang2 gao1 xian4
Yanggao county in Datong 大同, Shanxi
一见高低一見高低yi1 jian4 gao1 di1
lit. to fight it out with sb to see who is best (idiom); fig. to cross swords with; to lock horns
一较高下一較高下yi1 jiao4 gao1 xia4
to compete against; to measure oneself against; to go head to head (see who is best)
音高音高yin1 gao1
pitch (music); tone
引吭高歌引吭高歌yin3 hang2 gao1 ge1
to sing at the top of one's voice (idiom)
远走高飞遠走高飛yuan3 zou3 gao1 fei1
to go far; to escape to faraway places
云贵高原雲貴高原yun2 gui4 gao1 yuan2
Yunnan and Guizhou plateau in southwest China, covering east Yunnan, whole of Guizhou, west of Guangxi and southern margins of Sichuan, Hubei and Hunan
晕高儿暈高兒yun4 gao1 er5
to feel giddy on heights; vertigo
在高处在高處zai4 gao1 chu4
增高增高zeng1 gao1
to heighten; to raise; to increase; to rise
债台高筑債臺高築zhai4 tai2 gao1 zhu4
lit. build a high desk of debt (idiom); heavily in debt
詹姆斯·高斯林詹姆斯·高斯林zhan1 mu3 si1 - gao1 si1 lin2
James Gosling (1955-), Canadian computer scientist, co-inventor of the Java programming language
展翅高飞展翅高飛zhan3 chi4 gao1 fei1
to spread one's wings and soar (idiom); to develop one's abilities freely
张高丽張高麗zhang1 gao1 li4
Zhang Gaoli (1946-), PRC politician
赵高趙高zhao4 gao1
Zhao Gao (?-207 BC), one of the most vile, corrupt and powerful eunuchs in Chinese history, responsible for the fall of Qin Dynasty
lit. the next mountain looks taller (idiom); fig. not satisfied with one's current position; the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
lit. place on a high shelf; to pay no attention to (idiom)
中高度防空中高度防空zhong1 gao1 du4 fang2 kong1
high-to-medium-altitude air defense (HIMAD)
朱高炽朱高熾zhu1 gao1 chi4
Zhu Gaochi, personal name of fourth Ming emperor Hongxi 洪熙
自高自高zi4 gao1
to be proud of oneself
自高自大自高自大zi4 gao1 zi4 da4
to think of oneself as terrific (idiom); arrogant
自命清高自命清高zi4 ming4 qing1 gao1
to think of oneself as high and pure (idiom); smug and self-righteous; holier-than-thou
自视清高自視清高zi4 shi4 qing1 gao1
to think highly of oneself (idiom); giving oneself airs; arrogant and self-important
自视甚高自視甚高zi4 shi4 shen4 gao1
to think highly of oneself (idiom); giving oneself airs; arrogant and self-important
足高气强足高氣強zu2 gao1 qi4 jiang4
high and mighty (idiom); arrogant
足高气扬足高氣揚zu2 gao1 qi4 yang2
high and mighty (idiom); arrogant
钻坚仰高鑽堅仰高zuan1 jian1 yang3 gao1
lit. looking up to it, it gets higher; boring into it, it gets harder (idiom) (from Analects); fig. to delve deeply into one's studies; meticulous and diligent study