surname Xi

to practice; to study; habit

strokes 3
strokes after radical 2
补习 補習 bu3 xi2
to take extra lessons in a cram school or with a private tutor

补习班 補習班 bu3 xi2 ban1
cram class; cram school; evening classes

陈规旧习 陳規舊習 chen2 gui1 jiu4 xi2
old rules and customs

陈规陋习 陳規陋習 chen2 gui1 lou4 xi2
outmoded conventions; old-fashioned ways

传习 傳習 chuan2 xi2
teaching and learning; to study and impart

恶习 惡習 e4 xi2
bad habit; vice

复习 複習 fu4 xi2
variant of 復習|复习

复习 復習 fu4 xi2
to review; revision

痼习 痼習 gu4 xi2
inveterate habit

官僚习气 官僚習氣 guan1 liao2 xi2 qi4
(derog.) bureaucracy; red tape

好好学习,天天向上 好好學習,天天向上 hao3 hao3 xue2 xi2 - tian1 tian1 xiang4 shang4
study hard and every day you will improve (idiom)

积习 積習 ji1 xi2
old habit (usually bad); inbred custom; deep-rooted practice

积习成俗 積習成俗 ji1 xi2 cheng2 su2
accumulated habits become custom

积习难改 積習難改 ji1 xi2 nan2 gai3
old habits are hard to change (idiom); It is hard to throw off ingrained habits.

见习 見習 jian4 xi2
to learn on the job; to be on probation

见习生 見習生 jian4 xi2 sheng1
apprentice; probationer; cadet

见习医生 見習醫生 jian4 xi2 yi1 sheng1
medical intern

见习医师 見習醫師 jian4 xi2 yi1 shi1
medical intern

见习员 見習員 jian4 xi2 yuan2

讲习 講習 jiang3 xi2
to lecture; to instruct

讲习班 講習班 jiang3 xi2 ban1
instructional workshop

讲习会 講習會 jiang3 xi2 hui4
discussion forum; seminar; assembly

旧习 舊習 jiu4 xi2
old habit; former custom

军事演习 軍事演習 jun1 shi4 yan3 xi2
military exercise; war game

看不习惯 看不習慣 kan4 bu4 xi2 guan4

刻苦学习 刻苦學習 ke4 ku3 xue2 xi2
to study hard; assiduous

联想学习 聯想學習 lian2 xiang3 xue2 xi2
associative learning

练习 練習 lian4 xi2
to practice; exercise; drill; practice

练习本 練習本 lian4 xi2 ben3
exercise book; workbook

练习册 練習冊 lian4 xi2 ce4
exercise booklet

练习场 練習場 lian4 xi2 chang3
driving range (golf); practice court; practice ground

陋习 陋習 lou4 xi2
corrupt practice; bad habits; malpractice

民间习俗 民間習俗 min2 jian1 xi2 su2
folk customs

染风习俗 染風習俗 ran3 feng1 xi2 su2
bad habits; to get into bad habits through long custom

深度学习 深度學習 shen1 du4 xue2 xi2
deep learning (artificial intelligence)

实习 實習 shi2 xi2
to practice; field work; to intern; internship

实习生 實習生 shi2 xi2 sheng5
intern (student)

使习惯 使習慣 shi3 xi2 guan4
to accustom

熟习 熟習 shu2 xi2
to understand profoundly; well-versed; skillful; practiced; to have the knack

温习 溫習 wen1 xi2
to review (a lesson etc)

习大大 習大大 xi2 da4 da4
Papa Xi, nickname for Xi Jinping 習近平|习近平

习得 習得 xi2 de2
to learn; to acquire (some skill through practice); acquisition

习得性 習得性 xi2 de2 xing4
acquired; learned

习得性无助感 習得性無助感 xi2 de2 xing4 wu2 zhu4 gan3
(psychology) learned helplessness

习惯 習慣 xi2 guan4
habit; custom; usual practice; to be used to

习惯成自然 習慣成自然 xi2 guan4 cheng2 zi4 ran2
habit becomes nature (idiom); get used to something and it seems inevitable; second nature

习惯法 習慣法 xi2 guan4 fa3
customary law; common law

习惯若自然 習慣若自然 xi2 guan4 ruo4 zi4 ran2
habit becomes nature (idiom); get used to something and it seems inevitable; second nature; same as 習慣成自然|习惯成自然

习惯性 習慣性 xi2 guan4 xing4

习惯用法 習慣用法 xi2 guan4 yong4 fa3

习惯用语 習慣用語 xi2 guan4 yong4 yu3
idiom; idiomatic expression; habitual form of speech (grammar)

习惯自然 習慣自然 xi2 guan4 zi4 ran2
habit becomes nature (idiom); get used to something and it seems inevitable; second nature; same as 習慣成自然|习惯成自然

习见 習見 xi2 jian4
commonly seen

习近平 習近平 xi2 jin4 ping2
Xi Jinping (1953-), PRC politician, General Secretary of the CPC from 2012, President of the PRC from 2013

习气 習氣 xi2 qi4
habit (often unhealthy); mannerism

习水 習水 xi2 shui3
Xishui county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义, Guizhou

习水县 習水縣 xi2 shui3 xian4
Xishui county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义, Guizhou

习俗 習俗 xi2 su2
custom; tradition; local tradition; convention

习俗移性 習俗移性 xi2 su2 yi2 xing4
one's habits change with long custom

习题 習題 xi2 ti2
school work exercises

习习 習習 xi2 xi2
(of the wind) blowing gently; abundant; flying

习性 習性 xi2 xing4
character acquired through long habit; habits and properties

习以成俗 習以成俗 xi2 yi3 cheng2 su2
to become accustomed to sth through long practice

习以成性 習以成性 xi2 yi3 cheng2 xing4
deeply ingrained; steeped in

习以为常 習以為常 xi2 yi3 wei2 chang2
accustomed to; used to

习用 習用 xi2 yong4
to use habitually; usual; conventional

习语 習語 xi2 yu3
common saying; idiom

习字 習字 xi2 zi4
to practice writing characters

乡下习气 鄉下習氣 xiang1 xia4 xi2 qi4
country mannerism; provincialism

相沿成习 相沿成習 xiang1 yan2 cheng2 xi2
well established; accepted as a result of long usage

修习 修習 xiu1 xi2
to study; to practice

学习 學習 xue2 xi2
to learn; to study

学习刻苦 學習刻苦 xue2 xi2 ke4 ku3
to study hard; assiduous

研习 研習 yan2 xi2
research and study

演习 演習 yan3 xi2
maneuver; exercise; practice; to maneuver

预习 預習 yu4 xi2
to prepare a lesson

沾染习气 沾染習氣 zhan1 ran3 xi2 qi4
to be tainted with unhealthy habits (idiom)

抓紧学习 抓緊學習 zhua1 jin3 xue2 xi2
to concentrate on studying hard

自习 自習 zi4 xi2
to study outside of class time (reviewing one's lessons); to study in one's free time; individual study