to lean over; to fall (go down); to hide (in ambush); to conceal oneself; to lie low; hottest days of summer; to submit; to concede defeat; to overcome; to subdue; volt
middle ten days of July, the first of 三伏 sān fú, three hottest periods of the year
此伏彼起此伏彼起ci3 fu2 bi3 qi3
see 此起彼伏
此起彼伏此起彼伏ci3 qi3 bi3 fu2
up here, down there (idiom); to rise and fall in succession; no sooner one subsides, the next arises; repeating continuously; occurring again and again (of applause, fires, waves, protests, conflicts, uprisings etc)
打埋伏打埋伏da3 mai2 fu5
to lie in wait; to ambush; to conceal sth
倒伏倒伏dao3 fu2
(of cereal crops) to collapse and lie flat
电子伏電子伏dian4 zi3 fu2
electron volt (unit of energy used in particle physics, approximately 10^-19 Joules)
电子伏特電子伏特dian4 zi3 fu2 te4
electronvolt (eV)
蹲伏蹲伏dun1 fu2
to crouch low and bend forward (esp. in hiding or in wait)
二伏二伏er4 fu2
same as 中伏, last ten days of July and first ten days of August, the second of 三伏, three hottest periods of the year
伏安伏安fu2 an1
volt-ampere (measure of apparent power in alternating current circuits)
伏案伏案fu2 an4
to bend over one's desk (writing, studying, taking a nap etc)
伏笔伏筆fu2 bi3
foreshadowing (literary device); foretaste of material to come (in essay or story)
伏辩伏辯fu2 bian4
variant of 服辯|服辩
伏兵伏兵fu2 bing1
hidden troops; ambush
伏地伏地fu2 di4
to lie prostrate
伏地魔伏地魔fu2 di4 mo2
Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter)
伏地挺身伏地挺身fu2 di4 ting3 shen1
pushup (exercise)
伏都教伏都教fu2 du1 jiao4
伏尔加格勒伏爾加格勒fu2 er3 jia1 ge2 le4
Volgograd, Russian city on the Volga River 伏爾加河|伏尔加河
伏尔加河伏爾加河fu2 er3 jia1 he2
Volga River
伏尔泰伏爾泰fu2 er3 tai4
Voltaire (1694-1778), Enlightenment philosopher
伏法伏法fu2 fa3
to be executed
伏隔核伏隔核fu2 ge2 he2
nucleus accumbens (anatomy)
伏虎伏虎fu2 hu3
to subdue a tiger; fig. to prevail over sinister forces
伏击伏擊fu2 ji1
ambush; to ambush
伏流伏流fu2 liu2
hidden stream; ground stream
伏龙凤雏伏龍鳳雛fu2 long2 feng4 chu2
hidden genius (idiom)
伏罗希洛夫伏羅希洛夫fu2 luo2 xi1 luo4 fu1
Kliment Voroshilov (1881-1969), Soviet politician and military commander
伏明霞伏明霞fu2 ming2 xia2
Fu Mingxia (1978-), Chinese diving champion
伏牛山伏牛山fu2 niu2 shan1
Funiu mountain range in southwest Henan, an eastern extension of Qinling range 秦嶺山脈|秦岭山脉, Shaanxi
伏侍伏侍fu2 shi5
variant of 服侍
伏输伏輸fu2 shu1
variant of 服輸|服输
伏特伏特fu2 te4
volt (loanword)
伏特计伏特計fu2 te4 ji4
伏特加伏特加fu2 te4 jia1
vodka (loanword)
伏天伏天fu2 tian1
the hottest period of the year; see 三伏天
伏惟伏惟fu2 wei2
to lie prostrate; to prostrate oneself (in veneration)
伏卧伏臥fu2 wo4
lying down; to lie prostrate; prone
伏羲伏羲fu2 xi1
Fuxi or Fu Hsi, legendary Chinese emperor, trad. 2852-2738 BC, mythical creator of fishing, trapping and writing
伏牺伏犧fu2 xi1
variant of 伏羲
伏羲氏伏羲氏fu2 xi1 shi4
Fuxi or Fu Hsi, legendary Chinese emperor 2852-2738 BC, mythical creator of fishing, trapping, and writing
伏线伏線fu2 xian4
foreshadowing (literary device)
伏汛伏汛fu2 xun4
summer flood
伏诛伏誅fu2 zhu1
to be executed
伏罪伏罪fu2 zui4
variant of 服罪
俯伏俯伏fu3 fu2
to lie prostrate
光伏光伏guang1 fu2
photovoltaic (e.g. cell)
光伏器件光伏器件guang1 fu2 qi4 jian4
photovoltaic device (e.g. solar cell)
跪伏跪伏gui4 fu2
to crouch (of animal)
吉电子伏吉電子伏ji2 dian4 zi3 fu2
giga electron volt GeV (unit of energy equal to 1.6 x 10-10 Joules)
款伏款伏kuan3 fu2
to obey; faithfully following instructions; to admit guilt
老骥伏枥老驥伏櫪lao3 ji4 fu2 li4
lit. an old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop 1000 miles (idiom); fig. aged person with great aspirations
lit. an old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop 1000 miles (idiom); fig. old people may still cherish high aspirations
埋伏埋伏mai2 fu2
to ambush; to lie in wait for; to lie low; ambush
末伏末伏mo4 fu2
middle ten days of August, the last of 三伏 sān fú, three hottest periods of the year
趴伏趴伏pa1 fu2
to crouch; to lie prone
平伏平伏ping2 fu2
to pacify; to calm; calm; quiet; to lie on one's belly
匍伏匍伏pu2 fu2
to crouch; to crawl; to creep
乞伏乞伏qi3 fu2
tribe of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people
起伏起伏qi3 fu2
to move up and down; to undulate; ups and downs
千伏千伏qian1 fu2
潜伏潛伏qian2 fu2
to hide; to cover up; to conceal
潜伏期潛伏期qian2 fu2 qi1
incubation period (of disease)
蜷伏蜷伏quan2 fu2
to curl up; to lie with knees drawn up; to huddle up
三伏三伏san1 fu2
three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, from mid-July to mid-August, namely: 初伏 (mid-July), 中伏 (late July to early August), 末伏 (mid-August)
三伏天三伏天san1 fu2 tian1
three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, from mid-July to mid-August, namely: 初伏 (mid-July), 中伏 (late July to early August), 末伏 (mid-August)
设伏設伏she4 fu2
to prepare an ambush; to waylay
十面埋伏十面埋伏shi2 mian4 mai2 fu2
Ambush from ten sides (pipa solo piece); House of Flying Daggers (2004 movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋)
收伏收伏shou1 fu2
variant of 收服
数伏數伏shu3 fu2
same as 三伏天, three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, from mid-July to mid-August, namely: 初伏 (mid-July), 中伏 (late July to early August), 末伏 (mid-August)
思潮起伏思潮起伏si1 chao2 qi3 fu2
thoughts surging in one's mind (idiom); different thoughts coming to mind
头伏頭伏tou2 fu2
first of three 10 day periods of hot season
危机四伏危機四伏wei1 ji1 si4 fu2
danger lurks on every side (idiom)
降伏降伏xiang2 fu2
to subdue; to vanquish; to tame
降龙伏虎降龍伏虎xiang2 long2 fu2 hu3
to vanquish dragons and tigers (idiom)
压伏壓伏ya1 fu2
variant of 壓服|压服
夜行昼伏夜行晝伏ye4 xing2 zhou4 fu2
to travel at night and lie low by day (idiom)
隐伏隱伏yin3 fu2
to hide; to lie low
兆电子伏兆電子伏zhao4 dian4 zi3 fu2
mega electron volt MeV (unit of energy equal to 1.6 x 10-13 Joules)
蛰伏蟄伏zhe2 fu2
hibernation; living in seclusion
制伏制伏zhi4 fu2
to overpower; to overwhelm; to subdue; to check; to control
中伏中伏zhong1 fu2
last ten days of July and first ten days of August, the second of 三伏 sān fú, three hottest periods of the year