to prostrate oneself; to fall on one's knees; to grovel
扳不倒儿扳不倒兒ban1 bu4 dao3 er5
tumbler; roly-poly
绊倒絆倒ban4 dao3
to trip; to stumble
帮倒忙幫倒忙bang1 dao4 mang2
to be more of a hindrance than a help
本末倒置本末倒置ben3 mo4 dao4 zhi4
lit. to invert root and branch (idiom); fig. confusing cause and effect; to stress the incidental over the fundamental; to put the cart before the horse
崩倒崩倒beng1 dao3
to collapse; to crash down; to fall down in a heap
兵败如山倒兵敗如山倒bing1 bai4 ru2 shan1 dao3
troops in defeat like a landslide (idiom); a beaten army in total collapse
sickness comes like a landslide, but goes slowly like spinning silk (idiom); expect to convalesce slowly
驳倒駁倒bo2 dao3
to refute; to demolish (an argument, theory etc)
不倒翁不倒翁bu4 dao3 weng1
roly-poly toy; tilting doll; tumbler
打倒打倒da3 dao3
to overthrow; to knock down; Down with ... !
倒把倒把dao3 ba3
to play the market; to speculate (on financial markets); to profiteer
倒败倒敗dao3 bai4
to collapse (of building)
倒班倒班dao3 ban1
to change shifts; to work in turns
倒闭倒閉dao3 bi4
to go bankrupt; to close down
倒毙倒斃dao3 bi4
to fall dead
倒扁倒扁dao3 bian3
Taiwan political movement aimed at forcing the resignation of President Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁|陈水扁 in 2006 over corruption allegations
倒仓倒倉dao3 cang1
to transfer grain from a store (e.g. to sun it); voice breaking (of male opera singer in puberty)
倒槽倒槽dao3 cao2
to die out (of livestock)
倒茬倒茬dao3 cha2
rotation of crops
倒车倒車dao3 che1
to change buses, trains etc
倒蛋倒蛋dao3 dan4
mischief; to make trouble
倒地倒地dao3 di4
to fall to the ground
倒伏倒伏dao3 fu2
(of cereal crops) to collapse and lie flat
倒戈倒戈dao3 ge1
to change sides in a war; turncoat
倒戈卸甲倒戈卸甲dao3 ge1 xie4 jia3
to lay down arms
倒海翻江倒海翻江dao3 hai3 fan1 jiang1
see 翻江倒海
倒换倒換dao3 huan4
to take turns; to rotate (responsibility)
倒嚼倒嚼dao3 jiao2
to ruminate (of cows)
倒噍倒噍dao3 jiao4
to ruminate (of cows)
倒买倒卖倒買倒賣dao3 mai3 dao3 mai4
to buy and sell at a profit; to speculate
倒卖倒賣dao3 mai4
to resell at a profit; to speculate
倒霉倒霉dao3 mei2
to have bad luck; to be out of luck
倒楣倒楣dao3 mei2
variant of 倒霉
倒霉蛋倒霉蛋dao3 mei2 dan4
(coll.) poor devil; unfortunate man
倒霉蛋儿倒霉蛋兒dao3 mei2 dan4 er5
erhua variant of 倒霉蛋
倒弄倒弄dao3 nong5
to move (things around); to buy and sell at a profit (derog.)
倒时差倒時差dao3 shi2 cha1
to adjust to a different time zone
倒手倒手dao3 shou3
to shift from one hand to the other; to change hands (of merchandise)
倒塌倒塌dao3 ta1
to collapse (of building); to topple over
倒台倒臺dao3 tai2
to overthrow; downfall; to fall from power; to go bankrupt
倒坍倒坍dao3 tan1
to collapse (of building)
倒腾倒騰dao3 teng5
to move; to shift; to exchange; to buy and sell; peddling
倒替倒替dao3 ti4
to take turns (responsibility); to replace
倒头倒頭dao3 tou2
to lie down; to die
倒胃口倒胃口dao3 wei4 kou3
to spoil one's appetite; fig. to get fed up with sth
倒卧倒臥dao3 wo4
to lie down; to drop dead
倒下倒下dao3 xia4
to collapse; to topple over
倒休倒休dao3 xiu1
to shift holidays, taking a weekday off
倒阳倒陽dao3 yang2
(med.) to be impotent
倒爷倒爺dao3 ye2
profiteer; wheeler dealer; tradesman who buys low and sell high
倒运倒運dao3 yun4
to have bad luck
倒灶倒灶dao3 zao4
to fall (from power); in decline; unlucky
倒账倒賬dao3 zhang4
unrecoverable debt; bad debt; to evade debt
倒帐倒帳dao3 zhang4
dead loan; bad debts; to refuse to pay loan
倒背如流倒背如流dao4 bei4 ru2 liu2
to know by heart (so well that you can recite it backwards)
倒背手倒背手dao4 bei4 shou3
with one's hands behind one's back
倒背手儿倒背手兒dao4 bei4 shou3 er5
erhua variant of 倒背手
倒采倒采dao4 cai3
variant of 倒彩
倒彩倒彩dao4 cai3
adverse audience reaction: boos and jeers, hissing, catcalls or deliberate applause after a mistake
倒彩声倒彩聲dao4 cai3 sheng1
jeering; booing; catcalls
倒插门倒插門dao4 cha1 men2
to marry and live with the bride's family (inverting traditional Chinese expectations)
倒车倒車dao4 che1
to reverse (a vehicle); to drive backwards
倒车挡倒車擋dao4 che1 dang3
reverse gear
倒抽一口气倒抽一口氣dao4 chou1 yi1 kou3 qi4
to gasp (in surprise, dismay, fright etc)
倒春寒倒春寒dao4 chun1 han2
cold snap during the spring
倒刺倒刺dao4 ci4
barb; barbed tip (e.g. of fishhook)
倒打一耙倒打一耙dao4 da3 yi1 pa2
lit. to strike with a muckrake (idiom), cf Pigsy 豬八戒|猪八戒 in Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记; fig. to counterattack; to make bogus accusations (against one's victim)
倒带倒帶dao4 dai4
rewind (media player)
倒吊蜡烛倒吊蠟燭dao4 diao4 la4 zhu2
Wrightia tinctoria (flowering plant in Apocynaceae family, common names dyer's oleander or pala indigo)
倒反倒反dao4 fan3
instead; on the contrary; contrary (to expectations)
倒放倒放dao4 fang4
to turn upside down; to upend
倒粪倒糞dao4 fen4
to turn over manure; fig. to offend others by endlessly repeating unpleasant remarks
倒钩倒鉤dao4 gou1
barb; bicycle kick, or overhead kick (football)
倒挂倒掛dao4 gua4
lit. to hang upside down; fig. topsy-turvy and inequitable, e.g. manufacturing and trading costs exceed the sale price (of some goods); to borrow more than one can ever repay
倒灌倒灌dao4 guan4
to flow backwards (of water, because of flood, tide, wind etc); reverse flow; to back up (sewage)
倒果为因倒果為因dao4 guo3 wei2 yin1
to reverse cause and effect; to put the horse before the cart
倒过儿倒過兒dao4 guo4 er5
the wrong way round (back to front, inside out etc)
倒计时倒計時dao4 ji4 shi2
to count down; countdown
倒睫倒睫dao4 jie2
trichiasis (ingrown eyelashes)
倒开倒開dao4 kai1
to reverse a vehicle; to drive backwards
倒空倒空dao4 kong1
to empty (a bag); to turn inside out; to turn out
倒苦水倒苦水dao4 ku3 shui3
to pour out one's grievances
倒立倒立dao4 li4
a handstand; to turn upside down; to stand on one's head; upside down
倒立像倒立像dao4 li4 xiang4
inverted image; reversed image (e.g. upside down)
倒流倒流dao4 liu2
to flow backwards; reverse flow
倒赔倒賠dao4 pei2
to sustain loss in trade
倒是倒是dao4 shi5
contrary to what one might expect; actually; contrariwise; why don't you
倒数倒數dao4 shu3
to count backwards (from 10 down to 0); to count down; from the bottom (lines on a page); from the back (rows of seats)
倒数倒數dao4 shu4
inverse number; reciprocal (math.)
倒锁倒鎖dao4 suo3
locked in (with the door locked from the outside)
倒贴倒貼dao4 tie1
to lose money instead of being paid (i.e. sb should pay me, but is actually taking my money)
倒退倒退dao4 tui4
to fall back; to go in reverse
倒位倒位dao4 wei4
倒像倒像dao4 xiang4
inverted image; reversed image (e.g. upside down)
倒相倒相dao4 xiang4
phase reversal; phase inversion
倒写倒寫dao4 xie3
mirror writing; upside down writing
倒行逆施倒行逆施dao4 xing2 ni4 shi1
to go against the tide (idiom); to do things all wrong; to try to turn back history; a perverse way of doing things
倒序倒序dao4 xu4
reverse order; inverted order
倒叙倒敘dao4 xu4
to flash back; flashback (in a novel, movie etc)
倒悬倒懸dao4 xuan2
lit. to hang upside down; fig. in dire straits
倒悬之急倒懸之急dao4 xuan2 zhi1 ji2
lit. the crisis of being hanged upside down (idiom); fig. extremely critical situation; dire straits
倒悬之苦倒懸之苦dao4 xuan2 zhi1 ku3
lit. the pain of being hanged upside down (idiom); fig. extremely critical situation; dire straits
倒悬之危倒懸之危dao4 xuan2 zhi1 wei1
lit. the crisis of being hanged upside down (idiom); fig. extremely critical situation; dire straits
倒烟倒煙dao4 yan1
to have smoke billowing from a fireplace or stove (due to a blockage in the chimney)
倒影倒影dao4 ying3
inverted image; reversed image (e.g. upside down)
倒映倒映dao4 ying4
to reflect (producing an inverted image)
倒栽葱倒栽蔥dao4 zai1 cong1
to fall headlong; (fig.) to suffer an ignominious failure
倒置倒置dao4 zhi4
to invert
倒转倒轉dao4 zhuan3
to make an about-turn; to reverse one's direction, policy, sequence etc; to turn things on their head
倒装倒裝dao4 zhuang1
inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order for heightened effect); anastrophe
倒装句倒裝句dao4 zhuang1 ju4
inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order for heightened effect); anastrophe
倒座儿倒座兒dao4 zuo4 er5
the north-facing room opposite the master's in a siheyuan 四合院
颠倒顛倒dian1 dao3
to turn upside down; to reverse; back to front; confused; deranged; crazy
颠倒过来顛倒過來dian1 dao3 guo4 lai2
to invert
颠倒黑白顛倒黑白dian1 dao3 hei1 bai2
lit. to invert black and white (idiom); to distort the truth deliberately; to misrepresent the facts; to invert right and wrong
颠倒是非顛倒是非dian1 dao3 shi4 fei1
to invert right and wrong
颠来倒去顛來倒去dian1 lai2 dao3 qu4
to harp on; over and over; merely ring changes on a few terms
颠鸾倒凤顛鸞倒鳳dian1 luan2 dao3 feng4
to have sexual intercourse
颠三倒四顛三倒四dian1 san1 dao3 si4
confused; disorderly; incoherent
跌倒跌倒die1 dao3
to tumble; to fall; fig. to suffer a reverse (in politics or business)
东倒西歪東倒西歪dong1 dao3 xi1 wai1
to lean unsteadily from side to side (idiom); to sway; (of buildings etc) to lean at a crazy angle
翻倒翻倒fan1 dao3
to overturn; to overthrow; to capsize; to collapse
翻江倒海翻江倒海fan1 jiang1 dao3 hai3
lit. overturning seas and rivers (idiom); fig. overwhelming; earth-shattering; in a spectacular mess
翻箱倒柜翻箱倒櫃fan1 xiang1 dao3 gui4
to overturn trunks and boxes; to make a thorough search (idiom)
翻箱倒箧翻箱倒篋fan1 xiang1 dao3 qie4
to overturn trunks and boxes; to make a thorough search (idiom)
反倒反倒fan3 dao4
but on the contrary; but expectedly
官倒官倒guan1 dao3
speculation by officials; profiteering by government employees; bureaucratic turpitude
lit. to mistake good intentions for a donkey's liver and lungs (idiom); fig. to mistake good intentions for ill intent
喝倒彩喝倒彩he4 dao4 cai3
to boo or jeer (as a sign of displeasure at an actor)
滑倒滑倒hua2 dao3
to slip (lose one's footing)
昏倒昏倒hun1 dao3
to faint
击倒擊倒ji1 dao3
to knock down; knocked down
解民倒悬解民倒懸jie3 min2 dao4 xuan2
lit. to rescue the people from hanging upside down (idiom, from Mencius); to save the people from dire straits
绝倒絕倒jue2 dao3
to split one's sides laughing
开倒车開倒車kai1 dao4 che1
to drive in reverse; fig. to take a backward step; retrogressive; trying to turn the clock back
拉倒拉倒la1 dao3
to pull down; (coll.) to let it go; to drop it
潦倒潦倒liao2 dao3
disappointed; frustrated; dejected
撂倒撂倒liao4 dao3
to knock down; to mow down
那倒是那倒是na4 dao4 shi5
Oh that's true! (interjection of sudden realization)
难不倒難不倒nan2 bu4 dao3
not to pose a problem for sb; cannot stump sb
难倒難倒nan2 dao3
to baffle; to confound; to stump
逆行倒施逆行倒施ni4 xing2 dao3 shi1
to go against the tide (idiom); to do things all wrong; to try to turn back history; a perverse way of doing things
排山倒海排山倒海pai2 shan1 dao3 hai3
lit. to topple the mountains and overturn the seas (idiom); earth-shattering; fig. gigantic; of spectacular significance
盘倒盤倒pan2 dao3
to interrogate, leaving sb speechless
捧腹绝倒捧腹絕倒peng3 fu4 jue2 dao3
doubled up with laughter
碰倒碰倒peng4 dao3
to knock sth over
贫穷潦倒貧窮潦倒pin2 qiong2 liao2 dao3
poverty stricken
扑倒撲倒pu1 dao3
to fall down
倾倒傾倒qing1 dao3
to topple over; to greatly admire
倾倒傾倒qing1 dao4
to dump; to pour; to empty out
倾箱倒箧傾箱倒篋qing1 xiang1 dao3 qie4
to exhaust all one has; to leave no stone unturned; to try one's best
轻重倒置輕重倒置qing1 zhong4 dao4 zhi4
to invert the importance of things (i.e. stress the unimportant and neglect the important); lacking a sense of perspective; to put the cart before the horse
穷愁潦倒窮愁潦倒qiong2 chou2 liao2 dao3
destitute and troubled; in dire straits
却倒卻倒que4 dao4
but on the contrary; but unexpectedly
三班倒三班倒san1 ban1 dao3
three-shift system (work rostering)
神魂颠倒神魂顛倒shen2 hun2 dian1 dao3
lit. spirit and soul upside down (idiom); infatuated and head over heels in love; fascinated; captivated
手倒立手倒立shou3 dao4 li4
树倒猢狲散樹倒猢猻散shu4 dao3 hu2 sun1 san4
When the tree topples the monkeys scatter. (idiom); fig. an opportunist abandons an unfavorable cause; Rats leave a sinking ship.
摔倒摔倒shuai1 dao3
to fall down; to slip and fall; to throw sb to the ground
随风倒隨風倒sui2 feng1 dao3
to bend with the wind
随风倒舵隨風倒舵sui2 feng1 dao3 duo4
to trim one's sails with the wind; to adopt different attitude depending on the circumstances (idiom)
随风倒柳隨風倒柳sui2 feng1 dao3 liu3
lit. a willow that bends with the wind; one with no fixed principles (idiom)
投机倒把投機倒把tou2 ji1 dao3 ba3
speculation and profiteering (idiom); buying and selling on speculation
推倒推倒tui1 dao3
to push over; to overthrow
问倒問倒wen4 dao3
to stump; to baffle
卧倒臥倒wo4 dao3
to lie down; to drop to the ground
吓倒嚇倒xia4 dao3
to be frightened
想倒美想倒美xiang3 dao3 mei3
see 想得美
压倒壓倒ya1 dao3
to overwhelm; to overpower; overwhelming
压倒性壓倒性ya1 dao3 xing4
一边倒一邊倒yi1 bian1 dao3
to have the advantage overwhelmingly on one side; to support unconditionally
一面倒一面倒yi1 mian4 dao3
to be entirely on one side; one-sided; lopsided; partisan; overwhelmingly on one side
移山倒海移山倒海yi2 shan1 dao3 hai3
lit. to move mountains and drain seas; to transform nature
晕倒暈倒yun1 dao3
to faint; to swoon; to black out; to become unconscious
栽倒栽倒zai1 dao3
to take a fall
竹筒倒豆子竹筒倒豆子zhu2 tong3 dao3 dou4 zi5
to pour beans out of a bamboo tube; to come clean; to make a clean breast of things