to make use of; to use sth as pretext; under false pretenses; under the guise of; masquerading as; lenient; tolerant; loan character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); character acquiring meanings by phonetic association; also c
假借义假借義jia3 jie4 yi4
borrowed meaning
假借字假借字jia3 jie4 zi4
loan character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); character acquiring meanings by phonetic association; also called phonetic loan
借出借出jie4 chu1
to lend
借词借詞jie4 ci2
loanword; pretext
借词推搪藉詞推搪jie4 ci2 tui1 tang2
to make a lot of excuses
借此藉此jie4 ci3
using this as a pretext; thereby
借代借代jie4 dai4
借贷借貸jie4 dai4
to borrow or lend money; debit and credit items on a balance sheet
借单借單jie4 dan1
receipt for a loan; written confirmation of a debt; IOU
借单儿借單兒jie4 dan1 er5
receipt for a loan; written confirmation of a debt; IOU
借刀杀人借刀殺人jie4 dao1 sha1 ren2
to lend sb a knife to kill sb; to get sb else to do one's dirty work; to attack using the strength of another (idiom)
借调借調jie4 diao4
to temporarily transfer (personnel)
借东风借東風jie4 dong1 feng1
lit. to use the eastern wind (idiom); fig. to use sb's help
借读借讀jie4 du2
to attend school on a temporary basis
借端借端jie4 duan1
to use as pretext
借方借方jie4 fang1
borrower; debit side (of a balance sheet)
借方差额借方差額jie4 fang1 cha1 e2
debit balance (accountancy)
借腹生子借腹生子jie4 fu4 sheng1 zi3
surrogate pregnancy
借给借給jie4 gei3
to lend to sb
借古讽今借古諷今jie4 gu3 feng3 jin1
to use the past to disparage the present (idiom)
借古喻今借古喻今jie4 gu3 yu4 jin1
to borrow the past as a model for the present
借故借故jie4 gu4
to find an excuse
借光借光jie4 guang1
Excuse me.; reflected glory; to profit from sb else's prestige
借过借過jie4 guo4
excuse me (i.e. let me through, please)
借花献佛借花獻佛jie4 hua1 xian4 fo2
lit. presenting the Buddha with borrowed flowers (idiom); fig. to win favor or influence using sb else's property; plagiarism
借火借火jie4 huo3
to borrow a light (for a cigarette)
借机借機jie4 ji1
to seize the opportunity
借记借記jie4 ji4
to debit
借记卡借記卡jie4 ji4 ka3
debit card
借鉴借鑒jie4 jian4
to use other people's experience; to borrow from a source; to use as reference
借镜借鏡jie4 jing4
to use other people's experience; to borrow from a source; to use as reference
借酒浇愁借酒澆愁jie4 jiu3 jiao1 chou2
to drown one's sorrows (in alcohol)
借据借據jie4 ju4
receipt for a loan
借口借口jie4 kou3
to use as an excuse; on the pretext; excuse; pretext
借款借款jie4 kuan3
to lend money; to borrow money; loan
借款人借款人jie4 kuan3 ren2
the borrower
借命借命jie4 ming4
to live out a pointless existence
借契借契jie4 qi4
contract for a loan
借钱借錢jie4 qian2
to borrow money; to lend money
借取借取jie4 qu3
to borrow
借入方借入方jie4 ru4 fang1
borrower; debit side (of a balance sheet)
借尸还魂借屍還魂jie4 shi1 huan2 hun2
lit. reincarnated in sb else's body (idiom); fig. a discarded or discredited idea returns in another guise
借势借勢jie4 shi4
to borrow sb's authority; to seize an opportunity
借书单借書單jie4 shu1 dan1
book slip
借书证借書證jie4 shu1 zheng4
library card
借宿借宿jie4 su4
to stay with sb; to ask for lodging
借题发挥借題發揮jie4 ti2 fa1 hui1
to use the current topic to put over one's own ideas; to use sth as a pretext to make a fuss
借条借條jie4 tiao2
receipt for a loan; IOU
借位借位jie4 wei4
in arithmetic of subtraction, to borrow 10 and carry from the next place
借问借問jie4 wen4
(honorific) May I ask?
借以借以jie4 yi3
so as to; for the purpose of; in order to
借用借用jie4 yong4
to borrow sth for another use; to borrow an idea for one's own use
借喻借喻jie4 yu4
to use sth as a metaphor
借阅借閱jie4 yue4
to borrow books to read
借债借債jie4 zhai4
to borrow money
借债人借債人jie4 zhai4 ren2
debtor; borrower
借账借賬jie4 zhang4
to borrow money; to take a loan
借支借支jie4 zhi1
to get an advance on one's pay
借指借指jie4 zhi3
to refer to; metaphor
借重借重jie4 zhong4
to rely on sb for support
借住借住jie4 zhu4
to lodge
借箸借箸jie4 zhu4
lit. to borrow chopsticks; to make plans for sb else
借助借助jie4 zhu4
to draw support from; with the help of
借资挹注借資挹注jie4 zi1 yi4 zhu4
to make use of sth in order to make good the deficits in sth else (idiom)
借字借字jie4 zi4
see 通假字
借字儿借字兒jie4 zi4 er5
IOU; receipt for a loan
挪借挪借nuo2 jie4
to borrow money for a short time
凭借憑借ping2 jie4
to rely on; to depend on; by means of; thanks to; sth that one relies on
善后借款善後借款shan4 hou4 jie4 kuan3
reconstruction loan provided by Great Powers to Yuan Shikai in 1913
同业拆借同業拆借tong2 ye4 chai1 jie4
call loan; short-term loan within banking
续借續借xu4 jie4
extended borrowing (e.g. library renewal)
移借移借yi2 jie4
to put to a different use; to borrow; (linguistics) borrowing
以免借口以免藉口yi3 mian3 jie4 kou3
to remove sth that could be used as a pretext (idiom)