terrible; fearful

vicious; fierce; ominous; inauspicious; famine; variant of 兇|凶

strokes 4
strokes after radical 2
帮凶 幫兇 bang1 xiong1
variant of 幫凶|帮凶

帮凶 幫凶 bang1 xiong1
accomplice; accessory

恶凶凶 惡兇兇 e4 xiong1 xiong1

逢凶化吉 逢凶化吉 feng2 xiong1 hua4 ji2
misfortune turns to blessing (idiom); to turn an inauspicious start to good account

祸福吉凶 禍福吉凶 huo4 fu2 ji2 xiong1
fate; portent; luck or disasters as foretold in the stars (astrology)

吉凶 吉凶 ji2 xiong1
good and bad luck (in astrology)

妙探寻凶 妙探尋兇 miao4 tan4 xun2 xiong1
Cluedo (board game)

闵凶 閔凶 min3 xiong1
suffering; affliction

趋吉避凶 趨吉避凶 qu1 ji2 bi4 xiong1
to seek luck and avoid calamity (idiom)

行凶 行兇 xing2 xiong1
violent crime; to commit a violent act (assault or murder)

行凶者 行兇者 xing2 xiong1 zhe3

凶巴巴 凶巴巴 xiong1 ba1 ba1
harsh; savage; fierce

凶暴 凶暴 xiong1 bao4

凶残 凶殘 xiong1 can2

凶残 兇殘 xiong1 can2
savage; cruel; fierce

凶党 凶黨 xiong1 dang3
band of accomplice

凶刀 凶刀 xiong1 dao1
murder weapon (i.e. knife)

凶多吉少 兇多吉少 xiong1 duo1 ji2 shao3
everything bodes ill, no positive signs (idiom); inauspicious; everything points to disaster

凶恶 凶惡 xiong1 e4
variant of 兇惡|凶恶, fierce; ferocious; fiendish; frightening

凶恶 兇惡 xiong1 e4
fierce; ferocious; fiendish; frightening

凶犯 兇犯 xiong1 fan4

凶服 凶服 xiong1 fu2
mourning clothes (old)

凶光 凶光 xiong1 guang1
ominous glint

凶悍 兇悍 xiong1 han4
violent; fierce and tough; shrewish (woman)

凶狠 兇狠 xiong1 hen3
variant of 凶狠

凶狠 凶狠 xiong1 hen3
cruel; vicious; fierce and malicious; vengeful

凶荒 凶荒 xiong1 huang1
(literary) famine

凶狂 兇狂 xiong1 kuang2
fierce; ferocious; savage

凶戾 兇戾 xiong1 li4
cruel; tyrannical

凶猛 兇猛 xiong1 meng3
fierce; violent; ferocious

凶年 兇年 xiong1 nian2
year of famine

凶器 兇器 xiong1 qi4
lethal weapon; murder weapon

凶丧 凶喪 xiong1 sang1
funeral arrangements

凶杀 兇殺 xiong1 sha1
to murder; assassination

凶杀案 兇殺案 xiong1 sha1 an4
murder case

凶煞 兇煞 xiong1 sha4
demon; fiend

凶身 兇身 xiong1 shen1
demon; fiend

凶神 兇神 xiong1 shen2
demon; fiend

凶神恶煞 兇神惡煞 xiong1 shen2 e4 sha4
fiends (idiom); devils and monsters

凶事 凶事 xiong1 shi4
fateful accident; inauspicious matter (involving death or casualties)

凶手 兇手 xiong1 shou3
murderer; assassin

凶死 兇死 xiong1 si3
to die in violence

凶顽 兇頑 xiong1 wan2
fierce and uncontrollable

凶嫌 兇嫌 xiong1 xian2
alleged killer (or attacker); suspect in a case of violent crime

凶险 兇險 xiong1 xian3
dangerous; ruthless; treacherous

凶相 兇相 xiong1 xiang4
ferocious appearance

凶相毕露 兇相畢露 xiong1 xiang4 bi4 lu4
show one's ferocious appearance (idiom); the atrocious features revealed; with fangs bared

凶信 凶信 xiong1 xin4
fateful news; news of sb's death

凶讯 兇訊 xiong1 xun4
evil tidings; bad news

凶焰 凶焰 xiong1 yan4
ferocity; aggressive arrogance

凶宅 兇宅 xiong1 zhai2
inauspicious abode; haunted house

凶兆 凶兆 xiong1 zhao4
ill omen

疑凶 疑兇 yi2 xiong1
suspected of murder; criminal suspect

元凶 元凶 yuan2 xiong1
chief offender; main culprit

真凶 真兇 zhen1 xiong1