to help; to assist

strokes 7
strokes after radical 5
爱莫能助 愛莫能助 ai4 mo4 neng2 zhu4
unable to help however much one would like to (idiom); Although we sympathize, there is no way to help you.; My hands are tied.

拔苗助长 拔苗助長 ba2 miao2 zhu4 zhang3
to spoil things through excessive enthusiasm (idiom)

帮助 幫助 bang1 zhu4
assistance; aid; to help; to assist

壁助 壁助 bi4 zhu4
help; assistant

补助 補助 bu3 zhu4
to subsidize; subsidy; allowance

补助组织 補助組織 bu3 zhu4 zu3 zhi1
auxiliary organizations

得道多助 得道多助 de2 dao4 duo1 zhu4
a just cause enjoys abundant support (idiom); those upholding justice will find help all around

得道多助,失道寡助 得道多助,失道寡助 de2 dao4 duo1 zhu4 - shi1 dao4 gua3 zhu4
A just cause attracts much support, an unjust one finds little (idiom, from Mencius)

电脑辅助工程 電腦輔助工程 dian4 nao3 fu3 zhu4 gong1 cheng2
computer-aided engineering

电脑辅助教材 電腦輔助教材 dian4 nao3 fu3 zhu4 jiao4 cai2
computer-aided instruction

电脑辅助设计 電腦輔助設計 dian4 nao3 fu3 zhu4 she4 ji4
computer-aided design

电脑辅助设计与绘图 電腦輔助設計與繪圖 dian4 nao3 fu3 zhu4 she4 ji4 yu3 hui4 tu2
computer-aided design and drawing

鼎力相助 鼎力相助 ding3 li4 xiang1 zhu4
We are most grateful for your valuable assistance.

鼎助 鼎助 ding3 zhu4
(honorific) your inestimable assistance; thanks to your help

动态助词 動態助詞 dong4 tai4 zhu4 ci2
aspect particle, such as 著|着, 了, 過|过

多助 多助 duo1 zhu4
receiving much help (from outside); well supported

扶助 扶助 fu2 zhu4
to assist

辅助 輔助 fu3 zhu4
to assist; to aid; supplementary; auxiliary; subsidiary

辅助医疗 輔助醫療 fu3 zhu4 yi1 liao2
complementary medicine

辅助语 輔助語 fu3 zhu4 yu3
auxiliary language

个人数字助理 個人數字助理 ge4 ren2 shu4 zi4 zhu4 li3
personal digital assistant (PDA)

寡助 寡助 gua3 zhu4
finding little support; neglected

互助 互助 hu4 zhu4
to help each other

互助 互助 hu4 zhu4
Huzhu Tuzu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区, Qinghai

互助土族自治县 互助土族自治縣 hu4 zhu4 tu3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Huzhu Tuzu Autonomous County in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区, Qinghai

互助县 互助縣 hu4 zhu4 xian4
Huzhu Tuzu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区, Qinghai

技术援助 技術援助 ji4 shu4 yuan2 zhu4
technical assistance

计算机辅助设计 計算機輔助設計 ji4 suan4 ji1 fu3 zhu4 she4 ji4
CAD computer-aided design

济助 濟助 ji4 zhu4
to relieve and help

建屋互助会 建屋互助會 jian4 wu1 hu4 zhu4 hui4
building society (finance)

结构助词 結構助詞 jie2 gou4 zhu4 ci2
structural particle, such as 的, 地, 得 and 所

借助 借助 jie4 zhu4
to draw support from; with the help of

救助 救助 jiu4 zhu4
to help sb in trouble; aid; assistance

捐助 捐助 juan1 zhu4
to donate; to offer (aid); contribution; donation

军事援助 軍事援助 jun1 shi4 yuan2 zhu4
military aid

乐于助人 樂於助人 le4 yu2 zhu4 ren2
willing to help others

耐心帮助 耐心幫助 nai4 xin1 bang1 zhu4
forbearance; tolerance; patient help

将伯之助 將伯之助 qiang1 bo2 zhi1 zhu4
assistance that one gets from another

求助 求助 qiu2 zhu4
to request help; to appeal (for help)

求助于人 求助於人 qiu2 zhu4 yu2 ren2
to call upon others for help

失道寡助 失道寡助 shi1 dao4 gua3 zhu4
an unjust cause finds little support (idiom, from Mencius); cf 得道多助 a just cause attracts much support

守望相助 守望相助 shou3 wang4 xiang1 zhu4
to keep watch and defend one another (idiom, from Mencius); to join forces to defend against external aggressors; mutual help and protection

推波助澜 推波助瀾 tui1 bo1 zhu4 lan2
to push the wave and add to the billows (idiom); to add momentum; to encourage sth to get bigger; to add fuel to the fire

推助 推助 tui1 zhu4
to bolster; to give a boost to (the economy etc)

无助 無助 wu2 zhu4
helpless; helplessness; feeling useless; no help

无助感 無助感 wu2 zhu4 gan3
to feel helpless; feeling useless

习得性无助感 習得性無助感 xi2 de2 xing4 wu2 zhu4 gan3
(psychology) learned helplessness

贤内助 賢內助 xian2 nei4 zhu4
(said of sb else's wife) a good wife

相助 相助 xiang1 zhu4
to help one another; to come to sb's help

协助 協助 xie2 zhu4
to provide assistance; to aid

揠苗助长 揠苗助長 ya4 miao2 zhu4 zhang3
see 拔苗助長|拔苗助长

有帮助 有幫助 you3 bang1 zhu4

有助 有助 you3 zhu4
helpful; beneficial; to help; conducive to

有助于 有助於 you3 zhu4 yu2
to contribute to; to promote

语气助词 語氣助詞 yu3 qi4 zhu4 ci2
modal particle

语助词 語助詞 yu3 zhu4 ci2
auxiliary word

援助 援助 yuan2 zhu4
to help; to support; to aid; aid; assistance

援助机构 援助機構 yuan2 zhu4 ji1 gou4
relief agency; emergency service; rescue organisation

援助交际 援助交際 yuan2 zhu4 jiao1 ji4
Enjo-kōsai or "compensated dating", a practice which originated in Japan where older men give money or luxury gifts to women for their companionship and sexual favors

援助之手 援助之手 yuan2 zhu4 zhi1 shou3
a helping hand

赞助 贊助 zan4 zhu4
to support; to assist; to sponsor

赞助商 贊助商 zan4 zhu4 shang1

助产 助產 zhu4 chan3
to help a mother give birth

助产士 助產士 zhu4 chan3 shi4

助词 助詞 zhu4 ci2
particle (grammatical)

助动车 助動車 zhu4 dong4 che1
low-powered motorized scooter or bike

助动词 助動詞 zhu4 dong4 ci2
auxiliary verb; modal verb

助焊剂 助焊劑 zhu4 han4 ji4
flux (metallurgy)

助剂 助劑 zhu4 ji4
additive; reagent

助记方法 助記方法 zhu4 ji4 fang1 fa3
mnemonic method

助记符 助記符 zhu4 ji4 fu2
mnemonic sign

助教 助教 zhu4 jiao4
teaching assistant

助理 助理 zhu4 li3

助力 助力 zhu4 li4
a helping hand; help; assistance

助跑 助跑 zhu4 pao3
to run up (pole vault, javelin, bowling etc); approach; run-up; (aviation) takeoff run

助人为快乐之本 助人為快樂之本 zhu4 ren2 wei2 kuai4 le4 zhi1 ben3
pleasure from helping others

助人为乐 助人為樂 zhu4 ren2 wei2 le4
pleasure from helping others (idiom)

助熔剂 助熔劑 zhu4 rong2 ji4

助手 助手 zhu4 shou3
assistant; helper

助手席 助手席 zhu4 shou3 xi2
front passenger seat (in a car)

助听器 助聽器 zhu4 ting1 qi4
hearing aid

助威 助威 zhu4 wei1
to cheer for; to encourage; to boost the morale of

助兴 助興 zhu4 xing4
to add to the fun; to liven things up

助学贷款 助學貸款 zhu4 xue2 dai4 kuan3
student loan

助学金 助學金 zhu4 xue2 jin1
student grant; education grant; scholarship

助益 助益 zhu4 yi4
benefit; help

助长 助長 zhu4 zhang3
to encourage; to foster; to foment

助阵 助陣 zhu4 zhen4
to cheer; to root for

助纣为虐 助紂為虐 zhu4 zhou4 wei2 nve4
lit. helping tyrant Zhou 商紂王|商纣王 in his oppression (idiom); fig. to take the side of the evildoer; giving succor to the enemy

资助 資助 zi1 zhu4
to subsidize; to provide financial aid; subsidy

自助 自助 zi4 zhu4

自助餐 自助餐 zi4 zhu4 can1
buffet; self-service meal

自助洗衣店 自助洗衣店 zi4 zhu4 xi3 yi1 dian4
laundromat; launderette