canvass for contributions; to recruit; to collect; to raise

strokes 12
strokes after radical 11
筹募 籌募 chou2 mu4
to raise funds; to collect money

公募 公募 gong1 mu4
public placement (investing)

捐募 捐募 juan1 mu4
to solicit contributions; to collect donations

募化 募化 mu4 hua4
to collect alms (Buddhism)

募集 募集 mu4 ji2
to raise; to collect

募捐 募捐 mu4 juan1
to solicit contributions; to collect donations

募款 募款 mu4 kuan3
to raise money

募缘 募緣 mu4 yuan2
(of a monk) to beg for food

私募 私募 si1 mu4
private placement (investing)

私募基金 私募基金 si1 mu4 ji1 jin1
private equity fund; fund offered to private placement (e.g. hedge fund)

招募 招募 zhao1 mu4
to recruit; to enlist

征募 徵募 zheng1 mu4
to conscript