to go; to go to (a place); (of a time etc) last; just passed; to send; to remove; to get rid of; to reduce; to be apart from in space or time; to die (euphemism); to play (a part); (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth; (after
take the cream, discard the dross (political and educational slogan); keep what is good, discard the rest; You need to be selective when studying.; In modernizing the country, don't accept uncritically all foreign ideas.
去程去程qu4 cheng2
outbound trip
去除去除qu4 chu2
to remove; to dislodge
去处去處qu4 chu4
place; destination
去得去得qu4 de5
can go
去掉去掉qu4 diao4
to get rid of; to exclude; to eliminate; to remove; to delete; to strip out; to extract
去根去根qu4 gen1
to cure completely
去垢剂去垢劑qu4 gou4 ji4
去光水去光水qu4 guang1 shui3
nail polish remover
去国去國qu4 guo2
to leave one's country
去国外去國外qu4 guo2 wai4
to go abroad
去回票去回票qu4 hui2 piao4
round-trip ticket (Tw)
去火去火qu4 huo3
to reduce internal heat (TCM)
去留去留qu4 liu2
going or staying
去路去路qu4 lu4
the way one is following; outlet
去你的去你的qu4 ni3 de5
Get along with you!
去年去年qu4 nian2
last year
去年底去年底qu4 nian2 di3
late last year; the end of last year
去皮去皮qu4 pi2
to peel; to remove the skin; to tare
去皮重去皮重qu4 pi2 zhong4
to tare
去其糟粕去其糟粕qu4 qi2 zao1 po4
to remove the dross; to discard the dregs
去取去取qu4 qu3
to accept or reject
去取之间去取之間qu4 qu3 zhi1 jian1
undecided between taking and leaving
去声去聲qu4 sheng1
falling tone; fourth tone in modern Mandarin
去逝去逝qu4 shi4
to pass away; to die
去世去世qu4 shi4
to pass away; to die
去势去勢qu4 shi4
to neuter; neutered
去死去死qu4 si3
go to hell!; drop dead!
去岁去歲qu4 sui4
last year
去台去臺qu4 tai2
to go to Taiwan; refers to those who left China for Taiwan before the founding of PRC in 1949
去台人员去臺人員qu4 tai2 ren2 yuan2
those who left China for Taiwan before the founding of PRC in 1949
去芜存菁去蕪存菁qu4 wu2 cun2 jing1
lit. to get rid of the weeds and keep the flowers; to separate the wheat from the chaff (idiom)
去向去向qu4 xiang4
the position of sth; whereabouts
去向不明去向不明qu4 xiang4 bu4 ming2
missing; lost
去氧核糖核酸去氧核糖核酸qu4 yang3 he2 tang2 he2 suan1
deoxyribonucleic acid; DNA
去氧麻黄碱去氧麻黃鹼qu4 yang3 ma2 huang2 jian3
去职去職qu4 zhi2
to leave office
绕来绕去繞來繞去rao4 lai2 rao4 qu4
meandering and circuitous (idiom); to go around in circles and never get anywhere
人去楼空人去樓空ren2 qu4 lou2 kong1
the people are gone and the place is empty (idiom); the sight of a deserted place brings old friends to mind; the place is deserted; the birds have flown
删去刪去shan1 qu4
to delete
上去上去shang4 qu4
to go up
省去省去sheng3 qu4
to omit; to dispense with; to make unnecesary; to save (time, trouble etc)
失去失去shi1 qu4
to lose
逝去逝去shi4 qu4
to elapse; to pass away; to die; demise
说不过去說不過去shuo1 bu5 guo4 qu4
cannot be justified; inexcusable
说得过去說得過去shuo1 de5 guo4 qu4
acceptable; passable; justifiable; (of a course of action) to make sense
死去死去si3 qu4
to die
死去活来死去活來si3 qu4 huo2 lai2
to hover between life and death (idiom); to suffer terribly; within an inch of one's life
送去送去song4 qu4
to send to; to deliver to; to give sb a lift (e.g. in a car)
听不进去聽不進去ting1 bu4 jin4 qu5
not to listen; to be deaf to
听上去聽上去ting1 shang4 qu5
to sound (difficult, worthwhile etc); to seem
偷去偷去tou1 qu4
to steal; to make off with; stolen
推来推去推來推去tui1 lai2 tui1 qu4
(idiom) to rudely push and pull others; (idiom) to evade responsibility and push it to others
褪去褪去tui4 qu4
to take off (one's clothes); (fig.) to shed (one's former image etc); (of a fad or the after-effects of a disaster etc) to subside; also pr.
脱去脫去tuo1 qu4
to throw off
往心里去往心裡去wang3 xin1 li5 qu4
to take sth to heart; to take sth seriously
闻上去聞上去wen2 shang4 qu4
to smell of sth; to smell like sth
我勒个去我勒個去wo3 le4 ge5 qu4
(slang) shoot!; crap!
我去我去wo3 qu4
(slang) dang!; shoot!
下去下去xia4 qu4
to go down; to descend; to go on; to continue; (of a servant) to withdraw
仙去仙去xian1 qu4
to become an immortal; (fig.) to die
现在是过去钥匙現在是過去鑰匙xian4 zai4 shi4 guo4 qu5 yao4 shi5
Today is the key to the past.
消去消去xiao1 qu4
to eliminate
扬长而去揚長而去yang2 chang2 er2 qu4
to swagger off; to walk off (or drive off etc) without a second thought for those left behind
也好不到哪里去也好不到哪裡去ye3 hao3 bu4 dao4 na3 li3 qu4
just as bad; not much better
一来二去一來二去yi1 lai2 er4 qu4
gradually; little by little; in the course of time
一去不复返一去不復返yi1 qu4 bu4 fu4 fan3
gone forever
一去不回一去不回yi1 qu4 bu4 hui2
gone forever
一去无影踪一去無影蹤yi1 qu4 wu2 ying3 zong1
gone without a trace
一眼望去一眼望去yi1 yan3 wang4 qu4
as far as the eye can see
移去移去yi2 qu4
to move away
有去无回有去無回you3 qu4 wu2 hui2
gone forever (idiom)
直来直去直來直去zhi2 lai2 zhi2 qu4
going directly (without detour); (fig.) direct; straightforward (in one's manner or speech)
抓去抓去zhua1 qu4
to arrest and take away
转来转去轉來轉去zhuan4 lai2 zhuan4 qu4
to rove around; to run around in circles; to walk back and forth