can; may; able to; to approve; to permit; to suit; (particle used for emphasis) certainly; very

see 可汗

strokes 5
strokes after radical 2
安可 安可 an1 ke3
encore (loanword)

奥米可戎 奧米可戎 ao4 mi3 ke3 rong2
omicron (Greek letter Οο)

百事可乐 百事可樂 bai3 shi4 ke3 le4

宝可梦 寶可夢 bao3 ke3 meng4

必不可缺 必不可缺 bi4 bu4 ke3 que1
see 必不可少

必不可少 必不可少 bi4 bu4 ke3 shao3
absolutely necessary; indispensable; essential

必不可少组成 必不可少組成 bi4 bu4 ke3 shao3 zu3 cheng2
absolute necessity; sine qua non

不可 不可 bu4 ke3
cannot; should not; must not

不可避 不可避 bu4 ke3 bi4

不可避免 不可避免 bu4 ke3 bi4 mian3

不可撤销信用证 不可撤銷信用證 bu4 ke3 che4 xiao1 xin4 yong4 zheng4
irrevocable letter of credit

不可导 不可導 bu4 ke3 dao3
not differentiable (function in calculus)

不可端倪 不可端倪 bu4 ke3 duan1 ni2
impossible to get even an outline (idiom); unfathomable; not a clue

不可多得 不可多得 bu4 ke3 duo1 de2
hard to come by; rare

不可分割 不可分割 bu4 ke3 fen1 ge1
inalienable; unalienable; inseparable; indivisible

不可分离 不可分離 bu4 ke3 fen1 li2

不可告人 不可告人 bu4 ke3 gao4 ren2
hidden; kept secret; not to be divulged

不可估量 不可估量 bu4 ke3 gu1 liang4
inestimable; incalculable; beyond measure

不可或缺 不可或缺 bu4 ke3 huo4 que1
necessary; must have

不可解 不可解 bu4 ke3 jie3
insoluble (i.e. impossible to solve)

不可救药 不可救藥 bu4 ke3 jiu4 yao4
incurable; incorrigible; beyond cure; hopeless

不可开交 不可開交 bu4 ke3 kai1 jiao1
to be awfully (busy etc)

不可抗拒 不可抗拒 bu4 ke3 kang4 ju4
act of God; force majeure (law); irresistible (idiom)

不可抗力 不可抗力 bu4 ke3 kang4 li4
unpredictable eventuality; unpreventable; unavoidable; impossible to overcome; nothing can be done about it; act of God; force majeure

不可靠 不可靠 bu4 ke3 kao4

不可理喻 不可理喻 bu4 ke3 li3 yu4
to be impervious to reason (idiom); unreasonable

不可枚举 不可枚舉 bu4 ke3 mei2 ju3
innumerable (idiom)

不可名状 不可名狀 bu4 ke3 ming2 zhuang4
indescribable; beyond description

不可磨灭 不可磨滅 bu4 ke3 mo2 mie4

不可能 不可能 bu4 ke3 neng2
impossible; cannot; not able

不可逆 不可逆 bu4 ke3 ni4

不可逆转 不可逆轉 bu4 ke3 ni4 zhuan3

不可侵犯 不可侵犯 bu4 ke3 qin1 fan4
inviolable; inviolability

不可侵犯权 不可侵犯權 bu4 ke3 qin1 fan4 quan2

不可缺少 不可缺少 bu4 ke3 que1 shao3

不可胜数 不可勝數 bu4 ke3 sheng4 shu3
countless; innumerable

不可胜言 不可勝言 bu4 ke3 sheng4 yan2
inexpressible (idiom); beyond description

不可收拾 不可收拾 bu4 ke3 shou1 shi2
irremediable; unmanageable; out of hand; hopeless

不可数 不可數 bu4 ke3 shu3

不可数名词 不可數名詞 bu4 ke3 shu3 ming2 ci2
uncountable noun (in grammar of European languages)

不可数集 不可數集 bu4 ke3 shuo4 ji2
uncountable set (math.)

不可思议 不可思議 bu4 ke3 si1 yi4
inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable; unfathomable

不可通约 不可通約 bu4 ke3 tong1 yue1
having no common measure; incommensurable; incommensurate

不可同日而语 不可同日而語 bu4 ke3 tong2 ri4 er2 yu3
lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day (idiom); not to be mentioned in the same breath; incomparable

不可挽回 不可挽回 bu4 ke3 wan3 hui2

不可言喻 不可言喻 bu4 ke3 yan2 yu4
inexpressible (idiom)

不可一世 不可一世 bu4 ke3 yi1 shi4
to consider oneself unexcelled in the world; to be insufferably arrogant

不可以 不可以 bu4 ke3 yi3
may not

不可逾越 不可逾越 bu4 ke3 yu2 yue4
impassable; insurmountable; insuperable

不可再生资源 不可再生資源 bu4 ke3 zai4 sheng1 zi1 yuan2
nonrenewable resource

不可知论 不可知論 bu4 ke3 zhi1 lun4
agnosticism, the philosophical doctrine that some questions about the universe are in principle unanswerable

不可置信 不可置信 bu4 ke3 zhi4 xin4
unbelievable; incredible

不可终日 不可終日 bu4 ke3 zhong1 ri4
to be unable to carry on even for a single day; to be in a desperate situation

不置可否 不置可否 bu4 zhi4 ke3 fou3
decline to comment; not express an opinion; be noncommittal; hedge

柴可夫斯基 柴可夫斯基 chai2 ke3 fu1 si1 ji1
Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), Russian composer

陈可雄 陳可雄 chen2 ke3 xiong2
Chen Kexiong (1950-), novelist

臭不可闻 臭不可聞 chou4 bu4 ke3 wen2
unbearable stink; fig. notorious

触手可得 觸手可得 chu4 shou3 ke3 de2
within reach

触手可及 觸手可及 chu4 shou3 ke3 ji2
within reach

创可贴 創可貼 chuang1 ke3 tie1
band-aid; sticking plaster

大可不必 大可不必 da4 ke3 bu4 bi4
need not; unnecessary

大有可为 大有可為 da4 you3 ke3 wei2
with great prospects for the future (idiom); well worth doing

到处可见 到處可見 dao4 chu4 ke3 jian4
ubiquitous; commonplace; found everywhere

得可以 得可以 de5 ke3 yi3
(coll.) very; awfully

迪斯可 迪斯可 di2 si1 ke3
disco (loanword) (Tw)

乏善可陈 乏善可陳 fa2 shan4 ke3 chen2
to be nothing to write home about (idiom)

非死不可 非死不可 fei1 si3 bu4 ke3
Facebook (Internet slang, pun reading "you must die")

非同小可 非同小可 fei1 tong2 xiao3 ke3
extremely important; no small matter

富可敌国 富可敵國 fu4 ke3 di2 guo2
having wealth equivalent to that of an entire nation (idiom); extremely wealthy

高不可攀 高不可攀 gao1 bu4 ke3 pan1
too high to reach (idiom); eminent and unapproachable

功不可没 功不可沒 gong1 bu4 ke3 mo4
one's contributions cannot go unnoticed (idiom)

海水不可斗量 海水不可斗量 hai3 shui3 bu4 ke3 dou3 liang2
see 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量

害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无 害人之心不可有,防人之心不可無 hai4 ren2 zhi1 xin1 bu4 ke3 you3 - fang2 ren2 zhi1 xin1 bu4 ke3 wu2
refrain from hurting others, yet guard against those trying to hurt you (proverb)

憨态可掬 憨態可掬 han1 tai4 ke3 ju1
charmingly naive

和蔼可亲 和藹可親 he2 ai3 ke3 qin1
affable; genial

后生可畏 後生可畏 hou4 sheng1 ke3 wei4
the young will be redoubtable in the years to come (idiom); the younger generations will surpass us in time

机不可失 機不可失 ji1 bu4 ke3 shi1
No time to lose! (idiom)

机不可失,失不再来 機不可失,失不再來 ji1 bu4 ke3 shi1 - shi1 bu4 zai4 lai2
opportunity knocks but once (idiom)

机不可失,时不再来 機不可失,時不再來 ji1 bu4 ke3 shi1 - shi2 bu4 zai4 lai2
Opportunity knocks but once. (idiom)

几可乱真 幾可亂真 ji1 ke3 luan4 zhen1
to seem almost genuine; easily mistaken for the real thing

急不可待 急不可待 ji2 bu4 ke3 dai4
impatient; eager to; anxious to

急不可耐 急不可耐 ji2 bu4 ke3 nai4
unable to wait

岌岌可危 岌岌可危 ji2 ji2 ke3 wei1
imminent danger (idiom); approaching a crisis

即可 即可 ji2 ke3
equivalent to 就可以; can then (do sth); can immediately (do sth); (do sth) and that will suffice

极有可能 極有可能 ji2 you3 ke3 neng2
extremely possible; probable

计算机可读 計算機可讀 ji4 suan4 ji1 ke3 du2
computer-readable; machine-readable

家丑不可外传 家醜不可外傳 jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 chuan2
lit. family shames must not be spread abroad (idiom); fig. don't wash your dirty linen in public

家丑不可外传,流言切莫轻信 家醜不可外傳,流言切莫輕信 jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 chuan2 - liu2 yan2 qie4 mo4 qing1 xin4
Don't spread abroad the shame of the family, don't believe rumors lightly. (idiom); Don't wash your dirty linen in public, don't listen to others' gossip.

家丑不可外扬 家醜不可外揚 jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 yang2
lit. family shames must not be spread abroad (idiom); fig. don't wash your dirty linen in public

坚不可摧 堅不可摧 jian1 bu4 ke3 cui1
invulnerable, indestructible, impregnable

健怡可乐 健怡可樂 jian4 yi2 ke3 le4
Diet Coke; Coca-Cola Light

皆可 皆可 jie1 ke3
both OK; all acceptable

尽可能 儘可能 jin3 ke3 neng2
as far as possible; to do one's utmost

均可 均可 jun1 ke3
all are OK; both are OK; all can; both can; also can

可哀 可哀 ke3 ai1

可爱 可愛 ke3 ai4
adorable; cute; lovely

可悲 可悲 ke3 bei1

可鄙 可鄙 ke3 bi3
base; mean; despicable

可比 可比 ke3 bi3

可编程 可編程 ke3 bian1 cheng2

可变 可變 ke3 bian4

可变渗透性模型 可變滲透性模型 ke3 bian4 shen4 tou4 xing4 mo2 xing2
Varying Permeability Model (VPM), (used to calculate decompression schedules in diving)

渴不可耐 渴不可耐 ke3 bu4 ke3 nai4
to be so thirsty as to no longer be able to tolerate it

可不 可不 ke3 bu5
see 可不是

可不是 可不是 ke3 bu5 shi4
that's just the way it is; exactly!

可擦写 可擦寫 ke3 ca1 xie3

可擦写可编程只读存储器 可擦寫可編程祇讀存儲器 ke3 ca1 xie3 ke3 bian1 cheng2 zhi1 du2 cun2 chu3 qi4
EPROM (erasable programmable read-only memory)

可采 可採 ke3 cai3
(mining) recoverable; workable

可采性 可采性 ke3 cai3 xing4
(law) admissibility (of evidence in court)

可采性 可採性 ke3 cai3 xing4
(mining) workability (of deposits of coal, ore etc)

可操作的艺术 可操作的藝術 ke3 cao1 zuo4 de5 yi4 shu4
the art of the possible (Bismarck on politics)

可吃 可吃 ke3 chi1

可持续 可持續 ke3 chi2 xu4

可持续发展 可持續發展 ke3 chi2 xu4 fa1 zhan3
sustainable development

可耻 可恥 ke3 chi3
shameful; disgraceful; ignominious

可蠢 可蠢 ke3 chun3
(dialect) unbearable; embarrassing

可磁化体 可磁化體 ke3 ci2 hua4 ti3
magnetic medium; material capable of being magnetized

可待因 可待因 ke3 dai4 yin1
codeine (loanword)

可导 可導 ke3 dao3
differentiable (calculus)

可得到 可得到 ke3 de2 dao4

可懂度 可懂度 ke3 dong3 du4

可动 可動 ke3 dong4

可读音性 可讀音性 ke3 du2 yin1 xing4

可儿 可兒 ke3 er2
a person after one's heart (charming person); capable person

可分 可分 ke3 fen1
can be divided (into parts); one can distinguish (several types)

可否 可否 ke3 fou3
is it possible or not?

可歌可泣 可歌可泣 ke3 ge1 ke3 qi4
lit. you can sing or you can cry (idiom); fig. deeply moving; happy and sad; inspiring and tragic

可耕地 可耕地 ke3 geng1 di4

可供军用 可供軍用 ke3 gong1 jun1 yong4
having possible military application

可共患难 可共患難 ke3 gong4 huan4 nan4
to go through thick and thin together (idiom)

可怪 可怪 ke3 guai4
strange; curious; surprising

可观 可觀 ke3 guan1
considerable; impressive; significant

可贵 可貴 ke3 gui4
to be treasured; praiseworthy

可好 可好 ke3 hao3
good or not?; luckily; fortuitously

可恨 可恨 ke3 hen4

可回收 可回收 ke3 hui2 shou1

可加 可加 ke3 jia1
(botany) coca (loanword)

可嘉 可嘉 ke3 jia1

可见 可見 ke3 jian4
it can clearly be seen (that this is the case); it is (thus) clear; clear; visible

可见光 可見光 ke3 jian4 guang1
visible light; light in optical spectrum

可接受性 可接受性 ke3 jie1 shou4 xing4

可结合性 可結合性 ke3 jie2 he2 xing4
associativity (xy)z = x(yz) (math.)

可解 可解 ke3 jie3
soluble (i.e. can be solved)

可劲 可勁 ke3 jin4
vigorously; to the utmost; to the best of one's ability

可劲儿 可勁兒 ke3 jin4 er5
erhua variant of 可勁|可劲

可惊 可驚 ke3 jing1

可敬 可敬 ke3 jing4

可就 可就 ke3 jiu4

可掬 可掬 ke3 ju1
that one can grasp (of smile, anger); palpable; fig. sincere

可决 可決 ke3 jue2
to adopt; to pass; to vote approval (of a law etc)

可决率 可決率 ke3 jue2 lv4
proportion needed to approve a decision

可决票 可決票 ke3 jue2 piao4
affirmative vote

可卡因 可卡因 ke3 ka3 yin1
cocaine (loanword)

可堪 可堪 ke3 kan1
how can one endure?; to be able to endure

可看 可看 ke3 kan4
worth seeing

可靠 可靠 ke3 kao4

可靠性 可靠性 ke3 kao4 xing4

可可 可可 ke3 ke3
cocoa (loanword)

可可米 可可米 ke3 ke3 mi3
Cocoa Krispies

可可托海 可可托海 ke3 ke3 tuo1 hai3
Keketuohai town in Fuyun county 富蘊縣|富蕴县, Altay prefecture, Xinjiang

可可托海镇 可可托海鎮 ke3 ke3 tuo1 hai3 zhen4
Keketuohai town in Fuyun county 富蘊縣|富蕴县, Altay prefecture, Xinjiang

可可西里 可可西里 ke3 ke3 xi1 li3
Hoh Xil or Kekexili, vast nature reserve on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 青藏高原

可控硅 可控硅 ke3 kong4 gui1
(electronics) silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR); thyristor

可口 可口 ke3 kou3
tasty; to taste good

可口可乐 可口可樂 ke3 kou3 ke3 le4

可口可乐公司 可口可樂公司 ke3 kou3 ke3 le4 gong1 si1
The Coca-Cola Company

可扩展标记语言 可擴展標記語言 ke3 kuo4 zhan3 biao1 ji4 yu3 yan2
extensible markup language (XML)

可兰经 可蘭經 ke3 lan2 jing1
Quran (Islamic scripture)

可乐 可樂 ke3 le4
amusing; entertaining; (loanword) cola

可乐定 可樂定 ke3 le4 ding4
clonidine (drug) (loanword)

可丽饼 可麗餅 ke3 li4 bing3
crêpe (loanword)

可怜 可憐 ke3 lian2
pitiful; pathetic; to have pity on

可怜巴巴 可憐巴巴 ke3 lian2 ba1 ba1
pathetic; pitiful

可怜虫 可憐蟲 ke3 lian2 chong2
pitiful creature; wretch

可怜见 可憐見 ke3 lian2 jian4
(coll.) pitiable; to have pity on sb

可怜兮兮 可憐兮兮 ke3 lian2 xi1 xi1
miserable; wretched

可裂变 可裂變 ke3 lie4 bian4

可裂变材料 可裂變材料 ke3 lie4 bian4 cai2 liao4
fissile material

可伦坡 可倫坡 ke3 lun2 po1
Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka (Tw)

可虑 可慮 ke3 lv4

可恼 可惱 ke3 nao3
aggravating; irritating

可能 可能 ke3 neng2
might (happen); possible; probable; possibility; probability; maybe; perhaps

可能性 可能性 ke3 neng2 xing4
possibility; probability

可逆 可逆 ke3 ni4
reversible; (math.) invertible

可逆性 可逆性 ke3 ni4 xing4

可念 可念 ke3 nian4
pitiable; likable; memorable

可怕 可怕 ke3 pa4
awful; dreadful; fearful; formidable; frightful; scary; hideous; horrible; terrible; terribly

可欺 可欺 ke3 qi1
gullible; easily bullied; weak

可气 可氣 ke3 qi4
annoying; irritating; exasperating

可巧 可巧 ke3 qiao3
by happy coincidence

可亲 可親 ke3 qin1
kindly; nice; amiable

可取 可取 ke3 qu3
acceptable; desirable; worth having

可取之处 可取之處 ke3 qu3 zhi1 chu4
positive point; merit; redeeming quality

可圈可点 可圈可點 ke3 quan1 ke3 dian3
remarkable (performance, achievement etc); worthy of praise

可燃 可燃 ke3 ran2

可燃冰 可燃冰 ke3 ran2 bing1
clathrate hydrates

可燃性 可燃性 ke3 ran2 xing4
flammable; flammability

可人 可人 ke3 ren2
pleasant; agreeable; a person after one's heart (charming person); a gifted person

可溶 可溶 ke3 rong2

可容忍 可容忍 ke3 rong2 ren3

可溶性 可溶性 ke3 rong2 xing4

可塞 可塞 ke3 sai4
xi or ksi (Greek letter Ξξ)

可身 可身 ke3 shen1
to fit well (clothes)

可食 可食 ke3 shi2

可恃 可恃 ke3 shi4

可是 可是 ke3 shi4
but; however; (used for emphasis) indeed

可视电话 可視電話 ke3 shi4 dian4 hua4

可视化 可視化 ke3 shi4 hua4

可数 可數 ke3 shu3
countable; denumerable

可数集 可數集 ke3 shu3 ji2
countable set (math.); denumerable set

可数名词 可數名詞 ke3 shu3 ming2 ci2
countable noun (in grammar of European languages)

可颂 可頌 ke3 song4
croissant (loanword)

可塑性 可塑性 ke3 su4 xing4

可叹 可嘆 ke3 tan4
lamentable; sad(ly)

可体 可體 ke3 ti3
well-fitting (of clothes)

可调 可調 ke3 tiao2

可通 可通 ke3 tong1
passable; possible to reach

可通约 可通約 ke3 tong1 yue1
commensurable; having a common measure

可望 可望 ke3 wang4
can be expected (to); to be expected (to); hopefully (happening)

可望而不可即 可望而不可即 ke3 wang4 er2 bu4 ke3 ji2
in sight but unattainable (idiom); inaccessible; also written 可望而不可及

可望而不可及 可望而不可及 ke3 wang4 er2 bu4 ke3 ji2
in sight but unattainable (idiom); inaccessible

可望取胜者 可望取勝者 ke3 wang4 qu3 sheng4 zhe3
favorite (to win a race or championship); well-placed contestant

可望有成 可望有成 ke3 wang4 you3 cheng2
can be expected to be a success

可微 可微 ke3 wei1
differentiable (math.)

可谓 可謂 ke3 wei4
it could even be said

可畏 可畏 ke3 wei4
dreadful; formidable

可恶 可惡 ke3 wu4
repulsive; vile; hateful; abominable

可惜 可惜 ke3 xi1
it is a pity; what a pity; unfortunately

可喜 可喜 ke3 xi3
making one happy; gratifying; heartening

可喜可贺 可喜可賀 ke3 xi3 ke3 he4
worthy of celebration; gratifying; Congratulations!

可想而知 可想而知 ke3 xiang3 er2 zhi1
it is obvious that...; as one can well imagine...

可想像 可想像 ke3 xiang3 xiang4

可笑 可笑 ke3 xiao4
funny; ridiculous

可心 可心 ke3 xin1
satisfying; to one's liking; to suit sb

可心如意 可心如意 ke3 xin1 ru4 yi4
see 稱心如意|称心如意

可信 可信 ke3 xin4

可信度 可信度 ke3 xin4 du4
degree of credibility; reliability

可信任 可信任 ke3 xin4 ren4

可行 可行 ke3 xing2

可行性 可行性 ke3 xing2 xing4

可行性研究 可行性研究 ke3 xing2 xing4 yan2 jiu1
feasibility study

可选 可選 ke3 xuan3
available; optional

可选择丢弃 可選擇丟棄 ke3 xuan3 ze2 diu1 qi4
discard eligible (Frame Relay); DE

可寻址 可尋址 ke3 xun2 zhi3
addressable (computing); accessible via an address

可压缩 可壓縮 ke3 ya1 suo1

可言 可言 ke3 yan2
it may be said

可一而不可再 可一而不可再 ke3 yi1 er2 bu4 ke3 zai4
may be done once and once only; just this once

可疑 可疑 ke3 yi2
suspicious; dubious

可疑分子 可疑分子 ke3 yi2 fen4 zi3
a suspect

可移植 可移植 ke3 yi2 zhi2
portable (programming language)

可移植性 可移植性 ke3 yi2 zhi2 xing4
portability (programming language)

可以 可以 ke3 yi3
can; may; possible; able to; not bad; pretty good

可以意会,不可言传 可以意會,不可言傳 ke3 yi3 yi4 hui4 - bu4 ke3 yan2 chuan2
can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); mysterious and subtle

可有可无 可有可無 ke3 you3 ke3 wu2
not essential; dispensable

可遇不可求 可遇不可求 ke3 yu4 bu4 ke3 qiu2
can be discovered but not sought (idiom); one can only come across such things serendipitously

可再生 可再生 ke3 zai4 sheng1
renewable (resource)

可再生原 可再生原 ke3 zai4 sheng1 yuan2
renewable resource

可憎 可憎 ke3 zeng1

可展曲面 可展曲面 ke3 zhan3 qu1 mian4
(math.) a developable surface

可知 可知 ke3 zhi1
evidently; clearly; no wonder; knowable

可支付性 可支付性 ke3 zhi1 fu4 xing4

可知论 可知論 ke3 zhi1 lun4
gnosticism, the philosophical doctrine that everything about the universe is knowable

可支配收入 可支配收入 ke3 zhi1 pei4 shou1 ru4
disposable income

可执行 可執行 ke3 zhi2 xing2
executable (computing)

可转换同位素 可轉換同位素 ke3 zhuan3 huan4 tong2 wei4 su4
fertile isotope

可转让 可轉讓 ke3 zhuan3 rang4
transferable; negotiable

可转让证券 可轉讓證券 ke3 zhuan3 rang4 zheng4 quan4
negotiable securities

可尊敬 可尊敬 ke3 zun1 jing4

可作 可作 ke3 zuo4
can be used for

可汗 可汗 ke4 han2
khan (loanword)

夸休可尔症 誇休可爾症 kua1 xiu1 ke3 er3 zheng4
kwashiorkor (medicine)

快可立 快可立 kuai4 ke3 li4
Quickly, tapioca milk tea franchise

乐不可支 樂不可支 le4 bu4 ke3 zhi1
overjoyed (idiom); as pleased as punch

立可白 立可白 li4 ke3 bai2
correction fluid (loanword from "Liquid Paper") (Tw)

历历可数 歷歷可數 li4 li4 ke3 shu3
each one distinguishable

寥寥可数 寥寥可數 liao2 liao2 ke3 shu3
just a very few (idiom); tiny number; just a handful; not many at all; You count them on your fingers.

林可霉素 林可霉素 lin2 ke3 mei2 su4

洛可可 洛可可 luo4 ke3 ke3
rococo (loanword); very ornate

氯林可霉素 氯林可霉素 lv4 lin2 ke3 mei2 su4

马尔可夫过程 馬爾可夫過程 ma3 er3 ke3 fu1 guo4 cheng2
Markov process (mathematics)

马可·奥勒留 馬可·奧勒留 ma3 ke3 - ao4 lei1 liu2
Marcus Aurelius (121-180), Roman Emperor

马可波罗 馬可波羅 ma3 ke3 bo1 luo2
Marco Polo (1254-c. 1324), Venetian trader and explorer who traveled the Silk road to China, author of Il Milione (Travels of Marco Polo)

马可福音 馬可福音 ma3 ke3 fu2 yin1
Gospel according to St Mark

马可尼 馬可尼 ma3 ke3 ni2
Marconi, UK electronics company

马雅可夫斯基 馬雅可夫斯基 ma3 ya3 ke3 fu1 si1 ji1
Vladimir Mayakovsky (1893-1930), Russian poet and dramatist

麦可 麥可 mai4 ke3
Mike (name)

没有什么不可能 沒有甚麼不可能 mei2 you3 shen2 me5 bu4 ke3 neng2
nothing is impossible; there's nothing impossible about it

美味可口 美味可口 mei3 wei4 ke3 kou3
delicious; tasty

门可罗雀 門可羅雀 men2 ke3 luo2 que4
you can net sparrows at the door (idiom); completely deserted

猛可 猛可 meng3 ke3
suddenly; in an instant

密不可分 密不可分 mi4 bu4 ke3 fen1
inextricably linked (idiom); inseparable

面目可憎 面目可憎 mian4 mu4 ke3 zeng1
repulsive countenance; disgusting appearance

妙不可言 妙不可言 miao4 bu4 ke3 yan2
too wonderful for words

模棱两可 模稜兩可 mo2 leng2 liang3 ke3
equivocal; ambiguous

莫可名状 莫可名狀 mo4 ke3 ming2 zhuang4
indescribable (joy); inexpressible (pleasure)

莫可奈何 莫可奈何 mo4 ke3 nai4 he2
see 無可奈何|无可奈何

莫可指数 莫可指數 mo4 ke3 zhi3 shu3
countless; innumerable

难能可贵 難能可貴 nan2 neng2 ke3 gui4
rare and precious; valuable; remarkable

妮可·基德曼 妮可·基德曼 ni1 ke3 - ji1 de2 man4
Nicole Kidman (1967-), film actress

宁可 寧可 ning4 ke3
preferably; one would prefer to...(or not to...); would rather; (would) be better to; (to pick) the lesser of two evils

怒不可遏 怒不可遏 nu4 bu4 ke3 e4
unable to restrain one's anger (idiom); in a towering rage

朋友妻不可欺 朋友妻不可欺 peng2 you5 qi1 bu4 ke3 qi1
you should not covet your friend's wife (idiom)

奇货可居 奇貨可居 qi2 huo4 ke3 ju1
rare commodity worth hoarding; object for profiteering

前景可期 前景可期 qian2 jing3 ke3 qi1
to have a promising future; to have bright prospects

钱可通神 錢可通神 qian2 ke3 tong1 shen2
with money, you can do anything (idiom); money talks

切实可行 切實可行 qie4 shi2 ke3 xing2

情不可却 情不可卻 qing2 bu4 ke3 que4
unable to refuse because of affection

情有可原 情有可原 qing2 you3 ke3 yuan2
pardonable (of interruption, misunderstanding etc)

屈指可数 屈指可數 qu1 zhi3 ke3 shu3
can be counted on one's fingers (idiom); very few

缺一不可 缺一不可 que1 yi1 bu4 ke3
not a single one is dispensable; can't do without either

人不可貌相 人不可貌相 ren2 bu4 ke3 mao4 xiang4
you can't judge a person by appearance (idiom); you can't judge a book by its cover; often in combination 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量

人不可貌相,海水不可斗量 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量 ren2 bu4 ke3 mao4 xiang4 - hai3 shui3 bu4 ke3 dou3 liang2
you can't judge a person by appearance, just as you can't measure the sea with a pint pot (idiom)

人言可畏 人言可畏 ren2 yan2 ke3 wei4
gossip is a fearful thing (idiom)

忍无可忍 忍無可忍 ren3 wu2 ke3 ren3
more than one can bear (idiom); at the end of one's patience; the last straw

认可 認可 ren4 ke3
to approve; approval; acknowledgment; OK

锐不可当 銳不可當 rui4 bu4 ke3 dang1
unstoppable; hard to hold back

尚可 尚可 shang4 ke3
not bad; satisfactory

深不可测 深不可測 shen1 bu4 ke3 ce4
deep and unmeasurable (idiom); unfathomable depths; incomprehensible; enigmatic and impossible to predict

神圣不可侵犯 神聖不可侵犯 shen2 sheng4 bu4 ke3 qin1 fan4
sacred; inviolable

食之无味,弃之可惜 食之無味,棄之可惜 shi2 zhi1 wu2 wei4 - qi4 zhi1 ke3 xi1
lit. to be hardly worth eating, but it would still be a pity to discard it (idiom); fig. some things have little to no value, yet one is still reluctant to part with them

势不可当 勢不可當 shi4 bu4 ke3 dang1
impossible to resist (idiom); an irresistible force

势不可挡 勢不可擋 shi4 bu4 ke3 dang3
see 勢不可當|势不可当

适可而止 適可而止 shi4 ke3 er2 zhi3
to stop before going too far (idiom); to stop while one can; don't overdo it; stop while you're ahead

是可忍,孰不可忍 是可忍,孰不可忍 shi4 ke3 ren3 - shu2 bu4 ke3 ren3
if this can be tolerated, what cannot? (idiom); enough is enough

书面许可 書面許可 shu1 mian4 xu3 ke3
written permission; written authorization

俗不可耐 俗不可耐 su2 bu4 ke3 nai4
intolerably vulgar

速可达 速可達 su4 ke3 da2
scooter (loanword)

他山之石可以攻玉 他山之石可以攻玉 ta1 shan1 zhi1 shi2 ke3 yi3 gong1 yu4
lit. the other mountain's stone can polish jade (idiom); to improve oneself by accepting criticism from outside; to borrow talent from abroad to develop the nation effectively

天机不可泄漏 天機不可泄漏 tian1 ji1 bu4 ke3 xie4 lou4
lit. mysteries of heaven must not be revealed (idiom); must not be revealed; I am not at liberty to inform you.

天机不可泄露 天機不可泄露 tian1 ji1 bu4 ke3 xie4 lu4
lit. mysteries of heaven must not be revealed (idiom); must not be revealed; I am not at liberty to inform you.

唾手可得 唾手可得 tuo4 shou3 ke3 de2
easily obtained; readily available

万艾可 萬艾可 wan4 ai4 ke3

未可 未可 wei4 ke3

未可厚非 未可厚非 wei4 ke3 hou4 fei1
not to be censured too strictly (idiom); not altogether inexcusable; understandable

未可同日而语 未可同日而語 wei4 ke3 tong2 ri4 er2 yu3
lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day (idiom); not to be mentioned in the same breath; incomparable

未置可否 未置可否 wei4 zhi4 ke3 fou3
to refuse to comment; same as 不置可否

无处可寻 無處可尋 wu2 chu4 ke3 xun2
cannot be found anywhere (idiom)

无话可说 無話可說 wu2 hua4 ke3 shuo1
to have nothing to say (idiom)

无计可施 無計可施 wu2 ji4 ke3 shi1
no strategy left to try (idiom); at one's wit's end; at the end of one's tether; powerless

无家可归 無家可歸 wu2 jia1 ke3 gui1

无可 無可 wu2 ke3

无可非议 無可非議 wu2 ke3 fei1 yi4
irreproachable (idiom); nothing blameworthy about it at all

无可奉告 無可奉告 wu2 ke3 feng4 gao4
(idiom) "no comment"

无可厚非 無可厚非 wu2 ke3 hou4 fei1
see 未可厚非

无可救药 無可救藥 wu2 ke3 jiu4 yao4
lit. no antidote is possible (idiom); incurable; incorrigible; beyond redemption

无可奈何 無可奈何 wu2 ke3 nai4 he2
have no way out; have no alternative; abbr. to 無奈|无奈

无可匹敌 無可匹敵 wu2 ke3 pi3 di2
unsurpassed; unparalleled

无可挽回 無可挽回 wu2 ke3 wan3 hui2
irrevocable; the die is cast

无可无不可 無可無不可 wu2 ke3 wu2 bu4 ke3
neither for nor against sth; indifferent

无可置疑 無可置疑 wu2 ke3 zhi4 yi2
cannot be doubted (idiom)

无路可逃 無路可逃 wu2 lu4 ke3 tao2
no way out; nowhere to go; trapped beyond hope of rescue; painted into a corner

无路可退 無路可退 wu2 lu4 ke3 tui4
without a retreat route; caught in a dead end; having burned one's bridges

无路可走 無路可走 wu2 lu4 ke3 zou3
nowhere to go; at the end of one's tether

无事可做 無事可做 wu2 shi4 ke3 zuo4
to have nothing to do; to have time on one's hands

无懈可击 無懈可擊 wu2 xie4 ke3 ji1

无言可对 無言可對 wu2 yan2 ke3 dui4
unable to reply (idiom); left speechless; at a loss for words

无药可救 無藥可救 wu2 yao4 ke3 jiu4
see 無可救藥|无可救药

武器可用物质 武器可用物質 wu3 qi4 ke3 yong4 wu4 zhi4
weapons-usable material

夏虫不可以语冰 夏蟲不可以語冰 xia4 chong2 bu4 ke3 yi3 yu3 bing1
a summer insect cannot discuss ice (idiom)

小可 小可 xiao3 ke3
small; unimportant; (polite) my humble person

小可爱 小可愛 xiao3 ke3 ai4
cutie; sweetie; (Tw) camisole (women's garment)

笑不可仰 笑不可仰 xiao4 bu4 ke3 yang3
to double up with laughter (idiom)

笑不可抑 笑不可抑 xiao4 bu4 ke3 yi4
to laugh irrepressibly

笑容可掬 笑容可掬 xiao4 rong2 ke3 ju1
smiling wholeheartedly (idiom); beaming from ear to ear

星星之火,可以燎原 星星之火,可以燎原 xing1 xing5 zhi1 huo3 - ke3 yi3 liao2 yuan2
a single spark can start a huge blaze (idiom); an insignificant cause can have a massive effect

秀色可餐 秀色可餐 xiu4 se4 ke3 can1
a feast for the eyes (idiom); (of women) gorgeous; graceful; (of scenery) beautiful

许可 許可 xu3 ke3
to allow; to permit

许可协议 許可協議 xu3 ke3 xie2 yi4
licensing agreement (for intellectual property)

许可证 許可證 xu3 ke3 zheng4
license; authorization; permit

言不可传 言不可傳 yan2 bu4 ke3 chuan2
impossible to put into words; inexpressible

遥不可及 遙不可及 yao2 bu4 ke3 ji2
unattainable; far-fetched; out of reach; exceedingly remote or distant

一蹴可几 一蹴可幾 yi1 cu4 ke3 ji3
to succeed at the first try (idiom); easy as pie; one can do it at once

一发不可收拾 一發不可收拾 yi1 fa1 bu4 ke3 shou1 shi5
things that have happened can hardly be controlled; to get out of hand

勇气可嘉 勇氣可嘉 yong3 qi4 ke3 jia1
to deserve praise for one's courage (idiom)

由此可见 由此可見 you2 ci3 ke3 jian4
from this, it can be seen that...

油光可鉴 油光可鑒 you2 guang1 ke3 jian4
lit. oily and shiny to the point of reflecting (idiom); lustrous

有机可乘 有機可乘 you3 ji1 ke3 cheng2
to have an opportunity that one can exploit (idiom)

有可能 有可能 you3 ke3 neng2
possible; probable; possibly; probably; may; might

有利可图 有利可圖 you3 li4 ke3 tu2

愚不可及 愚不可及 yu2 bu4 ke3 ji2
impossibly stupid

余勇可贾 餘勇可賈 yu2 yong3 ke3 gu3
lit. spare valor for sale (idiom); fig. after former successes, still ready for more work; not resting on one's laurels

鱼与熊掌不可兼得 魚與熊掌不可兼得 yu2 yu3 xiong2 zhang3 bu4 ke3 jian1 de2
lit. the fish and the bear's paw, you can't have both at the same time (idiom, from Mencius); fig. you must choose one or the other; you can't always get everything you want; you can't have your cake and eat it

知其不可而为之 知其不可而為之 zhi1 qi2 bu4 ke3 er2 wei2 zhi1
to keep going resolutely despite knowing the task is impossible (idiom)

只可意会,不可言传 只可意會,不可言傳 zhi3 ke3 yi4 hui4 - bu4 ke3 yan2 chuan2
can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); mysterious and subtle

指日可待 指日可待 zhi3 ri4 ke3 dai4
imminent; just around the corner (idiom)

炙手可热 炙手可熱 zhi4 shou3 ke3 re4
lit. burn your hand, feel the heat (idiom); fig. arrogance of the powerful; a mighty figure no-one dares approach; hot (exciting or in favor)

竺可桢 竺可楨 zhu2 ke3 zhen1
Zhu Kezhen (1890-1974), Chinese metereologist and geologist

装可爱 裝可愛 zhuang1 ke3 ai4
to act cute; putting on adorable airs; to pretend to be lovely