to say; to tell; to announce; to report; to denounce; to file a lawsuit; to sue

strokes 7
strokes after radical 4
哀告 哀告 ai1 gao4
to beg piteously; to supplicate

哀告宾服 哀告賓服 ai1 gao4 bin1 fu2
to bring tribute as sign of submission (idiom); to submit

安民告示 安民告示 an1 min2 gao4 shi4
a notice to reassure the public; advance notice (of an agenda)

报告 報告 bao4 gao4
to inform; to report; to make known; report; speech; talk; lecture

报告会 報告會 bao4 gao4 hui4
public lecture (with guest speakers etc)

报告书 報告書 bao4 gao4 shu1
written report

报告文学 報告文學 bao4 gao4 wen2 xue2

报告员 報告員 bao4 gao4 yuan2
spokesperson; announcer

被告 被告 bei4 gao4

被告人 被告人 bei4 gao4 ren2
defendant (in legal case)

奔走相告 奔走相告 ben1 zou3 xiang1 gao4
to spread the news (idiom)

禀告 稟告 bing3 gao4
to report (to one's superior)

波茨坦公告 波茨坦公告 bo1 ci2 tan3 gong1 gao4
Potsdam Declaration

布告 佈告 bu4 gao4
posting on a bulletin board; notice; bulletin; to announce

布告栏 佈告欄 bu4 gao4 lan2
bulletin board

不可告人 不可告人 bu4 ke3 gao4 ren2
hidden; kept secret; not to be divulged

插播广告 插播廣告 cha1 bo1 guang3 gao4
slot advertisement; interstitial ad; splash ad

传告 傳告 chuan2 gao4
to convey (a message); to inform

打小报告 打小報告 da3 xiao3 bao4 gao4
tattletale; to rat on sb

大功告成 大功告成 da4 gong1 gao4 cheng2
successfully accomplished (project or goal); to be highly successful

大会报告起草人 大會報告起草人 da4 hui4 bao4 gao4 qi3 cao3 ren2

单方宣告 單方宣告 dan1 fang1 xuan1 gao4
unilateral declaration

祷告 禱告 dao3 gao4
to pray; prayer

登广告 登廣告 deng1 guang3 gao4
to advertise

点击付费广告 點擊付費廣告 dian3 ji1 fu4 fei4 guang3 gao4
pay-per-click advertising

恶人先告状 惡人先告狀 e4 ren2 xian1 gao4 zhuang4
the guilty party files the suit; the thief cries thief

放告 放告 fang4 gao4
to release a statement

奉告 奉告 feng4 gao4
(honorific) to inform

辐射警告标志 輻射警告標志 fu2 she4 jing3 gao4 biao1 zhi4
radiation warning symbol

服务广告协议 服務廣告協議 fu2 wu4 guang3 gao4 xie2 yi4
Service Advertisement Protocol; SAP

讣告 訃告 fu4 gao4

盖台广告 蓋台廣告 gai4 tai2 guang3 gao4
(Tw) slot advertisement; interstitial ad; splash ad

告白 告白 gao4 bai2
to announce publicly; to explain oneself; to reveal one's feelings; to confess; to declare one's love

告便 告便 gao4 bian4
to ask to be excused; to ask leave to go to the toilet

告别 告別 gao4 bie2
to leave; to bid farewell to; to say good-bye to

告别式 告別式 gao4 bie2 shi4
parting ceremony; funeral

告吹 告吹 gao4 chui1
to fizzle out; to come to nothing

告辞 告辭 gao4 ci2
to say goodbye; to take one's leave

告发 告發 gao4 fa1
to lodge an accusation; accusation (law)

告急 告急 gao4 ji2
to be in a state of emergency; to report an emergency; to ask for emergency assistance

告捷 告捷 gao4 jie2
to win; to be victorious; to report a victory

告解 告解 gao4 jie3
(Christianity) to confess; confession; penance

告诫 告誡 gao4 jie4
to warn; to admonish

告戒 告戒 gao4 jie4
variant of 告誡|告诫

告竣 告竣 gao4 jun4
(of a project) to be completed

告密 告密 gao4 mi4
to inform against sb

告密者 告密者 gao4 mi4 zhe3
tell-tale; informer (esp. to police); whistleblower; grass

告罄 告罄 gao4 qing4
to run out; to have exhausted

告求 告求 gao4 qiu2
to ask

告饶 告饒 gao4 rao2
to beg for mercy

告示牌 告示牌 gao4 shi4 pai2
notice; placard; signboard

告示 告示 gao4 shi5

告诵 告誦 gao4 song4
to tell; to inform

告送 告送 gao4 song5
(dialect) to tell; to inform

告诉 告訴 gao4 su4
to press charges; to file a complaint

告诉 告訴 gao4 su5
to tell; to inform; to let know

告退 告退 gao4 tui4
to petition for retirement (old); to ask for leave to withdraw; to ask to be excused

告一段落 告一段落 gao4 yi1 duan4 luo4
to come to the end of a phase (idiom)

告语 告語 gao4 yu3
to inform; to tell

告谕 告諭 gao4 yu4
(literary) to inform (the public); to give clear instructions; public announcement (from higher authorities)

告之 告之 gao4 zhi1
to tell sb; to inform

告知 告知 gao4 zhi1
to inform

告终 告終 gao4 zhong1
to end; to reach an end

告状 告狀 gao4 zhuang4
to tell on sb; to complain (to a teacher, a superior etc); to bring a lawsuit

公告 公告 gong1 gao4
post; announcement

工作报告 工作報告 gong1 zuo4 bao4 gao4
working report; operating report

广而告之广告公司 廣而告之廣告公司 guang3 er2 gao4 zhi1 guang3 gao4 gong1 si1
China Mass Media International Advertising Corp

广告 廣告 guang3 gao4
to advertise; a commercial; advertisement

广告牌 廣告牌 guang3 gao4 pai2

广告片 廣告片 guang3 gao4 pian4
advertising film; TV commercial

广告衫 廣告衫 guang3 gao4 shan1
promotional T-shirt

广告商 廣告商 guang3 gao4 shang1
advertising company

广告条幅 廣告條幅 guang3 gao4 tiao2 fu2
banner advertisement

户告人晓 戶告人曉 hu4 gao4 ren2 xiao3
to make known to every household (idiom); to disseminate widely; to shout from the rooftops

假报告 假報告 jia3 bao4 gao4
false report; forgery; fabricated declaration (e.g. income tax return)

简略见告 簡略見告 jian3 lve4 jian4 gao4
brief outline or overview (of a plan etc)

警告 警告 jing3 gao4
to warn; to admonish

敬告 敬告 jing4 gao4
to tell respectfully; to announce reverentially

据实以告 據實以告 ju4 shi2 yi3 gao4
to report according to the facts; to tell the truth; to tell it like it is

考克斯报告 考克斯報告 kao3 ke4 si1 bao4 gao4
Cox Report; Report of the Select Committee on US National Security and Military-Commercial Concerns with the PRC (1999); Committee Chairman Republican Rep. Chris Cox

控告 控告 kong4 gao4
to accuse; to charge; to indict

密告 密告 mi4 gao4
to report secretly; to tip off

年度报告 年度報告 nian2 du4 bao4 gao4
annual report

乞哀告怜 乞哀告憐 qi3 ai1 gao4 lian2
begging for pity and asking for help (idiom)

求告 求告 qiu2 gao4
to implore; to beseech

求情告饶 求情告饒 qiu2 qing2 gao4 rao2
to beg for forgiveness (idiom)

劝告 勸告 quan4 gao4
to advise; to urge; to exhort; exhortation; advice

施政报告 施政報告 shi1 zheng4 bao4 gao4
administrative report

提告 提告 ti2 gao4
to raise a legal plaint; to sue

提告人 提告人 ti2 gao4 ren2

条幅广告 條幅廣告 tiao2 fu2 guang3 gao4
banner advertisement

通告 通告 tong1 gao4
to announce; to give notice

网络广告 網絡廣告 wang3 luo4 guang3 gao4
online advertising

危险警告灯 危險警告燈 wei1 xian3 jing3 gao4 deng1
hazard lights

文告 文告 wen2 gao4
written statement; proclamation; announcement

诬告 誣告 wu1 gao4
to frame sb; to accuse falsely

无可奉告 無可奉告 wu2 ke3 feng4 gao4
(idiom) "no comment"

行将告罄 行將告罄 xing2 jiang1 gao4 qing4
to run short (idiom)

宣告 宣告 xuan1 gao4
to declare; to proclaim

研究报告 研究報告 yan2 jiu1 bao4 gao4
research report

央告 央告 yang1 gao5
to implore; to plead; to ask earnestly

遗体告别式 遺體告別式 yi2 ti3 gao4 bie2 shi4

以失败而告终 以失敗而告終 yi3 shi1 bai4 er2 gao4 zhong1
to succeed through failure; to achieve one's final aim despite apparent setback

豫告 豫告 yu4 gao4
variant of 預告|预告; to forecast; to predict; advance notice

预告 預告 yu4 gao4
to forecast; to predict; advance notice

预告片 預告片 yu4 gao4 pian4
movie trailer; previewed movie

原被告 原被告 yuan2 bei4 gao4
plaintiff and defendant; prosecution and defense (lawyers)

原告 原告 yuan2 gao4
complainant; plaintiff

政府警告 政府警告 zheng4 fu3 jing3 gao4
government warning

植入式广告 植入式廣告 zhi2 ru4 shi4 guang3 gao4
product placement

忠告 忠告 zhong1 gao4
to give sb a word of advice; advice; counsel; a wise word

转告 轉告 zhuan3 gao4
to pass on; to communicate; to transmit

状告 狀告 zhuang4 gao4
to sue; to take to court; to file a lawsuit

谆谆告诫 諄諄告誡 zhun1 zhun1 gao4 jie4
to repeatedly advise sb earnestly (idiom); to admonish

自告奋勇 自告奮勇 zi4 gao4 fen4 yong3
to volunteer for; to offer to undertake

做祷告 做禱告 zuo4 dao3 gao4
to pray

做广告宣传 做廣告宣傳 zuo4 guang3 gao4 xuan1 chuan2
to advertise; to make propaganda for sth