variant of 呼; to shout; to call out

to call; to cry; to shout; to breath out; to exhale

strokes 8
strokes after radical 5
巴音满都呼 巴音滿都呼 ba1 yin1 man3 du1 hu1
Bayan Mandahu, village in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔, Inner Mongolia, noted for Cretaceous dinosaur fossils

备用二级头呼吸器 備用二級頭呼吸器 bei4 yong4 er4 ji2 tou2 hu1 xi1 qi4
backup regulator; octopus (diving)

称呼 稱呼 cheng1 hu5
to call; to address as; appellation

传呼 傳呼 chuan2 hu1
to notify sb of a call; to call sb to the phone

传呼电话 傳呼電話 chuan2 hu1 dian4 hua4
to notify sb of a call; to call sb to the phone

传呼机 傳呼機 chuan2 hu1 ji1
pager; beeper

打呼 打呼 da3 hu1
to snore

打呼噜 打呼嚕 da3 hu1 lu5
to snore

打招呼 打招呼 da3 zhao1 hu5
to greet sb by word or action; to give prior notice

大呼拉尔 大呼拉爾 da4 hu1 la1 er3
State Great Khural or Great State Assembly, Mongolian parliament

大呼小叫 大呼小叫 da4 hu1 xiao3 jiao4
to shout and quarrel; to make a big fuss

大声疾呼 大聲疾呼 da4 sheng1 ji2 hu1
to call loudly (idiom); to get people's attention; to make one's views known

登高一呼 登高一呼 deng1 gao1 yi1 hu1
to make a clarion call; to make a public appeal

点头招呼 點頭招呼 dian3 tou2 zhao1 hu1

二级头呼吸器 二級頭呼吸器 er4 ji2 tou2 hu1 xi1 qi4
(diving) regulator; demand valve

高呼 高呼 gao1 hu1
to shout loudly

黑呼呼 黑呼呼 hei1 hu1 hu1
variant of 黑糊糊

呼哧 呼哧 hu1 chi1
(onom.) sound of panting

呼哧呼哧 呼哧呼哧 hu1 chi5 hu1 chi5
(onom.) rapid breathing

呼出 呼出 hu1 chu1
to exhale; to breathe out

呼风唤雨 呼風喚雨 hu1 feng1 huan4 yu3
to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom); to exercise magical powers; fig. to stir up troubles

呼格 呼格 hu1 ge2
vocative case (grammar)

呼喊 呼喊 hu1 han3
to shout (slogans etc)

呼号 呼號 hu1 hao2
to wail; to cry out in distress

呼嚎 呼嚎 hu1 hao2
to roar (of animals); to wail; to cry out in distress; see also 呼號|呼号

呼和浩特 呼和浩特 hu1 he2 hao4 te4
Hohhot prefecture level city, capital of Inner Mongolia autonomous region 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区

呼和浩特市 呼和浩特市 hu1 he2 hao4 te4 shi4
Hohhot prefecture level city, capital of Inner Mongolia autonomous region 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区

呼喝 呼喝 hu1 he4
to shout

呼呼 呼呼 hu1 hu1
(onom.) sound of the wind or the breathing of sb who is sound asleep

呼呼哱 呼呼哱 hu1 hu1 bo1
colloquial word for hoopoe bird (Upupa epops)

呼呼声 呼呼聲 hu1 hu1 sheng1

呼唤 呼喚 hu1 huan4
to call out (a name etc); to shout

呼机 呼機 hu1 ji1

呼叫 呼叫 hu1 jiao4
to shout; to yell; (telecommunications) to call

呼叫器 呼叫器 hu1 jiao4 qi4
pager; beeper

呼叫声 呼叫聲 hu1 jiao4 sheng1

呼叫中心 呼叫中心 hu1 jiao4 zhong1 xin1
call center

呼救 呼救 hu1 jiu4
to call for help

呼啦啦 呼啦啦 hu1 la1 la1
flapping sound

呼啦圈 呼啦圈 hu1 la1 quan1
hula hoop

呼拉圈 呼拉圈 hu1 la1 quan1
hula hoop

呼来喝去 呼來喝去 hu1 lai2 he4 qu4
to call to come and shout to go (idiom); to yell orders; always bossing people around

呼兰 呼蘭 hu1 lan2
Hulan district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨 in Heilongjiang

呼兰区 呼蘭區 hu1 lan2 qu1
Hulan district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨 in Heilongjiang

呼噜 呼嚕 hu1 lu1
(onom.) wheezing

呼噜噜 呼嚕嚕 hu1 lu1 lu1
(onom.) to snore; wheezing

呼噜 呼嚕 hu1 lu5
(onom.) snoring; Taiwan pr.

呼伦贝尔 呼倫貝爾 hu1 lun2 bei4 er3
Hulunbuir prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia

呼伦贝尔草原 呼倫貝爾草原 hu1 lun2 bei4 er3 cao3 yuan2
Hulunbuir grasslands of Inner Mongolia

呼伦贝尔盟 呼倫貝爾盟 hu1 lun2 bei4 er3 meng2
Hulunbeir league (equivalent to prefecture), Inner Mongolia

呼伦贝尔市 呼倫貝爾市 hu1 lun2 bei4 er3 shi4
Hulunbuir prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia

呼伦湖 呼倫湖 hu1 lun2 hu2
Hulun Lake of Inner Mongolia

呼玛 呼瑪 hu1 ma3
Huma county in Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang

呼玛县 呼瑪縣 hu1 ma3 xian4
Huma county in Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang

呼牛呼马 呼牛呼馬 hu1 niu2 hu1 ma3
to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom); it doesn't matter what you call it; Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me.

呼牛作马 呼牛作馬 hu1 niu2 zuo4 ma3
to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom); it doesn't matter what you call it; Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me.

呼弄 呼弄 hu1 nong4
to fool; to deceive

呼朋引伴 呼朋引伴 hu1 peng2 yin3 ban4
to gather one's friends; to band together

呼朋引类 呼朋引類 hu1 peng2 yin3 lei4
to call up all one's associates; rent-a-crowd

呼气 呼氣 hu1 qi4
to breathe out

呼声 呼聲 hu1 sheng1
a shout; fig. opinion or demand, esp. expressed by a group

呼图壁 呼圖壁 hu1 tu2 bi4
Hutubi county in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州, Xinjiang

呼图壁县 呼圖壁縣 hu1 tu2 bi4 xian4
Hutubi county in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州, Xinjiang

呼吸 呼吸 hu1 xi1
to breathe

呼吸道 呼吸道 hu1 xi1 dao4
respiratory tract

呼吸管 呼吸管 hu1 xi1 guan3

呼吸器 呼吸器 hu1 xi1 qi4
ventilator (artificial breathing apparatus used in hospitals)

呼吸调节器 呼吸調節器 hu1 xi1 tiao2 jie2 qi4
regulator (diving)

呼吸系统 呼吸系統 hu1 xi1 xi4 tong3
respiratory system

呼啸 呼嘯 hu1 xiao4
to whistle; to scream; to whiz

呼啸而过 呼嘯而過 hu1 xiao4 er2 guo4
to whistle past; to hurtle past; to zip by

呼咻 呼咻 hu1 xiu1
(onom.) whoosh

呼应 呼應 hu1 ying4
to conform (with); to echo; to correlate well; (linguistics) agreement

呼吁 呼籲 hu1 yu4
to call on (sb to do sth); to appeal (to); an appeal

呼召 呼召 hu1 zhao4
to call (to do something)

呼之即来 呼之即來 hu1 zhi1 ji2 lai2
to come when called (idiom); ready and compliant; always at sb's beck and call

呼之即来,挥之即去 呼之即來,揮之即去 hu1 zhi1 ji2 lai2 - hui1 zhi1 ji2 qu4
to come when called (idiom); ready and compliant; always at sb's beck and call

呼之欲出 呼之欲出 hu1 zhi1 yu4 chu1
lit. ready to appear at the call (idiom); fig. on the verge of coming out into the open; (of a person's choice etc) on the point of being disclosed; (of an artistic depiction) vividly portrayed

呼中 呼中 hu1 zhong1
Huzhong district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang

呼中区 呼中區 hu1 zhong1 qu1
Huzhong district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang

欢呼 歡呼 huan1 hu1
to cheer for; to acclaim

欢呼雀跃 歡呼雀躍 huan1 hu1 que4 yue4
cheering excitedly (idiom); jubilant

唤雨呼风 喚雨呼風 huan4 yu3 hu1 feng1
to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom); to exercise magical powers; fig. to stir up troubles; also 呼風喚雨|呼风唤雨

惊呼 驚呼 jing1 hu1
to cry out in alarm or surprise

密闭式循环再呼吸水肺系统 密閉式循環再呼吸水肺系統 mi4 bi4 shi4 xun2 huan2 zai4 hu1 xi1 shui3 fei4 xi4 tong3
closed-circuit rebreather scuba (diving)

蔫呼呼 蔫呼呼 nian1 hu1 hu1
weak and indecisive

气呼呼 氣呼呼 qi4 hu1 hu1
panting with rage

热呼呼 熱呼呼 re4 hu1 hu1
variant of 熱乎乎|热乎乎

热呼 熱呼 re4 hu5
variant of 熱乎|热乎

人工呼吸 人工呼吸 ren2 gong1 hu1 xi1
artificial respiration (medicine)

上呼吸道感染 上呼吸道感染 shang4 hu1 xi1 dao4 gan3 ran3
upper respiratory tract infection

睡眠呼吸暂停 睡眠呼吸暫停 shui4 mian2 hu1 xi1 zan4 ting2
central sleep apnea (CSA)

徒呼负负 徒呼負負 tu2 hu1 fu4 fu4
to feel powerless and full of shame (idiom)

呜呼 嗚呼 wu1 hu1
alas; alack; welladay; wellaway; to die

呜呼哀哉 嗚呼哀哉 wu1 hu1 ai1 zai1
alas; all is lost

喧呼 諠呼 xuan1 hu1
to shout loudly; to bawl; to vociferate; rumpus; uproar

寻呼机 尋呼機 xun2 hu1 ji1
pager; beeper

严重急性呼吸系统综合症 嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症 yan2 zhong4 ji2 xing4 hu1 xi1 xi4 tong3 zong1 he2 zheng4
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

吆呼 吆呼 yao1 hu1
to shout (orders)

一呼百诺 一呼百諾 yi1 hu1 bai3 nuo4
one command brings a hundred responses (idiom); having hundreds of attendants at one's beck and call

一呼百应 一呼百應 yi1 hu1 bai3 ying4
a hundred answers to a single call (idiom); to respond en masse

一命呜呼 一命嗚呼 yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1
to die (idiom); to breathe one's last; to give up the ghost

咋呼 咋呼 zha1 hu5
bluster; ruckus; to boast loudly

招呼 招呼 zhao1 hu5
to call out to; to greet; to say hello to; to inform; to take care of; to take care that one does not

招呼站 招呼站 zhao1 hu5 zhan4
request bus stop

振臂一呼 振臂一呼 zhen4 bi4 yi1 hu1
to issue a call for action; to raise one's hand and issue a rousing call (idiom)

直呼其名 直呼其名 zhi2 hu1 qi2 ming2
to address sb directly by name (idiom); to address sb by name without using an honorific title (indicating either familiarity or overfamiliarity)