all; everyone; each; widespread; harmonious

salted; salty; stingy; miserly

surname Xian

strokes 9
strokes after radical 6
老少咸宜 老少咸宜 lao3 shao4 xian2 yi2
suitable for young and old

阮咸 阮咸 ruan3 xian2
ancient Chinese stringed instrument

咸安区 咸安區 xian2 an1 qu1
Xian'an district of Xianning city 咸寧市|咸宁市, Hubei

咸菜 鹹菜 xian2 cai4
salted vegetables; pickles

咸淡 鹹淡 xian2 dan4
salty and unsalty (flavors); degree of saltiness; brackish (water)

咸丰 咸豐 xian2 feng1
reign name of Qing emperor (1850-1861); Xianfeng county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州, Hubei

咸丰县 咸豐縣 xian2 feng1 xian4
Xianfeng county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州, Hubei

咸海 鹹海 xian2 hai3
Aral Sea

咸津津 鹹津津 xian2 jin1 jin1
nice and salty (taste)

咸津津儿 鹹津津兒 xian2 jin1 jin1 er5
erhua variant of 鹹津津|咸津津

咸镜 咸鏡 xian2 jing4
Hamgyeongdo Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Hamgyeong Province 咸鏡北道|咸镜北道 and South Hamgyeong Province 咸鏡南道|咸镜南道 of North Korea

咸镜北道 咸鏡北道 xian2 jing4 bei3 dao4
North Hamgyeong Province in northeast of North Korea, capital Chongjin 清津市

咸镜道 咸鏡道 xian2 jing4 dao4
Hamgyeongdo Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Hamgyeong Province 咸鏡北道|咸镜北道 and South Hamgyeong Province 咸鏡南道|咸镜南道 of North Korea

咸镜南道 咸鏡南道 xian2 jing4 nan2 dao4
South Hamgyeong Province of east North Korea

咸宁 咸寧 xian2 ning2
Xianning prefecture level city in Hubei

咸宁地区 咸寧地區 xian2 ning2 di4 qu1
Xianning prefecture in Hubei

咸宁市 咸寧市 xian2 ning2 shi4
Xianning prefecture level city in Hubei

咸肉 鹹肉 xian2 rou4
bacon; salt-cured meat

咸涩 鹹澀 xian2 se4
salty and bitter; acerbic

咸水 鹹水 xian2 shui3
salt water; brine

咸水湖 鹹水湖 xian2 shui3 hu2
salt lake

咸水妹 鹹水妹 xian2 shui3 mei4
(dialect) prostitute from Guangdong (esp. one in Shanghai before the Revolution) (loanword from "handsome maid")

咸丝丝 鹹絲絲 xian2 si1 si1
slightly salty

咸丝丝儿 鹹絲絲兒 xian2 si1 si1 er5
erhua variant of 鹹絲絲|咸丝丝

咸酥鸡 鹹酥雞 xian2 su1 ji1
fried chicken pieces with salt and pepper; Taiwan-style fried chicken

咸兴 咸興 xian2 xing1
Hamhung, North Korea

咸兴市 咸興市 xian2 xing1 shi4
Hamhung, North Korea

咸鸭蛋 鹹鴨蛋 xian2 ya1 dan4
salted duck egg

咸盐 鹹鹽 xian2 yan2
salt (colloquial); table salt

咸阳 咸陽 xian2 yang2
Xianyang prefecture level city in Shaanxi

咸阳地区 咸陽地區 xian2 yang2 di4 qu1
Xianyang prefecture, Shaanxi

咸阳桥 咸陽橋 xian2 yang2 qiao2
Xianyang Bridge

咸阳市 咸陽市 xian2 yang2 shi4
Xianyang prefecture level city in Shaanxi

咸鱼 鹹魚 xian2 yu2
salted fish

咸鱼翻身 鹹魚翻身 xian2 yu2 fan1 shen1
lit. the salted fish turns over (idiom); fig. to experience a reversal of fortune

咸与维新 咸與維新 xian2 yu4 wei2 xin1
everyone participates in reforms (idiom); to replace the old with new; to reform and start afresh

咸猪手 鹹豬手 xian2 zhu1 shou3
pervert (esp. one who gropes women in public)