an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win (idiom)
哀愁哀愁ai1 chou2
sorrow; sadness; distressed; sorrowful
哀词哀詞ai1 ci2
variant of 哀辭|哀辞
哀辞哀辭ai1 ci2
dirge; lament
哀悼哀悼ai1 dao4
to grieve over sb's death; to lament sb's death; mourning
哀的美敦书哀的美敦書ai1 di4 mei3 dun1 shu1
ultimatum (loanword)
哀而不伤哀而不傷ai1 er2 bu4 shang1
deeply felt but not mawkish (idiom)
哀告哀告ai1 gao4
to beg piteously; to supplicate
哀告宾服哀告賓服ai1 gao4 bin1 fu2
to bring tribute as sign of submission (idiom); to submit
哀歌哀歌ai1 ge1
mournful song; dirge; elegy
哀号哀號ai1 hao2
to cry piteously; anguished wailing; same as 哀嚎
哀嚎哀嚎ai1 hao2
to howl in grief; anguished wailing; same as 哀号
哀鸿遍野哀鴻遍野ai1 hong2 bian4 ye3
lit. plaintive whine of geese (idiom); fig. land swarming with disaster victims; starving people fill the land
哀家哀家ai1 jia1
I, me (self-referring by a widowed empress etc, used in historical novels and operas)
哀江南赋哀江南賦ai1 jiang1 nan2 fu4
Lament for the South, long poem in Fu style by Yu Xin 庾信 mourning the passing of Liang of the Southern dynasties 南朝梁朝
哀矜哀矜ai1 jin1
to take pity on; to feel sorry for
哀哭哀哭ai1 ku1
to weep in sorrow
哀哭切齿哀哭切齒ai1 ku1 qie4 chi3
weeping and gnashing one's teeth (idiom)
哀怜哀憐ai1 lian2
to feel compassion for; to pity on; to feel sorry for
哀悯哀憫ai1 min3
to take pity on; to feel sorry for
哀鸣哀鳴ai1 ming2
(of animals, the wind etc) to make a mournful sound; whine; moan; wail
哀莫大于心死哀莫大於心死ai1 mo4 da4 yu2 xin1 si3
nothing sadder than a withered heart (idiom attributed to Confucius by Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); no greater sorrow than a heart that never rejoices; the worst sorrow is not as bad as an uncaring heart; nothing is more wretched than apathy