Ai (c. 2000 BC), sixth of legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝 descended from Shennong 神農|神农 Farmer God, also known as Li 釐|厘

sorrow; grief; pity; to grieve for; to pity; to lament; to condole

strokes 9
strokes after radical 6
哀兵必胜 哀兵必勝 ai1 bing1 bi4 sheng4
an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win (idiom)

哀愁 哀愁 ai1 chou2
sorrow; sadness; distressed; sorrowful

哀辞 哀辭 ai1 ci2
dirge; lament

哀词 哀詞 ai1 ci2
variant of 哀辭|哀辞

哀悼 哀悼 ai1 dao4
to grieve over sb's death; to lament sb's death; mourning

哀的美敦书 哀的美敦書 ai1 di4 mei3 dun1 shu1
ultimatum (loanword)

哀而不伤 哀而不傷 ai1 er2 bu4 shang1
deeply felt but not mawkish (idiom)

哀告 哀告 ai1 gao4
to beg piteously; to supplicate

哀告宾服 哀告賓服 ai1 gao4 bin1 fu2
to bring tribute as sign of submission (idiom); to submit

哀歌 哀歌 ai1 ge1
mournful song; dirge; elegy

哀嚎 哀嚎 ai1 hao2
to howl in grief; anguished wailing; same as 哀号

哀号 哀號 ai1 hao2
to cry piteously; anguished wailing; same as 哀嚎

哀鸿遍野 哀鴻遍野 ai1 hong2 bian4 ye3
lit. plaintive whine of geese (idiom); fig. land swarming with disaster victims; starving people fill the land

哀家 哀家 ai1 jia1
I, me (self-referring by a widowed empress etc, used in historical novels and operas)

哀江南赋 哀江南賦 ai1 jiang1 nan2 fu4
Lament for the South, long poem in Fu style by Yu Xin 庾信 mourning the passing of Liang of the Southern dynasties 南朝梁朝

哀矜 哀矜 ai1 jin1
to take pity on; to feel sorry for

哀哭 哀哭 ai1 ku1
to weep in sorrow

哀哭切齿 哀哭切齒 ai1 ku1 qie4 chi3
weeping and gnashing one's teeth (idiom)

哀怜 哀憐 ai1 lian2
to feel compassion for; to pity on; to feel sorry for

哀悯 哀憫 ai1 min3
to take pity on; to feel sorry for

哀鸣 哀鳴 ai1 ming2
(of animals, the wind etc) to make a mournful sound; whine; moan; wail

哀莫大于心死 哀莫大於心死 ai1 mo4 da4 yu2 xin1 si3
nothing sadder than a withered heart (idiom attributed to Confucius by Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); no greater sorrow than a heart that never rejoices; the worst sorrow is not as bad as an uncaring heart; nothing is more wretched than apathy

哀戚 哀戚 ai1 qi1
sorrow; grief

哀启 哀啟 ai1 qi3
obituary (archaic term)

哀泣 哀泣 ai1 qi4
to wail

哀求 哀求 ai1 qiu2
to entreat; to implore; to plead

哀劝 哀勸 ai1 quan4
to persuade by all possible means; to implore

哀荣 哀榮 ai1 rong2
funeral pomp

哀伤 哀傷 ai1 shang1
grief; distress; bereavement; grieved; heartbroken; dejected

哀伤地 哀傷地 ai1 shang1 de5

哀失 哀失 ai1 shi1

哀思 哀思 ai1 si1
grief-stricken thoughts; mourning

哀叹 哀嘆 ai1 tan4
to sigh; to lament; to bewail

哀痛 哀痛 ai1 tong4
to grieve; to mourn; deep sorrow; grief

哀恸 哀慟 ai1 tong4
to be deeply grieved

哀婉 哀婉 ai1 wan3
melancholy; sad and moving

哀艳 哀艷 ai1 yan4
plaintive and beautiful; melancholy but gorgeous

哀怨 哀怨 ai1 yuan4
grief; resentment; aggrieved; plaintive

哀乐 哀樂 ai1 yue4
funeral music; plaint; dirge

哀子 哀子 ai1 zi3
son orphaned of his mother

悲哀 悲哀 bei1 ai1
grieved; sorrowful

腹哀 腹哀 fu4 ai1
Abdominal Lament; acupuncture point SP 16

孤哀子 孤哀子 gu1 ai1 zi3
(literary) orphan

节哀顺变 節哀順變 jie2 ai1 shun4 bian4
restrain your grief, accept fate (condolence phrase)

可哀 可哀 ke3 ai1

苦苦哀求 苦苦哀求 ku3 ku3 ai1 qiu2
to entreat piteously; to implore

默哀 默哀 mo4 ai1
to observe a moment of silence in tribute

莫里哀 莫里哀 mo4 li3 ai1
Molière (1622-1673), French playwright and actor, master of comedy

凄哀 悽哀 qi1 ai1
desolate; mournful

乞哀告怜 乞哀告憐 qi3 ai1 gao4 lian2
begging for pity and asking for help (idiom)

生荣死哀 生榮死哀 sheng1 rong2 si3 ai1
to be respected in life and lamented in death (idiom)

唐哀帝 唐哀帝 tang2 ai1 di4
Emperor Aidi of Tang, reign name of twenty-first and last Tang emperor Li Zhu 李祝 (892-908), reigned 904-907

呜呼哀哉 嗚呼哀哉 wu1 hu1 ai1 zai1
alas; all is lost

喜怒哀乐 喜怒哀樂 xi3 nu4 ai1 le4
four types of human emotions, namely: happiness 歡喜|欢喜, anger 憤怒|愤怒, sorrow 悲哀 and joy 快樂|快乐

耶利米哀歌 耶利米哀歌 ye1 li4 mi3 ai1 ge1
the Lamentations of Jeremiah

致哀 致哀 zhi4 ai1
to express grief; to mourn

志哀 誌哀 zhi4 ai1
to pay respects to the dead; to mark sb's passing