Bashi Channel between south Taiwan and Luzon Island, north the Philippines
巴士拉巴士拉ba1 shi4 la1
Basra (city in Iraq)
巴士站巴士站ba1 shi4 zhan4
bus stop
白衣战士白衣戰士bai2 yi1 zhan4 shi4
warrior in white; medical worker
拂士拂士bi4 shi4
attendant to the emperor; wise counselor
辩护士辯護士bian4 hu4 shi4
defender; apologist
辩士辯士bian4 shi4
eloquent person; person with rhetoric skills
便士便士bian4 shi4
penny (loanword)
宾士賓士bin1 shi4
Taiwan equivalent of 奔馳|奔驰
兵士兵士bing1 shi4
ordinary soldier
波士顿波士頓bo1 shi4 dun4
Boston, capital of Massachusetts
波士顿大学波士頓大學bo1 shi4 dun4 da4 xue2
Boston University
波士顿红袜波士頓紅襪bo1 shi4 dun4 hong2 wa4
Boston Red Sox (baseball) team
波士尼亚波士尼亞bo1 shi4 ni2 ya4
Bosnia (Tw)
博士博士bo2 shi4
doctor; court academician (in feudal China); Ph.D.
博士茶博士茶bo2 shi4 cha2
rooibos tea
博士后博士後bo2 shi4 hou4
postdoc; a postdoctoral position
博士买驴博士買驢bo2 shi4 mai3 lv2
lit. the scholar buys a donkey (idiom); fig. long-winded verbiage that never gets to the point; idiom mocking scholastic pomposity
博士山博士山bo2 shi4 shan1
Box Hill, a suburb of Melbourne, Australia with a large Chinese community
博士学位博士學位bo2 shi4 xue2 wei4
doctoral degree; PhD; same as Doctor of Philosophy 哲學博士學位|哲学博士学位
布朗克士布朗克士bu4 lang3 ke4 shi4
The Bronx, borough of New York City
布朗士布朗士bu4 lang3 shi4
The Bronx, borough of New York City; Bronx County (coextensive with The Bronx); also written 布朗克斯
策士策士ce4 shi4
strategist; counsellor on military strategy
超博士超博士chao1 bo2 shi4
postdoc; postdoctoral student
传教士傳教士chuan2 jiao4 shi4
大不里士大不里士da4 bu4 li3 shi4
Tabriz city in northwest Iran, capital of Iranian East Azerbaijan
大力士大力士da4 li4 shi4
strong man; Hercules
大马士革大馬士革da4 ma3 shi4 ge2
Damascus, capital of Syria
大马士革李大馬士革李da4 ma3 shi4 ge2 li3
damson (fruit)
党外人士黨外人士dang3 wai4 ren2 shi4
non-party members
道士道士dao4 shi4
Daoist priest
的士的士di1 shi4
taxi (loanword)
的士高的士高di2 shi4 gao1
disco (loanword); also written 迪斯科
迪士尼迪士尼di2 shi4 ni2
Disney (company name, surname); Walt Disney (1901-1966), American animator and film producer
迪士尼乐园迪士尼樂園di2 shi4 ni2 le4 yuan2
东方三博士東方三博士dong1 fang1 san1 bo2 shi4
the Magi; the Three Wise Kings from the East in the biblical nativity story
斗牛士鬥牛士dou4 niu2 shi4
matador; toreador; bullfighter
斗牛士之歌鬥牛士之歌dou4 niu2 shi4 zhi1 ge1
Toreador Song (Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre), famous aria from opera Carmen 卡門|卡门 by Georges Bizet
斗士鬥士dou4 shi4
warrior; activist
多士多士duo1 shi4
toast (loanword)
额菲尔士額菲爾士e2 fei1 er3 shi4
Everest (name); Colonel Sir George Everest (1790-1866), British Surveyor-General of India 1830-1843; transliteration refers to Mt Everest 珠穆朗瑪峰|珠穆朗玛峰, Mt Chomolungma or Qomolangma (Tibetan); Nepalese: Sagarmatha
额菲尔士峰額菲爾士峰e2 fei1 er3 shi4 feng1
Mt Everest (transliteration), Mt Chomolungma or Qomolangma (Tibetan), Chinese 珠穆朗瑪峰|珠穆朗玛峰; Nepalese: Sagarmatha
厄尔布鲁士厄爾布魯士e4 er3 bu4 lu3 shi4
Mt Elbrus, the highest peak of the Caucasus mountains
二级士官二級士官er4 ji2 shi4 guan1
法学博士法學博士fa3 xue2 bo2 shi4
Doctor of Laws; Legum Doctor
法学士法學士fa3 xue2 shi4
Bachelor of Laws; Legum Baccalaureus
凡士林凡士林fan2 shi4 lin2
vaseline (loanword)
方士方士fang1 shi4
alchemist; necromancer
非党人士非黨人士fei1 dang3 ren2 shi4
non-party member
非利士非利士fei1 li4 shi4
Philistine (Palestinian people, reputedly uncircumcised, c. 1,000 BC)
非利士族非利士族fei1 li4 shi4 zu2
Philistine (Palestinian people, reputedly uncircumcised, c. 1,000 BC)
分析人士分析人士fen1 xi1 ren2 shi4
analyst; expert
浮士德博士浮士德博士fu2 shi4 de2 bo2 shi4
Dr Faustus
富士富士fu4 shi4
Fuji (Japanese company)
富士康富士康fu4 shi4 kang1
Foxconn Technology Group; abbr. of 富士康科技集團|富士康科技集团
富士康科技集团富士康科技集團fu4 shi4 kang1 ke1 ji4 ji2 tuan2
Foxconn Technology Group
富士山富士山fu4 shi4 shan1
Mt. Fuji, Japan
富士通富士通fu4 shi4 tong1
革命烈士革命烈士ge2 ming4 lie4 shi4
martyr of the revolution
各界人士各界人士ge4 jie4 ren2 shi4
all walks of life
工商管理硕士工商管理碩士gong1 shang1 guan3 li3 shuo4 shi4
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
贡士貢士gong4 shi4
(old) candidate who has successfully passed the first grades of the examination system, but not yet the court examination (殿試|殿试)
观察人士觀察人士guan1 cha2 ren2 shi4
哈士蟆哈士蟆ha1 shi4 ma2
Chinese brown frog (Rana chensinensis) (loanword from Manchu)
哈士奇哈士奇ha1 shi4 qi2
husky (sled dog)
翰林学士翰林學士han4 lin2 xue2 shi4
members of the Hanlin Imperial Academy 翰林院, employed as imperial secretaries from the Tang onwards
蘅塘退士蘅塘退士heng2 tang2 tui4 shi4
assumed name of Sun Zhu 孫誅|孙诛 (1711-1778), poet and compiler of Three hundred Tang dynasty poems 唐詩三百首|唐诗三百首
护士護士hu4 shi5
环保斗士環保鬥士huan2 bao3 dou4 shi4
an environmental activist; a fighter for environmental protection