Don't spread abroad the shame of the family, don't believe rumors lightly. (idiom); Don't wash your dirty linen in public, don't listen to others' gossip.
家丑不可外扬家醜不可外揚jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 yang2
lit. family shames must not be spread abroad (idiom); fig. don't wash your dirty linen in public
outside; outer surface; abroad; place other than one's home
外边儿外邊兒wai4 bian5 er5
erhua variant of 外邊|外边
外表外表wai4 biao3
external; outside; outward appearance
外宾外賓wai4 bin1
foreign guest; international visitor
外埔外埔wai4 bu4
Waipu township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan
外部外部wai4 bu4
external part; external
外部连接外部連接wai4 bu4 lian2 jie1
external link
外部链接外部鏈接wai4 bu4 lian4 jie1
external link (on website)
外埔乡外埔鄉wai4 bu4 xiang1
Waipu township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan
外侧外側wai4 ce4
outer side
外侧沟外側溝wai4 ce4 gou1
lateral sulcus or Sylvian fissure (a main division of the brain)
外侧裂外側裂wai4 ce4 lie4
lateral sulcus or Sylvian fissure (a main division of the brain)
外侧裂周区外側裂周區wai4 ce4 lie4 zhou1 qu1
perisylvian (the part of the brain surrounding the lateral sulcus or Sylvian fissure), involved in speech
外侧裂周围外側裂周圍wai4 ce4 lie4 zhou1 wei2
perisylvian (the part of the brain surrounding the lateral sulcus or Sylvian fissure), involved in speech
外层外層wai4 ceng2
outer layer; outer shell
外层空间外層空間wai4 ceng2 kong1 jian1
outer space
外差外差wai4 cha1
heterodyne (electronics)
外插外插wai4 cha1
to extrapolate; extrapolation (math.); (computing) to plug in (a peripheral device etc)
外场外場wai4 chang2
outside world; society
外场人外場人wai4 chang2 ren2
sophisticated, worldly person; man of the world
外场外場wai4 chang3
outer area (of a place that has an inner area); dining area of a restaurant (as opposed to the kitchen); outfield (baseball etc); area outside a venue (e.g. exterior of a stadium); field (maintenance, testing etc); (Chinese opera) the area in front of the
外出外出wai4 chu1
to go out; to go away (on a trip etc)
外出访问外出訪問wai4 chu1 fang3 wen4
to make an official visit (often abroad)
外传外傳wai4 chuan2
to tell others (a secret); to divulge to an outsider; to be rumored
外错角外錯角wai4 cuo4 jiao3
outer alternate angles (where one line meets two parallel lines)
外搭程式外搭程式wai4 da1 cheng2 shi4
add-on software (Tw)
外带外帶wai4 dai4
take-out (fast food); (outer part of) tire; as well; besides; into the bargain; outer zone
外丹外丹wai4 dan1
Taoist external alchemy
外地外地wai4 di4
parts of the country other than where one is
外地人外地人wai4 di4 ren2
stranger; outsider
外典写作外典寫作wai4 dian3 xie3 zuo4
apocryphal writings
外电外電wai4 dian4
reports from foreign news agencies
外耳外耳wai4 er3
outer ear
外耳道外耳道wai4 er3 dao4
external auditory meatus; auditory canal, between the outer ear 外耳 and tympanum 鼓膜
外放外放wai4 fang4
extroverted; outgoing; to play audio through speakers (rather than through earphones); (old) to appoint to a post outside the capital
exterior product; the cross product of two vectors
外激素外激素wai4 ji1 su4
外籍外籍wai4 ji2
foreign (i.e. of foreign nationality)
外籍华人外籍華人wai4 ji2 hua2 ren2
overseas Chinese; persons of Chinese origin having foreign citizenship
外籍劳工外籍勞工wai4 ji2 lao2 gong1
foreign worker
外加外加wai4 jia1
in addition; extra
外加附件外加附件wai4 jia1 fu4 jian4
add-on (software); plug-in (software)
外加剂外加劑wai4 jia1 ji4
外嫁外嫁wai4 jia4
(of a woman) to marry a non-local or foreigner
外间外間wai4 jian1
outer room; the external world; outside
外交外交wai4 jiao1
diplomacy; diplomatic; foreign affairs
外交庇护外交庇護wai4 jiao1 bi4 hu4
diplomatic asylum
外交部外交部wai4 jiao1 bu4
Ministry of Foreign Affairs; foreign office; Dept. of State
外交部长外交部長wai4 jiao1 bu4 zhang3
minister of foreign affairs
外交大臣外交大臣wai4 jiao1 da4 chen2
Foreign Secretary; (UK) Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
外交风波外交風波wai4 jiao1 feng1 bo1
diplomatic crisis
外交官外交官wai4 jiao1 guan1
外交关系外交關係wai4 jiao1 guan1 xi4
foreign relations; diplomatic relations
外交关系理事会外交關係理事會wai4 jiao1 guan1 xi4 li3 shi4 hui4
Council on Foreign Relations (US policy think tank)
外交豁免权外交豁免權wai4 jiao1 huo4 mian3 quan2
diplomatic immunity
外交家外交家wai4 jiao1 jia1
外交事务外交事務wai4 jiao1 shi4 wu4
foreign affairs
外交手腕外交手腕wai4 jiao1 shou3 wan4
外交特权外交特權wai4 jiao1 te4 quan2
diplomatic immunity
外交学院外交學院wai4 jiao1 xue2 yuan4
China Foreign Affairs University
外交政策外交政策wai4 jiao1 zheng4 ce4
foreign policy
外教外教wai4 jiao4
foreign teacher (abbr. for 外國教師|外国教师); greenhorn; novice; amateurish; religion other than Buddhism (term used by Buddhists)
外接圆外接圓wai4 jie1 yuan2
circumscribed circle (of a polygon)
外界外界wai4 jie4
the outside world; external
外径外徑wai4 jing4
external diameter (including thickness of the wall)
外科外科wai4 ke1
surgery (branch of medicine)
外科手术外科手術wai4 ke1 shou3 shu4
外科学外科學wai4 ke1 xue2
外科医生外科醫生wai4 ke1 yi1 sheng1
surgeon; as opposed to physician 內科醫生|内科医生, who works primarily by administering drugs
外壳外殼wai4 ke2
envelope; outer shell; hull; cover; case
外快外快wai4 kuai4
extra income
外宽内忌外寬內忌wai4 kuan1 nei4 ji4
magnanimous on the outside, but hateful on the inside (idiom)
外来外來wai4 lai2
external; foreign; outside
外来成语外來成語wai4 lai2 cheng2 yu3
loan idiom
外来词外來詞wai4 lai2 ci2
外来货外來貨wai4 lai2 huo4
imported product
外来人外來人wai4 lai2 ren2
外来投资外來投資wai4 lai2 tou2 zi1
foreign investment
外来物种外來物種wai4 lai2 wu4 zhong3
an introduced species
外来语外來語wai4 lai2 yu3
外劳外勞wai4 lao2
abbr. for 外籍勞工|外籍劳工; foreign worker
外力外力wai4 li4
external force; pressure from outside
外流外流wai4 liu2
outflow; to flow out; to drain
外露外露wai4 lu4
exposed; appearing on the outside
外路外路wai4 lu4
see 外地
外卖外賣wai4 mai4
to go; take out (relates to food bought at a restaurant)
外貌外貌wai4 mao4
profile; appearance
外贸外貿wai4 mao4
foreign trade
外媒外媒wai4 mei2
foreign news media; abbr. of 外國媒體|外国媒体
外蒙古外蒙古wai4 meng3 gu3
Outer Mongolia
外面外面wai4 mian4
outside (also pr. for this sense); surface; exterior; external appearance
外袍外袍wai4 pao2
外胚层外胚層wai4 pei1 ceng2
ectoderm (cell lineage in embryology)
外皮外皮wai4 pi2
outer skin; carapace
外婆外婆wai4 po2
(coll.) mother's mother; maternal grandmother
外企外企wai4 qi3
foreign enterprise; company established in mainland China with direct investment from foreign entities or from investors in Taiwan, Macao or Hong Kong; abbr. for 外資企業|外资企业
外墙外牆wai4 qiang2
facade; external wall
外强中干外強中乾wai4 qiang2 zhong1 gan1
strong in appearance but weak in reality (idiom)
外侨外僑wai4 qiao2
外勤外勤wai4 qin2
field work; field personnel; any occupation that involves a great deal of field work
外人外人wai4 ren2
outsider; foreigner; stranger
外商外商wai4 shang1
foreign businessman
外伤外傷wai4 shang1
injury; wound; trauma
外商独资企业外商獨資企業wai4 shang1 du2 zi1 qi3 ye4
wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) (form of legal entity in China); abbr. to 外資企業|外资企业
外商直接投资外商直接投資wai4 shang1 zhi2 jie1 tou2 zi1
overseas foreign direct investment (OFDI)
外设外設wai4 she4
外甥外甥wai4 sheng1
sister's son; wife's sibling's son
外甥女外甥女wai4 sheng5 nv3
sister's daughter; wife's sibling's daughter
外甥女婿外甥女婿wai4 sheng5 nv3 xu5
sister's daughter's husband
外甥媳妇外甥媳婦wai4 sheng5 xi2 fu4
sister's son's wife
外事外事wai4 shi4
foreign affairs
外事处外事處wai4 shi4 chu4
Foreign Affairs Office (at a university); Foreign Affairs Department
外手外手wai4 shou3
right-hand side (of a machine); right-hand side (passenger side) of a vehicle
外水外水wai4 shui3
extra income
外送外送wai4 song4
to send out; fast food delivered
外孙外孫wai4 sun1
daughter's son; grandson; descendant via the female line
外孙女外孫女wai4 sun1 nv3
daughter's daughter; granddaughter
外孙女儿外孫女兒wai4 sun1 nv3 er5
granddaughter (one's daughter's daughter)
外孙子外孫子wai4 sun1 zi5
(coll.) daughter's son; grandson
外太空外太空wai4 tai4 kong1
outer space
外滩外灘wai4 tan1
the Shanghai Bund or Waitan
外逃外逃wai4 tao2
to flee abroad; to run away; to desert; outflow
外套外套wai4 tao4
coat; jacket
外头外頭wai4 tou5
outside; out
外推外推wai4 tui1
to extrapolate
外推法外推法wai4 tui1 fa3
extrapolation (math.); to extrapolate
外围外圍wai4 wei2
外文外文wai4 wen2
foreign language (written)
外文系外文係wai4 wen2 xi4
department of foreign languages; modern languages (college department)
外鹜外鶩wai4 wu4
to get involved in things which are not one's business