variant of 夜


strokes 8
strokes after radical 5
埃及夜鹰 埃及夜鷹 ai1 ji2 ye4 ying1
(bird species of China) Egyptian nightjar (Caprimulgus aegyptius)

熬更守夜 熬更守夜 ao2 geng1 shou3 ye4
to stay up through the night (idiom)

熬夜 熬夜 ao2 ye4
to stay up late or all night

巴山夜雨 巴山夜雨 ba1 shan1 ye4 yu3
rain on Mt Ba (idiom); lonely in a strange land; Evening Rain, 1980 movie about the Cultural revolution

白夜 白夜 bai2 ye4
white night

半夜 半夜 ban4 ye4
midnight; in the middle of the night

半夜三更 半夜三更 ban4 ye4 san1 geng1
in the depth of night; late at night

俾夜作昼 俾夜作晝 bi3 ye4 zuo4 zhou4
lit. to make night as day (idiom); fig. to burn the midnight oil; work especially hard

俾昼作夜 俾晝作夜 bi3 zhou4 zuo4 ye4
to make day as night (idiom, from Book of Songs); fig. to prolong one's pleasure regardless of the hour

卜昼卜夜 卜晝卜夜 bu3 zhou4 bu3 ye4
day and night (to toil, to abandon oneself to pleasure etc)

不分昼夜 不分晝夜 bu4 fen1 zhou4 ye4
day and night; round-the-clock

查夜 查夜 cha2 ye4
night patrol; to make nightly rounds

长尾夜鹰 長尾夜鷹 chang2 wei3 ye4 ying1
(bird species of China) large-tailed nightjar (Caprimulgus macrurus)

长夜 長夜 chang2 ye4
long dark night; fig. long period of misery and oppression

长夜漫漫 長夜漫漫 chang2 ye4 man4 man4
endless night (idiom); fig. long suffering

长夜难明 長夜難明 chang2 ye4 nan2 ming2
lit. many nights under a harsh moon; long years of oppression (idiom)

彻夜 徹夜 che4 ye4
the whole night

彻夜不眠 徹夜不眠 che4 ye4 bu4 mian2
to be sleepless all night

成夜 成夜 cheng2 ye4
all night long

初夜 初夜 chu1 ye4
early evening; wedding night; (fig.) first sexual encounter

春江花月夜 春江花月夜 chun1 jiang1 hua1 yue4 ye4
River on a spring night, long yuefu poem by 張若虛|张若虚

大半夜 大半夜 da4 ban4 ye4
the middle of the night

当夜 當夜 dang1 ye4
on that night

当夜 當夜 dang4 ye4
that very night; the same night

洞房花烛夜 洞房花燭夜 dong4 fang2 hua1 zhu2 ye4
wedding night

隔夜 隔夜 ge2 ye4
overnight; of the previous day

过夜 過夜 guo4 ye4
to spend the night; overnight

黑天半夜 黑天半夜 hei1 tian1 ban4 ye4
lit. the black sky of midnight; very late at night (idiom)

黑夜 黑夜 hei1 ye4

今夜 今夜 jin1 ye4
tonight; this evening

禁夜 禁夜 jin4 ye4

开夜车 開夜車 kai1 ye4 che1
to burn the midnight oil; to work late into the night

蓝须夜蜂虎 藍鬚夜蜂虎 lan2 xu1 ye4 feng1 hu3
(bird species of China) blue-bearded bee-eater (Nyctyornis athertoni)

连夜 連夜 lian2 ye4
that very night; through the night; for several nights in a row

林夜鹰 林夜鷹 lin2 ye4 ying1
(bird species of China) savanna nightjar (Caprimulgus affinis)

马无夜草不肥,人无外快不富 馬無夜草不肥,人無外快不富 ma3 wu2 ye4 cao3 bu4 fei2 - ren2 wu2 wai4 kuai4 bu4 fu4
a horse cannot get fat without an extra ration, a man cannot get rich without an extra income (idiom)

漫漫长夜 漫漫長夜 man4 man4 chang2 ye4
endless night (idiom); fig. long suffering

毛腿耳夜鹰 毛腿耳夜鷹 mao2 tui3 er3 ye4 ying1
(bird species of China) great eared nightjar (Eurostopodus macrotis)

没日没夜 沒日沒夜 mei2 ri4 mei2 ye4
day and night; regardless of the time of day or night

每夜 每夜 mei3 ye4

母夜叉 母夜叉 mu3 ye4 cha1
witch; shrew; vixen

年夜 年夜 nian2 ye4
lunar New Year's Eve

年夜饭 年夜飯 nian2 ye4 fan4
New Year's Eve family dinner

欧夜鹰 歐夜鷹 ou1 ye4 ying1
(bird species of China) European nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus)

平安夜 平安夜 ping2 an1 ye4
Silent Night (Christmas carol); Christmas Eve

平生不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊 平生不做虧心事,半夜敲門心不驚 ping2 sheng1 bu4 zuo4 kui1 xin1 shi4 - ban4 ye4 qiao1 men2 xin1 bu4 jing1
He who never wrongs others does not fear the knock in the night.; Rest with a clear conscience.

破屋又遭连夜雨 破屋又遭連夜雨 po4 wu1 you4 zao1 lian2 ye4 yu3
see 屋漏偏逢連夜雨|屋漏偏逢连夜雨

普通夜鹰 普通夜鷹 pu3 tong1 ye4 ying1
(bird species of China) grey nightjar (Caprimulgus jotaka)

前半夜 前半夜 qian2 ban4 ye4
first half of the night (from nightfall to midnight)

前夜 前夜 qian2 ye4
the eve; the night before

侵夜 侵夜 qin1 ye4
(literary) nightfall; night

犬夜叉 犬夜叉 quan3 ye4 cha4
Inuyasha, fictional character

日夜 日夜 ri4 ye4
day and night; around the clock

日夜兼程 日夜兼程 ri4 ye4 jian1 cheng2
to travel day and night

入夜 入夜 ru4 ye4

三更半夜 三更半夜 san1 geng1 ban4 ye4
in the depth of the night; very late at night

上半夜 上半夜 shang4 ban4 ye4
first half of the night; time before midnight

上夜 上夜 shang4 ye4
to be on night duty

深更半夜 深更半夜 shen1 geng1 ban4 ye4
in the dead of night (idiom)

深夜 深夜 shen1 ye4
very late at night

守夜 守夜 shou3 ye4
night vigil

夙兴夜寐 夙興夜寐 su4 xing1 ye4 mei4
to rise early and sleep late (idiom); to work hard; to study diligently; to burn the candle at both ends

宿夜 宿夜 su4 ye4
to stay overnight

夙夜 夙夜 su4 ye4
morning and night; always; at all times

夙夜匪懈 夙夜匪懈 su4 ye4 fei3 xie4
to work from morning to night (idiom)

天方夜谭 天方夜譚 tian1 fang1 ye4 tan2
The Arabian Nights (classic story)

天方夜谭 天方夜譚 tian1 fang1 ye4 tan2
fantasy story

挑灯夜战 挑燈夜戰 tiao3 deng1 ye4 zhan4
to raise a lantern and fight at night (idiom); fig. to work into the night; to burn the midnight oil

通夜 通夜 tong1 ye4
all through the night; overnight

屋漏更遭连夜雨 屋漏更遭連夜雨 wu1 lou4 geng4 zao1 lian2 ye4 yu3
when it rains, it pours (idiom)

屋漏偏逢连夜雨 屋漏偏逢連夜雨 wu1 lou4 pian1 feng2 lian2 ye4 yu3
when it rains, it pours (idiom)

午夜 午夜 wu3 ye4

宵夜 宵夜 xiao1 ye4
midnight snack; late-night snack

消夜 消夜 xiao1 ye4
nighttime snack; late-night supper

小夜曲 小夜曲 xiao3 ye4 qu3

夜班 夜班 ye4 ban1
night shift

夜半 夜半 ye4 ban4

夜不闭户 夜不閉戶 ye4 bu4 bi4 hu4
lit. doors not locked at night (idiom); fig. stable society

夜不成眠 夜不成眠 ye4 bu4 cheng2 mian2
to be unable to sleep at night

夜不归宿 夜不歸宿 ye4 bu4 gui1 su4
to stay out all night (idiom)

夜叉 夜叉 ye4 cha1
yaksha (malevolent spirit) (loanword); (fig.) ferocious-looking person

夜场 夜場 ye4 chang3
evening show (at theater etc)

夜大学 夜大學 ye4 da4 xue2
evening college

夜店 夜店 ye4 dian4

夜光 夜光 ye4 guang1

夜壶 夜壺 ye4 hu2
chamber pot

夜间 夜間 ye4 jian1
nighttime; evening or night (e.g. classes)

夜惊 夜驚 ye4 jing1
night terror; sleep terror

夜景 夜景 ye4 jing3

夜空 夜空 ye4 kong1
night sky

夜来香 夜來香 ye4 lai2 xiang1
tuberose; Cestrum nocturnum, see also 夜香木

夜阑 夜闌 ye4 lan2
late at night; in the dead of night

夜阑人静 夜闌人靜 ye4 lan2 ren2 jing4
the still of the night (idiom); late at night

夜阑珊 夜闌珊 ye4 lan2 shan1
late at night

夜郎 夜郎 ye4 lang2
small barbarian kingdom in southern China during the Han dynasty

夜郎自大 夜郎自大 ye4 lang2 zi4 da4
lit. Yelang thinks highly of itself (idiom); fig. foolish conceit

夜里 夜裡 ye4 li5
during the night; at night; nighttime

夜鹭 夜鷺 ye4 lu4
(bird species of China) black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)

夜盲症 夜盲症 ye4 mang2 zheng4
night blindness; nyctalopia

夜猫子 夜貓子 ye4 mao1 zi5
owl; (fig.) night owl

夜幕 夜幕 ye4 mu4
curtain of night; gathering darkness

夜幕低垂 夜幕低垂 ye4 mu4 di1 chui2
darkness fell (falls, had fallen etc)

夜幕降临 夜幕降臨 ye4 mu4 jiang4 lin2

夜鸟 夜鳥 ye4 niao3
nocturnal bird

夜盆儿 夜盆兒 ye4 pen2 er5
chamber pot

夜曲 夜曲 ye4 qu3
nocturne (music)

夜色 夜色 ye4 se4
night scene; the dim light of night

夜色苍茫 夜色蒼茫 ye4 se4 cang1 mang2
gathering dusk

夜深人静 夜深人靜 ye4 shen1 ren2 jing4
in the dead of night (idiom)

夜神仙 夜神仙 ye4 shen2 xian1
night owl; late sleeper

夜生活 夜生活 ye4 sheng1 huo2
night life

夜市 夜市 ye4 shi4
night market

夜视 夜視 ye4 shi4
night vision

夜视镜 夜視鏡 ye4 shi4 jing4
night vision device

夜视仪 夜視儀 ye4 shi4 yi2
night vision device

夜晚 夜晚 ye4 wan3

夜袭 夜襲 ye4 xi2
night attack

夜香木 夜香木 ye4 xiang1 mu4
Cestrum nocturnum

夜宵 夜宵 ye4 xiao1
midnight snack

夜枭 夜梟 ye4 xiao1

夜消 夜消 ye4 xiao1
variant of 夜宵

夜宵儿 夜宵兒 ye4 xiao1 er5
erhua variant of 夜宵

夜校 夜校 ye4 xiao4
evening school; night school

夜行 夜行 ye4 xing2
night walk; night departure; nocturnal

夜行军 夜行軍 ye4 xing2 jun1
a night march

夜行性 夜行性 ye4 xing2 xing4

夜行昼伏 夜行晝伏 ye4 xing2 zhou4 fu2
to travel at night and lie low by day (idiom)

夜夜 夜夜 ye4 ye4
every night

夜以继日 夜以繼日 ye4 yi3 ji4 ri4
night and day (idiom); continuous strenuous effort

夜莺 夜鶯 ye4 ying1

夜鹰 夜鷹 ye4 ying1
nightjar (nocturnal bird in the family Caprimulgidae)

夜招待酒会 夜招待酒會 ye4 zhao1 dai4 jiu3 hui4
evening cocktail reception

夜总会 夜總會 ye4 zong3 hui4
nightclub; nightspot

一千零一夜 一千零一夜 yi1 qian1 ling2 yi1 ye4
The Book of One Thousand and One Nights

一夜爆红 一夜爆紅 yi1 ye4 bao4 hong2
to become popular overnight

一夜露水 一夜露水 yi1 ye4 lu4 shui5
one-night stand; ephemeral

一夜情 一夜情 yi1 ye4 qing2
one night stand

元夜 元夜 yuan2 ye4
Lantern Festival; night of 15th of first lunar month; see also 元宵

月夜 月夜 yue4 ye4
moonlit night

整夜 整夜 zheng3 ye4
the whole night; all through the night

值夜 值夜 zhi2 ye4
on night duty

中亚夜鹰 中亞夜鷹 zhong1 ya4 ye4 ying1
(bird species of China) Vaurie's nightjar (Caprimulgus centralasicus)

仲夏夜之梦 仲夏夜之夢 zhong4 xia4 ye4 zhi1 meng4
Midsummer night's dream, comedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚

昼短夜长 晝短夜長 zhou4 duan3 ye4 chang2
the winter days are short and the nights long (idiom)

昼伏夜出 晝伏夜出 zhou4 fu2 ye4 chu1
nocturnal; to hide by day and come out at night

昼夜 晝夜 zhou4 ye4
day and night; period of 24 hours; continuously, without stop

昼夜节律 晝夜節律 zhou4 ye4 jie2 lv4
circadian rhythm

昼夜平分点 晝夜平分點 zhou4 ye4 ping2 fen1 dian3
the equinox

子夜 子夜 zi3 ye4

棕夜鹭 棕夜鷺 zong1 ye4 lu4
(bird species of China) rufous night heron (Nycticorax caledonicus)

昨夜 昨夜 zuo2 ye4
last night