to deprive; to expropriate; to strip (sb of his property)
裁夺裁奪cai2 duo2
to consider and decide
褫夺褫奪chi3 duo2
to deprive; to strip of
篡夺篡奪cuan4 duo2
to usurp; to seize
璀璨夺目璀璨奪目cui3 can4 duo2 mu4
dazzling (idiom)
定夺定奪ding4 duo2
to make a decision; to determine
夺标奪標duo2 biao1
to compete for first prize
夺得奪得duo2 de2
to take (after a struggle); to wrest; to seize; to capture; to win (a trophy)
夺冠奪冠duo2 guan4
to seize the crown; fig. to win a championship; to win gold medal
夺金奪金duo2 jin1
to snatch gold; to take first place in a competition
夺魁奪魁duo2 kui2
to seize; to win
夺门而出奪門而出duo2 men2 er2 chu1
to rush out through a door (idiom)
夺目奪目duo2 mu4
to dazzle the eyes
夺偶奪偶duo2 ou3
to contend for a mate
夺取奪取duo2 qu3
to seize; to capture; to wrest control of
夺权奪權duo2 quan2
to seize power
夺走奪走duo2 zou3
to snatch away
光彩夺目光彩奪目guang1 cai3 duo2 mu4
dazzling; brilliant
横刀夺爱橫刀奪愛heng2 dao1 duo2 ai4
to rob sb of sth they cherish (idiom)
劫夺劫奪jie2 duo2
to seize by force; to abduct
截夺截奪jie2 duo2
攫夺攫奪jue2 duo2
to seize; to pillage; to plunder
龙口夺食龍口奪食long2 kou3 duo2 shi2
to harvest hurriedly before rain comes
掠夺掠奪lve4 duo2
to plunder; to rob
略夺略奪lve4 duo2
variant of 掠奪|掠夺
掠夺者掠奪者lve4 duo2 zhe3
robber; plunderer; predator
你争我夺你爭我奪ni3 zheng1 wo3 duo2
lit. you fight, I snatch (idiom); to compete fiercely offering no quarter; fierce rivalry; tug-of-war
强词夺理強詞奪理qiang3 ci2 duo2 li3
to twist words and force logic (idiom); sophistry; loud rhetoric making up for fallacious argument; shoving false arguments down people's throats
抢夺搶奪qiang3 duo2
to plunder; to pillage; to forcibly take
攘夺攘奪rang3 duo2
to seize
先声夺人先聲奪人xian1 sheng1 duo2 ren2
to gain the upper hand by a show of strength
喧宾夺主喧賓奪主xuan1 bin1 duo2 zhu3
lit. the voice of the guest overwhelms that of the host (idiom); fig. a minor player upstages the main attraction; minor details obscure the main point; the sauce is better than the fish
争夺爭奪zheng1 duo2
to fight over; to contest; to vie over
争夺战爭奪戰zheng1 duo2 zhan4
争分夺秒爭分奪秒zheng1 fen1 duo2 miao3
lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds (idiom); a race against time; making every second count
争名夺利爭名奪利zheng1 ming2 duo2 li4
to fight for fame, grab profit (idiom); scrambling for fame and wealth; only interested in personal gain
争权夺利爭權奪利zheng1 quan2 duo2 li4
scramble for power and profit (idiom); power struggle