to play music; to achieve; to present a memorial to the emperor (old)

strokes 9
strokes after radical 6
八重奏 八重奏 ba1 chong2 zou4
octet (musical ensemble)

伴奏 伴奏 ban4 zou4
to accompany (musically)

变奏 變奏 bian4 zou4

变奏曲 變奏曲 bian4 zou4 qu3
variation (music)

拨奏 撥奏 bo1 zou4

陈奏 陳奏 chen2 zou4
to present a memorial (to the Emperor)

重奏 重奏 chong2 zou4
musical ensemble of several instruments (e.g. duet 二重奏 or trio 三重奏)

吹奏 吹奏 chui1 zou4
to play (wind instruments)

独奏 獨奏 du2 zou4

二重奏 二重奏 er4 chong2 zou4
duet (in music)

钢琴演奏 鋼琴演奏 gang1 qin2 yan3 zou4
piano performance

滚奏 滾奏 gun3 zou4
drum roll

合奏 合奏 he2 zou4
to perform music (as an ensemble)

间奏 間奏 jian1 zou4
interlude (music)

节奏 節奏 jie2 zou4
rhythm; tempo; musical pulse; cadence; beat

节奏布鲁斯 節奏布魯斯 jie2 zou4 bu4 lu3 si1
Rhythm and Blues R&B

节奏口技 節奏口技 jie2 zou4 kou3 ji4

启奏 啟奏 qi3 zou4
to submit a report to the king; to talk to the king

前奏 前奏 qian2 zou4
prelude; presage

前奏曲 前奏曲 qian2 zou4 qu3
prelude (music)

曲终奏雅 曲終奏雅 qu3 zhong1 zou4 ya3
perfect finish (idiom)

三重奏 三重奏 san1 chong2 zou4
trio (musical ensemble)

申奏 申奏 shen1 zou4
to present (a document); to submit (a petition)

四重奏 四重奏 si4 chong2 zou4
quartet (musical ensemble)

弹奏 彈奏 tan2 zou4
to play (musical instrument, esp. string)

无伴奏合唱 無伴奏合唱 wu2 ban4 zou4 he2 chang4
a cappella (music)

先斩后奏 先斬後奏 xian1 zhan3 hou4 zou4
first decapitate then present your trophy (idiom); act first, report later

协奏 協奏 xie2 zou4
to perform (a concerto)

协奏曲 協奏曲 xie2 zou4 qu3

演奏 演奏 yan3 zou4
to perform on a musical instrument

演奏者 演奏者 yan3 zou4 zhe3
performer; musician

斩而不奏 斬而不奏 zhan3 er2 bu4 zou4
to do sth and not report the fact (idiom)

折奏 摺奏 zhe2 zou4
memorial to the emperor (folded in accordion form)

奏鸣曲 奏鳴曲 zou4 ming2 qu3

奏鸣曲式 奏鳴曲式 zou4 ming2 qu3 shi4
sonata form (one of the large-scale structures used in Western classical music)

奏帖 奏帖 zou4 tie3
memorial to the emperor (folded in accordion form)

奏效 奏效 zou4 xiao4
to show results; effective

奏乐 奏樂 zou4 yue4
to perform music; to play a tune

奏折 奏摺 zou4 zhe2
memorial to the emperor (folded in accordion form)