
surname Chao

strokes 11
strokes after radical 8
巢湖 巢湖 chao2 hu2
Chaohu prefecture level city in Anhui; Chaohu lake

巢湖地区 巢湖地區 chao2 hu2 di4 qu1
Chaohu prefecture, Anhui

巢湖市 巢湖市 chao2 hu2 shi4
Chaohu prefecture level city in Anhui

巢穴 巢穴 chao2 xue2
lair; nest; den; hideout

匪巢 匪巢 fei3 chao2
bandit stronghold

蜂巢 蜂巢 feng1 chao2
beehive; wasp's nest; honeycomb; fig. honeycomb figure

蜂巢胃 蜂巢胃 feng1 chao2 wei4
reticulum (second stomach of ruminants, with honeycomb pattern); tripe

覆巢无完卵 覆巢無完卵 fu4 chao2 wu2 wan2 luan3
lit. when the nest overturns no egg remains intact; no member escapes unscathed from a family disaster (idiom)

覆巢之下无完卵 覆巢之下無完卵 fu4 chao2 zhi1 xia4 wu2 wan2 luan3
lit. when the nest is upset no egg is left intact (idiom); fig. when one falls in disgrace the whole family is doomed

黄巢 黃巢 huang2 chao2
Huang Chao (-884), leader of peasant uprising 875-884 in late Tang

黄巢起义 黃巢起義 huang2 chao2 qi3 yi4
Huang Chao peasant uprising 875-884 in late Tang, led by Huang Chao

黄巢之乱 黃巢之亂 huang2 chao2 zhi1 luan4
late Tang peasant uprising 875-884 led by Huang Chao

精巢 精巢 jing1 chao2

居巢 居巢 ju1 chao2
Juchao district of Chaohu city 巢湖, Anhui

居巢区 居巢區 ju1 chao2 qu1
Juchao district of Chaohu city 巢湖市, Anhui

空巢 空巢 kong1 chao2
empty nest; a home where the kids have grown up and moved out

卵巢 卵巢 luan3 chao2

卵巢窝 卵巢窩 luan3 chao2 wo1

卵精巢 卵精巢 luan3 jing1 chao2
ovaries and testes

鸟巢 鳥巢 niao3 chao2
bird's nest; nickname for Beijing 2008 Olympic stadium

暖巢管家 暖巢管家 nuan3 chao2 guan3 jia1
housekeeper who looks after old people with no children or whose children do not live with them

倾巢 傾巢 qing1 chao2
lit. the whole nest came out (to fight us); a turnout in full force (of a gang of villains)

倾巢而出 傾巢而出 qing1 chao2 er2 chu1
the whole nest came out (idiom); to turn out in full strength

倾巢来犯 傾巢來犯 qing1 chao2 lai2 fan4
to turn out in force ready to attack (idiom)

雀巢 雀巢 que4 chao2

鹊巢鸠占 鵲巢鳩占 que4 chao2 jiu1 zhan4
the magpie made a nest, the turtledove dwells in it (idiom); to reap where one has not sown

窝巢 窩巢 wo1 chao2

香巢 香巢 xiang1 chao2
a love nest; a place of secret cohabitation (also derogatory)

燕巢 燕巢 yan4 chao2
Yanchao township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县, southwest Taiwan

燕巢乡 燕巢鄉 yan4 chao2 xiang1
Yanchao township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县, southwest Taiwan

营巢 營巢 ying2 chao2
to nest