content; meaning; connotation; implication; same as 涵義|涵义
寒意寒意han2 yi4
a nip in the air; chilliness
含意含意han2 yi4
毫不介意毫不介意hao2 bu5 jie4 yi4
to not mind (at all, a bit); to not care in the slightest
好意好意hao3 yi4
good intention; kindness
好意思好意思hao3 yi4 si5
to have the nerve; what a cheek!; to feel no shame; to overcome the shame; (is it) proper? (rhetorical question)
合意合意he2 yi4
to suit one's taste; suitable; congenial; by mutual agreement
恨意恨意hen4 yi4
rancor; hatred; bitterness; resentfulness
怀敌意懷敵意huai2 di2 yi4
回心转意回心轉意hui2 xin1 zhuan3 yi4
to change one's mind (idiom)
悔意悔意hui3 yi4
会意會意hui4 yi4
combined ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); Chinese character that combines the meanings of existing elements; also known as joint ideogram or associative compounds; to comprehend without being told explicitly; to cotto
会意字會意字hui4 yi4 zi4
combined ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); Chinese character that combines the meanings of existing elements; also known as joint ideogram or associative compounds
lit. the falling flowers are yearning for love, but the heartless brook ripples on (idiom); fig. one side is willing, yet the other one remains indifferent (usually of unrequited love)
the Three Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention, a military doctrine issued in 1928 by Mao Zedong for the Red Army, which included a number of injunctions demanding high standards of behavior and respect for civilians during wartime
三心二意三心二意san1 xin1 er4 yi4
in two minds about sth (idiom); half-hearted; shilly-shallying
善解人意善解人意shan4 jie3 ren2 yi4
to be good at understanding others (idiom)
善意善意shan4 yi4
goodwill; benevolence; kindness
善意的谎言善意的謊言shan4 yi4 de5 huang3 yan2
white lie
深情厚意深情厚意shen1 qing2 hou4 yi4
profound love, generous friendship (idiom)
生意生意sheng1 yi4
life force; vitality
生意盎然生意盎然sheng1 yi4 ang4 ran2
see 生機盎然|生机盎然
生意兴隆生意興隆sheng1 yi4 xing1 long2
thriving and prosperous business or trade
生意生意sheng1 yi5
生意经生意經sheng1 yi5 jing1
knack of doing business; business sense
诗情画意詩情畫意shi1 qing2 hua4 yi4
picturesque charm; idyllic appeal; poetic grace
失意失意shi1 yi4
disappointed; frustrated
诗意詩意shi1 yi4
poetry; poetic quality or flavor
实意實意shi2 yi4
使满意使滿意shi3 man3 yi4
to make content
示意示意shi4 yi4
to hint; to indicate (an idea to sb)
适意適意shi4 yi4
示意图示意圖shi4 yi4 tu2
sketch; schematic diagram; graph
授意授意shou4 yi4
to inspire; to incite
疏忽大意疏忽大意shu1 hu5 da4 yi4
oversight; negligence; careless; negligent; not concentrating on the main point
双方同意雙方同意shuang1 fang1 tong2 yi4
bilateral agreement
爽意爽意shuang3 yi4
睡意睡意shui4 yi4
顺意順意shun4 yi4
pleasant; agreeable
思想意识思想意識si1 xiang3 yi4 shi2
肆意肆意si4 yi4
wantonly; recklessly; willfully
肆意妄为肆意妄為si4 yi4 wang4 wei2
see 恣意妄為|恣意妄为
馊主意餿主意sou1 zhu3 yi5
rotten idea
随意隨意sui2 yi4
as one wishes; according to one's wishes; at will; voluntary; conscious
遂心如意遂心如意sui4 xin1 ru2 yi4
totally satisfying
遂意遂意sui4 yi4
to one's liking
特意特意te4 yi4
specially; intentionally
题意題意ti2 yi4
meaning of a title; implication; theme
天意天意tian1 yi4
providence; the Will of Heaven
同意同意tong2 yi4
to agree; to consent; to approve
玩意玩意wan2 yi4
toy; plaything; thing; act; trick (in a performance, stage show, acrobatics etc)
玩意儿玩意兒wan2 yi4 er5
erhua variant of 玩意
万事如意萬事如意wan4 shi4 ru2 yi4
to have all one's wishes (idiom); best wishes; all the best; may all your hopes be fulfilled
唯意志论唯意志論wei2 yi4 zhi4 lun4
voluntarism; metaphysical view, esp. due to Schopenhauer 叔本華|叔本华, that the essence of the world is willpower
无意無意wu2 yi4
inadvertent; accidental; to have no intention of (doing sth)
lit. Xiang Zhuang performs the sword dance, but his mind is set on Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦 (idiom); refers to 206 BC plot to murder Liu Bang, aka Duke of Pei 沛公 and the future Han emperor, during a sword dance at Feast at Hongmen 鴻門宴|鸿门宴; an elaborate deception to
小玩意小玩意xiao3 wan2 yi4
gadget; widget (small item of software)
小意思小意思xiao3 yi4 si5
small token; mere trifle (used of one's gifts)
笑意笑意xiao4 yi4
smiling expression
写意寫意xie3 yi4
to suggest (rather than depict in detail); freehand style of Chinese painting, characterized by bold strokes rather than accurate details
写意画寫意畫xie3 yi4 hua4
freehand drawing or painting in traditional Chinese style
写意寫意xie4 yi4
comfortable; enjoyable; relaxed
谢意謝意xie4 yi4
gratitude; thanks
心烦意乱心煩意亂xin1 fan2 yi4 luan4
lit. heart distracted, thoughts in turmoil (idiom); distraught with anxiety
心慌意乱心慌意亂xin1 huang1 yi4 luan4
confused; rattled; flustered
心灰意懒心灰意懶xin1 hui1 yi4 lan3
discouraged; downhearted
心灰意冷心灰意冷xin1 hui1 yi4 leng3
discouraged; downhearted
心满意足心滿意足xin1 man3 yi4 zu2
perfectly contented (idiom); perfectly satisfied
心意心意xin1 yi4
regard; kindly feelings; intention
新意新意xin1 yi4
new idea
心猿意马心猿意馬xin1 yuan2 yi4 ma3
lit. heart like a frisky monkey, mind like a cantering horse (idiom); fig. capricious (derog.); to have ants in one's pants; hyperactive; adventurous and uncontrollable
信意信意xin4 yi4
at will; arbitrarily; just as one feels like
形意拳形意拳xing2 yi4 quan2
Xingyiquan (Chinese martial art)
虚情假意虛情假意xu1 qing2 jia3 yi4
false friendship; hypocritical show of affection
蓄意蓄意xu4 yi4
deliberate; premeditated; malice
雅意雅意ya3 yi4
your kind offer; your valued advice; delicate interest and charm
言不尽意言不盡意yan2 bu4 jin4 yi4
(conventional letter ending) words cannot fully express what is in my heart (idiom)
言简意赅言簡意賅yan2 jian3 yi4 gai1
concise and comprehensive (idiom)
言外之意言外之意yan2 wai4 zhi1 yi4
unspoken implication (idiom); the actual meaning of what was said
the idea is present before the first stroke of the brush, when the last stroke is placed the idea shines through
意大利意大利yi4 da4 li4
Italy; Italian
意大利面意大利麵yi4 da4 li4 mian4
spaghetti; pasta
意大利青瓜意大利青瓜yi4 da4 li4 qing1 gua1
意大利人意大利人yi4 da4 li4 ren2
Italian person
意大利语意大利語yi4 da4 li4 yu3
Italian (language)
意大利直面意大利直麵yi4 da4 li4 zhi2 mian4
意第绪语意第緒語yi4 di4 xu4 yu3
Yiddish language
意符意符yi4 fu2
part of Chinese character indicating the meaning; also called significative or radical
意涵意涵yi4 han2
implication; connotation
意会意會yi4 hui4
to sense; to grasp intuitively
意即意即yi4 ji2
which means; (this) means (that)
意见意見yi4 jian4
idea; opinion; suggestion; objection; complaint
意见不合意見不合yi4 jian4 bu4 he2
to disagree; dissent
意见箱意見箱yi4 jian4 xiang1
suggestion box
意境意境yi4 jing4
artistic mood or conception; creative concept
意乐意樂yi4 le4
joy; happiness
意料意料yi4 liao4
to anticipate; to expect
意料之外意料之外yi4 liao4 zhi1 wai4
contrary to expectation; unexpected
意料之中意料之中yi4 liao4 zhi1 zhong1
to come as no surprise; as expected
意面意麵yi4 mian4
(Tw) see 伊麵|伊面
意念意念yi4 nian4
idea; thought
意念移物意念移物yi4 nian4 yi2 wu4
意气风发意氣風發yi4 qi4 feng1 fa1
high-spirited; full of mettle
意气相投意氣相投yi4 qi4 xiang1 tou2
意气用事意氣用事yi4 qi4 yong4 shi4
to let emotions affect one's decisions
意趣意趣yi4 qu4
interest; point of particular charm and interest
意识意識yi4 shi2
consciousness; awareness; to be aware; to realize
意识流意識流yi4 shi2 liu2
stream of consciousness (in literature)
意识型态意識型態yi4 shi2 xing2 tai4
variant of 意識形態|意识形态
意识形态意識形態yi4 shi2 xing2 tai4
意式浓缩咖啡意式濃縮咖啡yi4 shi4 nong2 suo1 ka1 fei1
espresso; Italian style strong coffee
意思意思yi4 si5
idea; opinion; meaning; wish; desire; interest; fun; token of appreciation, affection etc; to give as a small token; to do sth as a gesture of goodwill etc
意态意態yi4 tai4
bearing; attitude
意图意圖yi4 tu2
intent; intention; to intend
意外意外yi4 wai4
unexpected; accident; mishap
意外事故意外事故yi4 wai4 shi4 gu4
意味意味yi4 wei4
meaning; implication; flavor; overtone; to mean; to imply; (Tw) to get a sense of
lit. you plant a garden and the flowers do not bloom, you poke a stick in the mud and it grows into a tree; fig. things do not always turn out as one would expect; well-laid plans may fail, and success may come where you least expect it
有意志有意志you3 yi4 zhi4
conscious; having a will
愚意愚意yu2 yi4
my humble opinion
语意語意yu3 yi4
meaning; content of speech or writing; semantic
语意性語意性yu3 yi4 xing4
语音意识語音意識yu3 yin1 yi4 shi2
phonetic awareness
寓意寓意yu4 yi4
moral (of a story); lesson to be learned; implication; message; import; metaphorical meaning
寓意深长寓意深長yu4 yi4 shen1 chang2
to have profound import (idiom); to be deeply significant
寓意深远寓意深遠yu4 yi4 shen1 yuan3
the implied message is deep (idiom); having deep implications
原意原意yuan2 yi4
original meaning; original intention
元语言学意识元語言學意識yuan2 yu3 yan2 xue2 yi4 shi2
metalinguistic awareness
愿意願意yuan4 yi4
to wish; to want; ready; willing (to do sth)
在意在意zai4 yi4
to care about; to mind
招揽生意招攬生意zhao1 lan3 sheng1 yi5
to advertise; to solicit business
真情实意真情實意zhen1 qing2 shi2 yi4
out of genuine friendship (idiom); sincere feelings
真心实意真心實意zhen1 xin1 shi2 yi4
genuine and sincere (idiom); wholehearted
真意真意zhen1 yi4
real intention; true meaning; correct interpretation
wine-lover's heart is not in the cup (idiom); a drinker not really interested in alcohol; having an ulterior motive; to have other things in mind; with an ax to grind; accomplishing something besides what one set out to do
尊意尊意zun1 yi4
(honorific) your respected opinion; What do you think, your majesty?