to feel; to move; to touch; to affect; feeling; emotion; (suffix) sense of ~

strokes 13
strokes after radical 9
安全感 安全感 an1 quan2 gan3
sense of security

百感交集 百感交集 bai3 gan3 jiao1 ji2
all sorts of feelings well up in one's heart

倍感 倍感 bei4 gan3
to feel even more; to be extremely (sad, lonely, delighted etc)

病毒感染 病毒感染 bing4 du2 gan3 ran3
viral infection

成功感 成功感 cheng2 gong1 gan3
sense of accomplishment

初恋感觉 初戀感覺 chu1 lian4 gan3 jue2
feelings of first love

触感 觸感 chu4 gan3
tactile sensation; touch; feel

传感 傳感 chuan2 gan3
to pass on feelings; telepathy; sensing (engineering)

传感器 傳感器 chuan2 gan3 qi4
sensor; transducer

垂感 垂感 chui2 gan3
drape effect (fashion)

戳刺感 戳刺感 chuo1 ci4 gan3
pins and needles (in muscle); paresthesia

磁感线 磁感線 ci2 gan3 xian4
line of magnetic flux

磁感应 磁感應 ci2 gan3 ying4
magnetic induction

磁感应强度 磁感應強度 ci2 gan3 ying4 qiang2 du4
magnetic field density

挫折感 挫折感 cuo4 zhe2 gan3

第六感 第六感 di4 liu4 gan3
sixth sense (i.e. intuition, premonition, telepathy etc)

第六感觉 第六感覺 di4 liu4 gan3 jue2
sixth sense; intuition

电磁感应 電磁感應 dian4 ci2 gan3 ying4
electromagnetic induction

电感 電感 dian4 gan3

动感 動感 dong4 gan3
innervation; dynamism

毒感 毒感 du2 gan3

读后感 讀後感 du2 hou4 gan3
impression of a book; opinion expressed in a book review

多愁善感 多愁善感 duo1 chou2 shan4 gan3
melancholy and moody (idiom); depressed personality

恶感 惡感 e4 gan3
malice; ill will

反感 反感 fan3 gan3
to be disgusted with; to dislike; bad reaction; antipathy

方向感 方向感 fang1 xiang4 gan3
sense of direction

非常感谢 非常感謝 fei1 chang2 gan3 xie4
extremely grateful; very thankful

分裂情感性障碍 分裂情感性障礙 fen1 lie4 qing2 gan3 xing4 zhang4 ai4
schizoaffective disorder

辐射敏感性 輻射敏感性 fu2 she4 min3 gan3 xing4

感触 感觸 gan3 chu4
one's thoughts and feelings; emotional stirring; moved; touched

感戴 感戴 gan3 dai4
sincerely grateful

感到 感到 gan3 dao4
to feel; to sense; to have the feeling that; to think that; to move; to affect

感动 感動 gan3 dong4
to move (sb); to touch (sb emotionally); moving

感恩 感恩 gan3 en1
to be grateful

感恩戴德 感恩戴德 gan3 en1 dai4 de2
deeply grateful

感恩节 感恩節 gan3 en1 jie2
Thanksgiving Day

感恩图报 感恩圖報 gan3 en1 tu2 bao4
grateful and seeking to repay the kindness (idiom)

感发 感發 gan3 fa1
to move and inspire

感奋 感奮 gan3 fen4
moved and inspired; fired with enthusiasm

感愤 感憤 gan3 fen4
moved to anger; indignant

感官 感官 gan3 guan1
sense; sense organ

感光 感光 gan3 guang1

感化 感化 gan3 hua4
corrective influence; to reform (a criminal); redemption (of a sinner); to influence (a malefactor to a better life); to guide sb back to the right path by repeated word and example

感化院 感化院 gan3 hua4 yuan4
reformatory; reform school

感怀 感懷 gan3 huai2
to recall with emotion; to feel sentiments

感激 感激 gan3 ji1
to be grateful; to appreciate; thankful

感激不尽 感激不盡 gan3 ji1 bu4 jin4
can't thank sb enough (idiom)

感激涕零 感激涕零 gan3 ji1 ti4 ling2
to shed tears of gratitude (idiom); moved to tears

感觉 感覺 gan3 jue2
to feel; to become aware of; feeling; sense; perception

感觉到 感覺到 gan3 jue2 dao4
to feel; to sense; to detect; to perceive; to become aware

感觉器 感覺器 gan3 jue2 qi4
sense organ

感觉器官 感覺器官 gan3 jue2 qi4 guan1
sense organs; the five senses

感慨 感慨 gan3 kai3
to sigh with sorrow, regret etc; rueful; deeply moved

感愧 感愧 gan3 kui4
to feel gratitude mixed with shame

感喟 感喟 gan3 kui4
sighing with emotion

感冒 感冒 gan3 mao4
to catch cold; (common) cold; (coll.) to be interested in (often used in the negative); (Tw) to detest; can't stand

感冒药 感冒藥 gan3 mao4 yao4
medicine for colds

感念 感念 gan3 nian4
to recall fondly; to remember with emotion

感佩 感佩 gan3 pei4
to admire with gratitude

感情 感情 gan3 qing2
emotion; sentiment; affection; feelings between two persons

感情用事 感情用事 gan3 qing2 yong4 shi4
to act impetuously (idiom); on an impulse

感染 感染 gan3 ran3
infection; to infect; to influence

感染力 感染力 gan3 ran3 li4
inspiration; infectious (enthusiasm)

感染率 感染率 gan3 ran3 lv4
rate of infection (usu. of a disease)

感染人数 感染人數 gan3 ran3 ren2 shu4
number of infected persons

感染性腹泻 感染性腹瀉 gan3 ran3 xing4 fu4 xie4
infective diarrhea

感染者 感染者 gan3 ran3 zhe3
infected person

感人 感人 gan3 ren2
touching; moving

感伤 感傷 gan3 shang1
sad; down-hearted; sentimental; pathos; melancholy

感受 感受 gan3 shou4
to sense; perception; to feel (through the senses); to experience; a feeling; an impression; an experience

感受器 感受器 gan3 shou4 qi4
sensory receptor

感叹 感嘆 gan3 tan4
to sigh (with feeling); to lament

感叹词 感嘆詞 gan3 tan4 ci2
interjection (part of speech); exclamation

感叹号 感嘆號 gan3 tan4 hao4
exclamation mark ! (punct.)

感叹句 感嘆句 gan3 tan4 ju4
exclamation; exclamatory phrase

感叹语 感嘆語 gan3 tan4 yu3
exclamation; expletive

感天动地 感天動地 gan3 tian1 dong4 di4
deeply affecting (idiom)

感同身受 感同身受 gan3 tong2 shen1 shou4
to feel as if it had happened to oneself; to sympathize; (polite expression of gratitude for a favor received by a friend etc) I take it as a personal favor

感悟 感悟 gan3 wu4
to come to realize; to appreciate (feelings)

感想 感想 gan3 xiang3
impressions; reflections; thoughts

感谢 感謝 gan3 xie4
(express) thanks; gratitude; grateful; thankful; thanks

感性 感性 gan3 xing4
perception; perceptual; sensibility; sensitive; emotional; sentimental

感兴趣 感興趣 gan3 xing4 qu4
to be interested

感性认识 感性認識 gan3 xing4 ren4 shi5
perceptual awareness

感应 感應 gan3 ying4
response; reaction; interaction; irritability (biol.); induction (elec.); inductance

感应器 感應器 gan3 ying4 qi4
inductor (elec.)

感应线圈 感應線圈 gan3 ying4 xian4 quan1
induction coil; solenoid

感遇 感遇 gan3 yu4
gratitude for good treatment; to sigh; to lament

感遇诗 感遇詩 gan3 yu4 shi1
a lament (poem)

感召 感召 gan3 zhao4
to move and appeal; to rally to a cause; to impel; to inspire

感召力 感召力 gan3 zhao4 li4
appeal; attraction; charisma

感知 感知 gan3 zhi1
perception; awareness

感知力 感知力 gan3 zhi1 li4
perceptive; perceptivity

感质 感質 gan3 zhi4
qualia (philosophy)

骨感 骨感 gu3 gan3
bony; skinny

观感 觀感 guan1 gan3
one's impressions; observations

观后感 觀後感 guan1 hou4 gan3
impression or feeling after visiting or watching (movies, museums etc)

光感应 光感應 guang1 gan3 ying4
optical response; reaction to light; light sensitive; photoinduction

归属感 歸屬感 gui1 shu3 gan3
sense of belonging

好感 好感 hao3 gan3
good opinion; favorable impression

后感 後感 hou4 gan3
afterthought; reflection after an event; a review (of a movie etc)

后感觉 後感覺 hou4 gan3 jue2
after-sensation; after-impression

怀旧感 懷舊感 huai2 jiu4 gan3
feeling of nostalgia

混合感染 混合感染 hun4 he2 gan3 ran3
mixed infection

既视感 既視感 ji4 shi4 gan3
déjà vu

交感神经 交感神經 jiao1 gan3 shen2 jing1
sympathetic nervous system

克流感 克流感 ke4 liu2 gan3
oseltamivir; Tamiflu

口感 口感 kou3 gan3
taste; texture (of food); how food feels in the mouth

快感 快感 kuai4 gan3
pleasure; thrill; delight; joy; pleasurable sensation; a high

快感中心 快感中心 kuai4 gan3 zhong1 xin1
pleasure center

理性与感性 理性與感性 li3 xing4 yu3 gan3 xing4
Sense and Sensibility, novel by Jane Austen 珍·奧斯汀|珍·奥斯汀

临场感 臨場感 lin2 chang3 gan3
the feeling of actually being there

灵感 靈感 ling2 gan3
inspiration; insight; a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavor

灵感触发图 靈感觸發圖 ling2 gan3 chu4 fa1 tu2
mind map

流感 流感 liu2 gan3
flu; influenza

流感病毒 流感病毒 liu2 gan3 bing4 du2
influenza virus; flu virus

流感疫苗 流感疫苗 liu2 gan3 yi4 miao2
flu shot; influenza vaccination

流行性感冒 流行性感冒 liu2 xing2 xing4 gan3 mao4

满足感 滿足感 man3 zu2 gan3
sense of satisfaction

美感 美感 mei3 gan3
sense of beauty; aesthetic perception

敏感 敏感 min3 gan3
sensitive; susceptible

敏感物质 敏感物質 min3 gan3 wu4 zhi4
sensitive materials

敏感性 敏感性 min3 gan3 xing4
sensitive; sensitivity

母子垂直感染 母子垂直感染 mu3 zi3 chui2 zhi2 gan3 ran3
mother-to-infant transmission

禽流感 禽流感 qin2 liu2 gan3
bird flu; avian influenza

情感 情感 qing2 gan3
feeling; emotion; to move (emotionally)

情感分析 情感分析 qing2 gan3 fen1 xi1
sentiment analysis

球感 球感 qiu2 gan3
ball sense; feel for the ball

肉感 肉感 rou4 gan3
sexiness; sexy; sensuality; sensual; voluptuous

善感 善感 shan4 gan3
sensitive; emotional

伤感 傷感 shang1 gan3
sad; emotional; sentimental; pathos

上呼吸道感染 上呼吸道感染 shang4 hu1 xi1 dao4 gan3 ran3
upper respiratory tract infection

烧灼感 燒灼感 shao1 zhuo2 gan3
burning pain

深感 深感 shen1 gan3
to feel deeply

审美快感 審美快感 shen3 mei3 kuai4 gan3
esthetic pleasure

甚感诧异 甚感詫異 shen4 gan3 cha4 yi4
amazed; astonished; deeply troubled

生物传感器 生物傳感器 sheng1 wu4 chuan2 gan3 qi4

时空错置感 時空錯置感 shi2 kong1 cuo4 zhi4 gan3
sense of being in another time and place; feeling that one has entered a time warp

实验室感染 實驗室感染 shi2 yan4 shi4 gan3 ran3
laboratory infection

手感 手感 shou3 gan3
the feel (of sth touched with the hand); (textiles) handle

随感 隨感 sui2 gan3
random thoughts; impressions

特别感谢 特別感謝 te4 bie2 gan3 xie4
special thanks; particular thanks

体感 體感 ti3 gan3
physical sensation; somatosensory; motion sensing (gaming)

体感温度 體感溫度 ti3 gan3 wen1 du4
apparent temperature (meteorology)

天人感应 天人感應 tian1 ren2 gan3 ying4
interactions between heaven and mankind (Han Dynasty doctrine)

同感 同感 tong2 gan3
(have the) same feeling; similar impression; common feeling

统感 統感 tong3 gan3
feeling of togetherness

痛感 痛感 tong4 gan3

无任感激 無任感激 wu2 ren4 gan3 ji1
deeply obliged

无助感 無助感 wu2 zhu4 gan3
to feel helpless; feeling useless

习得性无助感 習得性無助感 xi2 de2 xing4 wu2 zhu4 gan3
(psychology) learned helplessness

孝感 孝感 xiao4 gan3
Xiaogan prefecture level city in Hubei

孝感地区 孝感地區 xiao4 gan3 di4 qu1
Xiaogan prefecture in Hubei

孝感市 孝感市 xiao4 gan3 shi4
Xiaogan prefecture level city in Hubei

心电感应 心電感應 xin1 dian4 gan3 ying4

心灵感应 心靈感應 xin1 ling2 gan3 ying4

性感 性感 xing4 gan3
sex appeal; eroticism; sexuality; sexy

性快感 性快感 xing4 kuai4 gan3
sexual pleasure

性冷感 性冷感 xing4 leng3 gan3
frigidity (lack of libido)

续发感染 續發感染 xu4 fa1 gan3 ran3
secondary infection

遥感 遙感 yao2 gan3
remote sensing

幽默感 幽默感 you1 mo4 gan3
sense of humor

语感 語感 yu3 gan3
a feel for language; instinctive understanding

预感 預感 yu4 gan3
to have a premonition; premonition

杂感 雜感 za2 gan3
random thoughts (a literary genre)

责任感 責任感 ze2 ren4 gan3
sense of responsibility

真实感 真實感 zhen1 shi2 gan3
the feeling that sth is genuine; sense of reality; in the flesh

震感 震感 zhen4 gan3
tremors (from an earthquake)

直感 直感 zhi2 gan3
intuition; direct feeling or understanding

质感 質感 zhi4 gan3
realism (in art); sense of reality; texture; tactile quality

猪流感 豬流感 zhu1 liu2 gan3
swine influenza; swine flu; influenza A (H1N1)

猪流感病毒 豬流感病毒 zhu1 liu2 gan3 bing4 du2
swine influenza virus (SIV)

自豪感 自豪感 zi4 hao2 gan3
pride in sth; self-esteem