to agree (to do sth); should; ought to; must; (legal) shall

surname Ying

to answer; to respond; to comply with; to deal or cope with

strokes 17
strokes after radical 13
暗适应 暗適應 an4 shi4 ying4
dark adaptation

伴随效应 伴隨效應 ban4 sui2 xiao4 ying4
contingent effects

保长对应 保長對應 bao3 chang2 dui4 ying4
(math.) distance-preserving correspondence; isometry

保角对应 保角對應 bao3 jiao3 dui4 ying4
(math.) distance-preserving correspondence; conformal map

宝应 寶應 bao3 ying1
Baoying county in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州, Jiangsu

宝应县 寶應縣 bao3 ying1 xian4
Baoying county in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州, Jiangsu

报应 報應 bao4 ying4
retribution; judgment

报应不爽 報應不爽 bao4 ying4 bu4 shuang3
appropriate retribution (idiom)

本应 本應 ben3 ying1
should have; ought to have

壁效应 壁效應 bi4 xiao4 ying4
wall effect

必应 必應 bi4 ying4
Bing (search engine)

变态反应 變態反應 bian4 tai4 fan3 ying4
allergic response; allergy

不应期 不應期 bu4 ying4 qi1
refractory period (physiology)

策应 策應 ce4 ying4
in coordination with; to support

场区应急 場區應急 chang3 qu1 ying4 ji2
site area emergency (nuclear facility emergency classification)

场外应急 場外應急 chang3 wai4 ying4 ji2
general emergency (or "off-site emergency") (nuclear facility emergency classification)

超敏反应 超敏反應 chao1 min3 fan3 ying4

沉着应战 沉著應戰 chen2 zhuo2 ying4 zhan4
to remain calm in the face of adversity (idiom)

承应 承應 cheng2 ying4
to agree; to promise

重复启动效应 重複啟動效應 chong2 fu4 qi3 dong4 xiao4 ying4
repetition priming effect

酬应 酬應 chou2 ying4
social interaction

词长效应 詞長效應 ci2 chang2 xiao4 ying4
word length effect

磁感应 磁感應 ci2 gan3 ying4
magnetic induction

磁感应强度 磁感應強度 ci2 gan3 ying4 qiang2 du4
magnetic field density

词频效应 詞頻效應 ci2 pin2 xiao4 ying4
word frequency effect (psych.)

词相似效应 詞相似效應 ci2 xiang1 si4 xiao4 ying4
word similarity effect

词优效应 詞優效應 ci2 you1 xiao4 ying4
word superiority effect

答应 答應 da1 ying5
to promise; to agree; to reply; to respond

得心应手 得心應手 de2 xin1 ying4 shou3
lit. what the heart wishes, the hand accomplishes (idiom) skilled at the job; entirely in one's element; going smoothly and easily

电磁感应 電磁感應 dian4 ci2 gan3 ying4
electromagnetic induction

电源供应器 電源供應器 dian4 yuan2 gong1 ying4 qi4
power supply (of an appliance etc)

动力反应堆 動力反應堆 dong4 li4 fan3 ying4 dui1
power reactor

对应 對應 dui4 ying4
to correspond; a correspondence; corresponding; homologous; matching with sth; counterpart

多普勒效应 多普勒效應 duo1 pu3 le4 xiao4 ying4
the Doppler effect

发射机应答器 發射機應答器 fa1 she4 ji1 ying4 da2 qi4
transponder; electronic device that responds to a radio code

反应时间 反應時間 fan3 ying1 shi2 jian1
response time (technology)

反应 反應 fan3 ying4
to react; to respond; reaction; response; reply; chemical reaction

反应堆 反應堆 fan3 ying4 dui1

反应堆燃料元件 反應堆燃料元件 fan3 ying4 dui1 ran2 liao4 yuan2 jian4
fuel element

反应堆芯 反應堆芯 fan3 ying4 dui1 xin1
reactor core

反应锅 反應鍋 fan3 ying4 guo1
reaction pot (chemical engineering); cauldron (at Hogwarts 霍格沃茨)

反应时 反應時 fan3 ying4 shi2
response time

反应式 反應式 fan3 ying4 shi4
equation of a chemical reaction

放热反应 放熱反應 fang4 re4 fan3 ying4
exothermic reaction

桴鼓相应 桴鼓相應 fu2 gu3 xiang1 ying4
lit. the hammer fits the drum (idiom); appropriate relation between the different parts; closely interrelated

辐射直接效应 輻射直接效應 fu2 she4 zhi2 jie1 xiao4 ying4
direct effect of radiation

复分解反应 復分解反應 fu4 fen1 jie3 fan3 ying4
metathesis (chemistry)

该应 該應 gai1 ying1

感应 感應 gan3 ying4
response; reaction; interaction; irritability (biol.); induction (elec.); inductance

感应器 感應器 gan3 ying4 qi4
inductor (elec.)

感应线圈 感應線圈 gan3 ying4 xian4 quan1
induction coil; solenoid

高原反应 高原反應 gao1 yuan2 fan3 ying4
altitude sickness; acute mountain sickness; abbr. to 高反

供不应求 供不應求 gong1 bu4 ying4 qiu2
supply does not meet demand

供应链 供應鏈 gong1 ying1 lian4
supply chain

供应 供應 gong1 ying4
to supply; to provide; to offer

供应品 供應品 gong1 ying4 pin3

供应商 供應商 gong1 ying4 shang1

供应室 供應室 gong1 ying4 shi4
supply room

供应者 供應者 gong1 ying4 zhe3

公园小径效应 公園小徑效應 gong1 yuan2 xiao3 jing4 xiao4 ying4
garden path effect

骨牌效应 骨牌效應 gu3 pai2 xiao4 ying4
domino effect; ripple effect

光电效应 光電效應 guang1 dian4 xiao4 ying4
photoelectric effect

光感应 光感應 guang1 gan3 ying4
optical response; reaction to light; light sensitive; photoinduction

规则性效应 規則性效應 gui1 ze2 xing4 xiao4 ying4
regularity effect

过敏反应 過敏反應 guo4 min3 fan3 ying4
allergic reaction

过敏性反应 過敏性反應 guo4 min3 xing4 fan3 ying4
allergic reaction; hypersensitive reaction; anaphylaxis

核反应 核反應 he2 fan3 ying4
nuclear reaction

核反应堆 核反應堆 he2 fan3 ying4 dui1
nuclear reactor

核连锁反应 核連鎖反應 he2 lian2 suo3 fan3 ying4
nuclear chain reaction

何应钦 何應欽 he2 ying4 qin1
He Yingqin (1890-1987), senior Guomindang general

轰动效应 轟動效應 hong1 dong4 xiao4 ying4
sensational effect; wild reaction

呼应 呼應 hu1 ying4
to conform (with); to echo; to correlate well; (linguistics) agreement

蝴蝶效应 蝴蝶效應 hu2 die2 xiao4 ying4
butterfly effect (dynamical systems theory)

化学反应 化學反應 hua4 xue2 fan3 ying4
chemical reaction

回应 回應 hui2 ying4
to respond; response

货币供应量 貨幣供應量 huo4 bi4 gong1 ying4 liang4
money supply

积极反应 積極反應 ji1 ji2 fan3 ying4
active response; energetic response

剂量效应 劑量效應 ji4 liang4 xiao4 ying4
dose effect

嘉应大学 嘉應大學 jia1 ying1 da4 xue2
Jiaying University (Guangdong)

剪应力 剪應力 jian3 ying4 li4
shear stress

接应 接應 jie1 ying4
to provide support; to come to the rescue

紧急应变 緊急應變 jin3 ji2 ying4 bian4
emergency management

咎有应得 咎有應得 jiu4 you3 ying1 de2
to deserve what one gets (punishment, mishap etc) (idiom)

聚变反应 聚變反應 ju4 bian4 fan3 ying4
nuclear fusion

卡西米尔效应 卡西米爾效應 ka3 xi1 mi3 er3 xiao4 ying4
Casimir effect (attraction between two parallel metal plates due to quantum mechanical vacuum effects)

客户应用 客戶應用 ke4 hu4 ying4 yong4
client application

口不应心 口不應心 kou3 bu4 ying4 xin1
to say one thing but mean another; to dissimulate

叩应 叩應 kou4 ying4
call-in (loanword)

扣应 扣應 kou4 ying4
to call in (to a broadcast program) (loanword) (Taiwan)

理应 理應 li3 ying1
should; ought to

里应外合 裡應外合 li3 ying4 wai4 he2
to coordinate outside and inside offensives (idiom); (fig.) to act together

连锁反应 連鎖反應 lian2 suo3 fan3 ying4
chain reaction

链式反应 鏈式反應 lian4 shi4 fan3 ying4
chain reaction

链式裂变反应 鏈式裂變反應 lian4 shi4 lie4 bian4 fan3 ying4
chain reaction of nuclear fission

满口应承 滿口應承 man3 kou3 ying4 cheng2
to promise readily

漫应 漫應 man4 ying4
to reply casually

免疫反应 免疫反應 mian3 yi4 fan3 ying4
immune response

免疫应答 免疫應答 mian3 yi4 ying1 da2
immune response

难以应付 難以應付 nan2 yi3 ying4 fu4
hard to deal with; hard to handle

逆反应 逆反應 ni4 fan3 ying4
reverse reaction; counterreaction; inverse response

偶联反应 偶聯反應 ou3 lian2 fan3 ying4
chain reaction (chemistry)

启应祈祷 啟應祈禱 qi3 ying4 qi2 dao3
Introitus (section of Catholic mass)

气冷式反应堆 氣冷式反應堆 qi4 leng3 shi4 fan3 ying4 dui1
gas-cooled reactor

轻水反应堆 輕水反應堆 qing1 shui3 fan3 ying4 dui1
light water reactor (LWR)

穷于应付 窮於應付 qiong2 yu2 ying4 fu4
to struggle to cope (with a situation); to be at one's wits' end

确定效应 確定效應 que4 ding4 xiao4 ying4
deterministic effect

热岛效应 熱島效應 re4 dao3 xiao4 ying4
urban heat island effect

热核反应堆 熱核反應堆 re4 he2 fan3 ying4 dui1
thermal reactor

热核聚变反应 熱核聚變反應 re4 he2 ju4 bian4 fan3 ying4
thermonuclear fusion reaction

杀手级应用 殺手級應用 sha1 shou3 ji2 ying4 yong4
killer application; killer app

商业应用 商業應用 shang1 ye4 ying4 yong4
business application

生产反应堆 生產反應堆 sheng1 chan3 fan3 ying4 dui1
production reactor

生物反应器 生物反應器 sheng1 wu4 fan3 ying4 qi4

实际应用 實際應用 shi2 ji4 ying4 yong4
practical application

适应 適應 shi4 ying4
to adapt; to fit; to suit

适应性 適應性 shi4 ying4 xing4
adaptability; flexibility

顺应 順應 shun4 ying4
to comply; to conform to; in tune with; adapting to; to adjust to

顺应不良 順應不良 shun4 ying4 bu4 liang2
inability to adjust; unable to adapt

顺应天时 順應天時 shun4 ying4 tian1 shi2
going with nature and the seasons (TCM)

随机效应 隨機效應 sui2 ji1 xiao4 ying4
stochastic effect

随机应变 隨機應變 sui2 ji1 ying4 bian4
to change according to the situation (idiom); pragmatic

天人感应 天人感應 tian1 ren2 gan3 ying4
interactions between heaven and mankind (Han Dynasty doctrine)

条件反应 條件反應 tiao2 jian4 fan3 ying4
conditioned response

万应灵丹 萬應靈丹 wan4 ying4 ling2 dan1

网路应用 網路應用 wang3 lu4 ying4 yong4
network application

网络应用 網絡應用 wang3 luo4 ying4 yong4
network application

韦应物 韋應物 wei2 ying4 wu4
Wei Yinwu (737-792), Tang dynasty poet

位置效应 位置效應 wei4 zhi4 xiao4 ying4
position effect

温室效应 溫室效應 wen1 shi4 xiao4 ying4
greenhouse effect

误入歧途效应 誤入歧途效應 wu4 ru4 qi2 tu2 xiao4 ying4
garden path effect

物资供应 物資供應 wu4 zi1 gong1 ying4
supply of material

相应 相應 xiang1 ying4
to correspond; answering (one another); to agree (among the part); corresponding; relevant; appropriate; (modify) accordingly

响应 響應 xiang3 ying4
to respond to; answer

响应时间 響應時間 xiang3 ying4 shi2 jian1
response time

效应 效應 xiao4 ying4
effect (scientific phenomenon)

心电感应 心電感應 xin1 dian4 gan3 ying4

心灵感应 心靈感應 xin1 ling2 gan3 ying4

虚应故事 虛應故事 xu1 ying4 gu4 shi4
to go through the motions

虚应了事 虛應了事 xu1 ying4 liao3 shi4
see 虛應故事|虚应故事

研究反应堆 研究反應堆 yan2 jiu1 fan3 ying4 dui1
research reactor

炎性反应 炎性反應 yan2 xing4 fan3 ying4
inflammation response

氧效应 氧效應 yang3 xiao4 ying4
oxygen effect

一多对应 一多對應 yi1 duo1 dui4 ying4
one-to-many correspondence

一呼百应 一呼百應 yi1 hu1 bai3 ying4
a hundred answers to a single call (idiom); to respond en masse

一一对应 一一對應 yi1 yi1 dui4 ying4
one-to-one correspondence

一应 一應 yi1 ying1
all; every

一应俱全 一應俱全 yi1 ying1 ju4 quan2
with everything needed available

一致性效应 一致性效應 yi1 zhi4 xing4 xiao4 ying4
consistency effect

溢出效应 溢出效應 yi4 chu1 xiao4 ying4
spillover effect

因应 因應 yin1 ying4
to respond accordingly to; to adapt to; to cope with

应采儿 應採兒 ying1 cai3 er2
Cherrie Ying Choi-Yi (1983-), actress

应城 應城 ying1 cheng2
Yingcheng district of Xiaogan city 孝感市, Hubei

应城区 應城區 ying1 cheng2 qu1
Yingcheng district of Xiaogan city 孝感市, Hubei

应城市 應城市 ying1 cheng2 shi4
Yingcheng county level city in Xiaogan 孝感, Hubei

应当 應當 ying1 dang1
should; ought to

应得 應得 ying1 de2
to deserve

应分 應分 ying1 fen4
should be divided; part of the job; one's duty under the circumstances

应付帐款 應付帳款 ying1 fu4 zhang4 kuan3
accounts payable

应该 應該 ying1 gai1
ought to; should; must

应该的 應該的 ying1 gai1 de5
you're most welcome; sure thing!; I did what I was supposed to do

应计 應計 ying1 ji4
accrual (accounting)

应计基础 應計基礎 ying1 ji4 ji1 chu3
accruals basis (accounting)

应届 應屆 ying1 jie4
this year's; the current year's

应届毕业生 應屆畢業生 ying1 jie4 bi4 ye4 sheng1
student graduating in the current year; recent graduate

应名 應名 ying1 ming2
nominally; in name only

应名儿 應名兒 ying1 ming2 er5
erhua variant of 應名|应名

应仁之乱 應仁之亂 ying1 ren2 zhi1 luan4
Ōnin war 1467-1477 between factions of Ashikaga shogunate

应声虫 應聲蟲 ying1 sheng1 chong2
yes-man; opinionless person

应收 應收 ying1 shou1
(of a sum of money etc) receivable

应收帐款 應收帳款 ying1 shou1 zhang4 kuan3
accounts receivable

应县 應縣 ying1 xian4
Ying county in Shuozhou 朔州, Shanxi

应许 應許 ying1 xu3
to promise; to allow

应有 應有 ying1 you3

应有尽有 應有盡有 ying1 you3 jin4 you3
everything that should be here is here (idiom); all one can think of is on hand; to have all one needs

应报 應報 ying4 bao4
see 報應|报应

应变 應變 ying4 bian4
to meet a contingency; to adapt oneself to changes

应变力 應變力 ying4 bian4 li4
adaptability; resourcefulness

应承 應承 ying4 cheng2
to agree (to do sth); to promise

应酬 應酬 ying4 chou5
social niceties; social interaction; a dinner party

应从 應從 ying4 cong2
to assent; to comply with

应答 應答 ying4 da2
to reply

应敌 應敵 ying4 di2
to face the enemy; to meet an attack

应点 應點 ying4 dian3
to act on one's word

应对 應對 ying4 dui4
response; to answer; to reply

应对如流 應對如流 ying4 dui4 ru2 liu2
to respond fluently; to answer smartly

应付 應付 ying4 fu5
to deal with; to cope

应付裕如 應付裕如 ying4 fu5 yu4 ru2
handling any occasion smoothly (idiom); equal to any situation

应付自如 應付自如 ying4 fu5 zi4 ru2
to handle matters with ease (idiom); to hold one's own

应和 應和 ying4 he4
to echo one another; to respond (in agreement)

应激 應激 ying4 ji1
stress; abbr. for 應激反應|应激反应

应激反应 應激反應 ying4 ji1 fan3 ying4
(physiological etc) stress

应机立断 應機立斷 ying4 ji1 li4 duan4
to act on an opportunity (idiom); to take prompt advantage of a situation

应激性 應激性 ying4 ji1 xing4
irritable; sensitive; excitable

应激源 應激源 ying4 ji1 yuan2

应急 應急 ying4 ji2
to respond to an emergency; to meet a contingency; (attributive) emergency

应急措施 應急措施 ying4 ji2 cuo4 shi1
emergency measure

应急待命 應急待命 ying4 ji2 dai4 ming4
emergency standby; to be on standby

应急照射 應急照射 ying4 ji2 zhao4 she4
emergency exposure (nuclear energy)

应接 應接 ying4 jie1
to attend to; to deal with

应接不暇 應接不暇 ying4 jie1 bu4 xia2
more than one can attend to (idiom); deluged (with inquiries etc); overwhelmed (by the beauty of the scenery)

应景 應景 ying4 jing3
according with the times; seasonal

应景儿 應景兒 ying4 jing3 er5
according with the times; seasonal

应举 應舉 ying4 ju3
to sit for imperial examinations

应考 應考 ying4 kao3
to take an exam

应力 應力 ying4 li4
stress (physics)

应力场 應力場 ying4 li4 chang3
stress field

应卯 應卯 ying4 mao3
to answer the roll call at 卯時|卯时, i.e. between 5 and 7 am; fig. to put in a conventional appearance

应门 應門 ying4 men2
to answer the door

应诺 應諾 ying4 nuo4
to promise; to agree to do sth

应聘 應聘 ying4 pin4
to accept a job offer; to apply for an advertised position

应聘者 應聘者 ying4 pin4 zhe3
person taking a job; job applicant

应声 應聲 ying4 sheng1
an answering voice; to answer a voice; to respond; to copy a voice; to parrot

应时 應時 ying4 shi2
timely; occasional

应试 應試 ying4 shi4
to take an exam

应市 應市 ying4 shi4
to respond to the market; to buy or sell according to market conditions

应试教育 應試教育 ying4 shi4 jiao4 yu4
exam-oriented education; teaching to the test

应手 應手 ying4 shou3
to handle; convenient

应天承运 應天承運 ying4 tian1 cheng2 yun4
lit. to respond to heaven and suit the times (idiom); to rule according to the will of heaven; the Divine Right of kings

应天顺时 應天順時 ying4 tian1 shun4 shi2
lit. to respond to heaven and suit the times (idiom); to rule according to the will of heaven; the Divine Right of kings

应县木塔 應縣木塔 ying4 xian4 mu4 ta3
the Yingxian wooden pagoda or Sakyamuni Pagoda near Datong in Shanxi province

应验 應驗 ying4 yan4
to come true; to come about as predicted; to be fulfilled

应邀 應邀 ying4 yao1
at sb's invitation; on invitation

应用 應用 ying4 yong4
to use; to apply; application; applicable

应用层 應用層 ying4 yong4 ceng2
application layer (computing)

应用程式 應用程式 ying4 yong4 cheng2 shi4
application; (computer) program

应用程式介面 應用程式介面 ying4 yong4 cheng2 shi4 jie4 mian4
application programming interface; API

应用科学 應用科學 ying4 yong4 ke1 xue2
applied science

应用平台 應用平台 ying4 yong4 ping2 tai2
application platform (computing)

应用软件 應用軟件 ying4 yong4 ruan3 jian4
application software

应用软体 應用軟體 ying4 yong4 ruan3 ti3
application software

应用数学 應用數學 ying4 yong4 shu4 xue2
applied mathematics

应用文 應用文 ying4 yong4 wen2
applied writing; writing for practical purposes (business letters, advertising etc)

应用物理 應用物理 ying4 yong4 wu4 li3
applied physics

应允 應允 ying4 yun3
to give one's assent; to consent

应运 應運 ying4 yun4
to conform with destiny; as the occasion demands

应运而生 應運而生 ying4 yun4 er2 sheng1
to emerge to meet a historic destiny (idiom); to arise at an opportune time; able to take advantage of an opportunity; to rise to the occasion

应战 應戰 ying4 zhan4
to take up a challenge; to face an attack and meet it

应召 應召 ying4 zhao4
to respond to a call

应诏 應詔 ying4 zhao4
to respond to an imperial decree

应召女郎 應召女郎 ying4 zhao4 nv3 lang2
call girl

应召站 應召站 ying4 zhao4 zhan4
call girl center

应诊 應診 ying4 zhen3
to see patients (of doctor); to hold a surgery

应征 應徵 ying4 zheng1
to apply (for a job); to reply to a job advertisement

应制 應制 ying4 zhi4
to write a poem on the order of the Emperor

有求必应 有求必應 you3 qiu2 bi4 ying4
to grant whatever is asked for; to accede to every plea

虞应龙 虞應龍 yu2 ying4 long2
Yu Yinglong, Yuan dynasty scholar, collaborated on the geographical encyclopedia Dayuan Dayi Tongzhi 大元大一統誌|大元大一统志

预应力 預應力 yu4 ying4 li4

原子反应堆 原子反應堆 yuan2 zi3 fan3 ying4 dui1
atomic reactor

早期效应 早期效應 zao3 qi1 xiao4 ying4
early effect

增殖反应堆 增殖反應堆 zeng1 zhi2 fan3 ying4 dui1
breeder reactor

照应 照應 zhao4 ying4
to correlate with; to correspond to

照应 照應 zhao4 ying5
to look after; to take care of; to attend to

支应 支應 zhi1 ying4
to deal with; to wait on; to provide for

重水反应堆 重水反應堆 zhong4 shui3 fan3 ying4 dui1
heavy water reactor (HWR)

自适应 自適應 zi4 shi4 ying4

罪有应得 罪有應得 zui4 you3 ying1 de2
guilty and deserves to be punished (idiom); entirely appropriate chastisement; the punishment fits the crime