Beitou or Peitou district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市, Taiwan
北投区北投區bei3 tou2 qu1
Beitou or Peitou district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市, Taiwan
病急乱投医病急亂投醫bing4 ji2 luan4 tou2 yi1
lit. to turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill (idiom); fig. to try anyone or anything in a crisis
不记名投票不記名投票bu4 ji4 ming2 tou2 piao4
secret ballot
不信任投票不信任投票bu4 xin4 ren4 tou2 piao4
vote of no-confidence
臭味相投臭味相投chou4 wei4 xiang1 tou2
to share vile habits; partners in notoriety; birds of a feather
创投基金創投基金chuang4 tou2 ji1 jin1
venture capital fund
创业投资創業投資chuang4 ye4 tou2 zi1
venture capital
大投资家大投資家da4 tou2 zi1 jia1
big investor
飞蛾投火飛蛾投火fei1 e2 tou2 huo3
lit. like a moth flying into the fire (idiom); fig. to choose a path to certain destruction
风险投资風險投資feng1 xian3 tou2 zi1
venture capital
公民投票公民投票gong1 min2 tou2 piao4
plebiscite; referendum
公投公投gong1 tou2
referendum; abbr. for 公民投票
股票投资股票投資gu3 piao4 tou2 zi1
to invest in stock; to buy shares
话不投机半句多話不投機半句多hua4 bu4 tou2 ji1 ban4 ju4 duo1
when words get sour, adding words is useless (idiom)
举手投足舉手投足ju3 shou3 tou2 zu2
one's every movement (idiom); comportment; gestures
空投空投kong1 tou2
air drop; to drop supplies by air
明珠暗投明珠暗投ming2 zhu1 an4 tou2
to cast pearls before swine (idiom); not to get proper recognition for one's talents
南投南投nan2 tou2
Nantou city and county in central Taiwan
南投市南投市nan2 tou2 shi4
Nantou city in central Taiwan, capital of Nantou county
南投县南投縣nan2 tou2 xian4
Nantou county in central Taiwan
弃暗投明棄暗投明qi4 an4 tou2 ming2
to renounce the dark and seek the light; to give up one's wrong way of life and turn to a better one
企投企投qi4 tou2
to have fun (Taiwanese, POJ pr. )
情投意合情投意合qing2 tou2 yi4 he2
to have an affinity with each other (idiom); to find each other congenial
全民投票全民投票quan2 min2 tou2 piao4
referendum; plebiscite
石投大海石投大海shi2 tou2 da4 hai3
to disappear like a stone dropped into the sea; to vanish forever without trace
提前投票提前投票ti2 qian2 tou2 piao4
early vote
投案投案tou2 an4
to surrender to the authorities; to turn oneself in (for a crime)
投保投保tou2 bao3
to take out insurance; to insure
投保方投保方tou2 bao3 fang1
policyholder (insurance)
投保人投保人tou2 bao3 ren2
policy holder; insured person
投奔投奔tou2 ben4
to seek shelter; to seek asylum
投笔从戎投筆從戎tou2 bi3 cong2 rong2
to lay down the pen and take up the sword (idiom); to join the military (esp. of educated person)
投币投幣tou2 bi4
coin-operated; to insert coins
投币口投幣口tou2 bi4 kou3
coin slot
投鞭断流投鞭斷流tou2 bian1 duan4 liu2
arms enough to stem the stream (idiom); formidable army
投标投標tou2 biao1
to bid; to make a tender
投产投產tou2 chan3
to put into production; to put into operation
投诚投誠tou2 cheng2
to defect; to surrender; to capitulate
投弹投彈tou2 dan4
to throw an explosive charge; to bomb
投敌投敵tou2 di2
to go over to the enemy; to defect
投递投遞tou2 di4
to deliver
投递员投遞員tou2 di4 yuan2
courier; mailman
投店投店tou2 dian4
to stop at a hostel
投放投放tou2 fang4
to input; to throw in; to unload; to put into circulation
投放市场投放市場tou2 fang4 shi4 chang3
to put sth on the market
投稿投稿tou2 gao3
to submit articles for publication; to contribute (writing)
投光灯投光燈tou2 guang1 deng1
投合投合tou2 he2
to go well together; to be compatible; to cater to; to please
投壶投壺tou2 hu2
ancient banquet game of throwing arrows into a pot, the winner determined by the number of arrows thrown in, and the loser required to drink as punishment
投怀送抱投懷送抱tou2 huai2 song4 bao4
to throw oneself in sb's arms; to throw oneself at sb
投缳投繯tou2 huan2
to hang oneself; to commit suicide by hanging
投环投環tou2 huan2
variant of 投繯|投缳
投缳自缢投繯自縊tou2 huan2 zi4 yi4
to hang oneself (idiom)
投机投機tou2 ji1
to speculate (on financial markets); opportunistic; congenial; agreeable
投机倒把投機倒把tou2 ji1 dao3 ba3
speculation and profiteering (idiom); buying and selling on speculation
投机买卖投機買賣tou2 ji1 mai3 mai4
buying and selling on speculation
投机取巧投機取巧tou2 ji1 qu3 qiao3
to seize every opportunity; to be full of tricks
投机者投機者tou2 ji1 zhe3
投寄投寄tou2 ji4
to send by post
投井下石投井下石tou2 jing3 xia4 shi2
to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down
投军投軍tou2 jun1
to join up; to enlist (e.g. in the military)
投开票所投開票所tou2 kai1 piao4 suo3
polling station
投考投考tou2 kao3
to sign up for an examination; to apply for admission (to a university etc); to apply (for a position)
投靠投靠tou2 kao4
to rely on help from sb
投篮投籃tou2 lan2
to shoot for the basket (basketball)
投篮机投籃機tou2 lan2 ji1
arcade basketball machine; miniature hoops
投袂而起投袂而起tou2 mei4 er2 qi3
lit. to shake one's sleeves and rise (idiom); fig. to get excited and move to action
投拍投拍tou2 pai1
to start shooting (a film); to invest in (a movie); to put (sth) up for auction
投票投票tou2 piao4
to vote; vote
投票地点投票地點tou2 piao4 di4 dian3
voting place
投票匦投票匭tou2 piao4 gui3
ballot box (Tw)
投票机器投票機器tou2 piao4 ji1 qi4
voting machine
投票率投票率tou2 piao4 lv4
proportion of vote; turnout in election
投票权投票權tou2 piao4 quan2
suffrage; right to vote
投票箱投票箱tou2 piao4 xiang1
ballot box
投票站投票站tou2 piao4 zhan4
polling station (for a vote)
投票者投票者tou2 piao4 zhe3
投其所好投其所好tou2 qi2 suo3 hao4
to adapt to sb's taste; to fit sb's fancy
投契投契tou2 qi4
to get along well (with sb); congenial; to speculate (on financial markets)
投入投入tou2 ru4
to throw into; to put into; to throw oneself into; to participate in; to invest in; absorbed; engrossed
投杀投殺tou2 sha1
(sports) (cricket) to bowl a batsman out
投射投射tou2 she4
to throw (a projectile); to cast (light)
投身投身tou2 shen1
to throw oneself into sth
投生投生tou2 sheng1
reborn (of departed spirit); to be reincarnated; to leave home for a new life
投师投師tou2 shi1
to join a guru for instruction
投石问路投石問路tou2 shi2 wen4 lu4
lit. to toss a stone to find out what's ahead (idiom); fig. to test the waters
投手投手tou2 shou3
thrower; pitcher; bowler
投书投書tou2 shu1
to deliver; to send a letter; a letter (of complaint, opinion etc)
投鼠忌器投鼠忌器tou2 shu3 ji4 qi4
lit. to refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases (idiom); to not act against an evil so as to prevent harm to innocents
投宿投宿tou2 su4
to lodge; to stay (for the night)
投诉投訴tou2 su4
complaint; to complain; to register a complaint (esp. as a customer)
投胎投胎tou2 tai1
to be reincarnated
投桃报李投桃報李tou2 tao2 bao4 li3
toss a peach, get back a plum (idiom); to return a favor; to exchange gifts; Scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.
投降投降tou2 xiang2
to surrender; surrender
投影投影tou2 ying3
to project; a projection
投影机投影機tou2 ying3 ji1
投影几何投影幾何tou2 ying3 ji3 he2
projective geometry; same as 射影幾何|射影几何
投影几何学投影幾何學tou2 ying3 ji3 he2 xue2
projective geometry; same as 射影幾何學|射影几何学
投影面投影面tou2 ying3 mian4
plane of projection (in perspective drawing)
投影图投影圖tou2 ying3 tu2
perspective drawing
投影线投影線tou2 ying3 xian4
line of project; projection line
投影仪投影儀tou2 ying3 yi2
投影中心投影中心tou2 ying3 zhong1 xin1
center of projection
投硬币投硬幣tou2 ying4 bi4
coin-operated; to insert a coin
投缘投緣tou2 yuan2
to be kindred spirits; to hit it off
投掷投擲tou2 zhi4
to throw sth a long distance; to hurl; to throw at; to throw (dice etc); to flip (a coin)
投中投中tou2 zhong4
to hit the target with one's throw; (basketball) to score
投注投注tou2 zhu4
to throw one's energies (into an activity); to invest one's emotions (in sth); to bet; betting
投资投資tou2 zi1
investment; to invest
投资报酬率投資報酬率tou2 zi1 bao4 chou2 lv4
return on investment; rate of return
投资风险投資風險tou2 zi1 feng1 xian3
investment risk
投资回报率投資回報率tou2 zi1 hui2 bao4 lv4
return on investment (ROI)
投资家投資家tou2 zi1 jia1
投资人投資人tou2 zi1 ren2
投资移民投資移民tou2 zi1 yi2 min2
investment immigration; immigrant investor
投资者投資者tou2 zi1 zhe3
外国投资者外國投資者wai4 guo2 tou2 zi1 zhe3
foreign investor
外来投资外來投資wai4 lai2 tou2 zi1
foreign investment
外商直接投资外商直接投資wai4 shang1 zhi2 jie1 tou2 zi1
overseas foreign direct investment (OFDI)
无条件投降無條件投降wu2 tiao2 jian4 tou2 xiang2
unconditional surrender
五体投地五體投地wu3 ti3 tou2 di4
to prostrate oneself in admiration (idiom); to adulate sb