to press; to push; to leave aside or shelve; to control; to restrain; to keep one's hand on; to check or refer to; according to; in the light of; (of an editor or author) to make a comment
to hold back one's troops without moving (idiom); to bide one's time
按部就班按部就班an4 bu4 jiu4 ban1
to follow the prescribed order; to keep to the working routine (idiom)
按步就班按步就班an4 bu4 jiu4 ban1
follow the prescribed order; keep to conventional ways
按察按察an4 cha2
to investigate (old)
按规定按規定an4 gui1 ding4
according to regulation
按季按季an4 ji4
according to season; quarterly
按键按鍵an4 jian4
button or key (on a device); keystroke; to press a button
按键音按鍵音an4 jian4 yin1
keypad tone; key tone
按揭按揭an4 jie1
a mortgage; to buy property on a mortgage
按劳分配按勞分配an4 lao2 fen1 pei4
distribution according to work
按理按理an4 li3
according to reason; in the ordinary course of events; normally
按理说按理說an4 li3 shuo1
it is reasonable to say that...
按立按立an4 li4
按立宪治国按立憲治國an4 li4 xian4 zhi4 guo2
to rule a country according to the constitution
按脉按脈an4 mai4
to feel (take) the pulse
按摩按摩an4 mo2
massage; to massage
按摩棒按摩棒an4 mo2 bang4
vibrator; dildo
按纳按納an4 na4
variant of 按捺
按捺按捺an4 na4
to restrain; to control
按捺不住按捺不住an4 na4 bu5 zhu4
to be unable to hold back
按钮按鈕an4 niu3
push button
按期按期an4 qi1
on schedule; on time
按跷按蹻an4 qiao1
(old) massage
按日按日an4 ri4
daily (law); per diem
按时按時an4 shi2
on time; before deadline; on schedule
按时间先后按時間先後an4 shi2 jian1 xian1 hou4
按手礼按手禮an4 shou3 li3
按说按說an4 shuo1
in the ordinary course of events; ordinarily; normally
按天按天an4 tian1
daily (law); per diem
按图索骥按圖索驥an4 tu2 suo3 ji4
lit. looking for a fine horse using only a picture (idiom); fig. to do things along rigid, conventional lines; to try and find sth with the help of a clue
按蚊按蚊an4 wen2
anopheles; malarial mosquito
按下按下an4 xia4
to press down; to press a button
按下葫芦浮起瓢按下葫蘆浮起瓢an4 xia4 hu2 lu2 fu2 qi3 piao2
solve one problem only to find another cropping up
按需按需an4 xu1
on demand; according to demand
按需出版按需出版an4 xu1 chu1 ban3
publishing on demand
按需分配按需分配an4 xu1 fen1 pei4
distribution according to need
按压按壓an4 ya1
to press; to push (a button)
按语按語an4 yu3
note; comment
按月按月an4 yue4
monthly; per mensem
按赞按讚an4 zan4
to give sb a thumbs-up (on social media)
按照按照an4 zhao4
according to; in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of