to teach; to instruct; to award; to give

strokes 11
strokes after radical 8
颁授 頒授 ban1 shou4
to confer (e.g. diploma); to award

传授 傳授 chuan2 shou4
to impart; to pass on; to teach

副教授 副教授 fu4 jiao4 shou4
associate professor (university post)

函授 函授 han2 shou4
to teach by correspondence

函授大学 函授大學 han2 shou4 da4 xue2
open university

函授课程 函授課程 han2 shou4 ke4 cheng2
correspondence course

讲授 講授 jiang3 shou4
to lecture; to teach (a college course)

教授 教授 jiao4 shou4
professor; to instruct; to lecture on

客座教授 客座教授 ke4 zuo4 jiao4 shou4
visiting professor; guest professor

临危授命 臨危授命 lin2 wei1 shou4 ming4
to sacrifice one's life in a crisis

面授 面授 mian4 shou4
to teach face to face; to instruct in person

面授机宜 面授機宜 mian4 shou4 ji1 yi2
to give direct instructions on the way to deal with a matter; to brief personally (idiom)

男女授受不亲 男女授受不親 nan2 nv3 shou4 shou4 bu4 qin1
men and women should not touch hands when they give or receive things (citation, from Mencius)

人工授精 人工授精 ren2 gong1 shou4 jing1
artificial insemination

荣誉教授 榮譽教授 rong2 yu4 jiao4 shou4
emeritus professor

授粉 授粉 shou4 fen3

授计 授計 shou4 ji4
to confide a plan to sb

授奖 授獎 shou4 jiang3
to award a prize

授精 授精 shou4 jing1

授课 授課 shou4 ke4
to teach; to give lessons

授命 授命 shou4 ming4
to give orders

授权 授權 shou4 quan2
to authorize

授权范围 授權範圍 shou4 quan2 fan4 wei2
scope of authority; mandate

授权令 授權令 shou4 quan2 ling4
warrant (law)

授人以柄 授人以柄 shou4 ren2 yi3 bing3
to hand someone the swordhilt (idiom); to give someone a hold on oneself

授人以鱼不如授人以渔 授人以魚不如授人以漁 shou4 ren2 yi3 yu2 bu4 ru2 shou4 ren2 yi3 yu2
give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime; knowledge is the best charity

授任 授任 shou4 ren4
appointment (to a job); to be appointed (to high office); to accept an appointment; entrusted with responsibilities; same as 授任

授乳 授乳 shou4 ru3
lactation; breast-feeding

授时 授時 shou4 shi2
to broadcast a time signal

授受 授受 shou4 shou4
to give and accept

授衔 授銜 shou4 xian2
rank of professor; academic title

授信 授信 shou4 xin4
to extend credit (finance); credit

授勋 授勛 shou4 xun1
to award an honor

授业 授業 shou4 ye4
to teach; to bequeath

授意 授意 shou4 yi4
to inspire; to incite

授与 授與 shou4 yu3
variant of 授予

授予 授予 shou4 yu3
to award; to confer

授证 授證 shou4 zheng4
to deliver (a diploma, licence etc); to qualify

授之以鱼不如授之以渔 授之以魚不如授之以漁 shou4 zhi1 yi3 yu2 bu4 ru2 shou4 zhi1 yi3 yu2
give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime (idiom)

指导教授 指導教授 zhi3 dao3 jiao4 shou4
adviser; advising professor

指授 指授 zhi3 shou4
to instruct; to direct

转授 轉授 zhuan3 shou4
to delegate