to poke one's head in and pry (idiom); to spy; nosy
半导体探测器半導體探測器ban4 dao3 ti3 tan4 ce4 qi4
semiconductor detector
包探包探bao1 tan4
detective (in former times)
查探查探cha2 tan4
to check; to investigate; to probe (into)
刺探刺探ci4 tan4
to pry into; to spy on; to probe into
打探打探da3 tan4
to make discreet inquiries; to scout out
敌探敵探di2 tan4
enemy spy
伽利略探测器伽利略探測器jia1 li4 lve4 tan4 ce4 qi4
Galileo probe
金属探伤金屬探傷jin1 shu3 tan4 shang1
metal crack detection
警探警探jing3 tan4
police detective
勘探勘探kan1 tan4
to explore; to survey; to prospect (for oil etc); prospecting
空间探测空間探測kong1 jian1 tan4 ce4
space probe
窥探窺探kui1 tan4
to pry into or spy on; to snoop; to peep; to poke one's nose into; to peer; to get a glimpse of
陆探微陸探微lu4 tan4 wei1
Lu Tanwei (active c. 450-490), one of the Four Great Painters of the Six dynasties 六朝四大家
密探密探mi4 tan4
secret agent; detective; covert investigator
妙探寻凶妙探尋兇miao4 tan4 xun2 xiong1
Cluedo (board game)
神探神探shen2 tan4
master sleuth; lit. miraculous detective; cf Sherlock Holmes 福爾摩斯|福尔摩斯 or Di Renjie 狄仁傑|狄仁杰
试探試探shi4 tan4
to sound out; to probe; to feel out; to try out
太空探索太空探索tai4 kong1 tan4 suo3
space exploration
探班探班tan4 ban1
to check on sb at his workplace; to come to a movie set to visit one of the actors
探病探病tan4 bing4
to visit a sick person or patient
探测探測tan4 ce4
to probe; to take readings; to explore; exploration
探测器探測器tan4 ce4 qi4
detector; probe; craft
探测字探測字tan4 ce4 zi4
probe (character)
探察探察tan4 cha2
to investigate; to observe; to scout; to seek out and examine; to explore
探查探查tan4 cha2
to examine; to probe; to scout out; to nose around
探尺探尺tan4 chi3
dipstick; measuring rod
探访探訪tan4 fang3
to seek by inquiry or search; to call on; to visit
探风探風tan4 feng1
to make inquiries about sb or sth; to fish for information
探戈探戈tan4 ge1
tango (dance) (loanword)
探花探花tan4 hua1
candidate who came third in the Han-lin examination; see 狀元|状元
探家探家tan4 jia1
to make a trip home
探监探監tan4 jian1
to visit a prisoner (usu. a relative or friend)
探井探井tan4 jing3
test pit; exploratory shaft; test well (mineralogy)
探究探究tan4 jiu1
to investigate; to delve; to probe; to enquire into; to look into
探究式探究式tan4 jiu1 shi4
探勘探勘tan4 kan1
to explore; to survey; to prospect (for oil etc); prospecting
探看探看tan4 kan4
to visit; to go to see what's going on
探口风探口風tan4 kou3 feng1
to sound out opinions; to get sb's views by polite or indirect questioning
探口气探口氣tan4 kou3 qi4
to sound out opinions; to get sb's views by polite or indirect questioning; also written 探口風|探口风
探矿探礦tan4 kuang4
to prospect; to dig for coal or minerals
探矿者探礦者tan4 kuang4 zhe3
prospector; person exploring for minerals
探雷探雷tan4 lei2
to detect mines; mine detection
探雷人员探雷人員tan4 lei2 ren2 yuan2
mine detector (employee)
探骊得珠探驪得珠tan4 li2 de2 zhu1
to pluck a pearl from the black dragon (idiom, from Zhuangzi); fig. to pick out the salient points (from a tangled situation); to see through to the nub
探路探路tan4 lu4
to find a path
探路者探路者tan4 lu4 zhe3
Pathfinder, NASA spacecraft sent to Mars in 1977
探马探馬tan4 ma3
mounted scout (arch.)
探秘探祕tan4 mi4
to explore a mystery; to probe the unknown
探明探明tan4 ming2
to ascertain; to verify
探摸探摸tan4 mo1
to feel for sth; to grope
探囊取物探囊取物tan4 nang2 qu3 wu4
to feel in one's pocket and take sth (idiom); as easy as pie; in the bag
探奇探奇tan4 qi2
to seek unusual scenery or places
探亲探親tan4 qin1
to go home to visit one's family
探求探求tan4 qiu2
to seek; to pursue; to investigate
探伤探傷tan4 shang1
to inspect for damage; flaw detection; metal crack detection
探伤器探傷器tan4 shang1 qi4
metal crack detector
探身探身tan4 shen1
to lean forward; to lean out (of a window, door etc)
探身子探身子tan4 shen1 zi5
to bend forward; to lean out
探视探視tan4 shi4
to visit (a patient, prisoner etc); to look inquiringly
探视权探視權tan4 shi4 quan2
visitation rights (law)
探索探索tan4 suo3
to explore; to probe
探索性探索性tan4 suo3 xing4
探讨探討tan4 tao3
to investigate; to probe
探听探聽tan4 ting1
to make inquiries; to try to find out; to pry
探头探頭tan4 tou2
to extend one's head (out or into); a probe; detector; search unit
探头探脑探頭探腦tan4 tou2 tan4 nao3
to stick one's head out and look around (idiom)
探头探脑儿探頭探腦兒tan4 tou2 tan4 nao3 er5
erhua variant of 探頭探腦|探头探脑
探望探望tan4 wang4
to visit; to call on sb; to look around
探问探問tan4 wen4
to inquire into; to ask after
探险探險tan4 xian3
to explore; to go on an expedition; adventure
探险家探險家tan4 xian3 jia1
探险者探險者tan4 xian3 zhe3
探寻探尋tan4 xun2
to search; to seek; to explore
探询探詢tan4 xun2
to inquire into; to ask after
探幽发微探幽發微tan4 you1 fa1 wei1
to probe deeply and uncover minute details
探员探員tan4 yuan2
detective; investigator; agent
探月探月tan4 yue4
lunar exploration
探长探長tan4 zhang3
(police) detective
探照灯探照燈tan4 zhao4 deng1
探针探針tan4 zhen1
探知探知tan4 zhi1
to find out; to ascertain; to get an idea of
探子探子tan4 zi5
intelligence gatherer; spy; detective; scout; sound (medical instrument); long and narrow probing and sampling utensil