lit. the rear waves of the Yangtze River drive on those before (idiom); fig. the new is constantly replacing the old; each new generation excels the previous; (of things) to be constantly evolving
Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT, from 1926); Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center (from 1943)
归纳推理歸納推理gui1 na4 tui1 li3
inference by induction (method of deduction in logic)
核推进核推進he2 tui1 jin4
nuclear propulsion
互相推诿互相推諉hu4 xiang1 tui1 wei3
mutually shirking responsibilities (idiom); each blaming the other; passing the buck to and fro; each trying to unload responsibilities onto the other
火箭推进榴弹火箭推進榴彈huo3 jian4 tui1 jin4 liu2 dan4
rocket-propelled grenade (RPG)
借词推搪藉詞推搪jie4 ci2 tui1 tang2
to make a lot of excuses
介之推介之推jie4 zhi1 tui1
Jie Zhitui (7th century BC), legendary selfless subject of Duke Wen of Jin 晉文公|晋文公, in whose honor the Qingming festival 清明 (Pure brightness or tomb-sweeping festival) is said to have been initiated
介子推介子推jie4 zi3 tui1
see 介之推
经不起推究經不起推究jing1 bu4 qi3 tui1 jiu1
does not bear examination
类推類推lei4 tui1
to reason by analogy
喷漆推进噴漆推進pen1 qi1 tui1 jin4
jet propulsion
喷气推进实验室噴氣推進實驗室pen1 qi4 tui1 jin4 shi2 yan4 shi4
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, R&D center in Pasadena, California
沙盘推演沙盤推演sha1 pan2 tui1 yan3
to plan a military mission on a sand table (idiom); to rehearse a planned action or activity; to conduct a dry run
首推首推shou3 tui1
to regard as the foremost; to name as a prime example
lit. to push the boat with the current; fig. to take advantage of the situation for one's own benefit
顺水推舟順水推舟shun4 shui3 tui1 zhou1
lit. to push the boat with the current; fig. to take advantage of the situation for one's own benefit
推本溯源推本溯源tui1 ben3 su4 yuan2
to go back to the source
推波助澜推波助瀾tui1 bo1 zhu4 lan2
to push the wave and add to the billows (idiom); to add momentum; to encourage sth to get bigger; to add fuel to the fire
推测推測tui1 ce4
speculation; to conjecture; to surmise; to speculate
推阐推闡tui1 chan3
to elucidate; to study and expound
推车推車tui1 che1
cart; trolley; to push a cart
推陈布新推陳佈新tui1 chen2 bu4 xin1
to push out the old and bring in the new (idiom); to innovate; to go beyond old ideas; advancing all the time
推陈出新推陳出新tui1 chen2 chu1 xin1
to push out the old and bring in the new (idiom); to innovate
推陈致新推陳致新tui1 chen2 zhi4 xin1
see 推陳出新|推陈出新
推迟推遲tui1 chi2
to postpone; to put off; to defer
推斥推斥tui1 chi4
repulsion; repulsive force (physics)
推斥力推斥力tui1 chi4 li4
repulsion; repulsive force (physics)
推崇推崇tui1 chong2
to esteem; to think highly of; to accord importance to; to revere
推出推出tui1 chu1
to push out; to release; to launch; to publish; to recommend
推辞推辭tui1 ci2
to decline (an appointment, invitation etc)
推戴推戴tui1 dai4
to endorse (sb for leader)
推宕推宕tui1 dang4
to postpone; to delay; to put sth off
推导推導tui1 dao3
derivation; to deduce
推倒推倒tui1 dao3
to push over; to overthrow
推定推定tui1 ding4
to infer; to consider and come to a judgment; to recommend; to estimate; deduced to be
推动推動tui1 dong4
to push (for acceptance of a plan); to push forward; to promote; to actuate
推动力推動力tui1 dong4 li4
driving force
推度推度tui1 du4
to infer; to guess
推断推斷tui1 duan4
to infer; to deduce; to predict; to extrapolate
推恩推恩tui1 en1
to extend kindness
推翻推翻tui1 fan1
to overthrow
推服推服tui1 fu2
to esteem; to admire
推杆推桿tui1 gan1
push rod or tappet (mechanics); putter (golf); to putt (golf)
推估推估tui1 gu1
to estimate
推故推故tui1 gu4
to find a pretext for refusing
推官推官tui1 guan1
prefectural judge (in imperial China)
推广推廣tui1 guang3
to extend; to spread; to popularize; generalization; promotion (of a product etc)
推后推後tui1 hou4
to push back (progress, the times etc)
推及推及tui1 ji2
to spread; to extend
推计推計tui1 ji4
to estimate; to deduce (by calculation)
推荐推薦tui1 jian4
to recommend; recommendation
推荐书推薦書tui1 jian4 shu1
recommendation letter
推荐信推薦信tui1 jian4 xin4
recommendation letter
推介推介tui1 jie4
promotion; to promote; to introduce and recommend
推介会推介會tui1 jie4 hui4
promotional seminar; promotional event
推进推進tui1 jin4
to impel; to carry forward; to push on; to advance; to drive forward
推进舱推進艙tui1 jin4 cang1
propulsion module; service module (astronautics)
推进机推進機tui1 jin4 ji1
see 推進器|推进器
推进剂推進劑tui1 jin4 ji4
propellant; rocket fuel
推进器推進器tui1 jin4 qi4
propeller; propulsion unit; thruster
推究推究tui1 jiu1
to study; to examine; to probe; to study the underlying principles
推举推舉tui1 ju3
to elect; to choose; press (weightlifting technique)
推开推開tui1 kai1
to push open (a gate etc); to push away; to reject; to decline
推拉门推拉門tui1 la1 men2
sliding door
推来推去推來推去tui1 lai2 tui1 qu4
(idiom) to rudely push and pull others; (idiom) to evade responsibility and push it to others
推理推理tui1 li3
reasoning; speculative; inference
推理小说推理小說tui1 li3 xiao3 shuo1
murder mystery (novel); whodunit
推论推論tui1 lun4
to infer; inference; corollary; reasoned conclusion
推拿推拿tui1 na2
tui na (form of Chinese manual therapy)
推敲推敲tui1 qiao1
to think over
推求推求tui1 qiu2
to inquire; to ascertain
推却推卻tui1 que4
to repel; to decline
推三阻四推三阻四tui1 san1 zu3 si4
to use all sorts of excuses
推搡推搡tui1 sang3
to shove; to jostle
推手推手tui1 shou3
promoter; advocate; driving force; pushing hands (two-person training routine esp. in t'ai chi)
推说推說tui1 shuo1
to plead; to claim as an excuse
推溯推溯tui1 su4
to trace back to
推算推算tui1 suan4
to calculate; to reckon; to extrapolate (in calculation)
推索推索tui1 suo3
to inquire into; to ascertain
推搪推搪tui1 tang2
to offer excuses (colloquial); to stall
推特推特tui1 te4
Twitter (microblogging service)
推头推頭tui1 tou2
to clip hair; to have a haircut
推土机推土機tui1 tu3 ji1
推托推托tui1 tuo1
to make excuses; to give an excuse (for not doing something)
推脱推脫tui1 tuo1
to evade; to shirk
推挽推挽tui1 wan3
to push and pull; to move sth forward by shoving and pulling
推委推委tui1 wei3
variant of 推諉|推诿
推诿推諉tui1 wei3
to decline; to avoid; shirking responsibilities; to blame others; to pass the buck; to unload one's responsibilities; to try to get out of a task
推文推文tui1 wen2
tweet (on Twitter); (HK, Tw) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile; to reply to original poster (or recommend a post) on PTT bulletin board
推问推問tui1 wen4
to interrogate
推贤让能推賢讓能tui1 xian2 rang4 neng2
to cede to the virtuous and yield to the talented (idiom)
推详推詳tui1 xiang2
to study in detail
推想推想tui1 xiang3
to reckon; to infer; to imagine
推销推銷tui1 xiao1
to market; to sell
推销员推銷員tui1 xiao1 yuan2
sales representative; salesperson
推卸推卸tui1 xie4
to avoid (esp. responsibility); to shift (the blame); to pass the buck
推心推心tui1 xin1
to treat sincerely; to confide in
推心置腹推心置腹tui1 xin1 zhi4 fu4
to give one's bare heart into sb else's keeping (idiom); sb has one's absolute confidence; to trust completely; to confide in sb with entire sincerity
推行推行tui1 xing2
to put into effect; to carry out
推许推許tui1 xu3
to esteem; to commend
推选推選tui1 xuan3
to elect; to choose; to nominate
推寻推尋tui1 xun2
to examine; to investigate
推延推延tui1 yan2
to procrastinate
推演推演tui1 yan3
to deduce; to infer; to derive; an implication
推衍推衍tui1 yan3
to deduce; to infer; an implication; same as 推演
推移推移tui1 yi2
(of time) to elapse or pass; (of a situation) to develop or evolve
推油推油tui1 you2
oil massage
推展推展tui1 zhan3
to propagate; to popularize
推甄推甄tui1 zhen1
to recommend a student for admission to a higher-level school; to put a student on the recommendation track (one of several ways of gaining admission to a higher-level school in Taiwan); abbr. for 推薦甄選|推荐甄选
推知推知tui1 zhi1
to infer
推重推重tui1 zhong4
to esteem; to think highly of; to accord importance to; to revere
推助推助tui1 zhu4
to bolster; to give a boost to (the economy etc)
推子推子tui1 zi5
hair clippers
推尊推尊tui1 zun1
to esteem; to revere; to think highly of sb
臀推臀推tun2 tui1
massage using one's buttocks
外推外推wai4 tui1
to extrapolate
外推法外推法wai4 tui1 fa3
extrapolation (math.); to extrapolate
完全归纳推理完全歸納推理wan2 quan2 gui1 na4 tui1 li3
inference by complete induction
卧推臥推wo4 tui1
bench press
无罪推定無罪推定wu2 zui4 tui1 ding4
presumption of innocence (law)
新产品推介会新產品推介會xin1 chan3 pin3 tui1 jie4 hui4
product launch event
胸推胸推xiong1 tui1
massage using one's breasts
以此类推以此類推yi3 ci3 lei4 tui1
and so on; in a similar fashion
婴儿手推车嬰兒手推車ying1 er2 shou3 tui1 che1
baby buggy
硬推硬推ying4 tui1
to shove
有钱能使鬼推磨有錢能使鬼推磨you3 qian2 neng2 shi3 gui3 tui1 mo4
lit. money will make the Devil turn millstones (idiom); fig. with money, you can do anything you like