covert activities (election rigging etc); under-the-table manipulations; black operations
柏节松操柏節松操bai3 jie2 song1 cao1
chaste widowhood
保健操保健操bao3 jian4 cao1
health exercises
步操步操bu4 cao1
foot drill (military, physical exercises etc)
操办操辦cao1 ban4
to arrange matters
操场操場cao1 chang3
playground; sports field; drill ground
操持操持cao1 chi5
to manage; to handle
操刀手操刀手cao1 dao1 shou3
person charged with decisive action; hatchet man
操典操典cao1 dian3
drill book
操舵操舵cao1 duo4
to steer (a vessel); to hold the rudder; at the helm
操舵室操舵室cao1 duo4 shi4
操法操法cao1 fa3
drill rules
操斧伐柯操斧伐柯cao1 fu3 fa2 ke1
(cf Book of Songs) How to fashion an ax handle? You need an ax; fig. to follow a principle; fig. to act as matchmaker
操觚操觚cao1 gu1
to write; to compose
操航操航cao1 hang2
to take the helm; to steer (a ship)
操课操課cao1 ke4
military drill
操控操控cao1 kong4
to control; to manipulate
操劳操勞cao1 lao2
to work hard; to look after
操练操練cao1 lian4
drill; practice
操盘手操盤手cao1 pan2 shou3
trader or dealer (of stocks and shares etc)
操坪操坪cao1 ping2
drill ground
操切操切cao1 qie4
rash; hasty
操神操神cao1 shen2
to worry about; to look after; to take care of
操守操守cao1 shou3
personal integrity
操心操心cao1 xin1
to worry about
操行操行cao1 xing2
(student's) behavior
操演操演cao1 yan3
drill; exercise; demonstration; to demonstrate
操之过急操之過急cao1 zhi1 guo4 ji2
to act with undue haste (idiom); eager and impatient; overhasty
操舟操舟cao1 zhou1
to steer a boat
操纵操縱cao1 zong4
to operate; to control; to rig; to manipulate
操纵杆操縱桿cao1 zong4 gan3
joystick; control lever
操纵自如操縱自如cao1 zong4 zi4 ru2
to operate (a machine etc) with ease
操作操作cao1 zuo4
to work; to operate; to manipulate
操作规程操作規程cao1 zuo4 gui1 cheng2
operating rules; work regulations
操作环境操作環境cao1 zuo4 huan2 jing4
operating environment
操作速率操作速率cao1 zuo4 su4 lv4
operating speed
操作台操作台cao1 zuo4 tai2
operating desk; control panel; console
操作系统操作系統cao1 zuo4 xi4 tong3
operating system
操作员操作員cao1 zuo4 yuan2
操作者操作者cao1 zuo4 zhe3
曹操曹操cao2 cao1
Cao Cao (155-220), famous statesman and general at the end of Han, noted poet and calligrapher, later warlord, founder and first king of Cao Wei 曹魏, father of Emperor Cao Pi 曹丕; the main villain of novel the Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义
操逼操逼cao4 bi1
variant of 肏屄
操屄操屄cao4 bi1
variant of 肏屄
操蛋操蛋cao4 dan4
variant of 肏蛋
操你妈操你媽cao4 ni3 ma1
see 肏你媽|肏你妈
重操旧业重操舊業chong2 cao1 jiu4 ye4
to resume one's old trade (idiom)
出操出操chu1 cao1
to drill; to exercise; to go outdoors for physical exercise
国际体操联合会國際體操聯合會guo2 ji4 ti3 cao1 lian2 he2 hui4
Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique
黑箱操作黑箱操作hei1 xiang1 cao1 zuo4
see 暗箱操作
互操性互操性hu4 cao1 xing4
健美操健美操jian4 mei3 cao1
aerobics; aerobic dance (school P.E. activity)
洁操潔操jie2 cao1
unimpeachable conduct; noble behavior; spotless personal integrity
节操節操jie2 cao1
integrity; moral principle
可操作的艺术可操作的藝術ke3 cao1 zuo4 de5 yi4 shu4
the art of the possible (Bismarck on politics)
课间操課間操ke4 jian1 cao1
setting-up exercises during the break (between classes)
幕后操纵幕後操縱mu4 hou4 cao1 zong4
to manipulate from behind the scenes; to pull the strings
劈情操劈情操pi1 qing2 cao1
to have a friendly chat (Shanghai)
情操情操qing2 cao1
sentiments; feelings; disposition of mind; moral character
率尔操觚率爾操觚shuai4 er3 cao1 gu1
to compose in off-hand way (idiom); to dash off
说曹操,曹操到說曹操,曹操到shuo1 cao2 cao1 - cao2 cao1 dao4
see 說曹操曹操就到|说曹操曹操就到
说曹操曹操就到說曹操曹操就到shuo1 cao2 cao1 cao2 cao1 jiu4 dao4
lit. speak of Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrives; fig. speak of the devil and he doth appear
陶冶情操陶冶情操tao2 ye3 qing2 cao1
to cultivate one's mind; to build character
体操體操ti3 cao1
gymnastic; gymnastics
体操队體操隊ti3 cao1 dui4
gymnastics team
体操运动员體操運動員ti3 cao1 yun4 dong4 yuan2
同室操戈同室操戈tong2 shi4 cao1 ge1
wielding the halberd within the household (idiom); internecine strife
网络操作系统網絡操作系統wang3 luo4 cao1 zuo4 xi4 tong3
network operating system
稳操胜券穩操勝券wen3 cao1 sheng4 quan4
grasp it and victory is assured; to have success within one's grasp (idiom)
稳操胜算穩操勝算wen3 cao1 sheng4 suan4
to be assured of success
遥控操作遙控操作yao2 kong4 cao1 zuo4
remote operation
艺术体操藝術體操yi4 shu4 ti3 cao1
rhythmic gymnastics
有氧操有氧操you3 yang3 cao1
有氧健身操有氧健身操you3 yang3 jian4 shen1 cao1
早操早操zao3 cao1
morning exercises (physical exercises commonly performed en masse at schools and workplaces in East Asian countries)
贞操貞操zhen1 cao1
(usually of women) chastity; virginity; virtue; honor; loyalty; moral integrity