political; politics; government

strokes 9
strokes after radical 4
暴政 暴政 bao4 zheng4
tyranny; despotic rule

北洋政府 北洋政府 bei3 yang2 zheng4 fu3
the Warlord government of Northern China that developed from the Qing Beiyang army 北洋軍閥|北洋军阀 after the Xinhai revolution of 1911

闭关政策 閉關政策 bi4 guan1 zheng4 ce4
closed-door policy

柄政 柄政 bing3 zheng4
to rule; to be in power

不在其位不谋其政 不在其位不謀其政 bu4 zai4 qi2 wei4 bu4 mou4 qi2 zheng4
don't meddle in affairs that are not part of your position (Confucius)

财政 財政 cai2 zheng4
finances (public); financial

财政部 財政部 cai2 zheng4 bu4
Ministry of Finance

财政部长 財政部長 cai2 zheng4 bu4 zhang3
minister of finance

财政大臣 財政大臣 cai2 zheng4 da4 chen2
finance minister; UK chancellor of exchequer

财政年度 財政年度 cai2 zheng4 nian2 du4
financial year; fiscal year (e.g. from April to March, for tax purposes)

参政 參政 can1 zheng4
to be involved in politics; participation in politics

参政权 參政權 can1 zheng4 quan2
suffrage; voting rights

城市管理行政执法局 城市管理行政執法局 cheng2 shi4 guan3 li3 xing2 zheng4 zhi2 fa3 ju2
City Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau (PRC)

持不同政见 持不同政見 chi2 bu4 tong2 zheng4 jian4
(politically) dissenting; dissident

持不同政见者 持不同政見者 chi2 bu4 tong2 zheng4 jian4 zhe3
(political) dissident

船政大臣 船政大臣 chuan2 zheng4 da4 chen2
Minister of Navy during Qing times

船政学堂 船政學堂 chuan2 zheng4 xue2 tang2
Fuzhou Naval College, a.k.a. Foochow Naval Dockyard School, set up in 1866 by the Qing dynasty

垂帘听政 垂簾聽政 chui2 lian2 ting1 zheng4
lit. to govern from behind the curtain; to rule in place of the emperor (idiom)

篡政 篡政 cuan4 zheng4
to usurp political power

大柴旦行政区 大柴旦行政區 da4 chai2 dan4 xing2 zheng4 qu1
Da Qaidam county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州, Qinghai

大柴旦行政委员会 大柴旦行政委員會 da4 chai2 dan4 xing2 zheng4 wei3 yuan2 hui4
Da Qaidam county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州, Qinghai

大政方针 大政方針 da4 zheng4 fang1 zhen1
major policy of the national government

大政翼赞会 大政翼贊會 da4 zheng4 yi4 zan4 hui4
Taisei Yokusankai, Japanese fascist organization created in 1940

当政 當政 dang1 zheng4
to come to power; to hold power; in office

当政者 當政者 dang1 zheng4 zhe3
power holder; current political ruler

党政 黨政 dang3 zheng4
Party and government administration

党政机关 黨政機關 dang3 zheng4 ji1 guan1
(Communist) Party and government organizations

德政 德政 de2 zheng4
benevolent government

地缘政治 地緣政治 di4 yuan2 zheng4 zhi4
geopolitics; geopolitical

地缘政治学 地緣政治學 di4 yuan2 zheng4 zhi4 xue2

颠覆政府罪 顛覆政府罪 dian1 fu4 zheng4 fu3 zui4
crime of incitement to overthrow the state; abbr. for 煽動顛覆國家政權|煽动颠覆国家政权

独生子女政策 獨生子女政策 du2 sheng1 zi3 nv3 zheng4 ce4
one-child policy

蠹政 蠹政 du4 zheng4
parasitic government

对外政策 對外政策 dui4 wai4 zheng4 ce4
foreign policy

反政府 反政府 fan3 zheng4 fu3
anti-government (protest)

放任政策 放任政策 fang4 ren4 zheng4 ce4
laissez-faire policy; non-interference

非政府 非政府 fei1 zheng4 fu3

非政府组织 非政府組織 fei1 zheng4 fu3 zu3 zhi1
non-governmental organization (NGO)

福利政策 福利政策 fu2 li4 zheng4 ce4
welfare policy

港英政府 港英政府 gang3 ying1 zheng4 fu3
British colonial administration of Hong Kong 1837-1941 and 1945-1997

各自为政 各自為政 ge4 zi4 wei2 zheng4
to do things each in one's own way

公共行政 公共行政 gong1 gong4 xing2 zheng4
public administration

公民权利和政治权利国际公约 公民權利和政治權利國際公約 gong1 min2 quan2 li4 he2 zheng4 zhi4 quan2 li4 guo2 ji4 gong1 yue1
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

共和政体 共和政體 gong4 he2 zheng4 ti3
republican system of government

寡头政治 寡頭政治 gua3 tou2 zheng4 zhi4

国家政策 國家政策 guo2 jia1 zheng4 ce4
state policy

国民政府 國民政府 guo2 min2 zheng4 fu3
Nationalist government 1920s-1949 under Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石

国政 國政 guo2 zheng4
national politics; archaic rank, "Minister of State"; common given name

核威慑政策 核威懾政策 he2 wei1 she4 zheng4 ce4
policy of nuclear intimidation

和政 和政 he2 zheng4
Hezheng county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州, Gansu

和政县 和政縣 he2 zheng4 xian4
Hezheng county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州, Gansu

胡温新政 胡溫新政 hu2 wen1 xin1 zheng4
Hu-Wen New Administration (formed in 2003), ostensibly reform-oriented leadership of Hu Jintao 胡錦濤|胡锦涛 and Wen Jiabao 溫家寶|温家宝

家政 家政 jia1 zheng4

家政学 家政學 jia1 zheng4 xue2
family and consumer science

家政员 家政員 jia1 zheng4 yuan2
housekeeping staff

甲申政变 甲申政變 jia3 shen1 zheng4 bian4
unsuccessful and bloody Korean palace coup in 1884 by Westernisers against conservatives, crushed by Qing troops

建政 建政 jian4 zheng4
to establish a government; esp. refers to communist takeover of 1949

僭主政治 僭主政治 jian4 zhu3 zheng4 zhi4
tyranny; government by usurper

警政署 警政署 jing3 zheng4 shu3
National Police Agency (Taiwan); abbr. for 內政部警政署|内政部警政署

蠲除苛政 蠲除苛政 juan1 chu2 ke1 zheng4
to alleviate oppressive administration (idiom)

军事政变 軍事政變 jun1 shi4 zheng4 bian4
military coup

军政 軍政 jun1 zheng4
army and government

军政府 軍政府 jun1 zheng4 fu3
military government

君主政体 君主政體 jun1 zhu3 zheng4 ti3
monarchy; autocracy

君主政治 君主政治 jun1 zhu3 zheng4 zhi4

科学执政 科學執政 ke1 xue2 zhi2 zheng4
rule of science

苛政猛于虎 苛政猛於虎 ke1 zheng4 meng3 yu2 hu3
tyrannical government is fiercer than a tiger (idiom)

傀儡政权 傀儡政權 kui3 lei3 zheng4 quan2
puppet state; puppet regime

冷湖行政区 冷湖行政區 leng3 hu2 xing2 zheng4 qu1
Lenghu county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州, Qinghai

冷湖行政委员会 冷湖行政委員會 leng3 hu2 xing2 zheng4 wei3 yuan2 hui4
Lenghu county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州, Qinghai

李政道 李政道 li3 zheng4 dao4
Tsung-Dao Lee (1926-), Chinese American physicist, Columbia University, 1957 Nobel laureate

联邦政府 聯邦政府 lian2 bang1 zheng4 fu3
federal government

联合政府 聯合政府 lian2 he2 zheng4 fu3
coalition government

廉政 廉政 lian2 zheng4
honest or clean politics

廉政公署 廉政公署 lian2 zheng4 gong1 shu3
Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong (ICAC)

临时澳门市政执行委员会 臨時澳門市政執行委員會 lin2 shi2 ao4 men2 shi4 zheng4 zhi2 xing2 wei3 yuan2 hui4
Provisional Municipal Council of Macau; Câmara Municipal de Macau Provisória

临时政府 臨時政府 lin2 shi2 zheng4 fu3
provisional government

流亡政府 流亡政府 liu2 wang2 zheng4 fu3
government in exile (e.g. of Tibet)

乱政 亂政 luan4 zheng4
to corrupt politics

律政司 律政司 lv4 zheng4 si1
Department of Justice (Hong Kong)

满清政府 滿清政府 man3 qing1 zheng4 fu3
Manchurian Qing government

茫崖行政区 茫崖行政區 mang2 ya2 xing2 zheng4 qu1
Mang'ai county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州, Qinghai

茫崖行政委员会 茫崖行政委員會 mang2 ya2 xing2 zheng4 wei3 yuan2 hui4
Mang'ai county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州, Qinghai

民政 民政 min2 zheng4
civil administration

民政部 民政部 min2 zheng4 bu4
Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) of the PRC

民政厅 民政廳 min2 zheng4 ting1
Civil affairs bureau; provincial office of PRC Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) 民政部

民主政治 民主政治 min2 zhu3 zheng4 zhi4
democracy; democratic

睦邻政策 睦鄰政策 mu4 lin2 zheng4 ce4
good-neighbor policy

内政 內政 nei4 zheng4
internal affairs (of a country)

内政部 內政部 nei4 zheng4 bu4
Ministry of the Interior

内政部警政署 內政部警政署 nei4 zheng4 bu4 jing3 zheng4 shu3
National Police Agency (Taiwan)

内政部长 內政部長 nei4 zheng4 bu4 zhang3
Minister of the Interior

女子参政权 女子參政權 nv3 zi3 can1 zheng4 quan2
women's suffrage

七政四余 七政四餘 qi1 zheng4 si4 yu2
seven heavenly bodies and four imaginary stars (in astrology and fengshui)

勤政廉政 勤政廉政 qin2 zheng4 lian2 zheng4
honest and industrious government functionaries (idiom)

清政府 清政府 qing1 zheng4 fu3
Qing government (1644-1911)

庆历新政 慶曆新政 qing4 li4 xin1 zheng4
failed reform of Northern Song government in 1043

人民民主专政 人民民主專政 ren2 min2 min2 zhu3 zhuan1 zheng4
people's democratic dictatorship

人民政府 人民政府 ren2 min2 zheng4 fu3
people's government

仁政 仁政 ren2 zheng4
benevolent policy; humane government

三光政策 三光政策 san1 guang1 zheng4 ce4
Three Alls Policy (kill all, burn all, loot all), Japanese policy in China during WWII

煽动颠覆国家政权 煽動顛覆國家政權 shan1 dong4 dian1 fu4 guo2 jia1 zheng4 quan2
incitement to subvert state power (criminal charge used to gag free speech)

上有政策,下有对策 上有政策,下有對策 shang4 you3 zheng4 ce4 - xia4 you3 dui4 ce4
The higher ups have policies while the lower downs have their own ways of getting around them. (idiom)

摄政 攝政 she4 zheng4
to act as regent

摄政王 攝政王 she4 zheng4 wang2

神权政治 神權政治 shen2 quan2 zheng4 zhi4

施政 施政 shi1 zheng4

施政报告 施政報告 shi1 zheng4 bao4 gao4
administrative report

时政 時政 shi2 zheng4
current politics; political situation of the time

市政 市政 shi4 zheng4
municipal administration

市政府 市政府 shi4 zheng4 fu3
city hall; city government

市政税 市政稅 shi4 zheng4 shui4
city council rates; municipal taxes

市政厅 市政廳 shi4 zheng4 ting1
city hall

收入政策 收入政策 shou1 ru4 zheng4 ce4
income policy

四一二反革命政变 四一二反革命政變 si4 yi1 er4 fan3 ge2 ming4 zheng4 bian4
counterrevolutionary coup of 12th April 1927, Chiang Kai-shek's coup against the communists in Shanghai

特别行政区 特別行政區 te4 bie2 xing2 zheng4 qu1
special administrative region (SAR), of which there are two in the PRC: Hong Kong 香港 and Macau 澳門|澳门; refers to many different areas during late Qing, foreign occupation, warlord period and Nationalist government; refers to special zones in North Korea an

土政策 土政策 tu3 zheng4 ce4
local policy; regional regulations

鸵鸟政策 鴕鳥政策 tuo2 niao3 zheng4 ce4
ostrich policy (sticking one's head in the sand, failing to acknowledge danger)

外交政策 外交政策 wai4 jiao1 zheng4 ce4
foreign policy

万国邮政联盟 萬國郵政聯盟 wan4 guo2 you2 zheng4 lian2 meng2
Universal Postal Union

无政府主义 無政府主義 wu2 zheng4 fu3 zhu3 yi4

戊戌政变 戊戌政變 wu4 xu1 zheng4 bian4
coup by Dowager Empress Cixi 慈禧太后 ending the 1898 attempt to reform the Qing dynasty

先王之政 先王之政 xian1 wang2 zhi1 zheng4
the rule of former kings

宪政 憲政 xian4 zheng4
constitutional government

县政府 縣政府 xian4 zheng4 fu3
county administration; county regional government

宪政主义 憲政主義 xian4 zheng4 zhu3 yi4

新政 新政 xin1 zheng4
new policy; New Deal (Roosevelt's 1933 policy to deal with the Great Depression)

行政 行政 xing2 zheng4
administrative; executive (attributive)

行政部门 行政部門 xing2 zheng4 bu4 men2
administrative department; administration; executive (government branch)

行政单位 行政單位 xing2 zheng4 dan1 wei4
administrative unit (e.g. province 省, prefecture 地區|地区 or county 縣|县)

行政法 行政法 xing2 zheng4 fa3
administrative law

行政公署 行政公署 xing2 zheng4 gong1 shu3
administrative office

行政管理 行政管理 xing2 zheng4 guan3 li3
administration; administrative management

行政会议 行政會議 xing2 zheng4 hui4 yi4
Executive Council (Hong Kong)

行政机关 行政機關 xing2 zheng4 ji1 guan1
administrative authority; branch of government

行政救济 行政救濟 xing2 zheng4 jiu4 ji4
administrative remedy

行政命令 行政命令 xing2 zheng4 ming4 ling4
executive order

行政区 行政區 xing2 zheng4 qu1
administrative district

行政区画 行政區畫 xing2 zheng4 qu1 hua4
administrative subdivision (e.g. of provinces into counties)

行政区划 行政區劃 xing2 zheng4 qu1 hua4
administrative subdivision

行政区划图 行政區劃圖 xing2 zheng4 qu1 hua4 tu2
political map

行政区域 行政區域 xing2 zheng4 qu1 yu4
administrative area

行政权 行政權 xing2 zheng4 quan2
administrative authority; executive power

行政员 行政員 xing2 zheng4 yuan2

行政院 行政院 xing2 zheng4 yuan4
Executive Yuan, the executive branch of government under the constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan

行政长官 行政長官 xing2 zheng4 zhang3 guan1
chief executive; magistrate

行政总厨 行政總廚 xing2 zheng4 zong3 chu2
executive chef

要政 要政 yao4 zheng4
important governmental or administrative matter

一个中国政策 一個中國政策 yi1 ge4 zhong1 guo2 zheng4 ce4
one China policy

议政 議政 yi4 zheng4
to discuss politics

阴谋颠覆政府罪 陰謀顛覆政府罪 yin1 mou2 dian1 fu4 zheng4 fu3 zui4
the crime of conspiracy to overthrow the government

隐私政策 隱私政策 yin3 si1 zheng4 ce4
privacy policy

嬴政 嬴政 ying2 zheng4
Ying Zheng (260-210 BC), personal name of the first emperor 秦始皇

邮政 郵政 you2 zheng4
postal service; postal

邮政编码 郵政編碼 you2 zheng4 bian1 ma3
postal code; zip code

邮政局 郵政局 you2 zheng4 ju2
post office

邮政区码 郵政區碼 you2 zheng4 qu1 ma3
PRC postcode, e.g. 361000 for Xiamen or Amoy 廈門|厦门, Fujian

邮政信箱 郵政信箱 you2 zheng4 xin4 xiang1
post office box

政变 政變 zheng4 bian4
coup d'état

政柄 政柄 zheng4 bing3
at the helm of state; political power; regime

政策 政策 zheng4 ce4

政党 政黨 zheng4 dang3
political party

政敌 政敵 zheng4 di2
political enemy; opponent

政法 政法 zheng4 fa3
political law; politics and law

政府 政府 zheng4 fu3

政府部门 政府部門 zheng4 fu3 bu4 men2
government branch

政府大学院 政府大學院 zheng4 fu3 da4 xue2 yuan4
the name of Academia Sinica 中央研究院 when it was founded

政府官员 政府官員 zheng4 fu3 guan1 yuan2
government employee

政府机关 政府機關 zheng4 fu3 ji1 guan1
government (viewed as an organization); institutions of government; government office

政府警告 政府警告 zheng4 fu3 jing3 gao4
government warning

政府军 政府軍 zheng4 fu3 jun1
government army

政府首脑 政府首腦 zheng4 fu3 shou3 nao3
head of state; government leader

政府新闻处 政府新聞處 zheng4 fu3 xin1 wen2 chu4
information services department

政府债券 政府債券 zheng4 fu3 zhai4 quan4
government bonds (investments)

政改 政改 zheng4 gai3
political reform

政纲 政綱 zheng4 gang1
political program; platform

政工 政工 zheng4 gong1
political work; ideological work

政和 政和 zheng4 he2
Zhenghe county in Nanping 南平 Fujian

政和县 政和縣 zheng4 he2 xian4
Zhenghe county in Nanping 南平 Fujian

政绩 政績 zheng4 ji4
(political) achievements; track record

政纪 政紀 zheng4 ji4
rules for political staff; political discipline

政见 政見 zheng4 jian4
political views

政教 政教 zheng4 jiao4
church and state; government and education; political education

政教处 政教處 zheng4 jiao4 chu3
political education office (within a school) (PRC)

政教合一 政教合一 zheng4 jiao4 he2 yi1
union of religious and political rule; theocracy; Caesaropapism

政界 政界 zheng4 jie4
political and government circles

政局 政局 zheng4 ju2
political situation

政客 政客 zheng4 ke4

政理 政理 zheng4 li3
politics; government affairs

政令 政令 zheng4 ling4
government decree

政论 政論 zheng4 lun4
political commentary

政派 政派 zheng4 pai4
political group; faction

政情 政情 zheng4 qing2
political situation

政圈 政圈 zheng4 quan1
government circle; political circle

政权 政權 zheng4 quan2
regime; political power

政权真空 政權真空 zheng4 quan2 zhen1 kong1
power vacuum; political vacuum

政审 政審 zheng4 shen3
examine sb's political record; political investigation

政事 政事 zheng4 shi4
politics; government affairs

政坛 政壇 zheng4 tan2
political circles

政体 政體 zheng4 ti3
form of government; system of government

政通人和 政通人和 zheng4 tong1 ren2 he2
efficient government, people at peace (idiom); all is well with the state and the people

政委 政委 zheng4 wei3
political commissar (within the army)

政务 政務 zheng4 wu4
government affairs

政协 政協 zheng4 xie2
CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference); abbr. of 中國人民政治協商會議|中国人民政治协商会议

政训处 政訓處 zheng4 xun4 chu4
political training office (during Chinese revolution, since renamed political division 政治部)

政要 政要 zheng4 yao4
important political leader; government dignitary

政治 政治 zheng4 zhi4
politics; political

政治庇护 政治庇護 zheng4 zhi4 bi4 hu4
political asylum

政治避难 政治避難 zheng4 zhi4 bi4 nan4
political asylum

政治部 政治部 zheng4 zhi4 bu4
political division; cadre department

政治犯 政治犯 zheng4 zhi4 fan4
political prisoner

政治改革 政治改革 zheng4 zhi4 gai3 ge2
political reform

政治关系 政治關係 zheng4 zhi4 guan1 xi4
political relations

政治化 政治化 zheng4 zhi4 hua4
to politicize

政治机构 政治機構 zheng4 zhi4 ji1 gou4
political organization

政治家 政治家 zheng4 zhi4 jia1
statesman; politician

政治经济学 政治經濟學 zheng4 zhi4 jing1 ji4 xue2
political economy

政治局 政治局 zheng4 zhi4 ju2

政治局面 政治局面 zheng4 zhi4 ju2 mian4
political climate

政治立场 政治立場 zheng4 zhi4 li4 chang3
political position

政治气候 政治氣候 zheng4 zhi4 qi4 hou4
political climate

政治人物 政治人物 zheng4 zhi4 ren2 wu4
political figure; politician; statesman

政治生活 政治生活 zheng4 zhi4 sheng1 huo2
political life

政治史 政治史 zheng4 zhi4 shi3
political history

政治思想 政治思想 zheng4 zhi4 si1 xiang3
political thought; ideology

政治体制 政治體制 zheng4 zhi4 ti3 zhi4
form of government

政治委员 政治委員 zheng4 zhi4 wei3 yuan2
political commissar (during Russian and Chinese communist revolutions)

政治舞台 政治舞台 zheng4 zhi4 wu3 tai2
political arena

政治性 政治性 zheng4 zhi4 xing4

政治学 政治學 zheng4 zhi4 xue2
politics; political science

政治异议人士 政治異議人士 zheng4 zhi4 yi4 yi4 ren2 shi4
political dissident

政治运动 政治運動 zheng4 zhi4 yun4 dong4
political movement

执政 執政 zhi2 zheng4
to hold power; in office

执政党 執政黨 zhi2 zheng4 dang3
ruling party; the party in power

执政方式 執政方式 zhi2 zheng4 fang1 shi4
governing method

执政官 執政官 zhi2 zheng4 guan1
consul (of the Roman Republic); magistrate (chief administrator)

执政能力 執政能力 zhi2 zheng4 neng2 li4
governing capacity

执政者 執政者 zhi2 zheng4 zhe3

治国理政 治國理政 zhi4 guo2 li3 zheng4
to manage state affairs; to govern the country

中国人民政治协商会议 中國人民政治協商會議 zhong1 guo2 ren2 min2 zheng4 zhi4 xie2 shang1 hui4 yi4
CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)

中国邮政 中國郵政 zhong1 guo2 you2 zheng4
China Post (Chinese postal service)

中国政法大学 中國政法大學 zhong1 guo2 zheng4 fa3 da4 xue2
China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, with undergraduate campus at Changping 昌平, and graduate campus in Haidian district 海澱區|海淀区

中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室 zhong1 yang1 ren2 min2 zheng4 fu3 zhu4 xiang1 gang3 te4 bie2 xing2 zheng4 qu1 lian2 luo4 ban4 gong1 shi4
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

中央政府 中央政府 zhong1 yang1 zheng4 fu3
central government

专政 專政 zhuan1 zheng4

拙政园 拙政園 zhuo1 zheng4 yuan2
The Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu

总政治部 總政治部 zong3 zheng4 zhi4 bu4
(military) General Political Department

足利义政 足利義政 zu2 li4 yi4 zheng4
ASHIKAGA Yoshimasa (1435-1490), eighth Ashikaga shōgun, reigned 1449-1473