religion; teaching; to make; to cause; to tell

surname Jiao

to teach

strokes 11
strokes after radical 7
袄教 襖教 ao3 jiao4

奥姆真理教 奧姆真理教 ao4 mu3 zhen1 li3 jiao4
Aum Shinrikyo (or Supreme Truth), the Japanese death cult responsible for the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway

罢教 罷教 ba4 jiao4
teacher's strike

白莲教 白蓮教 bai2 lian2 jiao4
White Lotus society

拜火教 拜火教 bai4 huo3 jiao4
sun worship; Zoroastrianism; see also 祆教

拜物教 拜物教 bai4 wu4 jiao4

帮教 幫教 bang1 jiao4
to mentor

北京教育学院 北京教育學院 bei3 jing1 jiao4 yu4 xue2 yuan4
Beijing Institute of Education

波斯教 波斯教 bo1 si1 jiao4
Persian religion; Zoroastrianism or Manicheanism

成教 成教 cheng2 jiao4
adult education, abbr. for 成人教育

初等教育 初等教育 chu1 deng3 jiao4 yu4
primary education; junior school education

传教 傳教 chuan2 jiao4
to preach; missionary; to evangelize

传教士 傳教士 chuan2 jiao4 shi4

传教团 傳教團 chuan2 jiao4 tuan2
a mission (group of missionaries)

大教堂 大教堂 da4 jiao4 tang2

大主教 大主教 da4 zhu3 jiao4
archbishop; primate (of a church); metropolitan

道教 道教 dao4 jiao4
Taoism; Daoism (Chinese system of beliefs)

道教徒 道教徒 dao4 jiao4 tu2
a Daoist; a follower of Daoism

电化教育 電化教育 dian4 hua4 jiao4 yu4
multimedia education; abbr. to 電教|电教

电教 電教 dian4 jiao4
multimedia education (abbr. for 電化教育|电化教育)

电脑辅助教材 電腦輔助教材 dian4 nao3 fu3 zhu4 jiao4 cai2
computer-aided instruction

东正教 東正教 dong1 zheng4 jiao4
Eastern Orthodox Church

多神教 多神教 duo1 shen2 jiao4
polytheism, belief in the existence of many gods

梵教 梵教 fan4 jiao4

非宗教 非宗教 fei1 zong1 jiao4
secular (society); non-religious (party)

佛教 佛教 fo2 jiao4

佛教徒 佛教徒 fo2 jiao4 tu2

佛教语 佛教語 fo2 jiao4 yu3
Buddhist term

伏都教 伏都教 fu2 du1 jiao4

副教授 副教授 fu4 jiao4 shou4
associate professor (university post)

高等教育 高等教育 gao1 deng3 jiao4 yu4
higher education

高教 高教 gao1 jiao1
higher education; same as 高等教育

革出教门 革出教門 ge2 chu1 jiao4 men2
to excommunicate (from a church)

管教 管教 guan3 jiao4
to discipline; to teach; to guarantee

管教无方 管教無方 guan3 jiao4 wu2 fang1
unable to discipline a child; incapable of dealing with (unruly child)

国教 國教 guo2 jiao4
state religion

红衣主教 紅衣主教 hong2 yi1 zhu3 jiao4
Catholic Cardinal

画荻教子 畫荻教子 hua4 di2 jiao4 zi3
to write on the sand with reeds while teaching one's son (idiom); mother's admirable dedication to her children's education

黄教 黃教 huang2 jiao4
Yellow hat or Gelugpa school of Tibetan buddhism; also written 格魯派|格鲁派

回教 回教 hui2 jiao4

基础教育 基礎教育 ji1 chu3 jiao4 yu4
elementary education

基督教 基督教 ji1 du1 jiao4
Christianity; Christian

基督教科学派 基督教科學派 ji1 du1 jiao4 ke1 xue2 pai4
Christian Science

基督教民主联盟 基督教民主聯盟 ji1 du1 jiao4 min2 zhu3 lian2 meng2
Christian Democratic Union (German political party)

基督教派 基督教派 ji1 du1 jiao4 pai4
Christian denomination

基督教徒 基督教徒 ji1 du1 jiao4 tu2
a Christian

基督新教 基督新教 ji1 du1 xin1 jiao4
Protestant church

家教 家教 jia1 jiao4
family education; upbringing; to bring sb up; private tutor

家庭教师 家庭教師 jia1 ting2 jiao4 shi1

见教 見教 jian4 jiao4
I have been enlightened by your teaching (humble)

建教合作 建教合作 jian4 jiao4 he2 zuo4
cooperative education (Tw)

教坏 教壞 jiao1 huai4
to misguide; to corrupt (sb)

教会 教會 jiao1 hui4
to show; to teach

教课 教課 jiao1 ke4
to teach class; to lecture

教书 教書 jiao1 shu1
to teach (in a school)

教书匠 教書匠 jiao1 shu1 jiang4
hack teacher; pedagogue

教安 教安 jiao4 an1
teach in peace (polite phrase to end a letter to a teacher)

教案 教案 jiao4 an4
lesson plan; teaching plan; a "missionary case" (a dispute over Christian missionaries during the late Qing)

教本 教本 jiao4 ben3

教鞭 教鞭 jiao4 bian1
teacher's pointer

教材 教材 jiao4 cai2
teaching material

教程 教程 jiao4 cheng2
lecture course; teaching module at university; tutorial; textbook; course of study

教导 教導 jiao4 dao3
to instruct; to teach; guidance; teaching

教法 教法 jiao4 fa3
teaching method; teachings; doctrine

教父 教父 jiao4 fu4

教官 教官 jiao4 guan1
military instructor

教规 教規 jiao4 gui1
canon; religious rules

教化 教化 jiao4 hua4
to enlighten; to civilize; to indoctrinate; to train (an animal)

教皇 教皇 jiao4 huang2
Roman Catholic pope; Supreme Pontiff

教会 教會 jiao4 hui4
Christian church

教诲 教誨 jiao4 hui4
to instruct

教具 教具 jiao4 ju4
teaching aids; educational materials

教科书 教科書 jiao4 ke1 shu1

教科文组织 教科文組織 jiao4 ke1 wen2 zu3 zhi1
UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

教理 教理 jiao4 li3
doctrine (religion)

教练 教練 jiao4 lian4
instructor; sports coach; trainer

教练机 教練機 jiao4 lian4 ji1
trainer (aircraft)

教练员 教練員 jiao4 lian4 yuan2
sports coach; training personnel

教龄 教齡 jiao4 ling2
years of teaching experience; teaching experience

教民 教民 jiao4 min2
adherent to a religion; convert

教母 教母 jiao4 mu3

教派 教派 jiao4 pai4

教区 教區 jiao4 qu1

教权 教權 jiao4 quan2
religious rule

教师 教師 jiao4 shi1

教师节 教師節 jiao4 shi1 jie2
Teachers' Day (September 10th in PRC and Confucius's birthday, September 28th in Taiwan)

教室 教室 jiao4 shi4

教士 教士 jiao4 shi4
churchman; clergy

教授 教授 jiao4 shou4
professor; to instruct; to lecture on

教唆 教唆 jiao4 suo1
to instigate; to incite; to abet

教堂 教堂 jiao4 tang2
church; chapel

教堂墓地 教堂墓地 jiao4 tang2 mu4 di4

教堂山 教堂山 jiao4 tang2 shan1
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

教条 教條 jiao4 tiao2
creed; doctrine; religious dogma

教条主义 教條主義 jiao4 tiao2 zhu3 yi4

教廷 教廷 jiao4 ting2
the Papacy; the Vatican; the Church government; Holy See

教廷大使 教廷大使 jiao4 ting2 da4 shi3
an ambassador of the church; an Apostolic Nuncio (from the Vatican)

教头 教頭 jiao4 tou2
sporting coach; military drill master (in Song times)

教徒 教徒 jiao4 tu2
disciple; follower of a religion

教务 教務 jiao4 wu4
educational administration

教务室 教務室 jiao4 wu4 shi4
school administration office

教务长 教務長 jiao4 wu4 zhang3

教学 教學 jiao4 xue2
to teach; teaching and learning; education

教学大纲 教學大綱 jiao4 xue2 da4 gang1
course syllabus; class curriculum

教学法 教學法 jiao4 xue2 fa3
teaching method; pedagogics

教学机构 教學機構 jiao4 xue2 ji1 gou4
educational organization

教学楼 教學樓 jiao4 xue2 lou2
teaching block; school building

教学相长 教學相長 jiao4 xue2 xiang1 zhang3
when you teach someone, both teacher and student will benefit

教训 教訓 jiao4 xun5
lesson; moral; to chide sb; to lecture sb

教研室 教研室 jiao4 yan2 shi4
teaching and research section

教养 教養 jiao4 yang3
to train; to educate; to bring up; to nurture; education; culture; upbringing; early conditioning

教仪 教儀 jiao4 yi2

教义 教義 jiao4 yi4
creed; doctrine; teachings

教义和圣约 教義和聖約 jiao4 yi4 he2 sheng4 yue1
Doctrine and Covenants

教友 教友 jiao4 you3
church member

教友大会 教友大會 jiao4 you3 da4 hui4
church conference

教友派 教友派 jiao4 you3 pai4
the Society of Friends; the Quakers

教育 教育 jiao4 yu4
to educate; to teach; education

教育背景 教育背景 jiao4 yu4 bei4 jing3
educational background

教育部 教育部 jiao4 yu4 bu4
Ministry of Education

教育部长 教育部長 jiao4 yu4 bu4 zhang3
Minister of Education; Director of Education Department

教育电视 教育電視 jiao4 yu4 dian4 shi4
Educational Television (Hong Kong)

教育工作者 教育工作者 jiao4 yu4 gong1 zuo4 zhe3

教育家 教育家 jiao4 yu4 jia1

教育界 教育界 jiao4 yu4 jie4
academic world; academic circles; academia

教育委员会 教育委員會 jiao4 yu4 wei3 yuan2 hui4
school board

教育相谈 教育相談 jiao4 yu4 xiang1 tan2
education counselor

教育性 教育性 jiao4 yu4 xing4
instructive; educational

教育学 教育學 jiao4 yu4 xue2

教员 教員 jiao4 yuan2
teacher; instructor

教长 教長 jiao4 zhang3
dean; mullah; imam (Islam); see also 伊瑪目|伊玛目

教职工 教職工 jiao4 zhi2 gong1
teaching and administrative staff

教职员 教職員 jiao4 zhi2 yuan2
teaching and administrative staff

教职员工 教職員工 jiao4 zhi2 yuan2 gong1
teaching and administrative staff

教主 教主 jiao4 zhu3
founder or leader of a religion or sect; (fig.) revered figure

教子 教子 jiao4 zi3
to educate one's children; godson

教宗 教宗 jiao4 zong1
the pope; also called 教皇

阶梯教室 階梯教室 jie1 ti1 jiao4 shi4
lecture theater

浸礼教 浸禮教 jin4 li3 jiao4
Baptist (Christian sect)

景教 景教 jing3 jiao4
Nestorian Christianity

旧教 舊教 jiu4 jiao4
old teachings; wisdom from the past; old church; the Catholic church 天主教 as opposed to Protestantism 新教

军公教 軍公教 jun1 gong1 jiao4
army, civil service and education; all branches of state employment

科教 科教 ke1 jiao4
science education; popular science

科教片 科教片 ke1 jiao4 pian4
science education film; popular science movie

科教兴国 科教興國 ke1 jiao4 xing1 guo2
to invigorate the country through science and education

客座教授 客座教授 ke4 zuo4 jiao4 shou4
visiting professor; guest professor

孔教 孔教 kong3 jiao4
Teaching of Confucius; Confucianism

喇嘛教 喇嘛教 la3 ma5 jiao4
Lamaism; Tibetan Buddhism

劳动教养 勞動教養 lao2 dong4 jiao4 yang3
reeducation through labor

劳教 勞教 lao2 jiao4
reeducation through labor

劳教所 勞教所 lao2 jiao4 suo3
correctional institution; labor camp

礼教 禮教 li3 jiao4
Confucian code of ethics

礼教吃人 禮教吃人 li3 jiao4 chi1 ren2
sufferings brought about by Confucian ethics

联合国教科文组织 聯合國教科文組織 lian2 he2 guo2 jiao4 ke1 wen2 zu3 zhi1
UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

领教 領教 ling3 jiao4
much obliged; thank you; to ask advice; (ironically or humorously) to experience; to taste

罗盛教 羅盛教 luo2 cheng2 jiao4
Luo Chengjiao (1931-1952), PRC hero of the volunteer army in Korea

罗马公教 羅馬公教 luo2 ma3 gong1 jiao4
Roman Catholicism

罗马教廷 羅馬教廷 luo2 ma3 jiao4 ting2
the Church (as Royal Court); the Holy See; the Vatican

屡教不改 屢教不改 lv3 jiao4 bu4 gai3
lit. not to change, despite repeated admonition; incorrigible; unrepentant

绿教 緑教 lv4 jiao4
(derog.) Islam

密教 密教 mi4 jiao4
esoteric Buddhism

明教 明教 ming2 jiao4
Manicheism; same as 摩尼教

摩尼教 摩尼教 mo2 ni2 jiao4

叛教 叛教 pan4 jiao4

婆罗门教 婆羅門教 po2 luo2 men2 jiao4
Brahmanism; Hinduism

普世基督教 普世基督教 pu3 shi4 ji1 du1 jiao4

普世教会 普世教會 pu3 shi4 jiao4 hui4

普通教育 普通教育 pu3 tong1 jiao4 yu4
general education

清教徒 清教徒 qing1 jiao4 tu2

请教 請教 qing3 jiao4
to ask for guidance; to consult

求教 求教 qiu2 jiao4
to ask for advice; seeking instruction

劝教 勸教 quan4 jiao4
to advise and teach; to persuade and instruct

人间佛教 人間佛教 ren2 jian1 fo2 jiao4
Humanistic Buddhism

任教 任教 ren4 jiao4
to teach; to coach; to work as teacher

荣誉教授 榮譽教授 rong2 yu4 jiao4 shou4
emeritus professor

儒教 儒教 ru2 jiao4

萨满教 薩滿教 sa4 man3 jiao4

三教 三教 san1 jiao4
the Three Doctrines (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism)

三教九流 三教九流 san1 jiao4 jiu3 liu2
the Three Religions (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) and Nine Schools (Confucians, Daoists, Yin-Yang, Legalists, Logicians, Mohists, Political Strategists, Eclectics, Agriculturists); fig. people from all trades (often derog.)

三夷教 三夷教 san1 yi2 jiao4
the three foreign religions (Nestorianism, Manicheanism and Zoroastrianism)

三自爱国教会 三自愛國教會 san1 zi4 ai4 guo2 jiao4 hui4
Three-Self Patriotic Movement, PRC government-sanctioned Protestant church from 1949

三自教会 三自教會 san1 zi4 jiao4 hui4
Three-Self Patriotic Movement, PRC government-sanctioned Protestant church from 1949

杀彘教子 殺彘教子 sha1 zhi4 jiao4 zi3
to kill a pig as a lesson to the children (idiom); parents must teach by example

社会主义教育运动 社會主義教育運動 she4 hui4 zhu3 yi4 jiao4 yu4 yun4 dong4
Socialist Education Movement (1963-66), formal name of the Four Cleanups Movement 四清運動|四清运动

社教 社教 she4 jiao4
Socialist education; abbr. for 社會主義教育運動|社会主义教育运动

身教 身教 shen1 jiao4
to teach by example

身教胜于言教 身教勝於言教 shen1 jiao4 sheng4 yu2 yan2 jiao4
teaching by example beats explaining in words (idiom); action speaks louder than words

圣母教堂 聖母教堂 sheng4 mu3 jiao4 tang2
Church of Our Lady; Frauenkirche

圣索非亚大教堂 聖索非亞大教堂 sheng4 suo3 fei1 ya4 da4 jiao4 tang2
Hagia Sophia (the main cathedral of Constantinople, subsequently the major mosque of Istanbul)

施教 施教 shi1 jiao4

实物教学 實物教學 shi2 wu4 jiao4 xue2
object lesson

释教 釋教 shi4 jiao4

收容教育 收容教育 shou1 rong2 jiao4 yu4
custody and reeducation (administrative punishment for prostitutes)

受教 受教 shou4 jiao4
to receive instruction; to benefit from advice

枢机主教 樞機主教 shu1 ji1 zhu3 jiao4
cardinal (of Catholic church)

说教 說教 shuo1 jiao4
to preach

四大佛教名山 四大佛教名山 si4 da4 fo2 jiao4 ming2 shan1
Four Sacred Mountains of Buddhism, namely: Mt Wutai 五臺山|五台山 in Shanxi, Mt Emei 峨眉山 in Sichuan, Mt Jiuhua 九華山|九华山 in Anhui, Mt Potala 普陀山 in Zhejiang

宋教仁 宋教仁 song4 jiao4 ren2
Song Jiaoren (1882-1913), politician of the revolutionary party involved in the 1911 Xinhai revolution, murdered in Shanghai in 1913

素质教育 素質教育 su4 zhi4 jiao4 yu4
all-round education (contrasted with 應試教育|应试教育, exam-oriented education)

琐罗亚斯德教 瑣羅亞斯德教 suo3 luo2 ya4 si1 de2 jiao4

胎教 胎教 tai1 jiao4
prenatal education; antenatal training; prenatal influences

讨教 討教 tao3 jiao4
to consult; to ask for advice

特殊教育 特殊教育 te4 shu1 jiao4 yu4
special education

天理教 天理教 tian1 li3 jiao4
Tenrikyo (Japanese religion)

天主教 天主教 tian1 zhu3 jiao4

天主教会 天主教會 tian1 zhu3 jiao4 hui4
the Catholic Church

天主教徒 天主教徒 tian1 zhu3 jiao4 tu2
Catholic; follower of Catholicism

调教 調教 tiao2 jiao4
to instruct; to teach; to train; to raise (livestock)

通才教育 通才教育 tong1 cai2 jiao4 yu4
liberal education; general education

通识教育 通識教育 tong1 shi2 jiao4 yu4
general education

瓦哈比教派 瓦哈比教派 wa3 ha1 bi3 jiao4 pai4
Wahhabism (a conservative sect of Islam)

外教 外教 wai4 jiao4
foreign teacher (abbr. for 外國教師|外国教师); greenhorn; novice; amateurish; religion other than Buddhism (term used by Buddhists)

威斯敏斯特教堂 威斯敏斯特教堂 wei1 si1 min3 si1 te4 jiao4 tang2
Westminster Abbey, London

文教 文教 wen2 jiao4
culture and education

巫毒教 巫毒教 wu1 du2 jiao4
Voodoo (religious cult)

锡克教 錫克教 xi1 ke4 jiao4

吸取教训 吸取教訓 xi1 qu3 jiao4 xun5
to draw a lesson (from a setback)

祆教 祆教 xian1 jiao4

相夫教子 相夫教子 xiang4 fu1 jiao4 zi3
to assist one's husband and educate the children (idiom); the traditional roles of a good wife

邪教 邪教 xie2 jiao4
evil cult

新教 新教 xin1 jiao4
Protestant church; Protestantism

新教徒 新教徒 xin1 jiao4 tu2
Protestant; adherent of Protestantism

信教 信教 xin4 jiao4
religious belief; to practice a faith; to be religious

性教育 性教育 xing4 jiao4 yu4
sex education

宣教 宣教 xuan1 jiao4
to preach a religion

殉教 殉教 xun4 jiao4
to die for one's religion

雅教 雅教 ya3 jiao4
(hon.) your distinguished thoughts; Thank you (for your esteemed contribution to our discussion).

言传身教 言傳身教 yan2 chuan2 shen1 jiao4
to teach by words and example (idiom)

言教 言教 yan2 jiao4
to give verbal instruction

言教不如身教 言教不如身教 yan2 jiao4 bu4 ru2 shen1 jiao4
Explaining in words is not as good as teaching by example (idiom). Action speaks louder than words.

洋教 洋教 yang2 jiao4
foreign religion (esp. Western Christianity in Qing China)

耶稣基督后期圣徒教会 耶穌基督後期聖徒教會 ye1 su1 ji1 du1 hou4 qi1 sheng4 tu2 jiao4 hui4
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

耶稣基督末世圣徒教会 耶穌基督末世聖徒教會 ye1 su1 ji1 du1 mo4 shi4 sheng4 tu2 jiao4 hui4
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

耶稣教 耶穌教 ye1 su1 jiao4

业余教育 業餘教育 ye4 yu2 jiao4 yu4
spare-time education; evening classes

一神教 一神教 yi1 shen2 jiao4
monotheism (belief in a single God)

伊斯兰教 伊斯蘭教 yi1 si1 lan2 jiao4

遗教 遺教 yi2 jiao4
work or plans left as a legacy; the views of the departed; posthumous orders or teachings

异教 異教 yi4 jiao4
heresy; heathenism

异教徒 異教徒 yi4 jiao4 tu2
member of another religion; heathen; pagan; heretic; apostate

义务教育 義務教育 yi4 wu4 jiao4 yu4
compulsory education

因材施教 因材施教 yin1 cai2 shi1 jiao4
(idiom) to teach in line with the student's ability

印度教 印度教 yin4 du4 jiao4
Hinduism; Indian religion

印度教徒 印度教徒 yin4 du4 jiao4 tu2
Hindu; adherent of Hinduism

英语教学 英語教學 ying1 yu3 jiao1 xue2
English Language Teaching (ELT); studying and teaching English

应试教育 應試教育 ying4 shi4 jiao4 yu4
exam-oriented education; teaching to the test

犹太教 猶太教 you2 tai4 jiao4

犹太教堂 猶太教堂 you2 tai4 jiao4 tang2

有教无类 有教無類 you3 jiao4 wu2 lei4
education for everyone, irrespective of background

有教无类法 有教無類法 you3 jiao4 wu2 lei4 fa3
No Child Left Behind Act, USA 2001

幼教 幼教 you4 jiao4
preschool education; abbr. for 幼兒教育|幼儿教育

在教 在教 zai4 jiao4
to be a believer (in a religion, esp. Islam)

藏传佛教 藏傳佛教 zang4 chuan2 fo2 jiao4
Tibetan Buddhism

斋教 齋教 zhai1 jiao4
Zhaijiao sect of Buddhism

正规教育 正規教育 zheng4 gui1 jiao4 yu4
regular education

政教 政教 zheng4 jiao4
church and state; government and education; political education

正教 正教 zheng4 jiao4
lit. true religion; orthodox religion; orthodox Christianity; Islam (in the writing of Chinese or Hui theologians)

政教处 政教處 zheng4 jiao4 chu3
political education office (within a school) (PRC)

政教合一 政教合一 zheng4 jiao4 he2 yi1
union of religious and political rule; theocracy; Caesaropapism

正教真诠 正教真詮 zheng4 jiao4 zhen1 quan2
Exegesis of true religion by Wang Daiyu 王岱輿|王岱舆, a study of Islam; also translated as Real hermeneutics of orthodox religion

支教 支教 zhi1 jiao4
program bringing education to underdeveloped areas; to work in such a program

执教 執教 zhi2 jiao4
to teach; to be a teacher; to train; to coach

职业教育 職業教育 zhi2 ye4 jiao4 yu4
vocational training

指导教授 指導教授 zhi3 dao3 jiao4 shou4
adviser; advising professor

指教 指教 zhi3 jiao4
to give advice or comments

中等教育 中等教育 zhong1 deng3 jiao4 yu4
secondary education; middle school education

中等普通教育 中等普通教育 zhong1 deng3 pu3 tong1 jiao4 yu4
general middle school education

中等专业教育 中等專業教育 zhong1 deng3 zhuan1 ye4 jiao4 yu4
technical middle school education

中国教育和科研计算机网 中國教育和科研計算機網 zhong1 guo2 jiao4 yu4 he2 ke1 yan2 ji4 suan4 ji1 wang3
China Education and Research Network (CERNET); abbr. to 中國教育網|中国教育网

中国教育网 中國教育網 zhong1 guo2 jiao4 yu4 wang3
abbr. for 中國教育和科研計算機網|中国教育和科研计算机网

中国天主教爱国会 中國天主教愛國會 zhong1 guo2 tian1 zhu3 jiao4 ai4 guo2 hui4
Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association

中国伊斯兰教协会 中國伊斯蘭教協會 zhong1 guo2 yi1 si1 lan2 jiao4 xie2 hui4
Chinese Patriotic Islamic Association

重视教育 重視教育 zhong4 shi4 jiao4 yu4
to stress education

竺教 竺教 zhu2 jiao4
Buddhism (archaic)

主管教区 主管教區 zhu3 guan3 jiao4 qu1

主教 主教 zhu3 jiao4

主教座堂 主教座堂 zhu3 jiao4 zuo4 tang2

助教 助教 zhu4 jiao4
teaching assistant

专业教育 專業教育 zhuan1 ye4 jiao4 yu4
specialized education; technical school

宗教 宗教 zong1 jiao4

宗教法庭 宗教法庭 zong1 jiao4 fa3 ting2
Inquisition (religion)

宗教改革 宗教改革 zong1 jiao4 gai3 ge2
(Protestant) Reformation

宗教徒 宗教徒 zong1 jiao4 tu2
adherent of religion; disciple

宗教团 宗教團 zong1 jiao4 tuan2
religious order; religious grouping

宗教学 宗教學 zong1 jiao4 xue2
religious studies

宗教仪式 宗教儀式 zong1 jiao4 yi2 shi4
religious ceremony

总主教 總主教 zong3 zhu3 jiao4
archbishop; primate (of a church); metropolitan