International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO); abbr. for 國際奧林匹克數學競賽|国际奥林匹克数学竞赛
百分数百分數bai3 fen1 shu4
半数半數ban4 shu4
half the number; half
半数以上半數以上ban4 shu4 yi3 shang4
more than half
报数報數bao4 shu4
number off! (command in military drill); count off!
被除数被除數bei4 chu2 shu4
倍数倍數bei4 shu4
multiple; multiplier; factor
本底计数本底計數ben3 di3 ji4 shu4
background count
笔画数筆畫數bi3 hua4 shu4
stroke count (number of brushstrokes of a Chinese character)
变数變數bian4 shu4
variable (math.)
波函数波函數bo1 han2 shu4
wave function (in quantum mechanics)
波数波數bo1 shu4
wave number (reciprocal of frequency)
补数補數bu3 shu4
complementary number
布尔代数布爾代數bu4 er3 dai4 shu4
Boolean algebra
不计其数不計其數bu4 ji4 qi2 shu4
lit. their number cannot be counted (idiom); fig. countless; innumerable
不可胜数不可勝數bu4 ke3 sheng4 shu3
countless; innumerable
不可数不可數bu4 ke3 shu3
不可数名词不可數名詞bu4 ke3 shu3 ming2 ci2
uncountable noun (in grammar of European languages)
不可数集不可數集bu4 ke3 shuo4 ji2
uncountable set (math.)
不名数不名數bu4 ming2 shu4
abstract number
不足齿数不足齒數bu4 zu2 chi3 shu4
not worth mentioning; not worth considering
参数參數can1 shu4
差数差數cha1 shu4
difference (the result of subtraction)
常数常數chang2 shu4
a constant (math.)
超越数超越數chao1 yue4 shu4
transcendental number (math.)
乘数乘數cheng2 shu4
充数充數chong1 shu4
to make up the number (i.e. to fill places up to a given number); to serve as stopgap
充填因数充填因數chong1 tian2 yin1 shu4
complementary factor
抽象代数抽象代數chou1 xiang4 dai4 shu4
abstract algebra
初等代数初等代數chu1 deng3 dai4 shu4
elementary algebra
除数除數chu2 shu4
divisor (math.)
纯粹数学純粹數學chun2 cui4 shu4 xue2
pure mathematics
次数次數ci4 shu4
number of times; frequency; order number (in a series); power (math.); degree of a polynomial (math.)
凑数湊數cou4 shu4
to serve as a stopgap; to make up a shortfall in the number of people
答数答數da2 shu4
numerical answer (to a question in math.)
大多数大多數da4 duo1 shu4
(great) majority
大麦克指数大麥克指數da4 mai4 ke4 zhi3 shu4
see 巨無霸漢堡包指數|巨无霸汉堡包指数
大数大數da4 shu4
Tarsus, Mediterranean city in Turkey, the birthplace of St Paul
大数大數da4 shu4
a large number
带分数帶分數dai4 fen1 shu4
mixed fraction; mixed number (i.e. with an integer part and a fraction part, e.g. four and three quarters); see also: improper fraction 假分數|假分数 and proper fraction 真分數|真分数
代数代數dai4 shu4
代数簇代數簇dai4 shu4 cu4
algebraic variety (math.)
代数方程代數方程dai4 shu4 fang1 cheng2
algebraic equation; polynomial equation
代数函数代數函數dai4 shu4 han2 shu4
(math.) algebraic function
代数函数论代數函數論dai4 shu4 han2 shu4 lun4
algebraic function theory (math.)
代数和代數和dai4 shu4 he2
algebraic sum
代数基本定理代數基本定理dai4 shu4 ji1 ben3 ding4 li3
fundamental theorem of algebra
代数几何代數幾何dai4 shu4 ji3 he2
algebraic geometry
代数几何学代數幾何學dai4 shu4 ji3 he2 xue2
algebraic geometry
代数结构代數結構dai4 shu4 jie2 gou4
algebraic structure
代数量代數量dai4 shu4 liang4
algebraic quantity
代数曲面代數曲面dai4 shu4 qu1 mian4
algebraic surface
代数曲线代數曲線dai4 shu4 qu1 xian4
algebraic curve
代数群代數群dai4 shu4 qun2
algebraic group (math.)
代数式代數式dai4 shu4 shi4
algebraic formula
代数数域代數數域dai4 shu4 shu4 yu4
algebraic number field (math.)
代数拓扑代數拓撲dai4 shu4 tuo4 pu1
algebraic topology (math.)
代数学代數學dai4 shu4 xue2
algebra (as branch of math.)
代数学基本定理代數學基本定理dai4 shu4 xue2 ji1 ben3 ding4 li3
fundamental theorem of algebra (every polynomial has a complex root)
单数單數dan1 shu4
positive odd number (also written 奇數|奇数); singular (grammar)
导函数導函數dao3 han2 shu4
derived function; derivative f' of a function f
导数導數dao3 shu4
derivative (math.)
道琼斯指数道瓊斯指數dao4 qiong2 si1 zhi3 shu4
Dow Jones industrial average (Wall street stock market index)
倒数倒數dao4 shu3
to count backwards (from 10 down to 0); to count down; from the bottom (lines on a page); from the back (rows of seats)
倒数倒數dao4 shu4
inverse number; reciprocal (math.)
等比级数等比級數deng3 bi3 ji2 shu4
geometric series (such as 1+2+4+8+...)
等比数列等比數列deng3 bi3 shu4 lie4
geometric progression
等差级数等差級數deng3 cha1 ji2 shu4
arithmetic series (such as 2+4+6+8+...)
等差数列等差數列deng3 cha1 shu4 lie4
arithmetic progression
底数底數di3 shu4
radix; base (math.)
点击数點擊數dian3 ji1 shu4
number of clicks; number of hits (on a website)
点数點數dian3 shu4
to count and check; to tally; points (collected in some bonus scheme etc)
电子层数電子層數dian4 zi3 ceng2 shu4
electron shell number (chemistry)
电子数据交换電子數據交換dian4 zi3 shu4 ju4 jiao1 huan4
electronic exchange of data
定数定數ding4 shu4
constant (math.); quota; fixed number (e.g. of places on a bus); fixed quantity (e.g. load of truck); destiny
读数讀數du2 shu4
reading; data from meter
度数度數du4 shu5
number of degrees; reading (on a meter); strength (alcohol, lenses etc)
断裂模数斷裂模數duan4 lie4 mo2 shu4
modulus rupture
段数段數duan4 shu4
rank; level
堆垒数论堆壘數論dui1 lei3 shu4 lun4
additive number theory (math.)
对数對數dui4 shu4
对数函数對數函數dui4 shu4 han2 shu4
logarithmic function
吨数噸數dun1 shu4
多数多數duo1 shu4
majority; most
多数党多數黨duo1 shu4 dang3
majority party
多数决多數決duo1 shu4 jue2
majority decision
多值函数多值函數duo1 zhi2 han2 shu4
multivalued function (math.)
二次函数二次函數er4 ci4 han2 shu4
quadratic function
二项式系数二項式係數er4 xiang4 shi4 xi4 shu4
a binomial coefficient (math.); the number of combinations
Big Mac Index, a measure of the purchasing power parity (PPP) between currencies
绝大多数絕大多數jue2 da4 duo1 shu4
absolute majority; overwhelming majority
绝对大多数絕對大多數jue2 dui4 da4 duo1 shu4
an absolute majority; an overwhelming majority
绝对数字絕對數字jue2 dui4 shu4 zi4
absolute (as opposed to relative) number
可数可數ke3 shu3
countable; denumerable
可数集可數集ke3 shu3 ji2
countable set (math.); denumerable set
可数名词可數名詞ke3 shu3 ming2 ci2
countable noun (in grammar of European languages)
滥竽充数濫竽充數lan4 yu2 chong1 shu4
lit. to play the yu 竽 mouth organ to make up numbers (idiom); fig. to make up the numbers with inferior products; to masquerade as having an ability; token member of a group
雷诺数雷諾數lei2 nuo4 shu4
Reynolds number (ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces in fluid mechanics)
累加总数累加總數lei3 jia1 zong3 shu4
cumulative total
冷热度数冷熱度數leng3 re4 du4 shu4
temperature (esp. of medical patient)
离散数学離散數學li2 san4 shu4 xue2
discrete mathematics
李代数李代數li3 dai4 shu4
Lie algebra (math.)
礼数禮數li3 shu4
etiquette; (old) gradation of etiquette with social status
历历可数歷歷可數li4 li4 ke3 shu3
each one distinguishable
历数歷數li4 shu3
to enumerate; to count (one by one)
连续函数連續函數lian2 xu4 han2 shu4
continuous function
寥寥可数寥寥可數liao2 liao2 ke3 shu3
just a very few (idiom); tiny number; just a handful; not many at all; You count them on your fingers.
零数零數ling2 shu4
the part of a number which is discarded when rounding down
路数路數lu4 shu4
social connections; stratagem; method; approach; movement (martial arts); (sb's) background story
乱数亂數luan4 shu4
random number
罗马数字羅馬數字luo2 ma3 shu4 zi4
Roman numerals
马赫数馬赫數ma3 he4 shu4
Mach number, multiples of speed of sound used as unit in aeronautics, with 1 Mach = 1224 km per hr
梅森素数梅森素數mei2 sen1 su4 shu4
Mersenne prime number (math)
幂级数冪級數mi4 ji2 shu4
power series (math.)
民数记民數記min2 shu4 ji4
Book of Numbers; Fourth Book of Moses
名数名數ming2 shu4
(grammar) number plus classifier; household (in census)
模糊数学模糊數學mo2 hu5 shu4 xue2
fuzzy mathematics
模数模數mo2 shu4
analog-to-digital; abbr. for 模擬到數字|模拟到数字
模数转换器模數轉換器mo2 shu4 zhuan3 huan4 qi4
analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
莫可指数莫可指數mo4 ke3 zhi3 shu3
countless; innumerable
母函数母函數mu3 han2 shu4
generating function (math.)
偶函数偶函數ou3 han2 shu4
even function (math.)
偶数偶數ou3 shu4
even number
票数票數piao4 shu4
number of votes; poll count
频数頻數pin2 shu4
频数分布頻數分佈pin2 shu4 fen1 bu4
frequency distribution
平方平均数平方平均數ping2 fang1 ping2 jun1 shu4
root mean square (RMS); quadratic root
平均数平均數ping2 jun1 shu4
mean (statistics)
平均指数平均指數ping2 jun1 zhi3 shu4
average index (e.g. Dow Jones or Nikkei index)
普朗克常数普朗克常數pu3 lang3 ke4 chang2 shu4
Planck's constant h, approximately equal to 6.626 x 10^-34 joule.seconds or 4.135 x 10^-15 electron volt.seconds
气数氣數qi4 shu5
fate; destiny; one's lot
情绪商数情緒商數qing2 xu4 shang1 shu4
emotional quotient (EQ); emotional IQ
屈指可数屈指可數qu1 zhi3 ke3 shu3
can be counted on one's fingers (idiom); very few
取样数量取樣數量qu3 yang4 shu4 liang4
sample size (statistics)
圈数圈數quan1 shu4
number of laps
全数全數quan2 shu4
the entire sum; the whole amount
人口数人口數ren2 kou3 shu4
人数人數ren2 shu4
number of people
日经平均指数日經平均指數ri4 jing1 ping2 jun1 zhi3 shu4
Nikkei 225 stock market index
日经平均指数日經平均指數ri4 jing1 ping2 jun1 zhi3 shu4
Nikkei index
日经指数日經指數ri4 jing1 zhi3 shu4
Nikkei 225 stock market index
冗数冗數rong3 shu4
redundant number
如数家珍如數家珍ru2 shu3 jia1 zhen1
lit. as if enumerating one's family valuables (idiom); fig. to be very familiar with a matter
三角函数三角函數san1 jiao3 han2 shu4
trigonometric function
商数商數shang1 shu4
quotient (math.)
上证综合指数上證綜合指數shang4 zheng4 zong1 he2 zhi3 shu4
SSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange) Composite Index
少数少數shao3 shu4
small number; few; minority
少数民族少數民族shao3 shu4 min2 zu2
national minority; ethnic group
少数民族乡少數民族鄉shao3 shu4 min2 zu2 xiang1
ethnic township (formal village level subdivision of PRC county)
身体质量指数身體質量指數shen1 ti3 zhi4 liang4 zhi3 shu4
body mass index (BMI)
实变函数實變函數shi2 bian4 han2 shu4
function of a real variable (math.)
实变函数论實變函數論shi2 bian4 han2 shu4 lun4
(math.) theory of functions of a real variable
实数實數shi2 shu4
real number (math); actual value
十数十數shi2 shu4
more than ten; a dozen or more
识数識數shi2 shu4
to know how to count and do sums; numerate; numeracy
实数集實數集shi2 shu4 ji2
set of real numbers
实数值實數值shi2 shu4 zhi2
real-valued (math.); taking real numbers as values (of a function)
使用数量使用數量shi3 yong4 shu4 liang4
usage (i.e. extent of use)
收敛级数收斂級數shou1 lian3 ji2 shu4
convergent series (math.)
寿数已尽壽數已盡shou4 shu4 yi3 jin3
to die (when one's predestined life span is up)
寿数壽數shou4 shu5
predestined length of life
数不过来數不過來shu3 bu4 guo4 lai2
can't manage to count; too many to count
数不清數不清shu3 bu4 qing1
countless; innumerable
数不上數不上shu3 bu4 shang4
not to deserve to be mentioned; not to qualify; below par
数不胜数數不勝數shu3 bu4 sheng4 shu3
too many to count (idiom); innumerable
数不着數不著shu3 bu4 zhao2
see 數不上|数不上
数不尽數不盡shu3 bu5 jin4
数出數出shu3 chu1
to count out (a sum of money etc)
数得上數得上shu3 de5 shang4
to be considered as outstanding or special; to be reckoned with; notable
数得着數得著shu3 de5 zhao2
to be considered as outstanding or special; to be reckoned with; notable
数点數點shu3 dian3
to count; to itemize
数典忘祖數典忘祖shu3 dian3 wang4 zu3
to recount history but omit one's ancestors (idiom); to forget one's roots
数伏數伏shu3 fu2
same as 三伏天, three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, from mid-July to mid-August, namely: 初伏 (mid-July), 中伏 (late July to early August), 末伏 (mid-August)
数黑论白數黑論白shu3 hei1 lun4 bai2
to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrels; also written 數黑論黃|数黑论黄
数黑论黄數黑論黃shu3 hei1 lun4 huang2
to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrels
数黄道黑數黃道黑shu3 huang2 dao4 hei1
to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrels; also written 數黑論黃|数黑论黄
数九數九shu3 jiu3
nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year
数九寒天數九寒天shu3 jiu3 han2 tian1
nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year
数九天數九天shu3 jiu3 tian1
nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year
数来宝數來寶shu3 lai2 bao3
folk theater consisting of recitation accompanied by clapper board rhythm
数落數落shu3 luo5
to enumerate sb's shortcomings; to criticize; to scold; to talk on and on
数念數念shu3 nian4
to enumerate one by one
数清數清shu3 qing1
to count; to enumerate exactly
数数數數shu3 shu4
to count; to reckon
数一数二數一數二shu3 yi1 shu3 er4
reckoned to be first or second best (idiom); one of the very best; to list one by one
数珠念佛數珠念佛shu3 zhu1 nian4 fo2
to count one's prayer beads and chant Buddha's name (idiom)
数百數百shu4 bai3
several hundred
数百万數百萬shu4 bai3 wan4
several million
数不多數不多shu4 bu4 duo1
a small number; one of a very few
数词數詞shu4 ci2
数独數獨shu4 du2
sudoku (puzzle game)
数额數額shu4 e2
amount; sum of money; fixed number
数法數法shu4 fa3
method of counting (e.g. decimal or Roman numbers)
number field (math.); subfield of the field of complex numbers
数月數月shu4 yue4
several months
数值數值shu4 zhi2
numerical value
数值分析數值分析shu4 zhi2 fen1 xi1
numerical analysis (math.)
数值解數值解shu4 zhi2 jie3
numerical solution
数种數種shu4 zhong3
numerous types; many kinds
数周數週shu4 zhou1
several weeks
数周數周shu4 zhou1
several weeks; also written 數週|数周
数轴數軸shu4 zhou2
number line
数珠數珠shu4 zhu1
rosary; prayer beads
数字數字shu4 zi4
numeral; digit; number; figure; amount; digital (electronics etc)
数字版权管理數字版權管理shu4 zi4 ban3 quan2 guan3 li3
Digital Rights Management (DRM)
数字导览设施數字導覽設施shu4 zi4 dao3 lan3 she4 shi1
digital navigation equipment
数字电路數字電路shu4 zi4 dian4 lu4
digital circuit
数字电视數字電視shu4 zi4 dian4 shi4
digital television
数字分频數字分頻shu4 zi4 fen1 pin2
digital frequency sharing
数字化數字化shu4 zi4 hua4
to digitalize; digital
数字命理学數字命理學shu4 zi4 ming4 li3 xue2
数字时钟數字時鐘shu4 zi4 shi2 zhong1
digital clock
数字通信數字通信shu4 zi4 tong1 xin4
digital communications
数字网數字網shu4 zi4 wang3
digital network
数字信号數字信號shu4 zi4 xin4 hao4
digital signal
数字用户线路數字用戶線路shu4 zi4 yong4 hu4 xian4 lu4
digital subscriber line (DSL)
数字钟數字鐘shu4 zi4 zhong1
digital clock
数组數組shu4 zu3
(computing) array
双数雙數shuang1 shu4
even number
顺序数順序數shun4 xu4 shu4
ordinal number
说话算数說話算數shuo1 hua4 suan4 shu4
to keep one's promise; to mean what one says
说话要算数說話要算數shuo1 hua4 yao4 suan4 shu4
promises must be kept
数见不鲜數見不鮮shuo4 jian4 bu4 xian1
a common occurrence (idiom)
死亡人数死亡人數si3 wang2 ren2 shu4
number of people killed; death toll
四元数四元數si4 yuan2 shu4
quaternion (math)
素数素數su4 shu4
prime number
算数算數suan4 shu4
to count numbers; to keep to one's word; to hold (i.e. to remain valid); to count (i.e. to be important)
算术级数算術級數suan4 shu4 ji2 shu4
arithmetic series (such as 2+4+6+8+...)
算术平均数算術平均數suan4 shu4 ping2 jun1 shu4
arithmetic mean
随机数隨機數sui2 ji1 shu4
random number
岁数歲數sui4 shu5
age (number of years old)
套数套數tao4 shu4
song cycle in Chinese opera; (fig.) a series of tricks; polite remarks; number of (things that are counted in 套, like houses)
特殊函数特殊函數te4 shu1 han2 shu4
special functions (math.)
调和平均数調和平均數tiao2 he2 ping2 jun1 shu4
harmonic mean
同步数位阶层同步數位階層tong2 bu4 shu4 wei4 jie1 ceng2
synchronous digital hierarchy; SDH
统计数据統計數據tong3 ji4 shu4 ju4
statistical data
椭圆函数橢圓函數tuo3 yuan2 han2 shu4
(math.) elliptic function
维基数据維基數據wei2 ji1 shu4 ju4
Wikistats, (, online tool providing statistics for Wikimedia projects
维数維數wei2 shu4
(math.) dimension; dimensionality
尾数尾數wei3 shu4
remainder (after rounding a number); decimal part (of number after the decimal point); mantissa (i.e. fractional part of common logarithm in math.); small change; balance (of an account)
未知数未知數wei4 zhi1 shu4
unknown quantity
未知数儿未知數兒wei4 zhi1 shu4 er5
erhua variant of 未知數|未知数
无理数無理數wu2 li3 shu4
irrational number
无数無數wu2 shu4
countless; numberless; innumerable
无限小数無限小數wu2 xian4 xiao3 shu4
infinitesimal; infinite decimal expansion
物价指数物價指數wu4 jia4 zhi3 shu4
price index
悉数悉數xi1 shu3
to enumerate in detail; to explain clearly
悉数悉數xi1 shu4
all; every single one; the entire sum
细数細數xi4 shu3
countdown; breakdown; to list; to enumerate; to run through
系数係數xi4 shu4
coefficient; factor; modulus; ratio
弦数弦數xian2 shu4
number of strings (of an instrument)
线性代数線性代數xian4 xing4 dai4 shu4
linear algebra
相交数相交數xiang1 jiao1 shu4
intersection number (math.)
向量代数向量代數xiang4 liang4 dai4 shu4
vector algebra
消费价格指数消費價格指數xiao1 fei4 jia4 ge2 zhi3 shu4
consumer price index CPI
小数小數xiao3 shu4
small figure; small amount; the part of a number to the right of the decimal point (or radix point); fractional part of a number; number between 0 and 1; decimal fraction
小数点小數點xiao3 shu4 dian3
decimal point
解数解數xie4 shu4
talent; ability; capability; martial arts technique; Taiwan pr.
心里有数心裡有數xin1 li3 you3 shu4
to know the score (idiom); to be well aware of the situation
心中无数心中無數xin1 zhong1 wu2 shu4
to have no idea; to be unsure
心中有数心中有數xin1 zhong1 you3 shu4
to know what's going on
行为数据行為數據xing2 wei2 shu4 ju4
behavioral data (marketing)
胸中无数胸中無數xiong1 zhong1 wu2 shu4
see 心中無數|心中无数
虚数虛數xu1 shu4
imaginary number
序数序數xu4 shu4
ordinal number
循环小数循環小數xun2 huan2 xiao3 shu4
recurring decimal
样条函数樣條函數yang4 tiao2 han2 shu4
spline function (math)
一次函数一次函數yi1 ci4 han2 shu4
linear function (math.)
一夕数惊一夕數驚yi1 xi1 shu4 jing1
one scare after another (idiom); in a constant state of tension
因数因數yin1 shu4
factor (of an integer); divisor
隐函数隱函數yin3 han2 shu4
implicit function
印数印數yin4 shu4
the amount of books etc printed at one impression; print run
应用数学應用數學ying4 yong4 shu4 xue2
applied mathematics
有理数有理數you3 li3 shu4
rational number (i.e. fraction of two integers, math)
有理数集有理數集you3 li3 shu4 ji2
set of rational numbers (math.)
有理数域有理數域you3 li3 shu4 yu4
field of rational numbers (math.), usually denoted by Q
余留无符号数餘留無符號數yu2 liu2 wu2 fu2 hao4 shu4
unsigned remainder (i.e. the remainder after rounding to the nearest integer)
余数餘數yu2 shu4
remainder (in division)
余数定理餘數定理yu2 shu4 ding4 li3
the Remainder Theorem
圆函数圓函數yuan2 han2 shu4
the trigonometric functions
原函数原函數yuan2 han2 shu4
元数据元數據yuan2 shu4 ju4
原子序数原子序數yuan2 zi3 xu4 shu4
atomic number
约数約數yue1 shu4
divisor (of a number); approximate number
运数運數yun4 shu4
one's fortune; destiny
增量参数增量參數zeng1 liang4 can1 shu4
incremental parameter
招数招數zhao1 shu4
move (in chess, on stage, in martial arts); gambit; trick; scheme; movement; same as 著數|着数
着数著數zhao1 shu4
move (in chess, on stage, in martial arts); gambit; trick; scheme; movement; same as 招數|招数
真分数真分數zhen1 fen1 shu4
proper fraction (with numerator < denominator, e.g. five sevenths); see also: improper fraction 假分數|假分数 and mixed number 帶分數|带分数