exactly; in good order; whole; complete; entire; in order; orderly; to repair; to mend; to renovate; (coll.) to fix sb; to give sb a hard time; to mess with sb
lit. don't tie your shoelaces in a melon patch, and don't adjust your hat under a plum tree (idiom); fig. don't do anything that might arouse suspicion; innocent acts may be misconstrued
规整規整gui1 zheng3
according to a pattern; regular; orderly; structured; neat and tidy
好整以暇好整以暇hao4 zheng3 yi3 xia2
to be calm and unruffled in the midst of chaos or at a busy time (idiom)
化整为零化整為零hua4 zheng3 wei2 ling2
to break up the whole into pieces (idiom); dealing with things one by one; divide and conquer
汇整彙整hui4 zheng3
to collect and organize (papers etc); to archive (data); to summarize (evidence etc); summary
领土完整領土完整ling3 tu3 wan2 zheng3
territorial integrity
平整平整ping2 zheng3
smooth; level; to level off; to flatten (remove bumps)
桥式整流器橋式整流器qiao2 shi4 zheng3 liu2 qi4
bridge rectifier (electricity)
碎片整理碎片整理sui4 pian4 zheng3 li3
defragmentation (computing)
调整調整tiao2 zheng3
to adjust; adjustment; revision
完整完整wan2 zheng3
complete; intact
完整性完整性wan2 zheng3 xing4
integrity; completeness
微整微整wei1 zheng3
abbr. for 微整形
微整形微整形wei1 zheng3 xing2
non-surgical cosmetic procedure (injection of Botox, hyaluronic acid etc)
心律不整心律不整xin1 lv4 bu4 zheng3
修整修整xiu1 zheng3
to spruce up; to renovate; to tend (a garden); to groom (one's hair); to finish (a rough surface); to trim (a lawn); to touch up (a photo)
休整休整xiu1 zheng3
to rest and reorganize (military)
严整嚴整yan2 zheng3
(of troops) in neat formation; (fig.) orderly
匀整勻整yun2 zheng3
neat and well-spaced
蒸气重整蒸氣重整zheng1 qi4 chong2 zheng3
steam reforming (chemistry)
整倍数整倍數zheng3 bei4 shu4
integer multiple
整并整並zheng3 bing4
to merge; to consolidate; consolidation
整除整除zheng3 chu2
to divide exactly without remainder (in integer arithmetic); exact division
整除数整除數zheng3 chu2 shu4
factor; exact divisor
整地整地zheng3 di4
to prepare the soil (agriculture)
整队整隊zheng3 dui4
to dress (troops); to line up (to arrange in a straight line)
整顿整頓zheng3 dun4
to tidy up; to reorganize; to consolidate; to rectify
整风整風zheng3 feng1
Rectification or Rectifying incorrect work styles, Maoist slogan; cf Rectification campaign 整風運動|整风运动, army purge of 1942-44 and anti-rightist purge of 1957
整风运动整風運動zheng3 feng1 yun4 dong4
Rectification campaign; political purge; cf Mao's 1942-44 campaign at Yanan, and his 1950 and 1957 anti-rightist purges
整改整改zheng3 gai3
to reform; to rectify and improve
整个整個zheng3 ge4
whole; entire; total
整个地球整個地球zheng3 ge4 di4 qiu2
the whole world
整合整合zheng3 he2
to conform; to integrate
整环整環zheng3 huan2
integral ring (math)
整脊学整脊學zheng3 ji3 xue2
整建整建zheng3 jian4
to restore a damaged or aging structure; to renovate
整洁整潔zheng3 jie2
neatly; tidy
整理整理zheng3 li3
to arrange; to tidy up; to sort out; to straighten out; to list systematically; to collate (data, files); to pack (luggage)
整流整流zheng3 liu2
to rectify (alternating current to direct current)
整流器整流器zheng3 liu2 qi4
rectifier (transforming alternating electric current to direct current)
整年累月整年累月zheng3 nian2 lei3 yue4
all year round; over a long period
整齐整齊zheng3 qi2
orderly; neat; even; tidy
整齐划一整齊劃一zheng3 qi2 hua4 yi1
to be adjusted to uniformity (usually of weights and measures) (idiom)
整容整容zheng3 rong2
plastic surgery
整声整聲zheng3 sheng1
to tune (a musical instrument); to regulate the sound
整数整數zheng3 shu4
whole number; integer (math.); round figure
整数倍数整數倍數zheng3 shu4 bei4 shu4
integral multiple
整数集合整數集合zheng3 shu4 ji2 he2
set of integers (math.)
整肃整肅zheng3 su4
strict; serious; solemn; dignified; to tidy upto clean up; to purge; to adjust
整套整套zheng3 tao4
entire set
整体整體zheng3 ti3
whole entity; entire body; synthesis; as a whole (situation, construction, team etc); global; macrocosm; integral; holistic; whole