lit. the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing his own special talent (idiom); fig. (of each individual in a group) to give full play to one's unique capabilities
不显山不露水不顯山不露水bu4 xian3 shan1 bu4 lu4 shui3
lit. to not show the mountain and to not reveal the water (idiom); fig. to hide the key facts
大显身手大顯身手da4 xian3 shen1 shou3
(idiom) fully displaying one's capabilities
大显神通大顯神通da4 xian3 shen2 tong1
to display one's remarkable skill or prowess; to give full play to one's brilliant abilities
电子显微镜電子顯微鏡dian4 zi3 xian3 wei1 jing4
electron microscope
高官显爵高官顯爵gao1 guan1 xian3 jue2
high ranking
各显所长各顯所長ge4 xian3 suo3 chang2
each displays their own strengths (idiom)
光学显微镜光學顯微鏡guang1 xue2 xian3 wei1 jing4
optical microscope
国立显忠院國立顯忠院guo2 li4 xian3 zhong1 yuan4
Korean national memorial cemetery at Dongjak-dong, Seoul
经丝彩色显花經絲彩色顯花jing1 si1 cai3 se4 xian3 hua1
warp brocade; woven fabric with single woof but colored warp
来电显示來電顯示lai2 dian4 xian3 shi4
caller ID
李显龙李顯龍li3 xian3 long2
Lee Hsien Loong (1952-), Singapore PAP politician, eldest son of Lee Kuan Yew 李光耀, prime minister from 2004
明显明顯ming2 xian3
clear; distinct; obvious
浅显淺顯qian3 xian3
plain; clear; obvious
深入显出深入顯出shen1 ru4 xian3 chu1
see 深入淺出|深入浅出
时显时隐時顯時隱shi2 xian3 shi2 yin3
appearing and disappearing; intermittently visible
汤显祖湯顯祖tang1 xian3 zu3
Tang Xianzu (1550-1616), Ming poet and dramatist, author of The Peony Pavilion 牡丹亭
凸显凸顯tu1 xian3
to present clearly; to give prominence to; to magnify; clear and obvious
突显突顯tu1 xian3
conspicuous; to make sth stand out; make sth prominent
威显威顯wei1 xian3
awe-inspiring; power
显白顯白xian3 bai5
variant of 顯擺|显摆
显摆顯擺xian3 bai5
(coll.) to show off
显出顯出xian3 chu1
to express; to exhibit
显达顯達xian3 da2
illustrious; influential; prestigious
显得顯得xian3 de5
to seem; to look; to appear
显而易见顯而易見xian3 er2 yi4 jian4
clearly and easy to see (idiom); obviously; clearly; it goes without saying
显贵顯貴xian3 gui4
dignitary; distinguished person; royalty; nobleman; big shot
显焓顯焓xian3 han2
sensible enthalpy (thermodynamics); energy required to go from one state to another
显赫顯赫xian3 he4
illustrious; celebrated
显赫人物顯赫人物xian3 he4 ren2 wu4
a famous person; a luminary
显花植物顯花植物xian3 hua1 zhi2 wu4
Phanerogamae (botany); flowering plants
显怀顯懷xian3 huai2
to look pregnant; obviously pregnant
显宦顯宦xian3 huan4
high official
显晦顯晦xian3 hui4
light and shade
显豁顯豁xian3 huo4
evident; clear and bright
显见顯見xian3 jian4
obvious; clearly visible
显晶顯晶xian3 jing1
phanerocrystalline; with crystal structure visible to the naked eye
显镜顯鏡xian3 jing4
microscope; same as 顯微鏡|显微镜
显卡顯卡xian3 ka3
video card; display card (computer)
显考顯考xian3 kao3
honorific term for one's deceased father; (arch.) great-great-grandfather
显老顯老xian3 lao3
to look old
显露顯露xian3 lu4
to become visible; to reveal
显露出顯露出xian3 lu4 chu1
to appear; to come out in the open
显明顯明xian3 ming2
to reveal, make known
显目顯目xian3 mu4
outstanding; conspicuous
显弄顯弄xian3 nong4
to flaunt; to show off
显然顯然xian3 ran2
clear; evident; obvious(ly)
显山露水顯山露水xian3 shan1 lu4 shui3
to reveal one's talent (idiom)
显生代顯生代xian3 sheng1 dai4
Phanerozoic, geological eon lasting since the Cambrian 寒武紀|寒武纪, c. 540m year ago
显生宙顯生宙xian3 sheng1 zhou4
Phanerozoic, geological eon lasting since the Cambrian 寒武紀|寒武纪, c. 540m year ago
显示顯示xian3 shi4
to show; to illustrate; to display; to demonstrate
显示板顯示板xian3 shi4 ban3
information screen
显示卡顯示卡xian3 shi4 ka3
graphics card
显示屏顯示屏xian3 shi4 ping2
display screen
显示器顯示器xian3 shi4 qi4
monitor (computer)
显微顯微xian3 wei1
micro-; microscopic; to make the minute visible
显微镜顯微鏡xian3 wei1 jing4
显微镜载片顯微鏡載片xian3 wei1 jing4 zai4 pian4
microscopic slide
显微镜座顯微鏡座xian3 wei1 jing4 zuo4
Microscopium (constellation)
显微学顯微學xian3 wei1 xue2
显现顯現xian3 xian4
appearance; to appear
显像顯像xian3 xiang4
to form a picture; to develop a photo; to visualize
显像管顯像管xian3 xiang4 guan3
CRT used in TV or computer monitor; picture tube; kinescope
显效顯效xian3 xiao4
to show an effect; to produce an effect; a conspicuous effect
显形顯形xian3 xing2
to show one's true nature (derog.); to betray oneself
显性顯性xian3 xing4
visible; conspicuous; phanero-; dominant (gene)
显性基因顯性基因xian3 xing4 ji1 yin1
dominant gene
显学顯學xian3 xue2
famous school; noted school of thought
显眼顯眼xian3 yan3
conspicuous; eye-catching; glamorous
显扬顯揚xian3 yang2
to praise; to commend; to hallow
显要顯要xian3 yao4
prominent; eminent; important person; notable; dignitary
显耀顯耀xian3 yao4
to show off
显影顯影xian3 ying3
(photographic processing) to develop
显影剂顯影劑xian3 ying3 ji4
developer (photographic processing); contrast medium (medical imaging)