(bird species of China) dark-rumped swift (Apus acuticauda)
暗藏暗藏an4 cang2
to hide; to conceal
暗察明访暗察明訪an4 cha2 ming2 fang3
open enquiries and secret search (idiom); to investigate openly and in secret; taking information from all sides
暗娼暗娼an4 chang1
unlicensed (unregistered) prostitute
暗潮暗潮an4 chao2
暗处暗處an4 chu4
secret place
暗疮暗瘡an4 chuang1
暗袋暗袋an4 dai4
camera bag (for changing film)
暗淡暗淡an4 dan4
dark; dim (light); dull (color); drab; (fig.) gloomy; bleak
暗地暗地an4 di4
secretly; inwardly
暗地里暗地裡an4 di4 li5
secretly; inwardly; on the sly
暗疔暗疔an4 ding1
axillary furuncle; armpit boil
暗渡陈仓暗渡陳倉an4 du4 chen2 cang1
lit. secretly crossing the Wei River 渭河 at Chencang (idiom, refers to a stratagem used by Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦 in 206 BC against Xiang Yu 項羽|项羽 of Chu); fig. to feign one thing while doing another; to cheat under cover of a diversion
暗煅暗煅an4 duan4
sealed pot calcination (TCM)
暗访暗訪an4 fang3
to make secret inquiries; to investigate in secret
暗腹雪鸡暗腹雪雞an4 fu4 xue3 ji1
(bird species of China) Himalayan snowcock (Tetraogallus himalayensis)
暗公鸟暗公鳥an4 gong1 niao3
black-crowned night heron (Tw)
暗光鸟暗光鳥an4 guang1 niao3
black-crowned night heron (Tw)
暗害暗害an4 hai4
to kill secretly; to stab in the back
暗含暗含an4 han2
to imply; to suggest; to connote; implicit
暗号暗號an4 hao4
secret signal (sign); countersign; password
暗盒暗盒an4 he2
magazine; cassette
暗合暗合an4 he2
to agree implicitly; of one mind; views coincide without a word exchanged
暗河暗河an4 he2
underground river
暗黑破坏神暗黑破壞神an4 hei1 po4 huai4 shen2
Diablo (video game series)
暗花儿暗花兒an4 hua1 er5
veiled design incised in porcelain or woven in fabric
暗灰鹃䴗暗灰鵑鶪an4 hui1 juan1 ju2
(bird species of China) black-winged cuckooshrike (Coracina melaschistos)
暗疾暗疾an4 ji2
unmentionable disease; a disease one is ashamed of
暗记暗記an4 ji4
to commit to memory; secret mark
暗记儿暗記兒an4 ji4 er5
secret mark
暗间儿暗間兒an4 jian1 er5
inner room
暗箭暗箭an4 jian4
attack by a hidden enemy; a stab in the back
暗礁暗礁an4 jiao1
submerged reef (rock)
暗经暗經an4 jing1
latent menstruation (TCM)
暗井暗井an4 jing3
blind shaft; winze
暗亏暗虧an4 kui1
hidden loss (finance)
暗恋暗戀an4 lian4
to be secretly in love with
暗流暗流an4 liu2
暗鹭暗鷺an4 lu4
black-crowned night heron (Tw)
暗绿背鸬鹚暗綠背鸕鶿an4 lv4 bei4 lu2 ci2
(bird species of China) Japanese cormorant (Phalacrocorax capillatus)
暗绿柳莺暗綠柳鶯an4 lv4 liu3 ying1
(bird species of China) greenish warbler (Phylloscopus trochiloides)
暗绿绣眼鸟暗綠繡眼鳥an4 lv4 xiu4 yan3 niao3
(bird species of China) Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus)
暗昧暗昧an4 mei4
obscure; remaining unenlightened
暗冕鹪莺暗冕鷦鶯an4 mian3 jiao1 ying1
(bird species of China) rufescent prinia (Prinia rufescens)
暗能量暗能量an4 neng2 liang4
dark energy (astronomy)
暗器暗器an4 qi4
concealed weapon
暗色鸦雀暗色鴉雀an4 se4 ya1 que4
(bird species of China) grey-hooded parrotbill (Sinosuthora zappeyi)
暗杀暗殺an4 sha1
to assassinate
暗伤暗傷an4 shang1
internal (invisible) injury (damage)
暗示暗示an4 shi4
to hint; to suggest; suggestion; hint
暗室暗室an4 shi4
暗适应暗適應an4 shi4 ying4
dark adaptation
暗送秋波暗送秋波an4 song4 qiu1 bo1
to cast flirtatious glances at sb (idiom)
暗算暗算an4 suan4
to plot against
暗锁暗鎖an4 suo3
built-in lock
暗滩暗灘an4 tan1
hidden shoal
暗探暗探an4 tan4
secret agent; detective
暗无天日暗無天日an4 wu2 tian1 ri4
all black, no daylight (idiom); a world without justice
lit. repair the plank road by day while secretly crossing the Wei River 渭河 at Chencang (idiom, refers to a stratagem used by Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦 in 206 BC against Xiang Yu 項羽|项羽 of Chu); fig. to feign one thing while doing another; to cheat under cover of a di
明争暗斗明爭暗鬥ming2 zheng1 an4 dou4
to fight openly and maneuver covertly (idiom)
名重识暗名重識暗ming2 zhong4 shi2 an4
of great reputation but shallow in knowledge (idiom)
明珠暗投明珠暗投ming2 zhu1 an4 tou2
to cast pearls before swine (idiom); not to get proper recognition for one's talents
凄暗淒暗qi1 an4
dismal; somber
弃暗投明棄暗投明qi4 an4 tou2 ming2
to renounce the dark and seek the light; to give up one's wrong way of life and turn to a better one
头昏眼暗頭昏眼暗tou2 hun1 yan3 an4
head spinning and eyes dark (idiom); dizzy; fainting; vertigo