lit. countenance of a flower, face like the moon (idiom); fig. (of a woman) beautiful
花朝月夕花朝月夕hua1 zhao1 yue4 xi1
a beautiful day; cf Birthday of the Flowers on lunar 15th February and Mid-autumn Festival on lunar 15th August
积年累月積年累月ji1 nian2 lei3 yue4
year in, year out (idiom); (over) many years
皎月皎月jiao3 yue4
the bright moon
近水楼台先得月近水樓臺先得月jin4 shui3 lou2 tai2 xian1 de2 yue4
the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first (idiom); to benefit from intimacy with an influential person
经年累月經年累月jing1 nian2 lei3 yue4
for years; over the years
镜花水月鏡花水月jing4 hua1 shui3 yue4
lit. flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake (idiom); fig. an unrealistic rosy view; viewing things through rose-tinted spectacles; also written 水月鏡花|水月镜花
九天揽月九天攬月jiu3 tian1 lan3 yue4
to reach for the stars (idiom)
九月九月jiu3 yue4
September; ninth month (of the lunar year)
九月份九月份jiu3 yue4 fen4
September; ninth month
腊月臘月la4 yue4
twelfth lunar month
猎杀红色十月号獵殺紅色十月號lie4 sha1 hong2 se4 shi2 yue4 hao4
"The Hunt for Red October", a novel by Tom Clancy
临月儿臨月兒lin2 yue4 er5
the month childbirth is due
流星赶月流星趕月liu2 xing1 gan3 yue4
lit. a meteor catching up with the moon; swift action (idiom)
六月六月liu4 yue4
June; sixth month (of the lunar year)
六月份六月份liu4 yue4 fen4
驴年马月驢年馬月lv2 nian2 ma3 yue4
see 猴年馬月|猴年马月
满月滿月man3 yue4
full moon; whole month; baby's one-month old birthday
眉月眉月mei2 yue4
waxing crescent (moon)
每月每月mei3 yue4
each month
弥月彌月mi2 yue4
full moon; first full moon after birth (i.e. entering the second month)
蜜月蜜月mi4 yue4
蜜月假期蜜月假期mi4 yue4 jia4 qi1
明月明月ming2 yue4
bright moon; refers to 夜明珠, a legendary pearl that can glow in the dark
明月清风明月清風ming2 yue4 qing1 feng1
see 清風明月|清风明月
年月年月nian2 yue4
months and year; time; days of one's life
牛年马月牛年馬月niu2 nian2 ma3 yue4
see 猴年馬月|猴年马月
盼星星盼月亮盼星星盼月亮pan4 xing1 xing1 pan4 yue4 liang4
to wish for the stars and the moon; to have unreal expectations
披星带月披星帶月pi1 xing1 dai4 yue4
variant of 披星戴月
披星戴月披星戴月pi1 xing1 dai4 yue4
to travel or work through night and day; to toil away for long hours
品月品月pin3 yue4
light blue
平月平月ping2 yue4
February of a common year
七月七月qi1 yue4
July; seventh month (of the lunar year)
七月份七月份qi1 yue4 fen4
清风明月清風明月qing1 feng1 ming2 yue4
lit. cool breeze and bright moon (idiom); fig. peaceful and clear night; (allusively) living a solitary and quiet life
日积月累日積月累ri4 ji1 yue4 lei3
to accumulate over a long period of time
日新月异日新月異ri4 xin1 yue4 yi4
daily renewal, monthly change (idiom); every day sees new developments; rapid progress
日月日月ri4 yue4
the sun and moon; day and month; every day and every month; season; life and livelihood
日月重光日月重光ri4 yue4 chong2 guang1
the sun and moon shine once more; fig. things get back to normal after an upheaval
日月蹉跎日月蹉跎ri4 yue4 cuo1 tuo2
days and months slip away; fig. the inexorable passage of time
日月如梭日月如梭ri4 yue4 ru2 suo1
the sun and moon like a shuttle (idiom); How time flies!
日月食日月食ri4 yue4 shi2
eclipsis (of the moon or sun)
日月潭日月潭ri4 yue4 tan2
Sun Moon Lake (Dalian, Taiwan etc)
日月五星日月五星ri4 yue4 wu3 xing1
sun, moon and the five visible planets
日月晕日月暈ri4 yue4 yun4
halo; ring of light around the sun or moon
入月入月ru4 yue4
(of women) beginning of menstrual cycle; full-term gestation
闰月閏月run4 yue4
intercalary month in the lunar calendar; leap month
三月三月san1 yue4
March; third month (of the lunar year)
三月份三月份san1 yue4 fen4
三月街三月街san1 yue4 jie1
Third Month Fair, traditional festival of the Bai Nationality 白族
赏月賞月shang3 yue4
to admire the full moon
上个月上個月shang4 ge4 yue4
last month
上弦月上弦月shang4 xian2 yue4
first quarter moon
上月上月shang4 yue4
last month
生卒年月生卒年月sheng1 zu2 nian2 yue4
dates of birth and death (of historical figure)
十二月十二月shi2 er4 yue4
December; twelfth month (of the lunar year)
十二月份十二月份shi2 er4 yue4 fen4
十几个月十幾個月shi2 ji3 ge4 yue4
ten months or so; about ten months
十一月十一月shi2 yi1 yue4
November; eleventh month (of the lunar year)
十一月份十一月份shi2 yi1 yue4 fen4
十月十月shi2 yue4
October; tenth month (of the lunar year)
十月份十月份shi2 yue4 fen4
十月革命十月革命shi2 yue4 ge2 ming4
October Revolution
数月數月shu4 yue4
several months
双月刊雙月刊shuang1 yue4 kan1
bimonthly publication
水中捞月水中撈月shui3 zhong1 lao1 yue4
to fetch the moon out of the sea (idiom); a hopeless illusion
朔月朔月shuo4 yue4
new moon; first day of the lunar month
四月四月si4 yue4
April; fourth month (of the lunar year)
四月份四月份si4 yue4 fen4
岁月歲月sui4 yue4
years; time
岁月流逝歲月流逝sui4 yue4 liu2 shi4
as time goes by (idiom)
岁月如流歲月如流sui4 yue4 ru2 liu2
the passage of the years; the flow of time
岁月如梭歲月如梭sui4 yue4 ru2 suo1
time flies (idiom)
岁月峥嵘歲月崢嶸sui4 yue4 zheng1 rong2
eventful years; momentous times
踏月踏月ta4 yue4
to go for a walk in the moonlight
探月探月tan4 yue4
lunar exploration
弯月形透镜彎月形透鏡wan1 yue4 xing2 tou4 jing4
meniscus lens
望月望月wang4 yue4
full moon
旺月旺月wang4 yue4
busy (business) month
吴牛见月吳牛見月wu2 niu2 jian4 yue4
cow from Wu is terrified by the moon, mistaking it for the sun
五月五月wu3 yue4
May; fifth month (of the lunar year)
五月份五月份wu3 yue4 fen4
五月节五月節wu3 yue4 jie2
Dragon Boat Festival (the 5th day of the 5th lunar month)
下个月下個月xia4 ge4 yue4
next month
下弦月下弦月xia4 xian2 yue4
third quarter or waning moon
下月下月xia4 yue4
next month
弦月弦月xian2 yue4
half-moon; the 7th and 8th and 22nd and 23rd of the lunar month
弦月窗弦月窗xian2 yue4 chuang1
a narrow slit window; a lunette
新月新月xin1 yue4
new moon; crescent
星月星月xing1 yue4
the moon and the stars
旬输月送旬輸月送xun2 shu1 yue4 song4
pay every ten days, give tribute every month (idiom); incessant and ever more complicated demands
烟花风月煙花風月yan1 hua1 feng1 yue4
refers to lovemaking (idiom)
杨月清楊月清yang2 yue4 qing1
Yang Yueqing, Chinese-Canadian woman documentary film director
一月一月yi1 yue4
January; first month (of the lunar year)
一月份一月份yi1 yue4 fen4
倚栏望月倚欄望月yi3 lan2 wang4 yue4
to lean against the railings and look at the moon (idiom)
吟风弄月吟風弄月yin2 feng1 nong4 yue4
lit. singing of the wind and the moon; fig. vacuous and sentimental (of poetry or art)
盈凸月盈凸月ying2 tu1 yue4
full moon; waxing gibbous moon
余月余月yu2 yue4
alternative term for fourth lunar month
圆月圓月yuan2 yue4
full moon
元月元月yuan2 yue4
first month (of either lunar or Western calendars)
月半月半yue4 ban4
15th of the month
月报月報yue4 bao4
monthly (used in names of publications); monthly bulletin
月孛月孛yue4 bei4
lunar apogee (point in the moon's orbit furthest from earth); imaginary heavenly body occupying the second focus of the moon's elliptic orbit; dark moon; Lilith
月饼月餅yue4 bing3
mooncake (esp. for the Mid-Autumn Festival)
月城月城yue4 cheng2
semicircular defensive enclosure around city gates; crescent-shaped barbican
月初月初yue4 chu1
start of month; early in the month
月底月底yue4 di3
end of the month
月度月度yue4 du4
月分月分yue4 fen4
month; also written 月份
月份月份yue4 fen4
月份会议月份會議yue4 fen4 hui4 yi4
monthly meeting; monthly conference
月份牌月份牌yue4 fen4 pai2
calendar (esp. illustrated)
月俸月俸yue4 feng4
monthly salary
月工月工yue4 gong1
worker employed by the month
月供月供yue4 gong1
monthly loan repayment; mortgage payment
月宫月宮yue4 gong1
Palace in the Moon (in folk tales)
月光月光yue4 guang1
月光石月光石yue4 guang1 shi2
月光隐遁月光隱遁yue4 guang1 yin3 dun4
to live in hiding; living as a recluse; to hide from the world
月光族月光族yue4 guang1 zu2
lit. moonlight group; fig. those who spend their monthly income even before they earn their next salary (slang)
月桂月桂yue4 gui4
laurel (Laurus nobilis); bay tree; bay leaf
月桂冠月桂冠yue4 gui4 guan1
laurel crown; victory garland (in Greek and Western culture)
月桂树月桂樹yue4 gui4 shu4
laurel tree (Laurus nobilis); bay tree
月桂树叶月桂樹葉yue4 gui4 shu4 ye4
laurel leaf; bay leaf
月桂叶月桂葉yue4 gui4 ye4
bay leaf; laurel leaf
月海月海yue4 hai3
lunar mare
月黑月黑yue4 hei1
moonless (night)
月黑天月黑天yue4 hei1 tian1
the dark; night
月湖月湖yue4 hu2
Yuehu district of Yingtan city 鷹潭市|鹰潭市, Jiangxi
月湖区月湖區yue4 hu2 qu1
Yuehu district of Yingtan city 鷹潭市|鹰潭市, Jiangxi
月华月華yue4 hua2
月季月季yue4 ji4
Chinese rose (Rosa sinensis)
月经月經yue4 jing1
menstruation; a woman's period
月经垫月經墊yue4 jing1 dian4
sanitary towel; menopad
月经棉栓月經棉栓yue4 jing1 mian2 shuan1
月径月徑yue4 jing4
moonlit path; diameter of the moon; diameter of the moon's orbit
月刊月刊yue4 kan1
monthly magazine
月坑月坑yue4 keng1
lunar crater
月亏月虧yue4 kui1
waning moon; to wane
月蓝月藍yue4 lan2
light blue
月阑月闌yue4 lan2
the halo of the moon
月老月老yue4 lao3
matchmaker; go-between; same as 月下老人
月鳢月鱧yue4 li3
snakehead mullet; Channa asiatica
月利月利yue4 li4
monthly interest
月历月曆yue4 li4
monthly calendar
月亮月亮yue4 liang5
the moon
月亮女神号月亮女神號yue4 liang5 nv3 shen2 hao4
SELENE, Japanese lunar orbiter spacecraft, launched in 2007
月令月令yue4 ling4
typical weather in a given season
月轮月輪yue4 lun2
full moon
月盲症月盲症yue4 mang2 zheng4
moon blindness; equine recurrent uveitis
月杪月杪yue4 miao3
last few days of the month
月末月末yue4 mo4
end of month; late in the month
月女神月女神yue4 nv3 shen2
Moon Goddess
月偏食月偏食yue4 pian1 shi2
partial eclipse of the moon
月票月票yue4 piao4
monthly ticket
月婆子月婆子yue4 po2 zi5
woman in late pregnancy (colloquial)
月钱月錢yue4 qian2
monthly payment
月琴月琴yue4 qin2
yueqin, a lute with oval or octagonal sound box
月球月球yue4 qiu2
the moon
月球车月球車yue4 qiu2 che1
moon buggy
月全食月全食yue4 quan2 shi2
total lunar eclipse
月嫂月嫂yue4 sao3
woman hired to take care of a newborn child and its mother in the month after childbirth
lit. amidst the flowers under the moonlight (idiom); fig. romantic surroundings
月下老人月下老人yue4 xia4 lao3 ren2
minor divinity concerned with marriage; matchmaker; go-between
月相月相yue4 xiang4
phases of moon, namely: new moon 朔, first quarter or waxing moon 上弦, full moon 望 and last quarter or waning moon 下弦
月薪月薪yue4 xin1
monthly income (in kind)
月芽月芽yue4 ya2
variant of 月牙
月牙月牙yue4 ya2
crescent moon
月牙形月牙形yue4 ya2 xing2
月岩月岩yue4 yan2
moon rock
月曜日月曜日yue4 yao4 ri4
Monday (used in ancient Chinese astronomy)
月夜月夜yue4 ye4
moonlit night
月月月月yue4 yue4
every month
月晕月暈yue4 yun4
ring around the moon; lunar halo
月支月支yue4 zhi1
Tokhara; Tokharians (historic people of central Asia)
月氏月氏yue4 zhi1
Tokhara; Tokharians, historic Indo-European people of central Asia; same as 吐火羅人|吐火罗人
月氏人月氏人yue4 zhi1 ren2
Tokharian Indo-European people of central Asia; same as 吐火羅人|吐火罗人
月中月中yue4 zhong1
middle of month
月子月子yue4 zi5
traditional one-month confinement period following childbirth; puerperium
月子病月子病yue4 zi5 bing4
puerperal fever
匝月匝月za1 yue4
(formal) a full month
斋月齋月zhai1 yue4
Ramadan (Islam)
正月正月zheng1 yue4
first month of the lunar year
正月初一正月初一zheng1 yue4 chu1 yi1
New Year's Day in the lunar calendar
整年累月整年累月zheng3 nian2 lei3 yue4
all year round; over a long period
众星攒月眾星攢月zhong4 xing1 cuan2 yue4
see 眾星捧月|众星捧月
众星拱月眾星拱月zhong4 xing1 gong3 yue4
see 眾星捧月|众星捧月
众星捧月眾星捧月zhong4 xing1 peng3 yue4
lit. all the stars cup themselves around the moon (idiom, from Analects); fig. to view sb as core figure; to group around a revered leader; to revolve around sb
逐月逐月zhu2 yue4
month-by-month; monthly; on a monthly basis
足月足月zu2 yue4
full-term (gestation)
做满月做滿月zuo4 man3 yue4
to celebrate a child reaching the age of one month
坐月坐月zuo4 yue4
see 坐月子
坐月子坐月子zuo4 yue4 zi5
to convalesce for a month following childbirth, following a special diet, and observing various taboos to protect the body from exposure to the "wind"