mixed; miscellaneous; various; to mix

variant of 雜|杂

strokes 6
strokes after radical 2
百不杂 百不雜 bai3 bu4 za5
variant of 百不咋

驳杂 駁雜 bo2 za2

参杂 參雜 can1 za2
to mix

嘈杂 嘈雜 cao2 za2
noisy; clamorous

嘈杂声 嘈雜聲 cao2 za2 sheng1
noise; din

搀杂 攙雜 chan1 za2
to mix; to blend; to dilute

羼杂 羼雜 chan4 za2
to mix; to blend; to dilute; to adulterate; mingled; mongrel

吵杂 吵雜 chao3 za2

错杂 錯雜 cuo4 za2
mixed; jumbled

错综复杂 錯綜複雜 cuo4 zong1 fu4 za2
tangled and complicated (idiom)

打杂 打雜 da3 za2
to do odd jobs; to do unskilled work

大杂烩 大雜燴 da4 za2 hui4
mix-up; mish-mash; potpourri

大杂院 大雜院 da4 za2 yuan4
compound with many families living together

二氧杂芑 二氧雜芑 er4 yang3 za2 qi3

繁杂 繁雜 fan2 za2
many; diverse

烦杂 煩雜 fan2 za2
many and disorderly; muddled

纷杂 紛雜 fen1 za2
numerous and confused; in a mess

分子杂交 分子雜交 fen1 zi3 za2 jiao1
molecular hybridization

复杂 複雜 fu4 za2
complicated; complex

复杂化 複雜化 fu4 za2 hua4
to complicate; to become complicated

复杂系统 複雜系統 fu4 za2 xi4 tong3
complex system

复杂性 複雜性 fu4 za2 xing4

狗杂碎 狗雜碎 gou3 za2 sui4
piece of shit; scumbag

狗杂种 狗雜種 gou3 za2 zhong3
son of a bitch; damn bastard

混杂 混雜 hun4 za2
to mix; to mingle

混杂物 混雜物 hun4 za2 wu4
adulteration; impurities

计算复杂性 計算複雜性 ji4 suan4 fu4 za2 xing4
computational complexity (math.)

夹杂 夾雜 jia1 za2
to mix together (disparate substances); to mingle; a mix; to be tangled up with

苛捐杂税 苛捐雜稅 ke1 juan1 za2 shui4
exorbitant taxation (idiom)

拉杂 拉雜 la1 za2
disorganized; rambling; incoherent

凌杂 凌雜 ling2 za2
in disorder

零杂 零雜 ling2 za2
bit and pieces; small odds and ends

零杂儿 零雜兒 ling2 za2 er5
erhua variant of 零雜|零杂

凌杂米盐 凌雜米鹽 ling2 za2 mi3 yan2
disordered and fragmentary

龙蛇混杂 龍蛇混雜 long2 she2 hun4 za2
lit. dragons and snakes mingle (idiom); fig. a mix of good people and scumbags

珉玉杂淆 珉玉雜淆 min2 yu4 za2 xiao2
scholars of various talents (idiom)

民族杂居地区 民族雜居地區 min2 zu2 za2 ju1 di4 qu1
mixed ethnic area

庞杂 龐雜 pang2 za2
enormously complex; a vast jumble

勤杂 勤雜 qin2 za2
odd jobs; servant or army orderly doing odd jobs

冗杂 冗雜 rong3 za2
many and varied; confused

蛇绿混杂 蛇綠混雜 she2 lv4 hun4 za2
ophiolite melange (geology)

蛇绿混杂岩 蛇綠混雜岩 she2 lv4 hun4 za2 yan2
ophiolite (geology)

蛇绿混杂岩带 蛇綠混雜岩帶 she2 lv4 hun4 za2 yan2 dai4
ophiolite belt (geology)

芜杂 蕪雜 wu2 za2
miscellaneous; mixed and disorderly (of writing); disordered and confusing; mixed-up and illogical

五味杂陈 五味雜陳 wu3 wei4 za2 chen2
with complex feelings (idiom)

闲杂 閑雜 xian2 za2
(employee) having no fixed duties

淆杂 淆雜 xiao2 za2
to mix up; to muddle

心杂音 心雜音 xin1 za2 yin1
see 心臟雜音|心脏杂音

心脏杂音 心臟雜音 xin1 zang4 za2 yin1
heart murmur

疑难杂症 疑難雜症 yi2 nan2 za2 zheng4
dubious or hard-to-treat cases (medicine); hard cases

鱼龙混杂 魚龍混雜 yu2 long2 hun4 za2
lit. fish and dragons mixed in together (idiom); fig. crooks mixed in with the honest folk

杂拌 雜拌 za2 ban4
assortment of preserved fruits; (fig.) hodgepodge

杂拌儿 雜拌兒 za2 ban4 er5
erhua variant of 雜拌|杂拌

杂草 雜草 za2 cao3

杂处 雜處 za2 chu3
(of disparate elements) to mix in with one another; (of diverse groups of people) to live in the same area; to coexist

杂凑 雜湊 za2 cou4
to put together various bits; to knock sth together; hash (computing); see also 散列

杂店 雜店 za2 dian4
convenience store; variety store

杂多 雜多 za2 duo1
Zadoi county (Tibetan: rdza stod rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture 玉樹藏族自治州|玉树藏族自治州, Qinghai

杂多县 雜多縣 za2 duo1 xian4
Zadoi county (Tibetan: rdza stod rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture 玉樹藏族自治州|玉树藏族自治州, Qinghai

杂费 雜費 za2 fei4
incidental costs; sundries; extras

杂感 雜感 za2 gan3
random thoughts (a literary genre)

杂工 雜工 za2 gong1
unskilled worker

杂谷脑 雜谷腦 za2 gu3 nao3
Zagunao river in Sichuan, tributary of Minjiang 岷江

杂谷脑镇 雜谷腦鎮 za2 gu3 nao3 zhen4
Zagunao town in Li county 理縣|理县, Sichuan

杂环 雜環 za2 huan2
heterocyclic (chemistry)

杂烩 雜燴 za2 hui4
a stew; fig. a disparate collection

杂婚 雜婚 za2 hun1
mixed marriage

杂活 雜活 za2 huo2
odd jobs

杂货 雜貨 za2 huo4
groceries; miscellaneous goods

杂货店 雜貨店 za2 huo4 dian4
grocery store; emporium

杂货商 雜貨商 za2 huo4 shang1

杂货摊 雜貨攤 za2 huo4 tan1
stall selling various goods

杂和面 雜和麵 za2 huo5 mian4
corn flour mixed with a little soybean flour

杂和面儿 雜和麵兒 za2 huo5 mian4 er5
erhua variant of 雜和麵|杂和面

杂集 雜集 za2 ji2
a miscellany; a potpourri

杂技 雜技 za2 ji4

杂记 雜記 za2 ji4
various notes or records; a miscellany; scattered jottings

杂技演员 雜技演員 za2 ji4 yan3 yuan2

杂家 雜家 za2 jia1
Miscellaneous School of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) whose leading advocate was Lü Buwei 呂不韋|吕不韦

杂件 雜件 za2 jian4
miscellaneous goods

杂件儿 雜件兒 za2 jian4 er5
miscellaneous goods

杂交 雜交 za2 jiao1
to hybridize; to crossbreed; promiscuity

杂交派对 雜交派對 za2 jiao1 pai4 dui4
sex party; orgy

杂交植物 雜交植物 za2 jiao1 zhi2 wu4
hybrid plant

杂居 雜居 za2 ju1
cohabitation (of different populations or races); to coexist

杂居地区 雜居地區 za2 ju1 di4 qu1
area of mixed habitation

杂剧 雜劇 za2 ju4
a Yuan dynasty form of musical comedy

杂剧四大家 雜劇四大家 za2 ju4 si4 da4 jia1
Four Great Yuan Dramatists, namely: Guan Hanqing 關漢卿|关汉卿, Zheng Guangzu 鄭光祖|郑光祖, Ma Zhiyuan 馬致遠|马致远 and Bai Pu 白樸|白朴

杂粮 雜糧 za2 liang2
grain crops other than rice and wheat

杂流 雜流 za2 liu2
small craftsman (contemptuous)

杂录 雜錄 za2 lu4
literary miscellany; varia

杂乱 雜亂 za2 luan4
in a mess; in a jumble; chaotic

杂乱无章 雜亂無章 za2 luan4 wu2 zhang1
disordered and in a mess (idiom); all mixed up and chaotic

杂念 雜念 za2 nian4
distracting thoughts

杂牌 雜牌 za2 pai2
inferior brand; not the genuine article

杂牌儿 雜牌兒 za2 pai2 er5
erhua variant of 雜牌|杂牌

杂配 雜配 za2 pei4
to mix; to hybridize

杂七杂八 雜七雜八 za2 qi1 za2 ba1
an assortment; a bit of everything; lots of different (skills)

杂糅 雜糅 za2 rou2
a blend; a mix

杂色 雜色 za2 se4
varicolored; motley

杂色山雀 雜色山雀 za2 se4 shan1 que4
(bird species of China) varied tit (Sittiparus varius)

杂色噪鹛 雜色噪鶥 za2 se4 zao4 mei2
(bird species of China) variegated laughingthrush (Trochalopteron variegatum)

杂食 雜食 za2 shi2
omnivorous (zoolog.); snacks; a varied diet

杂食动物 雜食動物 za2 shi2 dong4 wu4

杂耍 雜耍 za2 shua3
a sideshow; vaudeville

杂税 雜稅 za2 shui4
miscellaneous duties; various taxes

杂说 雜說 za2 shuo1
scattered essays; various opinions; different manners of speaking

杂碎 雜碎 za2 sui4
offal; mixed entrails; trivial matters

杂遝 雜遝 za2 ta4
variant of 雜沓|杂沓

杂沓 雜沓 za2 ta4
small craftsman (contemptuous); clatter (e.g. of footsteps); jumbled mass; press of bodies; tumult

杂谈 雜談 za2 tan2
discussion of various topics

杂文 雜文 za2 wen2

杂务 雜務 za2 wu4
various jobs; low-grade work

杂物 雜物 za2 wu4
junk; items of no value; various bits and bobs

杂戏 雜戲 za2 xi4
acrobatics; entertainment at folk festival

杂项 雜項 za2 xiang4

杂盐 雜鹽 za2 yan2
carnallite (hydrated potassium magnesium chloride mineral)

杂役 雜役 za2 yi4
odd jobs; part-time worker

杂音 雜音 za2 yin1

杂噪 雜噪 za2 zao4
a clamor; a din

杂志 雜誌 za2 zhi4

杂质 雜質 za2 zhi4

杂志社 雜誌社 za2 zhi4 she4
magazine publisher

杂种 雜種 za2 zhong3
hybrid; mixed breed; bastard; son of a bitch

噪杂 噪雜 zao4 za2
a clamor; a din