The True Story of Ah Q, influential 1921 novella by Lu Xun 魯迅|鲁迅
阿甘正传阿甘正傳a1 gan1 zheng4 zhuan4
Forrest Gump
八正道八正道ba1 zheng4 dao5
the Eight-fold Noble Way (Buddhism)
拨乱反正撥亂反正bo1 luan4 fan3 zheng4
bring order out of chaos; set to rights things which have been thrown into disorder
拨正撥正bo1 zheng4
to set right; to correct
驳正駁正bo2 zheng4
to refute and correct
不公正不公正bu4 gong1 zheng4
不务正业不務正業bu4 wu4 zheng4 ye4
not to engage in honest work; to ignore one's proper occupation; not to attend to one's proper duties
不正常不正常bu4 zheng4 chang2
不正常状况不正常狀況bu4 zheng4 chang2 zhuang4 kuang4
abnormal state
不正当不正當bu4 zheng4 dang4
dishonest; unfair; improper
不正当关系不正當關係bu4 zheng4 dang4 guan1 xi4
improper relation; adulterous relation
不正当竞争不正當競爭bu4 zheng4 dang4 jing4 zheng1
unfair competition; illicit competition
不正确不正確bu4 zheng4 que4
incorrect; erroneous
不正之风不正之風bu4 zheng4 zhi1 feng1
unhealthy tendency
齿颚矫正学齒顎矯正學chi3 e4 jiao3 zheng4 xue2
齿列矫正齒列矯正chi3 lie4 jiao3 zheng4
orthodontic treatment; orthodontics
齿列矫正器齒列矯正器chi3 lie4 jiao3 zheng4 qi4
see 牙齒矯正器|牙齿矫正器
重正化重正化chong2 zheng4 hua4
to renormalize; renormalization
纯正純正chun2 zheng4
pure; unadulterated; (of motives etc) honest
大正大正da4 zheng4
Taishō, reign name 1912-1926 of Japanese emperor Yoshihito 嘉仁
导正導正dao3 zheng4
(Tw) to guide sb in the right direction; to correct (behavior etc)
订正訂正ding4 zheng4
to make a correction
东正教東正教dong1 zheng4 jiao4
Eastern Orthodox Church
端正端正duan1 zheng4
upright; regular; proper; correct
二正丙醚二正丙醚er4 zheng4 bing3 mi2
di-n-propyl ether
反正反正fan3 zheng4
anyway; in any case; to come over from the enemy's side
反正一样反正一樣fan3 zheng4 yi1 yang4
whether it's right or wrong doesn't make a lot of difference; six of one and half a dozen of the other; as broad as it is long
方方正正方方正正fang1 fang1 zheng4 zheng4
方正方正fang1 zheng4
Fangzheng county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨, Heilongjiang
方正方正fang1 zheng4
clear and square; neat; square (person)
方正县方正縣fang1 zheng4 xian4
Fangzheng county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨, Heilongjiang
非正常非正常fei1 zheng4 chang2
abnormal; irregular
非正式非正式fei1 zheng4 shi4
unofficial; informal
非正数非正數fei1 zheng4 shu4
a nonpositive number (i.e. negative or zero)
风华正茂風華正茂feng1 hua2 zheng4 mao4
in one's prime
扶正扶正fu2 zheng4
to set sth upright or straight; to promote an employee from part-time to full-time (or from deputy to principal); (old) to raise from concubine to wife status
扶正压邪扶正壓邪fu2 zheng4 ya1 xie2
to uphold good and suppress evil (idiom)
斧正斧正fu3 zheng4
(polite) please amend my writing
改邪归正改邪歸正gai3 xie2 gui1 zheng4
to mend one's ways (idiom); to turn over a new leaf
改正改正gai3 zheng4
to correct; to amend; to put right; correction
刚正剛正gang1 zheng4
honest; upright
刚正不阿剛正不阿gang1 zheng4 bu4 e1
upright and plainspoken
高村正彦高村正彥gao1 cun1 zheng4 yan4
KOMURA Masahiko (1942-), Japanese politician, foreign minister from 1998, minister of defense from 2007
更正更正geng1 zheng4
to correct; to make a correction
公正公正gong1 zheng4
just; fair; equitable
光明正大光明正大guang1 ming2 zheng4 da4
(of a person) honorable; not devious; (of a behavior) fair and aboveboard; without tricks; openly; (of a situation) out in the open
规正規正gui1 zheng4
to admonish
归正歸正gui1 zheng4
to return to the right path; to mend one's ways; to reform; Reformed (church etc)
韩正韓正han2 zheng4
Han Zheng (1954-), mayor of Shanghai (2007-2012), CPC Shanghai Committee Secretary (2012-)
to correct; to rectify (e.g. a physical defect such as hearing or vision); to cure; rectification; correction; to straighten
脚正不怕鞋歪腳正不怕鞋歪jiao3 zheng4 bu4 pa4 xie2 wai1
lit. a straight foot has no fear of a crooked shoe; an upright man is not afraid of gossip (idiom)
矫正透镜矯正透鏡jiao3 zheng4 tou4 jing4
correcting lens
校正校正jiao4 zheng4
to proofread and correct; to edit and rectify; to correct; to calibrate
校正子校正子jiao4 zheng4 zi3
proofreader and corrector
金正恩金正恩jin1 zheng4 en1
Kim Jong-un (c. 1983-), third son of Kim Jong-il 金正日, supreme leader of North Korea from 2011
金正男金正男jin1 zheng4 nan2
Kim Jong-nam (1971-2017), the eldest son of Kim Jong-il 金正日
金正日金正日jin1 zheng4 ri4
Kim Jong-il (1942-2011), Dear Leader of North Korea 1982-2011
金正银金正銀jin1 zheng4 yin2
former spelling of Kim Jong-un 金正恩
金正云金正雲jin1 zheng4 yun2
erroneous form of Kim Jong-un 金正恩
纠正糾正jiu1 zheng4
to correct; to make right
就地正法就地正法jiu4 di4 zheng4 fa3
to execute on the spot (idiom); summary execution; to carry out the law on the spot
居正居正ju1 zheng4
(literary) to follow the right path
匡正匡正kuang1 zheng4
to correct; to amend; to redress (evils)
立正立正li4 zheng4
to stand straight; attention! (order to troops)
林丰正林豐正lin2 feng1 zheng4
Lin Feng-cheng (Taiwan Minister of the Interior)
令正令正ling4 zheng4
your wife (honorific)
名不正言不顺名不正言不順ming2 bu5 zheng4 yan2 bu5 shun4
(of a title, degree etc) illegitimately conferred
明媒正娶明媒正娶ming2 mei2 zheng4 qu3
to be officially wed
名正言顺名正言順ming2 zheng4 yan2 shun4
in a way that justifies the use of the term; genuine; proper; in a way that conforms to logic; justifiable; appropriate; perfectly legitimate
偏邪不正偏邪不正pian1 xie2 bu4 zheng4
biased; prejudiced (idiom)
偏正式合成词偏正式合成詞pian1 zheng4 shi4 he2 cheng2 ci2
modified compound word
朴正熙朴正熙piao2 zheng4 xi1
Park Chung-Hee (1917-1979), South Korean military man and dictator, president 1963-1979, influential in developing Korean industry, murdered by his bodyguard
lit. If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked (idiom); fig. subordinates imitate their superiors' vices
舍正从邪捨正從邪she3 zheng4 cong2 xie2
to be corrupted by evil influences (idiom)
社会正义社會正義she4 hui4 zheng4 yi4
social justice
守正不阿守正不阿shou3 zheng4 bu4 e1
to be strictly just and impartial
寿终正寝壽終正寢shou4 zhong1 zheng4 qin3
to die of old age; to die in one's bed at a ripe old age
双曲线正弦雙曲線正弦shuang1 qu1 xian4 zheng4 xian2
hyperbolic sine or sinh (math)
双曲正弦雙曲正弦shuang1 qu1 zheng4 xian2
hyperbolic sine or sinh (math)
堂堂正正堂堂正正tang2 tang2 zheng4 zheng4
displaying strength and discipline; impressive; upright and frank; square
歪打正着歪打正著wai1 da3 zheng4 zhao2
to succeed by a lucky stroke
吴官正吳官正wu2 guan1 zheng4
Wu Guanzheng (1938-), former CPC Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
五官端正五官端正wu3 guan1 duan1 zheng4
to have regular features
夏正民夏正民xia4 zheng4 min2
Justice Michael Hartmann (1944-), Hong Kong High Court judge
邪不敌正邪不敵正xie2 bu4 di2 zheng4
good will always triumph over evil (idiom)
新正新正xin1 zheng1
see 正月
修成正果修成正果xiu1 cheng2 zheng4 guo3
to achieve Buddhahood through one's efforts and insight; to obtain a positive outcome after sustained efforts; to come to fruition
修正修正xiu1 zheng4
to revise; to amend
修正案修正案xiu1 zheng4 an4
amendment; revised draft
修正液修正液xiu1 zheng4 ye4
correction fluid
修正主义修正主義xiu1 zheng4 zhu3 yi4
薛居正薛居正xue1 ju1 zheng4
Xue Juzheng (912-981), Song historian and compiler of History of the Five Dynasties between Tang and Song 舊五代史|旧五代史
训民正音訓民正音xun4 min2 zheng4 yin1
Korean text HunMin JongUm promulgated by Sejong Daewang in 1418 to introduce hangeul
牙齿矫正器牙齒矯正器ya2 chi3 jiao3 zheng4 qi4
orthodontic braces
雅正雅正ya3 zheng4
correct (literary); upright; (hon.) Please point out my shortcomings.; I await your esteemed corrections.
言归正传言歸正傳yan2 gui1 zheng4 zhuan4
to return to the topic (idiom); to get back to the main point
严正嚴正yan2 zheng4
sternly; solemn
验明正身驗明正身yan4 ming2 zheng4 shen1
to identify; to verify sb's identity; identification
一本正经一本正經yi1 ben3 zheng4 jing1
in deadly earnest; deadpan
义正辞严義正辭嚴yi4 zheng4 ci2 yan2
to speak forcibly out of a sense of righteousness (idiom)
硬正硬正ying4 zheng4
staunchly honest
雍正雍正yong1 zheng4
Yongzheng, reign name of Qing emperor (1722-1735)
俞正声俞正聲yu2 zheng4 sheng1
Yu Zhengsheng (1945-), PRC politician
张居正張居正zhang1 ju1 zheng4
Zhang Juzheng (1525-1582), Grand Secretary during the Ming dynasty, credited with bringing the dynasty to its apogee
真正真正zhen1 zheng4
genuine; real; true; genuinely
正仓院正倉院zheng1 cang1 yuan4
Shōsō-in, treasure house belonging to Tōdai-ji 東大寺, Nara 奈良, Japan, an extensive repository of imperial treasures from Tang times; described as the east-most end of the Silk road
正朔正朔zheng1 shuo4
first day of the first lunar month; (old) calendar promulgated by the first emperor of a dynasty
正月正月zheng1 yue4
first month of the lunar year
正月初一正月初一zheng1 yue4 chu1 yi1
New Year's Day in the lunar calendar
正安正安zheng4 an1
Zheng'an county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义, Guizhou
正安县正安縣zheng4 an1 xian4
Zheng'an county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义, Guizhou
正版正版zheng4 ban3
genuine; legal; see also 盜版|盗版
正半轴正半軸zheng4 ban4 zhou2
positive semi-axis (in coordinate geometry)
正本正本zheng4 ben3
original (of a document); reserved copy (of a library book)
正比正比zheng4 bi3
direct ratio; directly proportional
正比例正比例zheng4 bi3 li4
direct proportionality
正步正步zheng4 bu4
goose-step (for military parades)
正步走正步走zheng4 bu4 zou3
to march at parade step; March! (military command)
正餐正餐zheng4 can1
(regular) meal; full meal; main course
正常正常zheng4 chang2
regular; normal; ordinary
正常成本正常成本zheng4 chang2 cheng2 ben3
normal cost (accountancy)
正常工作正常工作zheng4 chang2 gong1 zuo4
normal operation; proper functioning
正常化正常化zheng4 chang2 hua4
normalization (of diplomatic relations etc)
正长石正長石zheng4 chang2 shi2
orthoclase KAlSi3O8 (rock-forming mineral, type of feldspar)
正词法正詞法zheng4 ci2 fa3
orthography (linguistics)
正大光明正大光明zheng4 da4 guang1 ming2
just and honorable
正旦正旦zheng4 dan4
starring female role in a Chinese opera
正当正當zheng4 dang1
timely; just (when needed)
正当年正當年zheng4 dang1 nian2
to be in the prime of life
正当时正當時zheng4 dang1 shi2
the right time for sth; the right season (for planting cabbage)
正当中正當中zheng4 dang1 zhong1
right in the midpoint; a bull's eye; to hit the nail on the head
正当正當zheng4 dang4
honest; reasonable; fair; sensible
正当防卫正當防衛zheng4 dang4 fang2 wei4
reasonable self-defense; legitimate defense
正当理由正當理由zheng4 dang4 li3 you2
proper reason; reasonable grounds
正当性正當性zheng4 dang4 xing4
(political) legitimacy
正道正道zheng4 dao4
the correct path; the right way (Buddhism)
正德正德zheng4 de2
Zhengde Emperor, reign name of eleventh Ming emperor Zhu Houzhao 朱厚照 (1491-1521), reigned 1505-1521, Temple name 明武宗
On the correct handling of internal contradictions among the people, Mao Zedong's tract of 1957
正确路线正確路線zheng4 que4 lu4 xian4
correct line (i.e. the party line)
正然正然zheng4 ran2
in the process of (doing something or happening); while (doing)
正人君子正人君子zheng4 ren2 jun1 zi5
upright gentleman; man of honor
正日正日zheng4 ri4
the day (of a festival, ceremony etc)
正如正如zheng4 ru2
just as; precisely as
正色正色zheng4 se4
stern; grim; resolute; firm; unflinching; fundamental colors
正生正生zheng4 sheng1
starring male role in a Chinese opera
正时正時zheng4 shi2
timing (of an engine)
正史正史zheng4 shi3
the 24 or 25 official dynastic histories; true history, as opposed to fictional adaptation or popular legends
正事正事zheng4 shi4
one's proper business
正是正是zheng4 shi4
(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as
正式正式zheng4 shi4
formal; official
正视正視zheng4 shi4
to face squarely; to meet head on; to face up to
正室正室zheng4 shi4
first wife; legal wife
正式投票正式投票zheng4 shi4 tou2 piao4
formal vote
正书正書zheng4 shu1
regular script (Chinese calligraphic style)
正数正數zheng4 shu4
positive number
正太正太zheng4 tai4
young, cute boy; derived from Japanese loanword shotacon 正太控
正态分布正態分布zheng4 tai4 fen1 bu4
(math.) normal distribution; Gaussian distribution
正太控正太控zheng4 tai4 kong4
shotacon (Japanese loanword); manga or anime genre depicting young boys in an erotic manner
正体正體zheng4 ti3
standard form (of a Chinese character); plain font style (as opposed to bold or italic); printed style (as opposed to cursive); (Tw) traditional (i.e. unsimplified) characters
正体字正體字zheng4 ti3 zi4
standard form of a Chinese character; (Tw) traditional (i.e. unsimplified) characters
正统正統zheng4 tong3
Zhengtong Emperor, reign name of sixth Ming Emperor Zhu Qizhen 朱祁鎮|朱祁镇 (1427-1464), reigned 1435-1449, Temple name Yingzong 英宗
正统正統zheng4 tong3
正投影正投影zheng4 tou2 ying3
orthogonal projection
正外部性正外部性zheng4 wai4 bu4 xing4
positive influence, effect that people's doings or behavior have on others (society)
正文正文zheng4 wen2
main text (as opposed to footnotes); main body (of a book)
正午正午zheng4 wu3
midday; noon; noonday
正误正誤zheng4 wu4
true or false?; correct or incorrect; to correct errors (in a document)
正误表正誤表zheng4 wu4 biao3
正弦正弦zheng4 xian2
sine (of angle), written sin θ
正弦波正弦波zheng4 xian2 bo1
sine wave; simple harmonic vibration
正弦定理正弦定理zheng4 xian2 ding4 li3
law of sines
正弦形正弦形zheng4 xian2 xing2
sinusoidal (shaped like a sine wave)
正镶白旗正鑲白旗zheng4 xiang1 bai2 qi2
Plain and Bordered White banner or Shuluun Hövööt Chagaan khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟, Inner Mongolia