a step; a pace; walk; march; stages in a process; situation

surname Bu

strokes 7
strokes after radical 3
安步当车 安步當車 an1 bu4 dang4 che1
to go on foot (idiom); to do things at a leisurely pace

按步就班 按步就班 an4 bu4 jiu4 ban1
follow the prescribed order; keep to conventional ways

昂首阔步 昂首闊步 ang2 shou3 kuo4 bu4
striding forward with head high (idiom); to walk with spirited and vigorous step; to strut

八步 八步 ba1 bu4
Babu district of Hezhou city 賀州市|贺州市, Guangxi

八步区 八步區 ba1 bu4 qu1
Babu district of Hezhou city 賀州市|贺州市, Guangxi

八字步 八字步 ba1 zi4 bu4
step with feet splayed outwards

百步穿杨 百步穿楊 bai3 bu4 chuan1 yang2
to shoot with great precision (idiom)

百尺竿头,更尽一步 百尺竿頭,更盡一步 bai3 chi3 gan1 tou2 - geng4 jin4 yi1 bu4
lit. hundred foot pole, progress still further (idiom); fig. much accomplished, still some work to do; to continue to further successes; not to rest on one's laurels

便步走 便步走 bian4 bu4 zou3
march at ease; route step

步兵 步兵 bu4 bing1
infantry; foot; infantryman; foot soldier

步步 步步 bu4 bu4
step by step; at every step

步步高升 步步高陞 bu4 bu4 gao1 sheng1
to climb step by step; to rise steadily; on the up and up

步步为营 步步為營 bu4 bu4 wei2 ying2
to advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step; to consolidate at every step

步操 步操 bu4 cao1
foot drill (military, physical exercises etc)

步测 步測 bu4 ce4

步道 步道 bu4 dao4
walking path; pathway

步调 步調 bu4 diao4
gait; marching order; step; pace

步调一致 步調一致 bu4 diao4 yi1 zhi4
to be united in action

步斗踏罡 步斗踏罡 bu4 dou3 ta4 gang1
to worship the astral deities (idiom, refers to Daoist astrology)

步伐 步伐 bu4 fa2
pace; (measured) step; march

步法 步法 bu4 fa3

不敢越雷池一步 不敢越雷池一步 bu4 gan3 yue4 lei2 chi2 yi1 bu4
dare not go one step beyond the prescribed limit

步罡踏斗 步罡踏斗 bu4 gang1 ta4 dou3
to worship the astral deities (idiom, refers to Daoist astrology)

步话机 步話機 bu4 hua4 ji1

步进马达 步進馬達 bu4 jin4 ma3 da2
stepper motor

步进制 步進制 bu4 jin4 zhi4
step by step system

步犁 步犁 bu4 li2
walking plow

步履 步履 bu4 lv3
gait; to walk

步履维艰 步履維艱 bu4 lv3 wei2 jian1
to have difficulty walking (idiom); to walk with difficulty

步履紊乱 步履紊亂 bu4 lv3 wen3 luan4
to be in complete disorder

步枪 步槍 bu4 qiang1

步人后尘 步人後塵 bu4 ren2 hou4 chen2
to follow in other people's footsteps

步入 步入 bu4 ru4
to step into; to enter

步哨 步哨 bu4 shao4
sentry; sentinel

步态 步態 bu4 tai4
gait; tread

步态蹒跚 步態蹣跚 bu4 tai4 pan2 shan1
to walk unsteadily

步武 步武 bu4 wu3
to walk in someone's steps; to follow in someone's footsteps (literary); a step (literary)

步行 步行 bu4 xing2
to go on foot; to walk

步行虫 步行蟲 bu4 xing2 chong2
ground beetle

步行街 步行街 bu4 xing2 jie1
car-free zone; pedestrian street

步行区 步行區 bu4 xing2 qu1
pedestrian area

步行者 步行者 bu4 xing2 zhe3

步摇 步搖 bu4 yao2
dangling ornament worn by women

步月 步月 bu4 yue4
to stroll beneath the moon

步韵 步韻 bu4 yun4
to write a poem using another poem's rhymes

步骤 步驟 bu4 zhou4
procedure; step

步子 步子 bu4 zi5
step; pace

步足 步足 bu4 zu2
ambulatory leg (of a crab, lobster, spider etc)

长足进步 長足進步 chang2 zu2 jin4 bu4
rapid progress

城步 城步 cheng2 bu4
Chengbu Miao autonomous county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳, Hunan

城步苗族自治县 城步苗族自治縣 cheng2 bu4 miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Chengbu Miao Autonomous County in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳, Hunan

城步县 城步縣 cheng2 bu4 xian4
Chengbu Miao autonomous county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳, Hunan

初步 初步 chu1 bu4
initial; preliminary; tentative

初步设想 初步設想 chu1 bu4 she4 xiang3
tentative idea

寸步不离 寸步不離 cun4 bu4 bu4 li2
to follow sb closely (idiom); to keep close to

寸步难行 寸步難行 cun4 bu4 nan2 xing2
unable to move a single step (idiom); to be in an (extremely) difficult situation

寸步难移 寸步難移 cun4 bu4 nan2 yi2
see 寸步難行|寸步难行

大步 大步 da4 bu4
large strides

大步流星 大步流星 da4 bu4 liu2 xing1
at a stride; taking large steps (while walking)

大踏步 大踏步 da4 ta4 bu4
in big strides; (fig.) in giant steps

代步 代步 dai4 bu4
means of transportation; to take transportation; to ride instead of walk

代步车 代步車 dai4 bu4 che1
vehicle; (more specifically) mobility vehicle (mobility scooter, electric wheelchair, Segway etc)

地步 地步 di4 bu4
stage; degree (to which a situation has evolved); situation; leeway

第一步 第一步 di4 yi1 bu4
step one; first step

丁字步 丁字步 ding1 zi4 bu4
T-step (basic dance position, with the feet forming a T shape)

独步 獨步 du2 bu4
lit. walking alone; prominent; unrivalled; outstanding

蹲马步 蹲馬步 dun4 ma3 bu4
to do a martial-art squat

踱步 踱步 duo2 bu4
to pace; to stroll

踱方步 踱方步 duo2 fang1 bu4
to pace; to stroll

饭后百步走,活到九十九 飯後百步走,活到九十九 fan4 hou4 bai3 bu4 zou3 - huo2 dao4 jiu3 shi2 jiu3
walk a hundred steps after each meal and you will live a long life (proverb)

非同步 非同步 fei1 tong2 bu4

非同步传输模式 非同步傳輸模式 fei1 tong2 bu4 chuan2 shu1 mo2 shi4
asynchronous transfer mode; ATM

分步骤 分步驟 fen1 bu4 zhou4
step by step; one step at a time

高视阔步 高視闊步 gao1 shi4 kuo4 bu4
to strut about

弓箭步 弓箭步 gong1 jian4 bu4
bow-and-arrow step (dance step)

故步自封 故步自封 gu4 bu4 zi4 feng1
stuck in the old ways (idiom); refusing to acknowledge new ideas; stagnating and conservative

规行矩步 規行矩步 gui1 xing2 ju3 bu4
to follow the compass and go with the set square (idiom); to follow the rules inflexibly; to act according to convention

邯郸学步 邯鄲學步 han2 dan1 xue2 bu4
to copy the way they walk in Handan (idiom); slavishly copying others, one risks becoming a caricature

横步 橫步 heng2 bu4
sidestep (in dance); step sideways

横断步道 橫斷步道 heng2 duan4 bu4 dao4
pedestrian crossing

狐步舞 狐步舞 hu2 bu4 wu3
fox-trot (ballroom dance) (loanword)

缓步 緩步 huan3 bu4
to walk slowly; to amble along; gradually; slowly

疾步 疾步 ji2 bu4
at a fast pace

计步器 計步器 ji4 bu4 qi4

箭步 箭步 jian4 bu4
sudden big stride forward

健步如飞 健步如飛 jian4 bu4 ru2 fei1
running as fast as flying

脚步 腳步 jiao3 bu4
footstep; step

进步 進步 jin4 bu4
progress; improvement; to improve; to progress

进步号 進步號 jin4 bu4 hao4
Progress (name of Russian spaceship)

进步主义 進步主義 jin4 bu4 zhu3 yi4

近乎同步 近乎同步 jin4 hu1 tong2 bu4

进一步 進一步 jin4 yi1 bu4
one step further; to move forward a step; further onwards

举步 舉步 ju3 bu4
(literary) to move forward

举步维艰 舉步維艱 ju3 bu4 wei2 jian1
to make progress only with great difficulty (idiom)

开步 開步 kai1 bu4
to step forward; to walk

跨步 跨步 kua4 bu4
to take a (striding) step

快步 快步 kuai4 bu4
quick step

快步流星 快步流星 kuai4 bu4 liu2 xing1
to walk quickly; striding quickly

快步跑 快步跑 kuai4 bu4 pao3
to trot

款步 款步 kuan3 bu4
to walk slowly; with deliberate steps

阔步 闊步 kuo4 bu4
to stride forward

敛步 斂步 lian3 bu4
to restrain motion; to check one's step

两步路 兩步路 liang3 bu4 lu4
a step away; very close

留步 留步 liu2 bu4
(said by departing guest) no need to see me out

马步 馬步 ma3 bu4
horse stance (martial arts)

漫步 漫步 man4 bu4
to wander; to ramble; recreational hiking; to perambulate

慢步 慢步 man4 bu4
at a slow pace

漫步者 漫步者 man4 bu4 zhe3
rambler; a person strolling about

民主进步党 民主進步黨 min2 zhu3 jin4 bu4 dang3
DPP (Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan); abbr. to 民進黨|民进党

跑步 跑步 pao3 bu4
to run; to jog; (military) to march at the double

跑步者 跑步者 pao3 bu4 zhe3

撇步 撇步 pie1 bu4
trick (of the trade); clever move; (Taiwanese, POJ pr. )

平步青云 平步青雲 ping2 bu4 qing1 yun2
to rapidly go up in the world; meteoric rise (of a career, social position etc)

齐步 齊步 qi2 bu4
to match (sb's) stride

起步 起步 qi3 bu4
to set out; to set in motion; the start (of some activity)

觑步 覷步 qu4 bu4
to spy on

却步 卻步 que4 bu4
to step back

让步 讓步 rang4 bu4
to concede; to give in; to yield; a concession; (linguistics) concessive

锐步 銳步 rui4 bu4
Reebok (sportswear manufacturer)

三脚两步 三腳兩步 san1 jiao3 liang3 bu4
hurriedly; just a few steps away

散步 散步 san4 bu4
to take a walk; to go for a walk

散散步 散散步 san4 san4 bu4
to have a stroll

四方步 四方步 si4 fang1 bu4
a slow march

苏步青 蘇步青 su1 bu4 qing1
Su Buqing (1902-2003), Chinese mathematician

碎步 碎步 sui4 bu4
small quick steps

踏步 踏步 ta4 bu4
stride; to step (on the spot); to mark time; at a standstill

踏步不前 踏步不前 ta4 bu4 bu4 qian2
to be at a standstill; to mark time

太空步 太空步 tai4 kong1 bu4
moonwalk (dance)

太空漫步 太空漫步 tai4 kong1 man4 bu4
space walk

太空舞步 太空舞步 tai4 kong1 wu3 bu4
moonwalk (dance)

停步 停步 ting2 bu4
to come to a stand; to stop

同步 同步 tong2 bu4
synchronous; to synchronize; to keep step with

同步加速器 同步加速器 tong2 bu4 jia1 su4 qi4

同步数位阶层 同步數位階層 tong2 bu4 shu4 wei4 jie1 ceng2
synchronous digital hierarchy; SDH

突击步枪 突擊步槍 tu1 ji1 bu4 qiang1
assault rifle

徒步 徒步 tu2 bu4
to be on foot

徒步路径 徒步路徑 tu2 bu4 lu4 jing4
hiking trail

徒步旅行 徒步旅行 tu2 bu4 lv3 xing2

徒步区 徒步區 tu2 bu4 qu1
(Tw) car-free zone; pedestrian zone

退步 退步 tui4 bu4
to do less well than before; to make a concession; setback; backward step; leeway; room to maneuver; fallback

望而却步 望而卻步 wang4 er2 que4 bu4
to shrink back; to flinch

稳步 穩步 wen3 bu4
steadily; a steady pace

稳步不前 穩步不前 wen3 bu4 bu4 qian2
to mark time and make no advances (idiom)

蜗行牛步 蝸行牛步 wo1 xing2 niu2 bu4
lit. to crawl like a snail and plod along like an old ox (idiom); fig. to move at a snail's pace; to make slow progress

舞步 舞步 wu3 bu4
dance steps

五步蛇 五步蛇 wu3 bu4 she2
Deinagkistrodon, a venomous pit viper; also called five-paced viper (i.e. can grow to five paces)

五十步笑百步 五十步笑百步 wu3 shi2 bu4 xiao4 bai3 bu4
the one who has retreated 50 steps laughs at the one who has retreated 100 steps (idiom); the pot calls the kettle black

下一步 下一步 xia4 yi1 bu4
the next step

小步舞曲 小步舞曲 xiao3 bu4 wu3 qu3

新年进步 新年進步 xin1 nian2 jin4 bu4
Happy New Year!

信步 信步 xin4 bu4
to stroll; to saunter

虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后 虛心使人進步,驕傲使人落後 xu1 xin1 shi3 ren2 jin4 bu4 - jiao1 ao4 shi3 ren2 luo4 hou4
Modesty leads to progress, arrogance makes you drop behind (favorite slogan of Mao Zedong)

徐步 徐步 xu2 bu4
to stroll; to walk slowly

一步到位 一步到位 yi1 bu4 dao4 wei4
to settle a matter in one go

一步登天 一步登天 yi1 bu4 deng1 tian1
reaching heaven in a single bound (idiom); (esp. with negative: don't expect) instant success

一步一个脚印 一步一個腳印 yi1 bu4 yi1 ge4 jiao3 yin4
one step, one footprint (idiom); steady progress; reliable

一步一趋 一步一趨 yi1 bu4 yi1 qu1
see 亦步亦趨|亦步亦趋

异步 異步 yi4 bu4

异步传输模式 異步傳輸模式 yi4 bu4 chuan2 shu1 mo2 shi4
asynchronous transfer mode; ATM

亦步亦趋 亦步亦趨 yi4 bu4 yi4 qu1
to blindly follow suit (idiom); to imitate slavishly; to do what everyone else is doing

音步 音步 yin1 bu4
foot (syllabic unit in verse); meter; scansion

优步 優步 you1 bu4
Uber, app-based taxi company founded in 2009

游客止步 游客止步 you2 ke4 zhi3 bu4
visitors are not admitted (idiom)

原地踏步 原地踏步 yuan2 di4 ta4 bu4
to mark time (military); to make no headway

则步隆 則步隆 ze2 bu4 long2
Zabulon or Zebulun, biblical land between Jordan and Galilee (Matthew 4:15)

站稳脚步 站穩腳步 zhan4 wen3 jiao3 bu4
to gain a firm foothold; (fig.) to get oneself established

正步 正步 zheng4 bu4
goose-step (for military parades)

正步走 正步走 zheng4 bu4 zou3
to march at parade step; March! (military command)

止步 止步 zhi3 bu4
to halt; to stop; to go no farther

逐步 逐步 zhu2 bu4
progressively; step by step

逐步升级 逐步升級 zhu2 bu4 sheng1 ji2

拽步 拽步 zhuai4 bu4
to take long strides; to hurry (while walking)

转步 轉步 zhuan3 bu4
to turn around

自动步道 自動步道 zi4 dong4 bu4 dao4
moving walkway; travelator

纵步 縱步 zong4 bu4
to stride; to bound

走步 走步 zou3 bu4
to walk; to step; pace; traveling (walking with the ball, a foul in basketball)