gas; air; smell; weather; to make angry; to annoy; to get angry; vital energy; qi

strokes 10
strokes after radical 6
唉声叹气 唉聲嘆氣 ai1 sheng1 tan4 qi4
sighing voice, wailing breath (idiom); to heave deep sighs; to sigh in despair

挨打受气 挨打受氣 ai2 da3 shou4 qi4
to suffer bullying and beating (idiom)

嗳气 噯氣 ai4 qi4

嗳气腐臭 噯氣腐臭 ai4 qi4 fu3 chou4
putrid belching (medical term)

嗳气呕逆 噯氣嘔逆 ai4 qi4 ou3 ni4
belching and retching counterflow (medical term)

嗳气酸腐 噯氣酸腐 ai4 qi4 suan1 fu3
belching of sour putrid gas (medical term)

嗳气吞酸 噯氣吞酸 ai4 qi4 tun1 suan1
belching and acid swallowing (medical term)

氨气 氨氣 an1 qi4
ammonia (gas)

安全气囊 安全氣囊 an1 quan2 qi4 nang2
safety airbag (auto.)

傲气 傲氣 ao4 qi4
air of arrogance; haughtiness

霸气 霸氣 ba4 qi4
aggressiveness; hegemony; domineering

伴生气 伴生氣 ban4 sheng1 qi4
associated gas

背气 背氣 bei4 qi4
to stop breathing (as a medical condition); (fig.) to pass out (in anger); to have a stroke

避其锐气,击其惰归 避其銳氣,擊其惰歸 bi4 qi2 rui4 qi4 - ji1 qi2 duo4 gui1
avoid the enemy when he is fresh and strike him when he is tired and withdraws (idiom)

憋气 憋氣 bie1 qi4
to feel suffocated or oppressed; to choke with resentment; to feel injured or resentful

别客气 別客氣 bie2 ke4 qi5
don't mention it; no formalities, please

别太客气 別太客氣 bie2 tai4 ke4 qi5
lit. no excessive politeness; Don't mention it!; You're welcome!; Please don't stand on ceremony.

屏气 屏氣 bing3 qi4
to hold one's breath

不景气 不景氣 bu4 jing3 qi4
slack; in a slump

不客气 不客氣 bu4 ke4 qi5
you're welcome; don't mention it; impolite; rude; blunt

不送气 不送氣 bu4 song4 qi4

不透气 不透氣 bu4 tou4 qi4

不吐气 不吐氣 bu4 tu3 qi4

不稳定气流 不穩定氣流 bu4 wen3 ding4 qi4 liu2

不用客气 不用客氣 bu4 yong4 ke4 qi5
you're welcome; don't mention it; no need to stand on ceremony

不蒸馒头争口气 不蒸饅頭爭口氣 bu4 zheng1 man2 tou5 zheng1 kou3 qi4
not to be crushed (idiom); to be determined to have one's revenge

不争气 不爭氣 bu4 zheng1 qi4
to be disappointing; to fail to live up to expectations

财大气粗 財大氣粗 cai2 da4 qi4 cu1
rich and imposing; rich and overbearing

才气 才氣 cai2 qi4
talent (usually literary or artistic)

才气过人 才氣過人 cai2 qi4 guo4 ren2
an outstanding talent (idiom); surpassing insight and acumen

潮气 潮氣 chao2 qi4
humidity; moisture

沉不住气 沉不住氣 chen2 bu4 zhu4 qi4
to lose one's cool; to get impatient; unable to remain calm

沉得住气 沉得住氣 chen2 de5 zhu4 qi4
to stay calm; to keep one's composure

沉住气 沉住氣 chen2 zhu4 qi4
to keep cool; to stay calm

吃奶的力气 吃奶的力氣 chi1 nai3 de5 li4 qi5
all one's strength

吃奶的气力 吃奶的氣力 chi1 nai3 de5 qi4 li4
utmost effort

充气 充氣 chong1 qi4
to inflate

充气船 充氣船 chong1 qi4 chuan2
inflatable boat

抽气 抽氣 chou1 qi4
to draw air out

臭气 臭氣 chou4 qi4

臭气熏天 臭氣熏天 chou4 qi4 xun1 tian1
overwhelming stench (idiom)

出口气 出口氣 chu1 kou3 qi4
to take one's revenge; to score off sb

出气 出氣 chu1 qi4
to give vent to anger

出气口 出氣口 chu1 qi4 kou3
gas or air outlet; emotional outlet

出气筒 出氣筒 chu1 qi4 tong3
(metaphorical) punching bag; undeserving target of sb's wrath

储气 儲氣 chu3 qi4
gas storage

储气罐 儲氣罐 chu3 qi4 guan4
gas canister; gas storage tank

喘不过气来 喘不過氣來 chuan3 bu5 guo4 qi4 lai2
to be unable to breathe

喘粗气 喘粗氣 chuan3 cu1 qi4
to pant heavily

喘气 喘氣 chuan3 qi4
to breathe deeply; to pant

串通一气 串通一氣 chuan4 tong1 yi1 qi4
to act in collusion (idiom)

吹气 吹氣 chui1 qi4
to blow air (into)

垂头丧气 垂頭喪氣 chui2 tou2 sang4 qi4
hanging one's head dispiritedly (idiom); dejected; crestfallen

春风和气 春風和氣 chun1 feng1 he2 qi4
(idiom) amiable as a spring breeze

磁气圈 磁氣圈 ci2 qi4 quan1

打气 打氣 da3 qi4
to inflate; to pump up; fig. to encourage; to boost morale

打气筒 打氣筒 da3 qi4 tong3
a bicycle pump

大陆性气候 大陸性氣候 da4 lu4 xing4 qi4 hou4
continental climate

大气 大氣 da4 qi4
atmosphere (surrounding the earth); imposing; impressive; stylish

大气层 大氣層 da4 qi4 ceng2

大气层核试验 大氣層核試驗 da4 qi4 ceng2 he2 shi4 yan4
atmospheric nuclear test

大气儿 大氣兒 da4 qi4 er5
erhua variant of 大氣|大气

大气候 大氣候 da4 qi4 hou4

大气环流 大氣環流 da4 qi4 huan2 liu2
atmospheric circulation

大气暖化 大氣暖化 da4 qi4 nuan3 hua4
atmospheric warming

大气圈 大氣圈 da4 qi4 quan1

大气污染 大氣污染 da4 qi4 wu1 ran3
air pollution; atmospheric pollution

大气压 大氣壓 da4 qi4 ya1
atmospheric pressure

大气压力 大氣壓力 da4 qi4 ya1 li4
atmospheric pressure

大气压强 大氣壓強 da4 qi4 ya1 qiang2
atmospheric pressure

大伤元气 大傷元氣 da4 shang1 yuan2 qi4
to ruin one's constitution

带气 帶氣 dai4 qi4
carbonated (drink); sparkling (mineral water); to display annoyance; to be dissatisfied

胆气 膽氣 dan3 qi4
courageous; bold

氮芥气 氮芥氣 dan4 jie4 qi4
nitrogen mustard

氮气 氮氣 dan4 qi4

荡气回肠 蕩氣回腸 dang4 qi4 hui2 chang2
heart-rending (drama, music, poem etc); deeply moving

倒抽一口气 倒抽一口氣 dao4 chou1 yi1 kou3 qi4
to gasp (in surprise, dismay, fright etc)

得气 得氣 de2 qi4
"to obtain qi", the sensation of electrical tingling, numbness, soreness etc at the meridian where accupuncture needle is inserted

低气压 低氣壓 di1 qi4 ya1
low pressure; depression (meteorology)

低尾气排放 低尾氣排放 di1 wei3 qi4 pai2 fang4
low emissions (from car exhaust)

底气 底氣 di3 qi4
lung capacity; lung power; stamina; confidence

地面气压 地面氣壓 di4 mian4 qi4 ya1
ground pressure

电气 電氣 dian4 qi4
electricity; electric; electrical

电气工程 電氣工程 dian4 qi4 gong1 cheng2
electrical engineering

电气化 電氣化 dian4 qi4 hua4

电气石 電氣石 dian4 qi4 shi2

动气 動氣 dong4 qi4
to get angry

斗气 鬥氣 dou4 qi4
to have a grudge against

毒气 毒氣 du2 qi4
poison gas; toxic gas; manifestation of passion, anger etc (Buddhism)

毒气弹 毒氣彈 du2 qi4 dan4
poison gas shell; poison gas grenade

赌气 賭氣 du3 qi4
to act in a fit of pique; to get in a huff; to be peeved

断气 斷氣 duan4 qi4
to stop breathing; to breathe one's last; to die; to cut the gas supply

惰性气体 惰性氣體 duo4 xing4 qi4 ti3
inert gas; noble gas (chemistry)

恶气 惡氣 e4 qi4
evil smell; resentment; unpleasant manner

二十四节气 二十四節氣 er4 shi2 si4 jie2 qi5
the 24 solar terms, calculated from the position of the sun on the ecliptic, that divide the year into 24 equal periods

发脾气 發脾氣 fa1 pi2 qi4
to get angry

发气 發氣 fa1 qi4
to get angry

反气旋 反氣旋 fan3 qi4 xuan2

反问语气 反問語氣 fan3 wen4 yu3 qi4
tone of one's voice when asking a rhetorical question

放气 放氣 fang4 qi4
to release breath; to deflate; to fart

废气 廢氣 fei4 qi4
exhaust gas; industrial waste gas; steam

肺气肿 肺氣腫 fei4 qi4 zhong3

肺通气 肺通氣 fei4 tong1 qi4
pulmonary ventilation (medicine)

风气 風氣 feng1 qi4
general mood; atmosphere; common practice

服气 服氣 fu2 qi4
to be convinced; to accept

浮气 浮氣 fu2 qi4
feeble breath; frivolity; flippancy

福气 福氣 fu2 qi5
good fortune; a blessing

负气 負氣 fu4 qi4
in a pique; sulky; cross

供燃气 供燃氣 gong1 ran2 qi4
gas supply

古根罕喷气推进研究中心 古根罕噴氣推進研究中心 gu3 gen1 han3 pen1 qi4 tui1 jin4 yan2 jiu1 zhong1 xin1
Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT, from 1926); Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center (from 1943)

鼓起勇气 鼓起勇氣 gu3 qi3 yong3 qi4
to summon one's courage

鼓气 鼓氣 gu3 qi4
to puff up; to swell up; to inflate; to blow air into sth; (fig.) to encourage; to support

骨气 骨氣 gu3 qi4
unyielding character; courageous spirit; integrity; moral backbone

古气候学 古氣候學 gu3 qi4 hou4 xue2

怪里怪气 怪里怪氣 guai4 li3 guai4 qi4
eccentric; odd-looking; peculiar

怪气 怪氣 guai4 qi4
weird (temperament)

怪声怪气 怪聲怪氣 guai4 sheng1 guai4 qi4
strange voice; affected manner of speaking

官僚习气 官僚習氣 guan1 liao2 xi2 qi4
(derog.) bureaucracy; red tape

贯气 貫氣 guan4 qi4
beneficial influence, esp. from one's ancestral graves 墳山|坟山 in fengshui 風水|风水; to confer beneficial influence

光气 光氣 guang1 qi4
phosgene COCl2, a poisonous gas; carbonyl chloride

鬼天气 鬼天氣 gui3 tian1 qi4
awful weather

过气 過氣 guo4 qi4
past one's prime; has-been

孩子气 孩子氣 hai2 zi5 qi4
boyish; childish

海洋性气候 海洋性氣候 hai3 yang2 xing4 qi4 hou4
maritime climate

含气 含氣 han2 qi4
containing air

寒气 寒氣 han2 qi4
cold air

沆瀣一气 沆瀣一氣 hang4 xie4 yi1 qi4
to act in collusion (idiom); in cahoots with; villains will look after one another

毫不客气 毫不客氣 hao2 bu4 ke4 qi5
no trace of politeness; unrestrained (criticism)

豪气 豪氣 hao2 qi4
heroic spirit; heroism

豪气干云 豪氣干雲 hao2 qi4 gan1 yun2
lit. heroism reaching to the clouds (idiom)

好气 好氣 hao3 qi4
to be happy; to be in a good mood

浩气 浩氣 hao4 qi4
vast spirit; nobility of spirit

和和气气 和和氣氣 he2 he2 qi4 qi4
polite and amiable

合气道 合氣道 he2 qi4 dao4
aikido (Japanese martial art); hapkido (Korean martial art)

和气生财 和氣生財 he2 qi4 sheng1 cai2
(idiom) amiability makes you rich

和气致祥 和氣緻祥 he2 qi4 zhi4 xiang2
(idiom) amiability leads to harmony

和气 和氣 he2 qi5
friendly; polite; amiable

和胃力气 和胃力氣 he2 wei4 li4 qi4
to harmonize the stomach and rectify qi 氣|气 (Chinese medicine)

呼气 呼氣 hu1 qi4
to breathe out

坏脾气 壞脾氣 huai4 pi2 qi4
bad temper

缓气 緩氣 huan3 qi4
to get one's breath back; to take a breather

换气 換氣 huan4 qi4
to take a breath (in swimming); to ventilate

灰心丧气 灰心喪氣 hui1 xin1 sang4 qi4
downhearted; downcast; in despair

回肠荡气 回腸盪氣 hui2 chang2 dang4 qi4
soul-stirring (of drama, poem or artwork); heart-rending; deeply moving

晦气 晦氣 hui4 qi4
bad luck; unlucky; calamitous; wretched

活气 活氣 huo2 qi4
spirited atmosphere

火气 火氣 huo3 qi4
anger; internal heat (TCM)

加气 加氣 jia1 qi4
to aerate; to ventilate

加重语气 加重語氣 jia1 zhong4 yu3 qi4
to give emphasis; with emphasis

假设语气 假設語氣 jia3 she4 yu3 qi4

讲义气 講義氣 jiang3 yi4 qi4
to be loyal (to one's friends); to value loyalty

娇气 嬌氣 jiao1 qi4
delicate; squeamish; finicky

骄气 驕氣 jiao1 qi5

脚气 腳氣 jiao3 qi4
beriberi; athlete's foot

脚气病 腳氣病 jiao3 qi4 bing4

节气门 節氣門 jie2 qi4 men2

节气 節氣 jie2 qi5
solar term

芥子气 芥子氣 jie4 zi3 qi4
mustard gas

经气聚集 經氣聚集 jing1 qi4 ju4 ji2
meeting points of qi (in Chinese medicine)

精气神 精氣神 jing1 qi4 shen2
the three energies of Chinese medicine: 精, 氣|气, and 神

景气 景氣 jing3 qi4
(of economy, business etc) flourishing; prosperous

酒色财气 酒色財氣 jiu3 se4 cai2 qi4
wine, sex, avarice and temper (idiom); four cardinal vices

绝气 絕氣 jue2 qi4
to expire

可气 可氣 ke3 qi4
annoying; irritating; exasperating

氪气石 氪氣石 ke4 qi4 shi2

客气 客氣 ke4 qi5
polite; courteous; formal; modest

客气话 客氣話 ke4 qi5 hua4
words of politeness; politesse; decorous talking; talk with propriety

吭气 吭氣 keng1 qi4
to utter a sound

空气 空氣 kong1 qi4
air; atmosphere

空气动力 空氣動力 kong1 qi4 dong4 li4
aerodynamic force

空气动力学 空氣動力學 kong1 qi4 dong4 li4 xue2

空气缓冲间 空氣緩衝間 kong1 qi4 huan3 chong1 jian1
air lock

空气剂量 空氣劑量 kong1 qi4 ji4 liang4
air dose

空气净化器 空氣淨化器 kong1 qi4 jing4 hua4 qi4
air purifier

空气流 空氣流 kong1 qi4 liu2
flow of air; draft

空气流通 空氣流通 kong1 qi4 liu2 tong1
fresh air; draft

空气取样 空氣取樣 kong1 qi4 qu3 yang4
air sampling

空气取样器 空氣取樣器 kong1 qi4 qu3 yang4 qi4
air sampler

空气调节 空氣調節 kong1 qi4 tiao2 jie2
air conditioning

空气污染 空氣污染 kong1 qi4 wu1 ran3
air pollution

空气阻力 空氣阻力 kong1 qi4 zu3 li4
atmospheric drag

口气 口氣 kou3 qi4
tone of voice; the way one speaks; manner of expression; tone

阔气 闊氣 kuo4 qi5
lavish; generous; bounteous; prodigal

老气横秋 老氣橫秋 lao3 qi4 heng2 qiu1
old and decrepit; proud of one's age and experience (idiom)

冷气 冷氣 leng3 qi4
air conditioning (Tw)

冷气机 冷氣機 leng3 qi4 ji1
air conditioner

冷气衫 冷氣衫 leng3 qi4 shan1
warm clothes such as padded jacket to be worn in air conditioning (esp. in Hong Kong)

理气 理氣 li3 qi4
(TCM) to rectify 氣|气

理气化痰 理氣化痰 li3 qi4 hua4 tan2
(TCM) to rectify 氣|气 and transform phlegm

理直气壮 理直氣壯 li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4
in the right and self-confident (idiom); bold and confident with justice on one's side; to have the courage of one's convictions; just and forceful

戾气 戾氣 li4 qi4
evil tendencies; vicious currents; antisocial behavior

力气 力氣 li4 qi5

利用人工吹气 利用人工吹氣 li4 yong4 ren2 gong1 chui1 qi4
oral inflation

联合国气候变化框架公约 聯合國氣候變化框架公約 lian2 he2 guo2 qi4 hou4 bian4 hua4 kuang4 jia4 gong1 yue1
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

灵气 靈氣 ling2 qi4
spiritual influence (of mountains etc); cleverness; ingeniousness

灵气疗法 靈氣療法 ling2 qi4 liao2 fa3
Reiki (palm healing)

流里流气 流裡流氣 liu2 li5 liu2 qi4
hooliganism; rowdyism

漏气 漏氣 lou4 qi4
to leak air or gas

氯气 氯氣 lv4 qi4

卖力气 賣力氣 mai4 li4 qi5
to make a living doing manual labor; to give sth all one's got

煤层气 煤層氣 mei2 ceng2 qi4
coalbed methane

梅核气 梅核氣 mei2 he2 qi4
(TCM) plum-pit qi, a feeling of a lump in the throat (globus pharyngis) or of stagnant phlegm

煤气 煤氣 mei2 qi4
coal gas; gas (fuel)

霉气 霉氣 mei2 qi4
a moldy smell; damp and rotten; fig. rotten bad luck

闷声闷气 悶聲悶氣 men1 sheng1 men1 qi4

名气 名氣 ming2 qi4
reputation; fame

暮气 暮氣 mu4 qi4
evening mist; fig. declining spirits; lethargy

男子气 男子氣 nan2 zi3 qi4
manly; masculine

男子气概 男子氣概 nan2 zi3 qi4 gai4
masculinity; manliness

闹脾气 鬧脾氣 nao4 pi2 qi5
to get angry

年轻气盛 年輕氣盛 nian2 qing1 qi4 sheng4
full of youthful vigor (idiom); in the prime of youth

牛脾气 牛脾氣 niu2 pi2 qi5
bullheadedness; stubborn

牛气 牛氣 niu2 qi5
(coll.) haughty; overbearing; (economics) bullish

怒气 怒氣 nu4 qi4

怒气冲冲 怒氣沖沖 nu4 qi4 chong1 chong1
spitting anger (idiom); in a rage

暖气 暖氣 nuan3 qi4
central heating; heater; warm air

暖气机 暖氣機 nuan3 qi4 ji1
radiator; heater

暖气片 暖氣片 nuan3 qi4 pian4
radiator (for heating)

女人气 女人氣 nv3 ren2 qi4
womanly temperament; femininity; effeminate (of male); cowardly; sissy

怄气 慪氣 ou4 qi4
to sulk; to squabble

呕气 嘔氣 ou4 qi4
variant of 慪氣|怄气

排气 排氣 pai2 qi4
to ventilate

排气管 排氣管 pai2 qi4 guan3
exhaust pipe

排气孔 排氣孔 pai2 qi4 kong3
an air vent; a ventilation shaft

膀胱气化 膀胱氣化 pang2 guang1 qi4 hua4
bladder 氣|气 transformation in TCM

喷气 噴氣 pen1 qi4
jet; blast of air; spurt of gas

喷气发动机 噴氣發動機 pen1 qi4 fa1 dong4 ji1
jet engine

喷气机 噴氣機 pen1 qi4 ji1
jet (engine, plane)

喷气式 噴氣式 pen1 qi4 shi4

喷气式飞机 噴氣式飛機 pen1 qi4 shi4 fei1 ji1
jet aircraft

喷气推进实验室 噴氣推進實驗室 pen1 qi4 tui1 jin4 shi2 yan4 shi4
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, R&D center in Pasadena, California

碰运气 碰運氣 peng4 yun4 qi5
to try one's luck; to leave sth to chance

脾气 脾氣 pi2 qi5
character; temperament; disposition; bad temper

贫气 貧氣 pin2 qi4
mean; stingy; garrulous

平均气温 平均氣溫 ping2 jun1 qi4 wen1
average temperature

骑士气概 騎士氣概 qi2 shi4 qi4 gai4

气昂昂 氣昂昂 qi4 ang2 ang2
full of vigor; spirited; valiant

气包子 氣包子 qi4 bao1 zi5
quick-tempered person

气泵 氣泵 qi4 beng4
air pump

气不忿儿 氣不忿兒 qi4 bu4 fen4 er5
furious; indignant

气不公 氣不公 qi4 bu4 gong1

气不平 氣不平 qi4 bu4 ping2
angry at unfairness

气不过 氣不過 qi4 bu5 guo4
so angry it's unbearable; bitter about unbearable grievances

气场 氣場 qi4 chang2
qi field (qigong); aura; atmosphere

气冲冲 氣沖沖 qi4 chong1 chong1
furious; enraged

气冲牛斗 氣衝牛斗 qi4 chong1 niu2 dou3
extremely angry; infuriated

气冲霄汉 氣衝霄漢 qi4 chong1 xiao1 han4
(idiom) dauntless; courageous; spirited

气喘 氣喘 qi4 chuan3
to gasp for breath; asthma

气喘病 氣喘病 qi4 chuan3 bing4

气喘喘 氣喘喘 qi4 chuan3 chuan3

气喘如牛 氣喘如牛 qi4 chuan3 ru2 niu2
to breathe heavily like an ox (idiom); to huff and puff

气喘吁吁 氣喘吁吁 qi4 chuan3 xu1 xu1
to pant; to gasp for breath

气锤 氣錘 qi4 chui2
pneumatic drill

气粗 氣粗 qi4 cu1
irascible; overbearing

气道 氣道 qi4 dao4
flue; air duct; air passage; respiratory tract

气垫 氣墊 qi4 dian4
air cushion (as on hovercraft)

气垫船 氣墊船 qi4 dian4 chuan2
hovercraft; air cushion vehicle

气定神闲 氣定神閒 qi4 ding4 shen2 xian2
calm and composed (idiom)

气动 氣動 qi4 dong4

气动泵 氣動泵 qi4 dong4 beng4
pneumatic pump

气动葫芦 氣動葫蘆 qi4 dong4 hu2 lu5
pneumatic hoist pulley

气动开关 氣動開關 qi4 dong4 kai1 guan1
pneumatic switch

气动控制 氣動控制 qi4 dong4 kong4 zhi4
air operated

气动式 氣動式 qi4 dong4 shi4

气动噪声 氣動噪聲 qi4 dong4 zao4 sheng1
aerodynamic noise

气动闸 氣動閘 qi4 dong4 zha2
pneumatic brake

气度 氣度 qi4 du4
bearing; manner; presence

气度恢宏 氣度恢宏 qi4 du4 hui1 hong2
broad-minded; magnanimous

气氛 氣氛 qi4 fen1
atmosphere; mood

气愤 氣憤 qi4 fen4
indignant; furious

气概 氣概 qi4 gai4
lofty quality; mettle; spirit

气缸 氣缸 qi4 gang1
cylinder (engine)

气功 氣功 qi4 gong1
qigong, a system of deep breathing exercises

气鼓鼓 氣鼓鼓 qi4 gu3 gu3
seething; fuming

气管 氣管 qi4 guan3
windpipe; trachea; respiratory tract; air duct; gas pipe

气管插管术 氣管插管術 qi4 guan3 cha1 guan3 shu4
tracheotomy (medicine)

气管痉挛 氣管痙攣 qi4 guan3 jing4 luan2
breathing convulsions (as in asthma); tracheospasm

气管切开术 氣管切開術 qi4 guan3 qie1 kai1 shu4
tracheotomy (medicine)

气管炎 氣管炎 qi4 guan3 yan2
bacterial tracheitis (inflammation of the windpipe, often caused by Staphylococcus aureus); henpecked (a pun on 妻子管得严 used in comic theater)

气贯长虹 氣貫長虹 qi4 guan4 chang2 hong2
spirit reaches to the rainbow; full of noble aspiration and daring

气焊 氣焊 qi4 han4
gas welding

气哼哼 氣哼哼 qi4 heng1 heng1
enraged; furious; livid

气候 氣候 qi4 hou4
climate; atmosphere; situation

气候变化 氣候變化 qi4 hou4 bian4 hua4
climate change

气候暖化 氣候暖化 qi4 hou4 nuan3 hua4
climate warming

气候温和 氣候溫和 qi4 hou4 wen1 he2
moderate climate

气候学 氣候學 qi4 hou4 xue2

气候学家 氣候學家 qi4 hou4 xue2 jia1
a climatologist

气候状况 氣候狀況 qi4 hou4 zhuang4 kuang4
climatic conditions; atmospheric conditions

气呼呼 氣呼呼 qi4 hu1 hu1
panting with rage

气话 氣話 qi4 hua4
angry words; sth said in the moment of anger

气化 氣化 qi4 hua4
to vaporize; evaporation; carburetion; 氣|气 transformation in TCM (i.e. transformation of yin yang vital breath); unvoicing of voiced consonant

气急败坏 氣急敗壞 qi4 ji2 bai4 huai4
flustered and exasperated; utterly discomfited

气胶 氣膠 qi4 jiao1

气节 氣節 qi4 jie2
moral integrity; unflinching righteousness

气阱 氣阱 qi4 jing3
air pocket

气绝 氣絕 qi4 jue2
to take one's last breath; dying

气孔 氣孔 qi4 kong3
air-bubble; pore; stoma

气口 氣口 qi4 kou3
location on wrist over the radial artery where pulse is taken in TCM

气冷式反应堆 氣冷式反應堆 qi4 leng3 shi4 fan3 ying4 dui1
gas-cooled reactor

气力 氣力 qi4 li4
strength; energy; vigor; talent

气量 氣量 qi4 liang4
(lit. quantity of spirit); moral character; degree of forbearance; broad-mindedness or otherwise; tolerance; magnanimity

气流 氣流 qi4 liu2
stream of air; airflow; slipstream; draft; breath; turbulence (of aircraft)

气笼 氣籠 qi4 long2
air pipe; bamboo air pipe used to aerate granary

气楼 氣樓 qi4 lou2
small ventilation tower on roof of building

气煤 氣煤 qi4 mei2
gas coal

气门 氣門 qi4 men2
valve (esp. tire valve); accelerator (obsolete term for 油門|油门); stigma (zool.); spiracle

气密 氣密 qi4 mi4

气鸣乐器 氣鳴樂器 qi4 ming2 yue4 qi4
aerophone (music)

气囊 氣囊 qi4 nang2
air sac; aerostat gasbag

气恼 氣惱 qi4 nao3
to be annoyed; to get angry

气馁 氣餒 qi4 nei3
to be discouraged

气逆 氣逆 qi4 ni4
reverse flow of 氣|气 (TCM)

气凝胶 氣凝膠 qi4 ning2 jiao1

气派 氣派 qi4 pai4
imposing manner or style

气泡 氣泡 qi4 pao4
bubble; blister (in metal); (of beverages) sparkling; carbonated

气泡布 氣泡布 qi4 pao4 bu4
bubble wrap

气泡膜 氣泡膜 qi4 pao4 mo2
bubble wrap

气瓶 氣瓶 qi4 ping2
gas cylinder; air bottle; air tank (diving)

气魄 氣魄 qi4 po4
spirit; boldness; positive outlook; imposing attitude

气枪 氣槍 qi4 qiang1
an air gun

气球 氣球 qi4 qiu2

气圈 氣圈 qi4 quan1
(planet) atmosphere; (medical) air ring; air cushion

气人 氣人 qi4 ren2
to anger; to annoy

气溶胶 氣溶膠 qi4 rong2 jiao1

气溶胶侦察仪 氣溶膠偵察儀 qi4 rong2 jiao1 zhen1 cha2 yi2
aerosol detector

气塞 氣塞 qi4 sai1
airlock; air block; fipple (in the mouthpiece of wind instrument)

气色 氣色 qi4 se4

气盛 氣盛 qi4 sheng4
red-blooded; full of vim; impetuous

气势 氣勢 qi4 shi4
imposing manner; loftiness; grandeur; energetic looks; vigor

气势宏伟 氣勢宏偉 qi4 shi4 hong2 wei3
imposing; majestic

气势凌人 氣勢凌人 qi4 shi4 ling2 ren2
arrogant and overbearing

气势汹汹 氣勢洶洶 qi4 shi4 xiong1 xiong1
aggressive; truculent; overbearing

气数 氣數 qi4 shu5
fate; destiny; one's lot

气死 氣死 qi4 si3
to infuriate; to be furious; to die from an excess of anger

气态 氣態 qi4 tai4
gaseous state (physics); manner; air; bearing

气潭 氣潭 qi4 tan2
air pocket

气体 氣體 qi4 ti3
gas (i.e. gaseous substance)

气体扩散 氣體擴散 qi4 ti3 kuo4 san4
gaseous diffusion

气体离心 氣體離心 qi4 ti3 li2 xin1
gas centrifuge

气田 氣田 qi4 tian2

气筒 氣筒 qi4 tong3
inflator; bicycle pump

气头上 氣頭上 qi4 tou2 shang4
in a fit of anger (idiom); in a temper

气团 氣團 qi4 tuan2
air mass

气味 氣味 qi4 wei4
odor; scent

气温 氣溫 qi4 wen1
air temperature

气雾剂 氣霧劑 qi4 wu4 ji4

气雾免疫 氣霧免疫 qi4 wu4 mian3 yi4
aerosol immunization

气雾室 氣霧室 qi4 wu4 shi4
cloud chamber

气息 氣息 qi4 xi1
breath; smell; odor; flavor

气息奄奄 氣息奄奄 qi4 xi1 yan3 yan3
to have only a breath of life (idiom)

气隙 氣隙 qi4 xi4
air vent; air gap

气陷 氣陷 qi4 xian4
collapse of 氣|气 (TCM)

气象 氣象 qi4 xiang4
meteorological feature; meteorology; atmosphere; ambience; scene

气象观测站 氣象觀測站 qi4 xiang4 guan1 ce4 zhan4
weather station

气象局 氣象局 qi4 xiang4 ju2
weather bureau; meteorological office

气像人员 氣像人員 qi4 xiang4 ren2 yuan2

气象台 氣象台 qi4 xiang4 tai2
meteorological office; weather forecasting office

气象厅 氣象廳 qi4 xiang4 ting1
meteorological office

气象卫星 氣象衛星 qi4 xiang4 wei4 xing1
weather satellite

气象学 氣象學 qi4 xiang4 xue2

气象学者 氣象學者 qi4 xiang4 xue2 zhe3
a meteorologist

气象站 氣象站 qi4 xiang4 zhan4
weather station

气胸 氣胸 qi4 xiong1
pneumothorax (medicine)

气咻咻 氣咻咻 qi4 xiu1 xiu1
to pant; to gasp for breath

气虚 氣虛 qi4 xu1
deficiency of 氣|气 (TCM)

气吁吁 氣吁吁 qi4 xu1 xu1
to pant; to gasp for breath

气旋 氣旋 qi4 xuan2

气血 氣血 qi4 xue4
qi and blood (two basic bodily fluids of Chinese medicine)

气压 氣壓 qi4 ya1
atmospheric pressure; barometric pressure

气压表 氣壓表 qi4 ya1 biao3

气压计 氣壓計 qi4 ya1 ji4

气宇 氣宇 qi4 yu3
bearing; manner

气宇轩昂 氣宇軒昂 qi4 yu3 xuan1 ang2
to have an imposing or impressive appearance; impressive appearance; straight and impressive looking

气韵 氣韻 qi4 yun4
(of literature, art) distinct style; flavor; spirit; character

气闸 氣閘 qi4 zha2
pneumatic brake; airlock

气炸 氣炸 qi4 zha4
to burst with rage; to blow one's top

气滞 氣滯 qi4 zhi4
stagnation of 氣|气 (TCM)

气质 氣質 qi4 zhi4
temperament; personality traits; manners

气壮山河 氣壯山河 qi4 zhuang4 shan1 he2
magnificent; inspiring

气钻 氣鑽 qi4 zuan4
pneumatic drill

怯声怯气 怯聲怯氣 qie4 sheng1 qie4 qi4
to speak in a frightened voice that lacks courage (idiom)

氢气 氫氣 qing1 qi4
hydrogen (gas)

秋高气爽 秋高氣爽 qiu1 gao1 qi4 shuang3
clear and refreshing autumn weather

趋冷气候 趨冷氣候 qu1 leng3 qi4 hou4
cooling; a cold spell

全球气候 全球氣候 quan2 qiu2 qi4 hou4
global climate

全球气候变暖 全球氣候變暖 quan2 qiu2 qi4 hou4 bian4 nuan3
global warming

全球气候升温 全球氣候升溫 quan2 qiu2 qi4 hou4 sheng1 wen1
global warming

燃气 燃氣 ran2 qi4
natural gas

燃气电厂 燃氣電廠 ran2 qi4 dian4 chang3
gas fired power station

燃气轮机 燃氣輪機 ran2 qi4 lun2 ji1
gas turbine

热气 熱氣 re4 qi4
steam; heat

热气球 熱氣球 re4 qi4 qiu2
hot air balloon

热气腾腾 熱氣騰騰 re4 qi4 teng2 teng2
piping hot

人比人,气死人 人比人,氣死人 ren2 bi3 ren2 - qi4 si3 ren2
constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry (proverb)

人气 人氣 ren2 qi4
popularity; personality; character

忍气吞声 忍氣吞聲 ren3 qi4 tun1 sheng1
to submit to humiliation (idiom); to suffer in silence; to swallow one's anger; to grin and bear it

任气 任氣 ren4 qi4
to act on impulse

融雪天气 融雪天氣 rong2 xue3 tian1 qi4
a thaw

锐气 銳氣 rui4 qi4
acute spirit; dash; drive

瑞气 瑞氣 rui4 qi4
propitious vapours

撒气 撒氣 sa1 qi4
to leak (of air); to go flat (of a tire); to vent one's anger

三人口气 三人口氣 san1 ren2 kou3 qi4
third person (grammar)

丧气 喪氣 sang4 qi4
to feel disheartened

丧气鬼 喪氣鬼 sang4 qi4 gui3
downcast wretch; bad-tempered and unpleasant person

丧气话 喪氣話 sang4 qi4 hua4
demoralizing talk

丧气 喪氣 sang4 qi5

臊气 臊氣 sao1 qi4
foul smell; stench; smell of urine

沙尘天气 沙塵天氣 sha1 chen2 tian1 qi4
spring sandstorms (common in Northern China)

煞气 煞氣 sha1 qi4
to vent one's anger on (an innocent party); to take it out on (sb)

杀气 殺氣 sha1 qi4
murderous spirit; aura of death; to vent one's anger

煞气腾腾 煞氣騰騰 sha1 qi4 teng2 teng2
variant of 殺氣騰騰|杀气腾腾

杀气腾腾 殺氣騰騰 sha1 qi4 teng2 teng2
ferocious; murderous-looking

傻里傻气 傻裡傻氣 sha3 li5 sha3 qi4
foolish; stupid

傻气 傻氣 sha3 qi4
foolishness; nonsense; foolish

煞气 煞氣 sha4 qi4
baleful look; inauspicious influence; (of a tire, balloon etc) to leak air

疝气 疝氣 shan4 qi4

伤和气 傷和氣 shang1 he2 qi5
to damage a good relationship; to hurt sb's feelings

上气不接下气 上氣不接下氣 shang4 qi4 bu4 jie1 xia4 qi4
not enough breath (idiom); to gasp for breath

神气 神氣 shen2 qi4
expression; manner; vigorous; impressive; lofty; pretentious

生闷气 生悶氣 sheng1 men4 qi4
to seethe; to sulk; to be pissed off (vulgar)

生气 生氣 sheng1 qi4
to get angry; to take offense; angry; vitality; liveliness

声气 聲氣 sheng1 qi4
voice; tone

生气盎然 生氣盎然 sheng1 qi4 ang4 ran2
see 生機盎然|生机盎然

生气勃勃 生氣勃勃 sheng1 qi4 bo2 bo2
full of vitality

生物气体 生物氣體 sheng1 wu4 qi4 ti3

盛气 盛氣 sheng4 qi4
grand and heroic; exuberant character

盛气凌人 盛氣凌人 sheng4 qi4 ling2 ren2
overbearing; arrogant bully

湿气 濕氣 shi1 qi4
moisture; humidity; athlete's foot; tinea; eczema

石墨气冷堆 石墨氣冷堆 shi2 mo4 qi4 leng3 dui1
gas-graphite reactor

使生气 使生氣 shi3 sheng1 qi4
to displease

世界气象组织 世界氣象組織 shi4 jie4 qi4 xiang4 zu3 zhi1
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

士气 士氣 shi4 qi4

手气 手氣 shou3 qi4
luck (in gambling)

受夹板气 受夾板氣 shou4 jia1 ban3 qi4
to be attacked by both sides in a quarrel; to be caught in the crossfire

受气 受氣 shou4 qi4
to be mistreated; to be bullied

受气包 受氣包 shou4 qi4 bao1
(fig.) punching bag

疏肝理气 疏肝理氣 shu1 gan1 li3 qi4
to course the liver and rectify 氣|气 (TCM)

书卷气 書卷氣 shu1 juan4 qi4
scholarly flavor; educated appearance

舒气 舒氣 shu1 qi4
to heave a sigh of relief; to get one's breath back; to vent one's spleen

舒一口气 舒一口氣 shu1 yi1 kou3 qi4
to heave a sigh of relief

暑气 暑氣 shu3 qi4
(summer) heat

耍脾气 耍脾氣 shua3 pi2 qi4
to go into a huff

帅气 帥氣 shuai4 qi5
handsome; smart; dashing; elegant

双光气 雙光氣 shuang1 guang1 qi4

爽气 爽氣 shuang3 qi4
cool fresh air; straightforward

水气 水氣 shui3 qi4
water vapor; steam

水蒸气 水蒸氣 shui3 zheng1 qi4

顺气 順氣 shun4 qi4
nice; pleasant

死气沉沉 死氣沉沉 si3 qi4 chen2 chen2
dead atmosphere; lifeless; spiritless

死气白赖 死氣白賴 si3 qi5 bai2 lai4
variant of 死乞白賴|死乞白赖

松气 鬆氣 song1 qi4
to relax one's efforts

松下电气工业 松下電氣工業 song1 xia4 dian4 qi4 gong1 ye4
Matsushita Electronics Industry

松一口气 鬆一口氣 song1 yi1 kou3 qi4
to heave a sigh of relief

送气 送氣 song4 qi4
aspiration (phonetics, explosion of breath on consonants distinguishing Chinese p, t from b, d)

俗气 俗氣 su2 qi4
tacky; inelegant; in poor taste; vulgar; banal

探口气 探口氣 tan4 kou3 qi4
to sound out opinions; to get sb's views by polite or indirect questioning; also written 探口風|探口风

叹气 嘆氣 tan4 qi4
to sigh; to heave a sigh

淘气 淘氣 tao2 qi4
naughty; mischievous

天高气爽 天高氣爽 tian1 gao1 qi4 shuang3
see 秋高氣爽|秋高气爽

天气 天氣 tian1 qi4

天气预报 天氣預報 tian1 qi4 yu4 bao4
weather forecast

天然气 天然氣 tian1 ran2 qi4
natural gas

通气 通氣 tong1 qi4
ventilation; aeration; to keep each other informed; to release information

通气会 通氣會 tong1 qi4 hui4

通气孔 通氣孔 tong1 qi4 kong3
an airvent; a louvre; airflow orifice

通用电气 通用電氣 tong1 yong4 dian4 qi4
General Electric (GE)

透气 透氣 tou4 qi4
to flow freely (of air); to ventilate; to breathe (of fabric etc); to take a breath of fresh air; to divulge

土里土气 土裡土氣 tu3 li3 tu3 qi4
unsophisticated; rustic; uncouth

土气 土氣 tu3 qi4
rustic; uncouth; unsophisticated

吐气 吐氣 tu3 qi4
to exhale; to blow off steam; (phonetics) aspirated

吞声忍气 吞聲忍氣 tun1 sheng1 ren3 qi4
see 忍氣吞聲|忍气吞声

歪风邪气 歪風邪氣 wai1 feng1 xie2 qi4
noxious winds, evil influences (idiom); malignant social trends

尾气 尾氣 wei3 qi4
exhaust (i.e. waste gas from engine); emissions

温室废气储存 溫室廢氣儲存 wen1 shi4 fei4 qi4 chu3 cun2
greenhouse gas sequestration

温室气体 溫室氣體 wen1 shi4 qi4 ti3
greenhouse gas

文气 文氣 wen2 qi4
the impact of a piece of writing on the reader; gentle; refined

瓮声瓮气 甕聲甕氣 weng4 sheng1 weng4 qi4
to speak in a low muffled voice (idiom)

涡轮喷气发动机 渦輪噴氣發動機 wo1 lun2 pen1 qi4 fa1 dong4 ji1

窝囊气 窩囊氣 wo1 nang5 qi4
pent-up frustration; petty annoyances

乌烟瘴气 烏煙瘴氣 wu1 yan1 zhang4 qi4
billowing smoke (idiom); foul atmosphere; (fig.) murky atmosphere; in a turmoil

雾气 霧氣 wu4 qi4
fog; mist; vapor

吸气 吸氣 xi1 qi4
to inhale; to draw in breath

吸气器 吸氣器 xi1 qi4 qi4

稀有气体 稀有氣體 xi1 you3 qi4 ti3
rare gas; noble gas (chemistry)

习气 習氣 xi2 qi4
habit (often unhealthy); mannerism

喜气 喜氣 xi3 qi4
hilarity; cheerful atmosphere

喜气洋洋 喜氣洋洋 xi3 qi4 yang2 yang2
full of joy (idiom); jubilation

喜则气缓 喜則氣緩 xi3 ze2 qi4 huan3
joy depresses one's qi vital breath; an excess of joy may lead to sluggishness of vital energy (TCM)

细声细气 細聲細氣 xi4 sheng1 xi4 qi4
in a fine voice (idiom); softly spoken

细支气管炎 細支氣管炎 xi4 zhi1 qi4 guan3 yan2

侠气 俠氣 xia2 qi4

仙气 仙氣 xian1 qi4
magic breath

乡气 鄉氣 xiang1 qi4
rustic; uncouth; unsophisticated

香气 香氣 xiang1 qi4
fragrance; aroma; incense

乡下习气 鄉下習氣 xiang1 xia4 xi2 qi4
country mannerism; provincialism

消气 消氣 xiao1 qi4
to cool one's temper

嚣张气焰 囂張氣焰 xiao1 zhang1 qi4 yan4
overweening attitude; threatening manner

小家子气 小家子氣 xiao3 jia1 zi5 qi4
petty; small-minded

小里小气 小裡小氣 xiao3 li5 xiao3 qi4
stingy; petty

小气 小氣 xiao3 qi4
stingy; miserly; narrow-minded; petty

小气鬼 小氣鬼 xiao3 qi4 gui3
miser; penny-pincher

小气候 小氣候 xiao3 qi4 hou4
microclimate; fig. local situation

小气腔 小氣腔 xiao3 qi4 qiang1
small air cavity

小淘气 小淘氣 xiao3 tao2 qi4

小支气管 小支氣管 xiao3 zhi1 qi4 guan3

歇气 歇氣 xie1 qi4
to have a break; to rest

邪气 邪氣 xie2 qi4
evil influence; unhealthy trend; pathogeny (cause of disease) in TCM; as opposed to vital energy 正氣|正气

懈气 懈氣 xie4 qi4
to slacken off; to take it easy

泄气 洩氣 xie4 qi4
to leak (gas); to be discouraged; to despair; (disparaging) pathetic; to vent one's anger; (of a tire) to be flat

心烦气躁 心煩氣躁 xin1 fan2 qi4 zao4
agitated; annoyed (idiom)

心高气傲 心高氣傲 xin1 gao1 qi4 ao4
proud and arrogant

心平气和 心平氣和 xin1 ping2 qi4 he2
tranquil and even-tempered (idiom); calmly and without stress

心气 心氣 xin1 qi4
intention; motive; state of mind; ambition; aspiration; heart 氣|气 (TCM)

秀气 秀氣 xiu4 qi5
delicate; graceful

虚拟语气 虛擬語氣 xu1 ni3 yu3 qi4
subjunctive mood (grammar)

血气 血氣 xue4 qi4
blood and vital breath; bloodline (i.e. parentage); valor

血气方刚 血氣方剛 xue4 qi4 fang1 gang1
full of sap (idiom); young and vigorous

雅气 雅氣 ya3 qi4

烟气 煙氣 yan1 qi4

眼露杀气 眼露殺氣 yan3 lu4 sha1 qi4
to have a murderous look in one's eyes (idiom)

咽气 嚥氣 yan4 qi4
to die; to breathe one's last

厌气 厭氣 yan4 qi4
fed up with; loathsome

洋气 洋氣 yang2 qi4
trendy; fashionable; foreign styles and trends

氧气 氧氣 yang3 qi4

妖气 妖氣 yao1 qi4
sinister appearance; monster-like appearance

液化气 液化氣 ye4 hua4 qi4
liquid gas; bottled gas (fuel)

液化石油气 液化石油氣 ye4 hua4 shi2 you2 qi4
liquefied petroleum gas

一鼻孔出气 一鼻孔出氣 yi1 bi2 kong3 chu1 qi4
lit. to breathe through the same nostril (idiom); fig. two people say exactly the same thing (usually derog.); to sing from the same hymn sheet

一鼓作气 一鼓作氣 yi1 gu3 zuo4 qi4
in a spurt of energy

一口气 一口氣 yi1 kou3 qi4
one breath; in one breath; at a stretch

一口气儿 一口氣兒 yi1 kou3 qi4 er5
erhua variant of 一口氣|一口气

一气 一氣 yi1 qi4
at one go; at a stretch; for a period of time; forming a gang

一气呵成 一氣呵成 yi1 qi4 he1 cheng2
to do something at one go; to flow smoothly

一气之下 一氣之下 yi1 qi4 zhi1 xia4
in a fit of pique; in a fury

一团和气 一團和氣 yi1 tuan2 he2 qi4
to keep on the right side of everyone (idiom); warm and affable

颐指气使 頤指氣使 yi2 zhi3 qi4 shi3
lit. to order people by pointing the chin (idiom); to signal orders by facial gesture; arrogant and bossy

义气 義氣 yi4 qi4
spirit of loyalty and self-sacrifice; code of brotherhood; also pr.

意气风发 意氣風發 yi4 qi4 feng1 fa1
high-spirited; full of mettle

意气相投 意氣相投 yi4 qi4 xiang1 tou2

意气用事 意氣用事 yi4 qi4 yong4 shi4
to let emotions affect one's decisions

阴阳怪气 陰陽怪氣 yin1 yang2 guai4 qi4
eccentric; peculiar; mystifying

英气 英氣 ying1 qi4
heroic spirit

硬气 硬氣 ying4 qi4
firm; unyielding; strong-willed

勇气 勇氣 yong3 qi4
courage; valor

勇气可嘉 勇氣可嘉 yong3 qi4 ke3 jia1
to deserve praise for one's courage (idiom)

油气 油氣 you2 qi4
oil and gas

油气田 油氣田 you2 qi4 tian2
oilfields and gasfields

有气派 有氣派 you3 qi4 pai4

有气无力 有氣無力 you3 qi4 wu2 li4
weakly and without strength (idiom); dispirited

有气音 有氣音 you3 qi4 yin1
aspirated consonant (in phonetics)

有气质 有氣質 you3 qi4 zhi4
to have class; classy

有志气 有志氣 you3 zhi4 qi4

迂气 迂氣 yu1 qi4

语气 語氣 yu3 qi4
tone; manner of speaking; mood

语气词 語氣詞 yu3 qi4 ci2
modal particle

语气助词 語氣助詞 yu3 qi4 zhu4 ci2
modal particle

驭气 馭氣 yu4 qi4
to fly magically through the air

冤气 冤氣 yuan1 qi4
unfair treatment; injustice

元气 元氣 yuan2 qi4
strength; vigor; vitality; (TCM) vital energy

怨气 怨氣 yuan4 qi4
grievance; resentment; complaint

云气 雲氣 yun2 qi4

运气 運氣 yun4 qi5
luck (good or bad)

造型气球 造型氣球 zao4 xing2 qi4 qiu2
balloon modeling; balloon twisting

沾染习气 沾染習氣 zhan1 ran3 xi2 qi4
to be tainted with unhealthy habits (idiom)

朝气 朝氣 zhao1 qi4
vitality; dynamism

朝气蓬勃 朝氣蓬勃 zhao1 qi4 peng2 bo2
full of youthful energy (idiom); vigorous; energetic; a bright spark

沼气 沼氣 zhao3 qi4
marsh gas; methane CH4

蒸气 蒸氣 zheng1 qi4
vapor; steam

争气 爭氣 zheng1 qi4
to work hard for sth; to resolve on improvement; determined not to fall short

蒸气重整 蒸氣重整 zheng1 qi4 chong2 zheng3
steam reforming (chemistry)

正气 正氣 zheng4 qi4
healthy environment; healthy atmosphere; righteousness; vital energy (in Chinese medicine)

政治气候 政治氣候 zheng4 zhi4 qi4 hou4
political climate

脂粉气 脂粉氣 zhi1 fen3 qi4
feminine quality; effeminate

支气管 支氣管 zhi1 qi4 guan3
bronchial tube; bronchus

支气管炎 支氣管炎 zhi1 qi4 guan3 yan2

趾高气扬 趾高氣揚 zhi3 gao1 qi4 yang2
high and mighty (idiom); arrogant

志高气扬 志高氣揚 zhi4 gao1 qi4 yang2
high-spirited and smug

治气 治氣 zhi4 qi4
to get angry

稚气 稚氣 zhi4 qi4
childish nature; infantile; juvenile; puerile

志气 志氣 zhi4 qi4
ambition; resolve; backbone; drive; spirit

稚气未脱 稚氣未脫 zhi4 qi4 wei4 tuo1
still possessing the innocence of childhood (idiom)

中国气象局 中國氣象局 zhong1 guo2 qi4 xiang4 ju2
China Meteorological Administration (CMA)

中国石油天然气集团公司 中國石油天然氣集團公司 zhong1 guo2 shi2 you2 tian1 ran2 qi4 ji2 tuan2 gong1 si1
China National Petroleum Corporation

中气层 中氣層 zhong1 qi4 ceng2
mesosphere; upper atmosphere

中气层顶 中氣層頂 zhong1 qi4 ceng2 ding3
mesopause; top of mesosphere

撞运气 撞運氣 zhuang4 yun4 qi5
to try one's luck; to rely on fate

紫气 紫氣 zi3 qi4
purple cloud (auspicious portent in astrology)

足高气强 足高氣強 zu2 gao1 qi4 jiang4
high and mighty (idiom); arrogant

足高气扬 足高氣揚 zu2 gao1 qi4 yang2
high and mighty (idiom); arrogant