class; collection

variant of 匯|汇

to remit; to converge (of rivers); to exchange

strokes 5
strokes after radical 2
百汇 百匯 bai3 hui4
parfait (loanword)

百老汇 百老匯 bai3 lao3 hui4
Broadway (New York City)

炒汇 炒匯 chao3 hui4
to speculate in foreign currency

川汇 川匯 chuan1 hui4
Chuanhui district of Zhoukou city 周口市, Henan

川汇区 川匯區 chuan1 hui4 qu1
Chuanhui district of Zhoukou city 周口市, Henan

创汇 創匯 chuang4 hui4
to earn foreign exchange

词汇 詞彙 ci2 hui4
vocabulary; list of words (e.g. for language teaching purposes); word

词汇 詞匯 ci2 hui4
variant of 詞彙|词汇

词汇分解 詞彙分解 ci2 hui4 fen1 jie3
lexical decomposition

词汇判断 詞彙判斷 ci2 hui4 pan4 duan4
lexical decision

词汇判断法 詞彙判斷法 ci2 hui4 pan4 duan4 fa3
lexical decision task

词汇判断任务 詞彙判斷任務 ci2 hui4 pan4 duan4 ren4 wu4
lexical decision task

词汇判断作业 詞彙判斷作業 ci2 hui4 pan4 duan4 zuo4 ye4
lexical decision task

词汇通路 詞彙通路 ci2 hui4 tong1 lu4
lexical route

词汇学 詞彙學 ci2 hui4 xue2
lexicology (linguistics)

词语汇 詞語彙 ci2 yu3 hui4

单张汇票 單張匯票 dan1 zhang1 hui4 piao4
sola bill of exchange (international trade)

电汇 電匯 dian4 hui4
telegraphic transfer (TT)

法兰克福汇报 法蘭克福匯報 fa3 lan2 ke4 fu2 hui4 bao4
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

国家外汇管理局 國家外匯管理局 guo2 jia1 wai4 hui4 guan3 li3 ju2
State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)

后词汇加工 後詞彙加工 hou4 ci2 hui4 jia1 gong1
post-lexical access

汇报 匯報 hui4 bao4
to report; to give an account of; to collect information and report back

汇报 彙報 hui4 bao4
to report; to give an account of; report

汇编 匯編 hui4 bian1
collection; compilation; compile; also written 彙編|汇编

汇编 彙編 hui4 bian1
collection; compilation; compile

汇编语言 匯編語言 hui4 bian1 yu3 yan2
assembly language

汇差 匯差 hui4 cha1
difference in exchange rates in different regions

汇出 匯出 hui4 chu1
to remit (funds); (computing) to export (data)

汇出行 匯出行 hui4 chu1 hang2
remitting bank

汇川 匯川 hui4 chuan1
Huichuan district of Zun'yi city 遵義市|遵义市, Guizhou

汇川区 匯川區 hui4 chuan1 qu1
Huichuan district of Zun'yi city 遵義市|遵义市, Guizhou

汇点 匯點 hui4 dian3
confluence; a meeting point

汇兑 匯兌 hui4 dui4
remittance; funds paid to a bank account

汇费 匯費 hui4 fei4
remittance fee

汇丰 匯豐 hui4 feng1
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)

汇丰银行 匯豐銀行 hui4 feng1 yin2 hang2
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)

汇合 匯合 hui4 he2
confluence; to converge; to join; to fuse; fusion

汇划 匯劃 hui4 hua4

汇回 匯回 hui4 hui2
to remit home

汇集 彙集 hui4 ji2
to collect; to compile; to converge

汇集 匯集 hui4 ji2
to collect; to compile; to converge; also written 彙集|汇集

汇寄 匯寄 hui4 ji4

汇价 匯價 hui4 jia4
exchange rate

汇金 匯金 hui4 jin1

汇聚 匯聚 hui4 ju4
convergence; to come together

汇款 匯款 hui4 kuan3
to remit money; remittance

汇流 匯流 hui4 liu2
(of rivers etc) to converge; convergence

汇流环 匯流環 hui4 liu2 huan2
slip-ring; rotary electrical interface; collector ring

汇拢 匯攏 hui4 long3
to collect; to gather

汇率 匯率 hui4 lv4
exchange rate

汇票 匯票 hui4 piao4
bill of exchange; bank draft

汇入 匯入 hui4 ru4
to flow into; to converge (of river); (computing) to import (data)

汇水 匯水 hui4 shui3
remittance fee

汇演 匯演 hui4 yan3
joint performance

汇业财经集团 匯業財經集團 hui4 ye4 cai2 jing1 ji2 tuan2
Delta Asia Financial Group (Macau)

汇业银行 匯業銀行 hui4 ye4 yin2 hang2
Banco Delta Asia S.A.R.L., Macau

汇映 彙映 hui4 ying4
joint screening; consecutive screening of collection of movies

汇整 彙整 hui4 zheng3
to collect and organize (papers etc); to archive (data); to summarize (evidence etc); summary

汇注 彙注 hui4 zhu4
annotated collection

汇注 匯注 hui4 zhu4
to flow into; to converge

汇总 匯總 hui4 zong3
summary; to summarize; to collect (data, receipts etc); to gather and report

汇总 彙總 hui4 zong3
summary; to summarize; to collect (data, receipts etc); to gather and report; also written 匯總|汇总

基本词汇 基本詞彙 ji1 ben3 ci2 hui4
basic word

交汇 交匯 jiao1 hui4
to flow together; confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads); (international) cooperation

交汇 交彙 jiao1 hui4
variant of 交匯|交汇; to flow together; confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads); (international) cooperation

交汇处 交匯處 jiao1 hui4 chu4
confluence (of two rivers); junction (of roads); (transport) interchange

结汇 結匯 jie2 hui4
foreign exchange settlement

金汇兑本位制 金匯兌本位制 jin1 hui4 dui4 ben3 wei4 zhi4
gold exchange standard (economics)

开盘汇率 開盤匯率 kai1 pan2 hui4 lv4
opening exchange rate

南汇 南匯 nan2 hui4
Nanhui former district of Shanghai, now in Pudong New District 浦東新區|浦东新区, Shanghai

南汇区 南匯區 nan2 hui4 qu1
Nanhui former district of Shanghai, now in Pudong New District 浦東新區|浦东新区, Shanghai

批汇 批匯 pi1 hui4
to approve use of foreign currency

票汇 票匯 piao4 hui4
draft remittance

融汇 融匯 rong2 hui4
fusion; to combine as one

收汇 收匯 shou1 hui4
foreign exchange collection (finance)

碳汇 碳匯 tan4 hui4
carbon credits

套汇 套匯 tao4 hui4
illegal currency exchange; arbitrage

外汇 外匯 wai4 hui4
foreign (currency) exchange

外汇储备 外匯儲備 wai4 hui4 chu3 bei4
foreign-exchange reserves

文汇报 文彙報 wen2 hui4 bao4
Wen Wei Po (Hong Kong newspaper); Wenhui News (Shanghai newspaper)

徐汇区 徐匯區 xu2 hui4 qu1
Xuhui district, central Shanghai

徐家汇 徐家匯 xu2 jia1 hui4
Xujiahui, an area in 徐匯區|徐汇区, Xuhui district, central Shanghai

邮汇 郵匯 you2 hui4
to remit by post; remittance sent by post

语汇 語彙 yu3 hui4

源汇 源匯 yuan2 hui4
Yuanhui district of Luohe city 漯河市, Henan

源汇区 源匯區 yuan2 hui4 qu1
Yuanhui district of Luohe city 漯河市, Henan

中央汇金 中央匯金 zhong1 yang1 hui4 jin1
central finance; Chinese monetary fund

字汇 字彙 zi4 hui4
Zihui, Chinese character dictionary with 33,179 entries, released in 17th century

字汇 字彙 zi4 hui4
(computer) character repertoire; glossary, lexicon