safe; peaceful; most; grand

Mt Tai 泰山 in Shandong; abbr. for Thailand

strokes 10
strokes after radical 5
阿尔泰 阿爾泰 a1 er3 tai4
Altai republic in Russian central Asia, capital Gorno-Altaysk

阿尔泰山 阿爾泰山 a1 er3 tai4 shan1
Altai mountain range in Xinjiang and Siberia

阿尔泰山脉 阿爾泰山脈 a1 er3 tai4 shan1 mai4
Altai mountain chain on the border of Russia and Mongolia

阿尔泰雪鸡 阿爾泰雪雞 a1 er3 tai4 xue3 ji1
(bird species of China) Altai snowcock (Tetraogallus altaicus)

阿尔泰语 阿爾泰語 a1 er3 tai4 yu3
Altaic language

阿尔泰紫菀 阿爾泰紫菀 a1 er3 tai4 zi3 wan3
flower or herb of Heteropappus altaicus (used in TCM); Flos seu Herba Heteropappi altaici

阿勒泰 阿勒泰 a1 le4 tai4
Altay prefecture level city in Xinjiang

阿勒泰地区 阿勒泰地區 a1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1
Altay prefecture in Xinjiang

阿勒泰市 阿勒泰市 a1 le4 tai4 shi4
Altay prefecture level city in Xinjiang

安如泰山 安如泰山 an1 ru2 tai4 shan1
as secure as Mount Taishan; as solid as a rock

安泰 安泰 an1 tai4
at peace; healthy and secure

不识泰山 不識泰山 bu4 shi2 tai4 shan1
can't recognize Mt Taishan (idiom); fig. not to recognize a famous person

长泰 長泰 chang2 tai4
Changtai county in Zhangzhou 漳州, Fujian

长泰县 長泰縣 chang2 tai4 xian4
Changtai county in Zhangzhou 漳州, Fujian

处之泰然 處之泰然 chu3 zhi1 tai4 ran2
see 泰然處之|泰然处之

鼎泰丰 鼎泰豐 ding3 tai4 feng1
Din Tai Fung, restaurant specializing in dumplings, with stores in many countries

伏尔泰 伏爾泰 fu2 er3 tai4
Voltaire (1694-1778), Enlightenment philosopher

国泰 國泰 guo2 tai4
Cathay Pacific (Hong Kong airline)

国泰航空 國泰航空 guo2 tai4 hang2 kong1
Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong-based airline

国泰民安 國泰民安 guo2 tai4 min2 an1
the country prospers, the people at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity

鸿毛泰岱 鴻毛泰岱 hong2 mao2 tai4 dai4
light as a goose feather, heavy as Mt Tai (idiom); of no consequence to one person, a matter of life or death to another

鸿毛泰山 鴻毛泰山 hong2 mao2 tai4 shan1
lit. light as a goose feather, heavy as Mt Tai (idiom); fig. of no consequence to one person, a matter of life or death to another

加泰罗尼亚 加泰羅尼亞 jia1 tai4 luo2 ni2 ya4

景泰 景泰 jing3 tai4
Jingtai county in Baiyin 白銀|白银, Gansu; Jiangtai Emperor, reign name of seventh Ming Emperor Zhu Qiyu 朱祁鈺|朱祁钰 (1428-1457), reigned 1449-1457, Temple name 代宗

景泰蓝 景泰藍 jing3 tai4 lan2
cloisonne; cloisonné

景泰县 景泰縣 jing3 tai4 xian4
Jingtai county in Baiyin 白銀|白银, Gansu

康泰 康泰 kang1 tai4
safe and healthy

列夫·托尔斯泰 列夫·托爾斯泰 lie4 fu1 - tuo1 er3 si1 tai4
Tolstoy (name); Count Lev Nikolayevich Tostoy (1828-1910), great Russian novelist, author of War and Peace 戰爭與和平|战争与和平

卢泰愚 盧泰愚 lu2 tai4 yu2
Roh Tae-woo (1932-), South Korean politician, president 1988-1993

否极泰来 否極泰來 pi3 ji2 tai4 lai2
extreme sorrow turns to joy (idiom)

奢泰 奢泰 she1 tai4
extravagant; sumptuous; wasteful

史泰博 史泰博 shi3 tai4 bo2
Staples Inc., US office supply store

双唑泰栓 雙唑泰栓 shuang1 zuo4 tai4 shuan1
metronidazole, clotrimazole and chlorhexidine acetate (as suppository)

斯泰恩谢尔 斯泰恩謝爾 si1 tai4 en1 xie4 er3
Steinkjær (city in Trøndelag, Norway)

斯泰西 斯泰西 si1 tai4 xi1
Stacy (name)

泰安 泰安 tai4 an1
Tai'an city prefecture level city in Shandong; Tai'an township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县, northwest Taiwan

泰安地区 泰安地區 tai4 an1 di4 qu1
Tai'an prefecture in Shandong

泰安市 泰安市 tai4 an1 shi4
Tai'an prefecture level city in Shandong

泰安县 泰安縣 tai4 an1 xian4
Tai'an county in Shandong

泰安乡 泰安鄉 tai4 an1 xiang1
Taian township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县, northwest Taiwan

泰半 泰半 tai4 ban4
more than half; a majority; most; mostly

泰达 泰達 tai4 da2
TEDA (Tianjin Economic Development Area)

泰迪熊 泰迪熊 tai4 di2 xiong2
teddy bear (loanword)

泰东 泰東 tai4 dong1
the Far East; East Asia

泰斗 泰斗 tai4 dou3
leading scholar of his time; magnate

泰尔 泰爾 tai4 er3
Tyre (city in Lebanon)

泰戈尔 泰戈爾 tai4 ge1 er3
Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), Indian poet and writer

泰格·伍兹 泰格·伍茲 tai4 ge2 - wu3 zi1
Eldrick "Tiger" Woods (1975-), American golfer

泰格尔 泰格爾 tai4 ge2 er3
Tegel (name); Tiger (name)

泰国 泰國 tai4 guo2
Thailand; Thai

泰和 泰和 tai4 he2
see 泰和縣|泰和县

泰和 泰和 tai4 he2
calm and peaceful

泰和县 泰和縣 tai4 he2 xian4
Taihe county, Jiangxi

泰华 泰華 tai4 hua4
Mt Tai 泰山 and Mt Hua 華山|华山; another name for Mt Hua

泰姬陵 泰姬陵 tai4 ji1 ling2
Taj Mahal (mausoleum in India)

泰姬玛哈陵 泰姬瑪哈陵 tai4 ji1 ma3 ha1 ling2
Taj Mahal; abbr. to 泰姬陵

泰加林 泰加林 tai4 jia1 lin2
taiga (loanword)

泰来 泰來 tai4 lai2
Tailai county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔, Heilongjiang

泰来县 泰來縣 tai4 lai2 xian4
Tailai county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔, Heilongjiang

泰勒 泰勒 tai4 le4
Taylor (name)

泰卢固语 泰盧固語 tai4 lu2 gu4 yu3
Telugu or Telegu, the official language of Andhra Pradesh, India

泰罗 泰羅 tai4 luo2
Tylo (name); Hollywood actress Hunter Tylo

泰米尔 泰米爾 tai4 mi3 er3

泰米尔猛虎组织 泰米爾猛虎組織 tai4 mi3 er3 meng3 hu3 zu3 zhi1
Tamil Tigers

泰米尔纳德 泰米爾納德 tai4 mi3 er3 na4 de2
Tamil Nadu, southeast Indian state, capital Chennai 欽奈|钦奈; formerly Madras state 馬德拉斯邦|马德拉斯邦

泰米尔纳德邦 泰米爾納德邦 tai4 mi3 er3 na4 de2 bang1
Tamil Nadu, southeast Indian state, capital Chennai 欽奈|钦奈; formerly Madras state 馬德拉斯邦|马德拉斯邦

泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织 泰米爾伊拉姆猛虎解放組織 tai4 mi3 er3 yi1 la1 mu3 meng3 hu3 jie3 fang4 zu3 zhi1
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

泰米尔语 泰米爾語 tai4 mi3 er3 yu3
Tamil language

泰宁 泰寧 tai4 ning2
Taining county in Sanming 三明, Fujian

泰宁县 泰寧縣 tai4 ning2 xian4
Taining county in Sanming 三明, Fujian

泰拳 泰拳 tai4 quan2
Muay Thai - "Thai fist" - Martial Art

泰然 泰然 tai4 ran2
calm; self-composed

泰然处之 泰然處之 tai4 ran2 chu3 zhi1
to handle the situation calmly (idiom); unruffled; to treat the situation lightly

泰然自若 泰然自若 tai4 ran2 zi4 ruo4
cool and collected (idiom); showing no sign of nerves; perfectly composed

泰瑟 泰瑟 tai4 se4
Taser (electroshock weapon)

泰瑟尔岛 泰瑟爾島 tai4 se4 er3 dao3
Texel island, Netherlands

泰瑟枪 泰瑟槍 tai4 se4 qiang1
Taser (electroshock weapon)

泰山 泰山 tai4 shan1
Mt Tai in Shandong, eastern of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳

泰山 泰山 tai4 shan1
Tarzan (fictional character reared by apes in the jungle); Taishan township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan

泰山北斗 泰山北斗 tai4 shan1 bei3 dou3
as weighty as Mt Tai, as brilliant as the Big Dipper (idiom); a giant among men

泰山鸿毛 泰山鴻毛 tai4 shan1 hong2 mao2
as weighty as Mt Tai, as light as a feather (refers to death)

泰山区 泰山區 tai4 shan1 qu1
Taishan district of Tai'an city 泰安市, Shandong

泰山乡 泰山鄉 tai4 shan1 xiang1
Taishan township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan

泰式 泰式 tai4 shi4
Thai-style (of food, massage etc)

泰顺 泰順 tai4 shun4
Taishun county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州, Zhejiang

泰顺县 泰順縣 tai4 shun4 xian4
Taishun county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州, Zhejiang

泰坦 泰坦 tai4 tan3

泰坦尼克号 泰坦尼克號 tai4 tan3 ni2 ke4 hao4
RMS Titanic, British passenger liner that sank in 1912

泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯 泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯 tai4 te4 si1 - an1 de2 luo4 ni2 ke4 si1
Titus Andronicus, 1593 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚

泰文 泰文 tai4 wen2
Thai (language)

泰武 泰武 tai4 wu3
Taiwu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县, Taiwan

泰武乡 泰武鄉 tai4 wu3 xiang1
Taiwu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县, Taiwan

泰晤士 泰晤士 tai4 wu4 shi4
the Times (newspaper); River Thames, through London

泰晤士报 泰晤士報 tai4 wu4 shi4 bao4
Times (newspaper)

泰晤士河 泰晤士河 tai4 wu4 shi4 he2
River Thames

泰西 泰西 tai4 xi1
"the Far West"; old term for Europe and America

泰西大儒 泰西大儒 tai4 xi1 da4 ru2
Great European Scholar (honorific title of Matteo Ricci)

泰县 泰縣 tai4 xian4
Tai county in Jiangsu

泰象啤 泰象啤 tai4 xiang4 pi2
Chang Beer

泰兴 泰興 tai4 xing1
Taixing county level city in Taizhou 泰州, Jiangsu

泰兴市 泰興市 tai4 xing1 shi4
Taixing county level city in Taizhou 泰州, Jiangsu

泰雅族 泰雅族 tai4 ya3 zu2
Atayal or Tayal, one of the indigenous ethnic groups of Taiwan

泰语 泰語 tai4 yu3
Thai (language)

泰州 泰州 tai4 zhou1
Taizhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu

泰州市 泰州市 tai4 zhou1 shi4
Taizhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu

泰铢 泰銖 tai4 zhu1
Thai baht

托尔斯泰 托爾斯泰 tuo1 er3 si1 tai4
Tolstoy (name); Count Lev Nikolayevich Tostoy (1828-1910), great Russian novelist, author of War and Peace 戰爭與和平|战争与和平

稳如泰山 穩如泰山 wen3 ru2 tai4 shan1
steady as Mt Tai; as safe as houses

新泰 新泰 xin1 tai4
Xintai county level city in Tai'an 泰安, Shandong

新泰市 新泰市 xin1 tai4 shi4
Xintai county level city in Tai'an 泰安, Shandong

雅典的泰门 雅典的泰門 ya3 dian3 de5 tai4 men2
Timon of Athens, 1607 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚

永泰 永泰 yong3 tai4
Yongtai county in Fuzhou 福州, Fujian

永泰县 永泰縣 yong3 tai4 xian4
Yongtai county in Fuzhou 福州, Fujian

有眼不识泰山 有眼不識泰山 you3 yan3 bu4 shi2 tai4 shan1
lit. to have eyes but fail to recognize Mt Tai (idiom); fig. to fail to recognize sb important or sb's great talent; to be blind to the fact

重于泰山 重於泰山 zhong4 yu2 tai4 shan1
heavier than Mt Tai (idiom); fig. extremely serious matter