saliva; sweat; a ferry crossing; a ford (river crossing); abbr. for Tianjin 天津

strokes 9
strokes after radical 6
布尔津 布爾津 bu4 er3 jin1
Burqin county or Burchin nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区, Xinjiang

布尔津县 布爾津縣 bu4 er3 jin1 xian4
Burqin county or Burchin nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区, Xinjiang

布热津斯基 布熱津斯基 bu4 re4 jin1 si1 ji1
Brzezinski (name); Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-), Polish-American academic and politician, US National Security Adviser 1977-1981

点津 點津 dian3 jin1
to solve a problem; to answer a question; (Internet) Q&A forum; advice column

汗津津 汗津津 han4 jin1 jin1

河津 河津 he2 jin1
Hejin county level city in Yuncheng 運城|运城, Shanxi

河津市 河津市 he2 jin1 shi4
Hejin county level city in Yuncheng 運城|运城, Shanxi

江津 江津 jiang1 jin1
Jiangjin suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

江津区 江津區 jiang1 jin1 qu1
Jiangjin suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

津巴布韦 津巴布韋 jin1 ba1 bu4 wei2

津岛 津島 jin1 dao3
Tsushima, a city in Aichi prefecture, Japan

津沽 津沽 jin1 gu1
another name for Tianjin 天津

津津 津津 jin1 jin1
enthusiastic; ardent; (with) great relish

津津乐道 津津樂道 jin1 jin1 le4 dao4
to discuss sth enthusiastically

津津有味 津津有味 jin1 jin1 you3 wei4
with keen interest pleasure (idiom); with gusto; to relish; eagerly; with great interest

津浪 津浪 jin1 lang4
tsunami; same as 海嘯|海啸

津梁 津梁 jin1 liang2
lit. ferry bridge; fig. interim measure over some difficulty; a guide

津南 津南 jin1 nan2
Jinnan suburban district of Tianjin municipality 天津市

津南区 津南區 jin1 nan2 qu1
Jinnan suburban district of Tianjin municipality 天津市

津市 津市 jin1 shi4
Jinshi county level city in Changde 常德, Hunan

津市市 津市市 jin1 shi4 shi4
Jinshi county level city in Changde 常德, Hunan

津塔 津塔 jin1 ta3
Jin Tower; abbr. for 天津環球金融中心|天津环球金融中心 Tianjin World Financial Center, skyscraper a.k.a. the Tianjin Tower

津贴 津貼 jin1 tie1

津要 津要 jin1 yao4
(literary) key location; key post (important job)

津液 津液 jin1 ye4
bodily fluids (general term in Chinese medicine)

津泽 津澤 jin1 ze2
fluids (esp. in plants); sap

京津 京津 jing1 jin1
Beijing and Tianjin

京津冀 京津冀 jing1 jin1 ji4
Jing-Jin-Ji (Bejing, Tianjin and Hebei Province)

利津 利津 li4 jin1
Lijin county in Dongying 東營|东营, Shandong

利津县 利津縣 li4 jin1 xian4
Lijin county in Dongying 東營|东营, Shandong

两颊生津 兩頰生津 liang3 jia2 sheng1 jin1
mouth-watering; to whet one's appetite

孟津 孟津 meng4 jin1
Mengjin county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan

孟津县 孟津縣 meng4 jin1 xian4
Mengjin county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan

迷津 迷津 mi2 jin1
a maze; to lose the way; bewildering

宁津 寧津 ning2 jin1
Ningjin county in Dezhou 德州, Shandong

宁津县 寧津縣 ning2 jin1 xian4
Ningjin county in Dezhou 德州, Shandong

牛津 牛津 niu2 jin1
Oxford (city in England)

牛津大学 牛津大學 niu2 jin1 da4 xue2
University of Oxford

牛津群 牛津群 niu2 jin1 qun2
Oxfordshire (English county)

平津战役 平津戰役 ping2 jin1 zhan4 yi4
Pingjin Campaign (Nov 1948-Jan 1949), one of the three major campaigns by the People's Liberation Army near the end of the Chinese Civil War

旗津 旗津 qi2 jin1
Qijin or Chichin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市, south Taiwan

旗津区 旗津區 qi2 jin1 qu1
Qijin or Chichin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市, south Taiwan

清津市 清津市 qing1 jin1 shi4
Chongjin, capital of North Hamgyeong province 咸鏡北道|咸镜北道, North Korea

天津 天津 tian1 jin1
Tianjin, a municipality in northeast China, abbr. 津

天津大学 天津大學 tian1 jin1 da4 xue2
Tianjin University

天津环球金融中心 天津環球金融中心 tian1 jin1 huan2 qiu2 jin1 rong2 zhong1 xin1
Tianjin World Financial Center, skyscraper a.k.a. the Tianjin Tower or Jin Tower; abbr. to 津塔

天津会议专条 天津會議專條 tian1 jin1 hui4 yi4 zhuan1 tiao2
Tianjin agreement of 1885 between Li Hongzhang 李鴻章|李鸿章 and ITŌ Hirobumi 伊藤博文 to pull Qing and Japanese troops out of Korea

天津市 天津市 tian1 jin1 shi4
Tianjin, a municipality in northeast China, abbr. 津

天津条约 天津條約 tian1 jin1 tiao2 yue1
Treaty of Tianjin of 1858, a sequence of unequal treaties 不平等條約|不平等条约 between Russia, USA, England, France and Qing China

天津外国语大学 天津外國語大學 tian1 jin1 wai4 guo2 yu3 da4 xue2
Tianjin Foreign Studies University

甜津津 甜津津 tian2 jin1 jin1
sweet and delicious

问津 問津 wen4 jin1
to make inquiries; to show interest

无人问津 無人問津 wu2 ren2 wen4 jin1
to be of no interest to anyone (idiom)

夏津 夏津 xia4 jin1
Xiajin county in Dezhou 德州, Shandong

夏津县 夏津縣 xia4 jin1 xian4
Xiajin county in Dezhou 德州, Shandong

咸津津 鹹津津 xian2 jin1 jin1
nice and salty (taste)

咸津津儿 鹹津津兒 xian2 jin1 jin1 er5
erhua variant of 鹹津津|咸津津

新津 新津 xin1 jin1
Xinjin county in Chengdu 成都, Sichuan

新津县 新津縣 xin1 jin1 xian4
Xinjin county in Chengdu 成都, Sichuan

盐津 鹽津 yan2 jin1
Yanjin county in Zhaotong 昭通, Yunnan

延津 延津 yan2 jin1
Yanjin county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡, Henan

盐津县 鹽津縣 yan2 jin1 xian4
Yanjin county in Zhaotong 昭通, Yunnan

延津县 延津縣 yan2 jin1 xian4
Yanjin county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡, Henan

要津 要津 yao4 jin1
key post

益胃生津 益胃生津 yi4 wei4 sheng1 jin1
to benefit the stomach and increase fluids (idiom)

鱼津 魚津 yu2 jin1
bubbles (literary)

指点迷津 指點迷津 zhi3 dian3 mi2 jin1
to show sb how to get to the right path