sound of moving water

shallow; light (color)

strokes 8
strokes after radical 6
才疏学浅 才疏學淺 cai2 shu1 xue2 qian3
(humble expr.) of humble talent and shallow learning (idiom); Pray forgive my ignorance,...

粗浅 粗淺 cu1 qian3
shallow; superficial

大浅盘 大淺盤 da4 qian3 pan2

短浅 短淺 duan3 qian3
narrow and shallow

肤浅 膚淺 fu1 qian3
skin-deep; superficial; shallow

浮浅 浮淺 fu2 qian3
skin-deep; superficial; shallow

搁浅 擱淺 ge1 qian3
to be stranded (of ship); to run aground; fig. to run into difficulties and stop

害人不浅 害人不淺 hai4 ren2 bu4 qian3
to cause a lot of trouble; to inflict much suffering

见识浅 見識淺 jian4 shi5 qian3

交浅言深 交淺言深 jiao1 qian3 yan2 shen1
to talk intimately while being comparative strangers (idiom)

交情匪浅 交情匪淺 jiao1 qing2 fei3 qian3
to be very close; to understand each other

目光短浅 目光短淺 mu4 guang1 duan3 qian3
to be shortsighted

浅白 淺白 qian3 bai2
simple; easy to understand

浅薄 淺薄 qian3 bo2

浅草 淺草 qian3 cao3
Asakusa, district of Tokyo with an atmosphere of old Japan, famous for the 7th century Buddhist temple, Sensō-ji

浅层文字 淺層文字 qian3 ceng2 wen2 zi4
shallow orthography (governed by simple rules)

浅尝 淺嚐 qian3 chang2
dilettante; amateur; to dabble in; to flirt with (a topic)

浅尝 淺嘗 qian3 chang2
dilettante; amateur; to dabble in; to flirt with (a topic)

浅尝辄止 淺嘗輒止 qian3 chang2 zhe2 zhi3
to dabble and stop (idiom); to dip into; to attempt half-heartedly; content with a smattering of knowledge

浅尝辄止 淺嚐輒止 qian3 chang2 zhe2 zhi3
to dabble and stop (idiom); to dip into; to attempt half-heartedly; content with a smattering of knowledge; also written 淺嘗輒止|浅尝辄止

浅尝者 淺嚐者 qian3 chang2 zhe3
dilettante; amateur; dabbler

浅尝者 淺嘗者 qian3 chang2 zhe3
dilettante; amateur; dabbler

浅淡 淺淡 qian3 dan4
light (color); pale; vague (feeling)

浅短 淺短 qian3 duan3
narrow and shallow (knowledge or skill); superficial

浅浮雕 淺浮雕 qian3 fu2 diao1

浅耕 淺耕 qian3 geng1
to scratch; shallow plowing

浅海 淺海 qian3 hai3
shallow sea; sea less than 200 meters deep

浅黑 淺黑 qian3 hei1
dark; gray; (of skin) lightly pigmented

浅黄色 淺黃色 qian3 huang2 se4
buff; pale yellow

浅见 淺見 qian3 jian4
shallow opinion; humble opinion

浅礁 淺礁 qian3 jiao1
shallow reef; shoal

浅近 淺近 qian3 jin4

浅陋 淺陋 qian3 lou4
shallow and crude; meager (knowledge or skill)

浅露 淺露 qian3 lu4
blunt; direct (i.e. not tactful)

浅色 淺色 qian3 se4
light color

浅深 淺深 qian3 shen1
depth (archaic)

浅水 淺水 qian3 shui3
shallow water

浅说 淺說 qian3 shuo1
simple introduction; primer

浅滩 淺灘 qian3 tan1
shallows; shoal; sandbar

浅滩指示浮标 淺灘指示浮標 qian3 tan1 zhi3 shi4 fu2 biao1
bar buoy; buoy marking shallows or sandbar

浅析 淺析 qian3 xi1
primary, elementary or coarse analysis

浅希近求 淺希近求 qian3 xi1 jin4 qiu2
to aim low; to aim to get by; without lofty ambition

浅显 淺顯 qian3 xian3
plain; clear; obvious

浅鲜 淺鮮 qian3 xian3
meager; slight

浅学 淺學 qian3 xue2
shallow study; superficial; scant knowledge

浅易 淺易 qian3 yi4
easy; simple; suitable for beginners

浅源地震 淺源地震 qian3 yuan2 di4 zhen4
shallow earthquake (with epicenter less than 70 km deep)

深浅 深淺 shen1 qian3
deep or shallow; depth (of the sea); limits of decorum

深入浅出 深入淺出 shen1 ru4 qian3 chu1
to explain a complicated subject matter in simple terms (idiom); (of language) simple and easy to understand

受益匪浅 受益匪淺 shou4 yi4 fei3 qian3
to benefit (from)

眼皮子浅 眼皮子淺 yan3 pi2 zi5 qian3

中途搁浅 中途擱淺 zhong1 tu2 ge1 qian3
to run aground in mid-course; to run into difficulty and stop

资浅 資淺 zi1 qian3
inexperienced; junior (employee etc)