old variant of 深

deep; depth; deeply; (of a color) dark; deep; rich

strokes 11
strokes after radical 8
博大精深 博大精深 bo2 da4 jing1 shen1
wide-ranging and profound; broad and deep

测深 測深 ce4 shen1
to sound (sea depth)

创巨痛深 創巨痛深 chuang1 ju4 tong4 shen1
untold pain and suffering (idiom); deeply scarred for life

春风深醉的晚上 春風深醉的晚上 chun1 feng1 shen1 zui4 de5 wan3 shang5
Intoxicating Spring Nights, 1924 short story by Yu Dafu 郁達夫|郁达夫

发人深省 發人深省 fa1 ren2 shen1 xing3
to provide food for thought (idiom); thought-provoking

发人深醒 發人深醒 fa1 ren2 shen1 xing3
variant of 發人深省|发人深省

港深 港深 gang3 shen1
abbr. for Hong Kong 香港 and Shenzhen 深圳

高岸深谷 高岸深谷 gao1 an4 shen1 gu3
high bank, deep valley (idiom); secluded location

高城深池 高城深池 gao1 cheng2 shen1 chi2
high walls and deep moat (idiom); impenetrable defense

高深 高深 gao1 shen1

高深莫测 高深莫測 gao1 shen1 mo4 ce4
profound mystery

根深蒂固 根深蒂固 gen1 shen1 di4 gu4
deep-rooted (problem etc)

根深叶茂 根深葉茂 gen1 shen1 ye4 mao4
deep roots and vigorous foliage (idiom); (fig.) well established and growing strongly

更深 更深 geng1 shen1
deep at night

更深人静 更深人靜 geng1 shen1 ren2 jing4
deep at night and all is quiet (idiom)

故作深沉 故作深沉 gu4 zuo4 shen1 chen2
to play the profound thinker

沪深港 滬深港 hu4 shen1 gang3
abbr. for Shanghai 上海, Shenzhen 深圳 and Hong Kong 香港

讳莫如深 諱莫如深 hui4 mo4 ru2 shen1
important matter that must be kept secret (idiom); don't breathe a word of it to anyone!

极深研几 極深研幾 ji2 shen1 yan2 ji3
deep and detailed investigation (idiom)

加深 加深 jia1 shen1
to deepen

加深理解 加深理解 jia1 shen1 li3 jie3
to get a better grasp of sth

加深印象 加深印象 jia1 shen1 yin4 xiang4
to make a deeper impression on sb

艰深 艱深 jian1 shen1
abstruse; complicated

艰深晦涩 艱深晦澀 jian1 shen1 hui4 se4
abstruse and unfathomable (idiom)

交浅言深 交淺言深 jiao1 qian3 yan2 shen1
to talk intimately while being comparative strangers (idiom)

解深密经 解深密經 jie3 shen1 mi4 jing1
Sandhinir mokcana vyuha sutra, a yogic text on awareness and meditation, translated as the Wisdom of Buddha

精深 精深 jing1 shen1
refined; profound

景深 景深 jing3 shen1
depth of field

酒香不怕巷子深 酒香不怕巷子深 jiu3 xiang1 bu4 pa4 xiang4 zi5 shen1
fragrant wine fears no dark alley (idiom); quality goods need no advertising

伉俪情深 伉儷情深 kang4 li4 qing2 shen1
married couple very much in love; deep conjugal love

苦大仇深 苦大仇深 ku3 da4 chou2 shen1
great bitterness, deep hatred (idiom); deeply ingrained long-standing resentment

苦难深重 苦難深重 ku3 nan4 shen1 zhong4
deep grief; extensive sorrow

老谋深算 老謀深算 lao3 mou2 shen1 suan4
rigorous schemes and deep foresight (idiom); astute and circumspect

灵魂深处 靈魂深處 ling2 hun2 shen1 chu4
in the depth of one's soul

莫测高深 莫測高深 mo4 ce4 gao1 shen1
enigmatic; beyond one's depth; unfathomable

内心深处 內心深處 nei4 xin1 shen1 chu4
deep in one's heart

浅深 淺深 qian3 shen1
depth (archaic)

穷在闹市无人问,富在深山有远亲 窮在鬧市無人問,富在深山有遠親 qiong2 zai4 nao4 shi4 wu2 ren2 wen4 - fu4 zai4 shen1 shan1 you3 yuan3 qin1
the poor are ignored in the busiest city; the rich will find relatives in the deepest mountain

日久岁深 日久歲深 ri4 jiu3 sui4 shen1
to last for an eternity (idiom)

山高海深 山高海深 shan1 gao1 hai3 shen1
high as the mountain and deep as the sea (idiom); fig. infinite bounty

涉世未深 涉世未深 she4 shi4 wei4 shen1
unpracticed; inexperienced; naive; unsophisticated

深爱 深愛 shen1 ai4
to love dearly

深奥 深奧 shen1 ao4
profound; abstruse; recondite; profoundly

深闭固拒 深閉固拒 shen1 bi4 gu4 ju4
deep, closed and refusing (idiom); obstinate; stubborn and perverse

深不可测 深不可測 shen1 bu4 ke3 ce4
deep and unmeasurable (idiom); unfathomable depths; incomprehensible; enigmatic and impossible to predict

深藏若虚 深藏若虛 shen1 cang2 ruo4 xu1
to hide one's treasure away so that no-one knows about it (idiom); fig. modest about one's talents; to hide one's light under a bushel

深层 深層 shen1 ceng2
deep layer; deep; deep-seated; underlying

深层次 深層次 shen1 ceng2 ci4
deep level; deep-seated; in-depth

深层清洁 深層清潔 shen1 ceng2 qing1 jie2
deep cleansing

深长 深長 shen1 chang2
profound (meaning, implications etc)

深沉 深沉 shen1 chen2
deep; profound; (of a person) reserved; undemonstrative; (of a voice, sound etc) deep; low-pitched

深成岩 深成岩 shen1 cheng2 yan2
plutonic rock; abyssal rock

深处 深處 shen1 chu4
abyss; depths; deepest or most distant part

深得民心 深得民心 shen1 de2 min2 xin1
to win the hearts of the people; to be popular among the masses

深度 深度 shen1 du4
depth; (of a speech etc) profundity; advanced stage of development

深度尺 深度尺 shen1 du4 chi3
depth indicator or gauge

深度学习 深度學習 shen1 du4 xue2 xi2
deep learning (artificial intelligence)

深蹲 深蹲 shen1 dun1
squat (exercise)

深孚众望 深孚眾望 shen1 fu2 zhong4 wang4
to enjoy the confidence of the people; to be very popular

深感 深感 shen1 gan3
to feel deeply

深港 深港 shen1 gang3
Shenzhen and Hong Kong

深耕 深耕 shen1 geng1
deep plowing; thorough penetration; thorough development (of a market segment etc)

深更半夜 深更半夜 shen1 geng1 ban4 ye4
in the dead of night (idiom)

深耕细作 深耕細作 shen1 geng1 xi4 zuo4
deep plowing and careful cultivation

深谷 深谷 shen1 gu3
deep valley; ravine

深广 深廣 shen1 guang3
deep and wide; vast; profound (influence etc)

深闺 深閨 shen1 gui1
lady's private room or bedroom; boudoir

深海 深海 shen1 hai3
deep sea

深海围网 深海圍網 shen1 hai3 wei2 wang3
purse-seine net (fishing)

深海烟囱 深海煙囪 shen1 hai3 yan1 cong1
deep-sea vent; black smoker

深红色 深紅色 shen1 hong2 se4
deep red; crimson; scarlet

深厚 深厚 shen1 hou4
deep; profound

深化 深化 shen1 hua4
to deepen; to intensify

深灰色 深灰色 shen1 hui1 se4
dark gray

深井 深井 shen1 jing3
Sham Tseng (area in Hong Kong)

深究 深究 shen1 jiu1
to perform an in-depth investigation

深刻 深刻 shen1 ke4
profound; deep; deep-going

深坑 深坑 shen1 keng1
Shenkeng township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan

深坑乡 深坑鄉 shen1 keng1 xiang1
Shenkeng township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan

深空 深空 shen1 kong1
deep space (outer space)

深蓝 深藍 shen1 lan2
Deep Blue, chess-playing computer, first to defeat reigning world champion, developed by IBM (1985-1997)

深蓝 深藍 shen1 lan2
dark blue

深绿 深綠 shen1 lv4
dark green

深密 深密 shen1 mi4
dense; thick

深明大义 深明大義 shen1 ming2 da4 yi4
to have a high notion of one's duty; to be highly principled

深谋 深謀 shen1 mou2

深谋远虑 深謀遠慮 shen1 mou2 yuan3 lv4
lit. deep plans and distant thoughts; to plan far ahead (idiom)

深谋远略 深謀遠略 shen1 mou2 yuan3 lve4
a well-thought out long-term strategy

深浅 深淺 shen1 qian3
deep or shallow; depth (of the sea); limits of decorum

深切 深切 shen1 qie4
deeply felt; heartfelt; sincere; honest

深情 深情 shen1 qing2
deep emotion; deep feeling; deep love

深情厚意 深情厚意 shen1 qing2 hou4 yi4
profound love, generous friendship (idiom)

深情厚谊 深情厚誼 shen1 qing2 hou4 yi4
deep friendship

深情款款 深情款款 shen1 qing2 kuan3 kuan3
loving; caring; adoring

深秋 深秋 shen1 qiu1
late autumn

深入 深入 shen1 ru4
to penetrate deeply; thorough

深入浅出 深入淺出 shen1 ru4 qian3 chu1
to explain a complicated subject matter in simple terms (idiom); (of language) simple and easy to understand

深入人心 深入人心 shen1 ru4 ren2 xin1
to enter deeply into people's hearts; to have a real impact on the people (idiom)

深入显出 深入顯出 shen1 ru4 xian3 chu1
see 深入淺出|深入浅出

深色 深色 shen1 se4
dark; dark colored

深山 深山 shen1 shan1
deep in the mountains

深深 深深 shen1 shen1
deep; profound

深受 深受 shen1 shou4
to receive in no small measure

深水埗 深水埗 shen1 shui3 bu4
Sham Shui Po district of Kowloon, Hong Kong

深水炸弹 深水炸彈 shen1 shui3 zha4 dan4
depth charge

深思 深思 shen1 si1
to ponder; to consider

深思熟虑 深思熟慮 shen1 si1 shu2 lv4
mature reflection; after careful deliberations

深邃 深邃 shen1 sui4
deep (valley or night); abstruse; hidden in depth

深谈 深談 shen1 tan2
to have an in depth conversation; to have intimate talks; to discuss thoroughly

深潭 深潭 shen1 tan2
deep natural pond; deep pit; abyss

深挖 深挖 shen1 wa1
to dredge

深吻 深吻 shen1 wen3
French kissing

深恶痛绝 深惡痛絕 shen1 wu4 tong4 jue2
to detest bitterly (idiom); implacable hatred; to abhor; anathema

深陷 深陷 shen1 xian4
to be deeply in (trouble, debt etc); deep set (eyes)

深县 深縣 shen1 xian4
Shen county in Hebei

深信 深信 shen1 xin4
to believe firmly

深信不疑 深信不疑 shen1 xin4 bu4 yi2
to believe firmly without any doubt (idiom); absolute certainty about sth

深夜 深夜 shen1 ye4
very late at night

深渊 深淵 shen1 yuan1

深源地震 深源地震 shen1 yuan2 di4 zhen4
deep earthquake (with epicenter more than 300 km deep)

深远 深遠 shen1 yuan3
far-reaching; profound and long-lasting

深造 深造 shen1 zao4
to pursue one's studies

深泽 深澤 shen1 ze2
Shenze county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄, Hebei

深泽县 深澤縣 shen1 ze2 xian4
Shenze county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄, Hebei

深圳 深圳 shen1 zhen4
Shenzhen subprovincial city in Guangdong, special economic zone close to Hong Kong

深圳河 深圳河 shen1 zhen4 he2
Shenzhen or Shamchun river Guangdong, the border between Hong Kong new territories and PRC

深圳健力宝 深圳健力寶 shen1 zhen4 jian4 li4 bao3
Shenzhen Jianlibao (soccer team)

深圳交易所 深圳交易所 shen1 zhen4 jiao1 yi4 suo3
Shenzhen Stock Exchange SZSE

深圳市 深圳市 shen1 zhen4 shi4
Shenzhen subprovincial city in Guangdong, special economic zone close to Hong Kong

深圳证券交易所 深圳證券交易所 shen1 zhen4 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3
Shenzhen Stock Exchange, abbr. to 深交所

深知 深知 shen1 zhi1
to know well; to be fully aware of

深挚 深摯 shen1 zhi4
heartfelt and genuine

深重 深重 shen1 zhong4
very serious; grave; profound

深州 深州 shen1 zhou1
Shenzhou Hengshui 衡水, Hebei

深州市 深州市 shen1 zhou1 shi4
Shenzhou Hengshui 衡水, Hebei

深棕 深棕 shen1 zong1
brown (color)

深棕色 深棕色 shen1 zong1 se4
dark brown

舐犊情深 舐犢情深 shi4 du2 qing2 shen1
lit. the cow licking its calf fondly (idiom); fig. to show deep affection towards one's children

殊深轸念 殊深軫念 shu1 shen1 zhen3 nian4
extreme solicitude (idiom); expressing the deepest condolences; to feel deeply concerned

水深 水深 shui3 shen1
depth (of waterway); sounding

水深火热 水深火熱 shui3 shen1 huo3 re4
deep water and scorching fire; abyss of suffering (idiom)

雅人深致 雅人深緻 ya3 ren2 shen1 zhi4
refined pleasure of poetic minds

洋山深水港 洋山深水港 yang2 shan1 shen1 shui3 gang3
Yangshan Deep-Water Port (near Shanghai)

杨深秀 楊深秀 yang2 shen1 xiu4
Yang Shenxiu (1849-1898), one of the Six Gentlemen Martyrs 戊戌六君子 of the unsuccessful reform movement of 1898

夜深人静 夜深人靜 ye4 shen1 ren2 jing4
in the dead of night (idiom)

一往情深 一往情深 yi1 wang3 qing2 shen1
deeply attached; devoted

意味深长 意味深長 yi4 wei4 shen1 chang2
profound; significant; meaningful

幽深 幽深 you1 shen1
serene and hidden in depth or distance

寓意深长 寓意深長 yu4 yi4 shen1 chang2
to have profound import (idiom); to be deeply significant

寓意深远 寓意深遠 yu4 yi4 shen1 yuan3
the implied message is deep (idiom); having deep implications

渊深 淵深 yuan1 shen1
profound (knowledge); erudite

越陷越深 越陷越深 yue4 xian4 yue4 shen1
to fall deeper and deeper (in debt, in love etc)

在深处 在深處 zai4 shen1 chu4

只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针 只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針 zhi3 yao4 gong1 fu5 shen1 - tie3 chu3 mo2 cheng2 zhen1
If you work at it hard enough, you can grind an iron bar into a needle.; cf idiom 磨杵成針|磨杵成针, to grind an iron bar down to a fine needle (idiom); fig. to persevere in a difficult task; to study diligently

资深 資深 zi1 shen1
veteran (journalist etc); senior; highly experienced

纵深 縱深 zong4 shen1
depth (from front to rear); depth (into a territory); span (of time); (fig.) depth (of deployment, progress, development etc)