lamp; light; lantern

strokes 6
strokes after radical 2
安全灯 安全燈 an1 quan2 deng1
safety lamp; safelight

白炽灯 白熾燈 bai2 chi4 deng1
incandescent light

本生灯 本生燈 ben3 sheng1 deng1
Bunsen burner

泵灯 泵燈 beng4 deng1
lamp; turn signal

壁灯 壁燈 bi4 deng1
wall lamp; bracket light

标灯 標燈 biao1 deng1
beacon light; beacon

冰灯 冰燈 bing1 deng1
ice lantern

长明灯 長明燈 chang2 ming2 deng1
altar lamp burning day and night

传灯 傳燈 chuan2 deng1
to pass on the light of Buddha

闯红灯 闖紅燈 chuang3 hong2 deng1
to run a red light; failing to stop at a red traffic light; (slang) to have sex with a girl while she is menstruating

吹灯拔蜡 吹燈拔蠟 chui1 deng1 ba2 la4
lit. to blow out the lamp and put out the candle (idiom); fig. to die; to bite the dust; to be over and done with

春灯谜 春燈謎 chun1 deng1 mi2
Spring lantern riddles (guessing game at Lantern Festival 元宵節|元宵节, at the end of Spring festival 春節|春节)

大灯 大燈 da4 deng1

大红灯笼高高挂 大紅燈籠高高掛 da4 hong2 deng1 long2 gao1 gao1 gua4
Raise the Red Lantern (1991), movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋

灯草 燈草 deng1 cao3
the spongy, white pulp inside the stem of rush plants, used as a wick for oil lamps

灯草绒 燈草絨 deng1 cao3 rong2
see 燈芯絨|灯芯绒

灯蛾 燈蛾 deng1 e2

灯管 燈管 deng1 guan3
fluorescent light

灯光 燈光 deng1 guang1
(stage) lighting; light

灯号 燈號 deng1 hao4
flashing light; indicator light

灯红酒绿 燈紅酒綠 deng1 hong2 jiu3 lv4
lanterns red, wine green (idiom); feasting and pleasure-seeking; debauched and corrupt environment

灯会 燈會 deng1 hui4
carnival during the Lantern Festival, with lantern displays and traditional folk performances such as stilt walking and lion dance

灯火 燈火 deng1 huo3

灯火通明 燈火通明 deng1 huo3 tong1 ming2
brightly lit

灯节 燈節 deng1 jie2
the Lantern Festival (15th of first month of lunar calendar)

灯笼 燈籠 deng1 long2

灯笼果 燈籠果 deng1 long2 guo3
cape gooseberry; Peruvian ground-cherry; Physalis peruviana

灯笼花 燈籠花 deng1 long2 hua1
Chinese enkianthus

灯笼裤 燈籠褲 deng1 long2 ku4
bloomers; plus fours; knickerbockers

灯笼鱼 燈籠魚 deng1 long2 yu2
lantern fish

灯谜 燈謎 deng1 mi2
riddles written on lanterns (e.g. for the Lantern Festival at the end of Chinese New Year)

灯泡 燈泡 deng1 pao4
light bulb; see also 電燈泡|电灯泡; third-wheel or unwanted third party spoiling a couple's date (slang)

灯蕊 燈蕊 deng1 rui3
lamp wick

灯丝 燈絲 deng1 si1
filament (in a lightbulb)

灯塔 燈塔 deng1 ta3

灯塔市 燈塔市 deng1 ta3 shi4
Dengta county level city in Liaoyang 遼陽|辽阳, Liaoning

灯塔水母 燈塔水母 deng1 ta3 shui3 mu3
immortal jellyfish; Turritopsis dohrnii

灯台 燈臺 deng1 tai2

灯头 燈頭 deng1 tou2
electric light socket; burner (component of a kerosene lamp); light (as a countable item, e.g. number of lights fitted in a house)

灯心 燈心 deng1 xin1

灯芯 燈芯 deng1 xin1
see 燈心|灯心

灯芯草 燈芯草 deng1 xin1 cao3
see 燈心草|灯心草

灯心草 燈心草 deng1 xin1 cao3
rush (botany); Juncaceae

灯芯绒 燈芯絨 deng1 xin1 rong2
corduroy (textiles)

灯盏 燈盞 deng1 zhan3
lantern; uncovered oil lamp

灯罩 燈罩 deng1 zhao4
cover of lamp; lampshade; glass cover of oil lamp

灯柱 燈柱 deng1 zhu4

电灯 電燈 dian4 deng1
electric light

电灯泡 電燈泡 dian4 deng1 pao4
light bulb; (slang) unwanted third guest

吊灯 吊燈 diao4 deng1

顶灯 頂燈 ding3 deng1
top light (on mast, dome etc); roof lamp

泛光灯 泛光燈 fan4 guang1 deng1

管灯 管燈 guan3 deng1
fluorescent light

航标灯 航標燈 hang2 biao1 deng1
lighted buoy; channel marking light; signal light

黑灯瞎火 黑燈瞎火 hei1 deng1 xia1 huo3
pitch dark

黑灯下火 黑燈下火 hei1 deng1 xia4 huo3
pitch dark; also written 黑燈瞎火|黑灯瞎火

红灯 紅燈 hong2 deng1
red light

红灯记 紅燈記 hong2 deng1 ji4
The Legend of the Red Lantern

红灯区 紅燈區 hong2 deng1 qu1
red-light district

红绿灯 紅綠燈 hong2 lv4 deng1
traffic light; traffic signal

后灯 後燈 hou4 deng1

后信号灯 後信號燈 hou4 xin4 hao4 deng1
car rear indicator

弧光灯 弧光燈 hu2 guang1 deng1
arc lamp

花灯 花燈 hua1 deng1
colored lantern (used at Lantern Festival 元宵節|元宵节)

花灯戏 花燈戲 hua1 deng1 xi4
opera for popular in Sichuan and Yunnan

华灯 華燈 hua2 deng1
light; decorated lantern

华灯初上 華燈初上 hua2 deng1 chu1 shang4
early evening when lanterns are first lit

幻灯 幻燈 huan4 deng1
lantern slides

幻灯机 幻燈機 huan4 deng1 ji1
slide projector; overhead projector

幻灯片 幻燈片 huan4 deng1 pian4
slide (photography, presentation software); filmstrip; transparency

街灯 街燈 jie1 deng1

节能灯 節能燈 jie2 neng2 deng1
compact fluorescent lamp (CFL)

近光灯 近光燈 jin4 guang1 deng1
low beam (headlights)

酒精灯 酒精燈 jiu3 jing1 deng1
spirit lamp

聚光灯 聚光燈 ju4 guang1 deng1

开灯 開燈 kai1 deng1
to turn on the light

开绿灯 開綠燈 kai1 lv4 deng1
to give the green light; to give the go-ahead

孔明灯 孔明燈 kong3 ming2 deng1
sky lantern (miniature hot-air balloon used during festivals)

矿灯 礦燈 kuang4 deng1
miner's lamp; mine light

亮黄灯 亮黃燈 liang4 huang2 deng1
(lit.) to flash the yellow light; (fig.) to give a warning sign

龙灯 龍燈 long2 deng1
dragon lantern

路灯 路燈 lu4 deng1
street lamp; street light

落地灯 落地燈 luo4 di4 deng1
floor lamp

绿灯 綠燈 lv4 deng1
green light

马灯 馬燈 ma3 deng1
barn lantern; kerosene lamp

南瓜灯 南瓜燈 nan2 gua1 deng1

霓虹灯 霓虹燈 ni2 hong2 deng1
neon lamp (loanword)

歧路灯 歧路燈 qi2 lu4 deng1
Lamp in the Side Street, novel by Qing dynasty writer Li Lüyuan 李綠園|李绿园; also written 岐路燈|岐路灯

汽灯 汽燈 qi4 deng1
gas lamp

前大灯 前大燈 qian2 da4 deng1

前灯 前燈 qian2 deng1

前信号灯 前信號燈 qian2 xin4 hao4 deng1
car front indicator

取灯儿 取燈兒 qu3 deng1 er5
(dialect) match (for lighting fire)

燃灯佛 燃燈佛 ran2 deng1 fo2
Dipamkara Buddha, the former Buddha before Shakyamuni Buddha and the bringer of lights

日光灯 日光燈 ri4 guang1 deng1
fluorescent light

刹车灯 剎車燈 sha1 che1 deng1
brake light

闪光灯 閃光燈 shan3 guang1 deng1
flash bulb (photography)

射灯 射燈 she4 deng1

省油的灯 省油的燈 sheng3 you2 de5 deng1
sb who is easy to deal with

石英卤素灯 石英鹵素燈 shi2 ying1 lu3 su4 deng1
quartz halogen lamp

水银灯 水銀燈 shui3 yin2 deng1
mercury-vapor lamp

台灯 檯燈 tai2 deng1
desk lamp; table lamp

太阳灯 太陽燈 tai4 yang2 deng1

探照灯 探照燈 tan4 zhao4 deng1

提灯 提燈 ti2 deng1
a portable lamp

天灯 天燈 tian1 deng1
sky lantern (miniature hot-air balloon used during festivals)

挑灯 挑燈 tiao3 deng1
to light a lamp; to raise a lantern

挑灯拨火 挑燈撥火 tiao3 deng1 bo1 huo3
to sow discord; to provoke

挑灯夜战 挑燈夜戰 tiao3 deng1 ye4 zhan4
to raise a lantern and fight at night (idiom); fig. to work into the night; to burn the midnight oil

筒灯 筒燈 tong3 deng1
fluorescent tube or light

投光灯 投光燈 tou2 guang1 deng1

万家灯火 萬家燈火 wan4 jia1 deng1 huo3
(of a city etc) ablaze with lights

危险警告灯 危險警告燈 wei1 xian3 jing3 gao4 deng1
hazard lights

尾灯 尾燈 wei3 deng1
tail light (on vehicle)

五灯会元 五燈會元 wu3 deng1 hui4 yuan2
Song Dynasty History of Zen Buddhism in China (1252), 20 scrolls

雾灯 霧燈 wu4 deng1
fog lights (of a motor vehicle)

熄灯 熄燈 xi1 deng1
turn out the lights; lights out

吸顶灯 吸頂燈 xi1 ding3 deng1
flush-mounted ceiling lamp (loanword)

信号灯 信號燈 xin4 hao4 deng1
signal light; car indicator

萤光灯 螢光燈 ying2 guang1 deng1
Taiwan variant of 熒光燈|荧光灯

荧光灯 熒光燈 ying2 guang1 deng1
fluorescent lamp; neon lamp

油灯 油燈 you2 deng1
oil lamp

远光灯 遠光燈 yuan3 guang1 deng1
high beam (headlights)

张灯结彩 張燈結彩 zhang1 deng1 jie2 cai3
to be decorated with lanterns and colored banners (idiom)

掌灯 掌燈 zhang3 deng1
to hold a lamp; to light a lamp

只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯 只許州官放火,不許百姓點燈 zhi3 xu3 zhou1 guan1 fang4 huo3 - bu4 xu3 bai3 xing4 dian3 deng1
only the official is allowed to light the fire; Gods may do what cattle may not; quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi

朱红灯 朱紅燈 zhu1 hong2 deng1
Zhu Hongdeng, one of the leaders of the Boxer Rebellion

转向灯 轉向燈 zhuan3 xiang4 deng1
vehicle turn indicator light

追光灯 追光燈 zhui1 guang1 deng1
(theater) spotlight; followspot

桌灯 桌燈 zhuo1 deng1
desk lamp

走马灯 走馬燈 zou3 ma3 deng1
lantern with carousel of paper horses, rotating under convection, used at Lantern Festival 元宵節|元宵节; fig. constant busy circulation of people