lit. like a monk holding an umbrella — no hair, no sky (idiom) (punning on 髮|发 vs 法); fig. defying the law and the principles of heaven; lawless
黑白无常黑白無常hei1 bai2 wu2 chang2
Two deities, one short, one tall, chained together at the ankle, responsible for rewarding the good and punishing the bad
后患无穷後患無窮hou4 huan4 wu2 qiong2
it will cause no end of trouble (idiom); nip the problem in the bud
后会无期後會無期hou4 hui4 wu2 qi1
to meet again at unspecified date; meeting postponed indefinitely
后继无人後繼無人hou4 ji4 wu2 ren2
to have no qualified successors to carry on one's undertaking
厚颜无耻厚顏無恥hou4 yan2 wu2 chi3
虎父无犬子虎父無犬子hu3 fu4 wu2 quan3 zi3
lit. father a lion, son cannot be a dog (honorific); With a distinguished father such as you, the son is sure to do well.; like father, like son
互通有无互通有無hu4 tong1 you3 wu2
mutual exchange of assistance (idiom); to benefit from each other's strengths and make up each other's shortfalls; to reciprocate with material assistance; scratch each other's back
花无百日红花無百日紅hua1 wu2 bai3 ri4 hong2
No flower can bloom for a hundred days.; Good times do not last long. (idiom)
The sea of bitterness has no bounds, turn your head to see the shore (idiom). Only Buddhist enlightenment can allow one to shed off the abyss of worldly suffering.; Repent and ye shall be saved!
愧悔无地愧悔無地kui4 hui3 wu2 di4
ashamed and unable to show one's face (idiom)
来去无踪來去無蹤lai2 qu4 wu2 zong1
come without a shadow, leave without a footprint (idiom); to come and leave without a trace
来无影,去无踪來無影,去無蹤lai2 wu2 ying3 - qu4 wu2 zong1
lit. come without a shadow, leave without a footprint (idiom); to come and go without a trace
滥杀无辜濫殺無辜lan4 sha1 wu2 gu1
willfully slaughter the innocent (idiom)
劳而无功勞而無功lao2 er2 wu2 gong1
to work hard while accomplishing little; to toil to no avail
老少无欺老少無欺lao3 shao4 wu2 qi1
cheating neither old nor young; treating youngsters and old folk equally scrupulously; Our house offers sincere treatment to all and fair trade to old and young alike.
lit. the falling flowers are yearning for love, but the heartless brook ripples on (idiom); fig. one side is willing, yet the other one remains indifferent (usually of unrequited love)
略识之无略識之無lve4 shi2 zhi1 wu2
semi-literate; only knows words of one syllable; lit. to know only 之 and 無|无
Knowledge is not innate to man, how can we overcome doubt?; We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity? (i.e. without guidance from a teacher - Tang dynasty essayist Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈)
He who gives no thought to far-flung problems soon finds suffering nearby (idiom, from Analects).; Smug concentration on the here and now will lead to future sorrow.
忍无可忍忍無可忍ren3 wu2 ke3 ren3
more than one can bear (idiom); at the end of one's patience; the last straw
日无暇晷日無暇晷ri4 wu2 xia2 gui3
no time to spare (idiom)
若无其事若無其事ruo4 wu2 qi2 shi4
as if nothing had happened (idiom); calmly; nonchalantly
lit. to be hardly worth eating, but it would still be a pity to discard it (idiom); fig. some things have little to no value, yet one is still reluctant to part with them
史无前例史無前例shi3 wu2 qian2 li4
unprecedented in history
视若无睹視若無睹shi4 ruo4 wu2 du3
to turn a blind eye to
事无大小事無大小shi4 wu2 da4 xiao3
see 事無巨細|事无巨细
事无巨细事無巨細shi4 wu2 ju4 xi4
lit. things are not separated according to their size (idiom); fig. to deal with any matter, regardless of its importance
手无寸铁手無寸鐵shou3 wu2 cun4 tie3
lit. not an inch of steel (idiom); unarmed and defenseless
手无缚鸡之力手無縛雞之力shou3 wu2 fu4 ji1 zhi1 li4
without the strength to truss a chicken
手足无措手足無措shou3 zu2 wu2 cuo4
at a loss to know what to do (idiom); bewildered
熟视无睹熟視無睹shu2 shi4 wu2 du3
to pay no attention to a familiar sight; to ignore
束手无策束手無策shu4 shou3 wu2 ce4
lit. to have one's hands bound and be unable to do anything about it (idiom); fig. helpless in the face of a crisis
耍无赖耍無賴shua3 wu2 lai4
to act shamelessly; to behave in a way that leaves others tut-tutting and shaking their heads in disapproval
水火无情水火無情shui3 huo3 wu2 qing2
fire and flood have no mercy (idiom)
水清无鱼水清無魚shui3 qing1 wu2 yu2
lit. water that is too clean holds no fish (idiom); fig. one who is too severe has no friends
cheating neither old nor young (idiom); treating youngsters and old folk equally scrupulously; Our house offers sincere treatment to all and fair trade to old and young alike.
童言无忌童言無忌tong2 yan2 wu2 ji4
children's words carry no harm (idiom)
徒劳无功徒勞無功tu2 lao2 wu2 gong1
to work to no avail (idiom)
徒劳无益徒勞無益tu2 lao2 wu2 yi4
futile endeavor (idiom)
托足无门托足無門tuo1 zu2 wu2 men2
to be unable to find a place to stay (idiom)
完好无缺完好無缺wan2 hao3 wu2 que1
in perfect condition; without any defect
完好无损完好無損wan2 hao3 wu2 sun3
in good condition; undamaged; intact
完美无缺完美無缺wan2 mei3 wu2 que1
perfect and without blemish; flawless; to leave nothing to be desired
完美无瑕完美無瑕wan2 mei3 wu2 xia2
flawless; immaculate; perfect
万般无奈萬般無奈wan4 ban1 wu2 nai4
to have no way out; to have no alternative
万籁无声萬籟無聲wan4 lai4 wu2 sheng1
not a sound to be heard (idiom); dead silent
万寿无疆萬壽無疆wan4 shou4 wu2 jiang1
may you enjoy boundless longevity (idiom); long may you live
万无一失萬無一失wan4 wu2 yi1 shi1
surefire; absolutely safe (idiom)
问心无愧問心無愧wen4 xin1 wu2 kui4
lit. look into one's heart, no shame (idiom); with a clear conscience
无着無著wu1 zhuo2
(of income etc) to be unassured; to lack a reliable source
无碍無礙wu2 ai4
without inconvenience; unimpeded; unhindered; unobstructed; unfettered; unhampered
无把握無把握wu2 ba3 wo4
无伴奏合唱無伴奏合唱wu2 ban4 zou4 he2 chang4
a cappella (music)
无保留無保留wu2 bao3 liu2
without reservation; not holding anything back; unconditional
无比無比wu2 bi3
incomparable; matchless
无比较级無比較級wu2 bi3 jiao4 ji2
absolute (not liable to comparative degree)
无边無邊wu2 bian1
without boundary; not bordered
无边无际無邊無際wu2 bian1 wu2 ji4
boundless; limitless
无表情無表情wu2 biao3 qing2
expressionless; wooden (expression); blank (face)
无病呻吟無病呻吟wu2 bing4 shen1 yin2
to moan about imaginary illness; fussing like a hypochondriac; fig. sentimental nonsense
无病自灸無病自灸wu2 bing4 zi4 jiu3
lit. to prescribe moxibustion for oneself when not ill; to cause oneself trouble with superfluous action
无补無補wu2 bu3
of no avail; not helping in the least
无不無不wu2 bu4
none lacking; none missing; everything is there; everyone without exception
无不达無不達wu2 bu4 da2
nothing he can't do
无猜無猜wu2 cai1
unsuspecting; innocent and without apprehension
无产阶级無產階級wu2 chan3 jie1 ji2
无产者無產者wu2 chan3 zhe3
proletariat; non-propertied person
无常無常wu2 chang2
variable; changeable; fickle; impermanence (Sanskrit: anitya); ghost taking away the soul after death; to pass away; to die
无偿無償wu2 chang2
free; no charge; at no cost
无成無成wu2 cheng2
achieving nothing
无耻無恥wu2 chi3
without any sense of shame; unembarrassed; shameless
无齿翼龙無齒翼龍wu2 chi3 yi4 long2
Pteranodon (genus of pterosaur)
无翅無翅wu2 chi4
无出其右無出其右wu2 chu1 qi2 you4
matchless; without equal; there is nothing better
无处無處wu2 chu4
无处不在無處不在wu2 chu4 bu4 zai4
to be everywhere
无处可寻無處可尋wu2 chu4 ke3 xun2
cannot be found anywhere (idiom)
无处容身無處容身wu2 chu4 rong2 shen1
nowhere to hide
无船承运人無船承運人wu2 chuan2 cheng2 yun4 ren2
non-vessel-owning common carrier (NVOCC) (transportation)
无醇啤酒無醇啤酒wu2 chun2 pi2 jiu3
low-alcohol beer; non-alcoholic beer (typically, 0.5% ABV or less)
无从無從wu2 cong2
not to have access; beyond one's authority or capability; sth one has no way of doing
无措無措wu2 cuo4
无大无小無大無小wu2 da4 wu2 xiao3
no matter how big or small; not distinguishing junior and senior
无党派無黨派wu2 dang3 pai4
politically unaffiliated; independent (candidate)
无道無道wu2 dao4
tyrannical; brutal (regime)
无敌無敵wu2 di2
unequalled; without rival; a paragon
无底無底wu2 di3
无底洞無底洞wu2 di3 dong4
bottomless pit
无底坑無底坑wu2 di3 keng1
the bottomless pit (Hell in the Bible); pitless (elevator)
无棣無棣wu2 di4
Wudi county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州, Shandong
无的放矢無的放矢wu2 di4 fang4 shi3
to shoot without aim (idiom); fig. to speak without thinking; firing blindly; to shoot in the air; a shot in the dark
无棣县無棣縣wu2 di4 xian4
Wudi county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州, Shandong
无地自容無地自容wu2 di4 zi4 rong2
ashamed and unable to show one's face
无定形碳無定形碳wu2 ding4 xing2 tan4
amorphous carbon
无冬无夏無冬無夏wu2 dong1 wu2 xia4
regardless of the season; all the year round
无动于中無動於中wu2 dong4 yu2 zhong1
variant of 無動於衷|无动于衷
无动于衷無動於衷wu2 dong4 yu2 zhong1
aloof; indifferent; unconcerned
无毒無毒wu2 du2
harmless; innocuous; lit. not poisonous
无毒不丈夫無毒不丈夫wu2 du2 bu4 zhang4 fu5
no poison, no great man (idiom); A great man has to be ruthless.
无独有偶無獨有偶wu2 du2 you3 ou3
not alone but in pairs (idiom, usually derog.); not a unique occurrence; it's not the only case
无度無度wu2 du4
immoderate; excessive; not knowing one's limits
无端無端wu2 duan1
for no reason at all
无端端無端端wu2 duan1 duan1
for no reason
无恶不作無惡不作wu2 e4 bu4 zuo4
not to shrink from any crime (idiom); to commit any imaginable misdeed
无法無法wu2 fa3
unable; incapable
无法忍受無法忍受wu2 fa3 ren3 shou4
无法替代無法替代wu2 fa3 ti4 dai4
无法挽救無法挽救wu2 fa3 wan3 jiu4
incurable; no way of curing; hopeless
无法无天無法無天wu2 fa3 wu2 tian1
regardless of the law and of natural morality (idiom); maverick; undisciplined and out of control
无法形容無法形容wu2 fa3 xing2 rong2
unspeakable; indescribable
无妨無妨wu2 fang2
no harm (in doing it); One might as well.; It won't hurt.; no matter; it's no bother
无非無非wu2 fei1
only; nothing else
无风不起浪無風不起浪wu2 feng1 bu4 qi3 lang4
lit. without wind there cannot be waves (idiom); there must be a reason; no smoke without fire
无风三尺浪無風三尺浪wu2 feng1 san1 chi3 lang4
lit. large waves in windless conditions (idiom); fig. trouble arising unexpectedly
无缝無縫wu2 feng4
无缝连接無縫連接wu2 feng4 lian2 jie1
seamless connection
无符号無符號wu2 fu2 hao4
unsigned (i.e. the absolute value, regardless of plus or minus sign)
无福消受無福消受wu2 fu2 xiao1 shou4
unfortunately cannot enjoy (idiom)
无干無干wu2 gan1
to have nothing to do with
无功不受禄無功不受祿wu2 gong1 bu4 shou4 lu4
Don't get a reward if it's not deserved. (idiom)
无功而返無功而返wu2 gong1 er2 fan3
to return without any achievement (idiom); to go home with one's tail between one's legs
无功受禄無功受祿wu2 gong1 shou4 lu4
to get undeserved rewards (idiom)
无钩绦虫無鉤絛蟲wu2 gou1 tao1 chong2
beef tapeworm
无辜無辜wu2 gu1
innocent; innocence; not guilty (law)
无故無故wu2 gu4
without cause or reason
无怪無怪wu2 guai4
No wonder!; not surprising
无怪乎無怪乎wu2 guai4 hu1
No wonder!; not surprising
无关無關wu2 guan1
unrelated; having nothing to do (with sth else)
无关紧要無關緊要wu2 guan1 jin3 yao4
indifferent; insignificant
无关痛痒無關痛癢wu2 guan1 tong4 yang3
not to affect sb; irrelevant; of no importance; insignificant
无轨無軌wu2 gui3
无轨电车無軌電車wu2 gui3 dian4 che1
无国界無國界wu2 guo2 jie4
without borders (used for organizations such as Médecins sans Frontières)
无国界记者無國界記者wu2 guo2 jie4 ji4 zhe3
Reporters Without Borders (pressure group)
无国界医生無國界醫生wu2 guo2 jie4 yi1 sheng1
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF charity); Doctors Without Borders
无害無害wu2 hai4
无核無核wu2 he2
nonnuclear; seedless (botany)
无颌無頜wu2 he2
jawless (primitive fish)
无何無何wu2 he2
nothing else; soon; before long
无核化無核化wu2 he2 hua4
to make nuclear-free; to de-nuclearize
无核区無核區wu2 he2 qu1
nuclear weapon-free zone
无恒無恆wu2 heng2
to lack patience
无后無後wu2 hou4
to lack male offspring
无花果無花果wu2 hua1 guo3
fig (Ficus carica)
无话不谈無話不談wu2 hua4 bu4 tan2
not to hold anything back (idiom); (of close friends etc) to tell each other everything
无话可说無話可說wu2 hua4 ke3 shuo1
to have nothing to say (idiom)
无患子無患子wu2 huan4 zi3
Sapindales; order of scented bushes and trees, includes citrus fruit and lychee
无悔無悔wu2 hui3
to have no regrets
无货無貨wu2 huo4
out of stock; product unavailable
无机無機wu2 ji1
inorganic (chemistry)
无稽無稽wu2 ji1
无机化学無機化學wu2 ji1 hua4 xue2
inorganic chemistry
无机物無機物wu2 ji1 wu4
inorganic compound
无机盐無機鹽wu2 ji1 yan2
inorganic salt
无稽之谈無稽之談wu2 ji1 zhi1 tan2
complete nonsense (idiom)
无极無極wu2 ji2
Wuji county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊地區|石家庄地区, Hebei; The Promise (name of film by Chen Kaige)
无极無極wu2 ji2
everlasting; unbounded
无疾而终無疾而終wu2 ji2 er2 zhong1
to die peacefully; (fig.) to result in failure (without any outside interference); to come to nothing; to fizzle out
无极县無極縣wu2 ji2 xian4
Wuji county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄, Hebei
无几無幾wu2 ji3
very little; hardly any
无脊椎無脊椎wu2 ji3 zhui1
无脊椎动物無脊椎動物wu2 ji3 zhui1 dong4 wu4
无际無際wu2 ji4
limitless; boundless
无计可施無計可施wu2 ji4 ke3 shi1
no strategy left to try (idiom); at one's wit's end; at the end of one's tether; powerless
无记名無記名wu2 ji4 ming2
(of a document) not bearing a name; unregistered (financial securities etc); bearer (bond); secret (ballot etc); anonymous; unattributed (remarks); (of a check) payable to the bearer
无济于事無濟於事wu2 ji4 yu2 shi4
to no avail; of no use
无家可归無家可歸wu2 jia1 ke3 gui1
无价無價wu2 jia4
invaluable; priceless
无价珍珠無價珍珠wu2 jia4 zhen1 zhu1
Pearl of Great Price (Mormonism)
无价之宝無價之寶wu2 jia4 zhi1 bao3
priceless treasure
无坚不摧無堅不摧wu2 jian1 bu4 cui1
no stronghold one cannot overcome (idiom); to conquer every obstacle; nothing one can't do; to carry everything before one
无奸不商無奸不商wu2 jian1 bu4 shang1
all businessmen are evil (idiom)
无间無間wu2 jian4
very close; no gap between them; continuously; unbroken; hard to separate; indistinguishable
无将牌無將牌wu2 jiang4 pai2
no trumps (in card games)
无脚蟹無腳蟹wu2 jiao3 xie4
helpless lonely person
无尽無盡wu2 jin4
endless; inexhaustible
无精打彩無精打彩wu2 jing1 da3 cai3
dull and colorless (idiom); lacking vitality; not lively
无精打采無精打采wu2 jing1 da3 cai3
dispirited and downcast (idiom); listless; in low spirits; washed out
无晶圆無晶圓wu2 jing1 yuan2
fabless (semiconductor company)
无精症無精症wu2 jing1 zheng4
azoospermia (medicine)
无拘无束無拘無束wu2 ju1 wu2 shu4
free and unconstrained (idiom); unfettered; unbuttoned; without care or worries
无局無局wu2 ju2
non-vulnerable (in bridge)
无菌無菌wu2 jun1
sterile; aseptic
无菌性無菌性wu2 jun1 xing4
无咖啡因無咖啡因wu2 ka1 fei1 yin1
decaffeinated; decaf
无壳蜗牛無殼蝸牛wu2 ke2 wo1 niu2
fig. people who cannot afford to buy their own house
无壳族無殼族wu2 ke2 zu2
see 無殼蝸牛|无壳蜗牛
无可無可wu2 ke3
无可非议無可非議wu2 ke3 fei1 yi4
irreproachable (idiom); nothing blameworthy about it at all
无可奉告無可奉告wu2 ke3 feng4 gao4
(idiom) "no comment"
无可厚非無可厚非wu2 ke3 hou4 fei1
see 未可厚非
无可救药無可救藥wu2 ke3 jiu4 yao4
lit. no antidote is possible (idiom); incurable; incorrigible; beyond redemption
无可奈何無可奈何wu2 ke3 nai4 he2
have no way out; have no alternative; abbr. to 無奈|无奈
无可匹敌無可匹敵wu2 ke3 pi3 di2
unsurpassed; unparalleled
无可挽回無可挽回wu2 ke3 wan3 hui2
irrevocable; the die is cast
无可无不可無可無不可wu2 ke3 wu2 bu4 ke3
neither for nor against sth; indifferent
无可置疑無可置疑wu2 ke3 zhi4 yi2
cannot be doubted (idiom)
无孔不钻無孔不鑽wu2 kong3 bu4 zuan1
lit. leave no hole undrilled (idiom); to latch on to every opportunity
无愧無愧wu2 kui4
to have a clear conscience; to feel no qualms
无赖無賴wu2 lai4
hoodlum; rascal; rogue; rascally; scoundrelly
无厘头無厘頭wu2 li2 tou2
silly talk or "mo lei tau" (Cantonese), genre of humor emerging from Hong Kong late in the 20th century
无理無理wu2 li3
irrational; unreasonable
无礼無禮wu2 li3
rude; rudely
无理取闹無理取鬧wu2 li3 qu3 nao4
to make trouble without reason (idiom); to be deliberately provocative
无理数無理數wu2 li3 shu4
irrational number
无利無利wu2 li4
no profit; not profitable; a hindrance; (to lend money) at no interest
无力無力wu2 li4
powerless; lacking strength
无连接無連接wu2 lian2 jie1
无量無量wu2 liang4
measureless; immeasurable
无量寿無量壽wu2 liang4 shou4
boundless life (expression of good wishes); Amitayus, the Buddha of measureless life, good fortune and wisdom
无聊無聊wu2 liao2
bored; boring; senseless
无禄無祿wu2 lu4
to be unsalaried; to be unfortunate; death
无路可逃無路可逃wu2 lu4 ke3 tao2
no way out; nowhere to go; trapped beyond hope of rescue; painted into a corner
无路可退無路可退wu2 lu4 ke3 tui4
without a retreat route; caught in a dead end; having burned one's bridges
无路可走無路可走wu2 lu4 ke3 zou3
nowhere to go; at the end of one's tether
无论無論wu2 lun4
no matter what or how; regardless of whether...
无论何处無論何處wu2 lun4 he2 chu4
anywhere; wherever
无论何人無論何人wu2 lun4 he2 ren2
无论何时無論何時wu2 lun4 he2 shi2
无论何事無論何事wu2 lun4 he2 shi4
anything; whatever
无论如何無論如何wu2 lun4 ru2 he2
whatever the case; in any event; no matter what; by all possible means
无码無碼wu2 ma3
unpixelated or uncensored (of video)
无毛無毛wu2 mao2
无明無明wu2 ming2
avidyā (Buddhism); ignorance; delusion
无名無名wu2 ming2
nameless; obscure
无名烈士墓無名烈士墓wu2 ming2 lie4 shi4 mu4
tomb of the unknown soldier
无名氏無名氏wu2 ming2 shi4
anonymous (e.g. author, donor etc)
无名小卒無名小卒wu2 ming2 xiao3 zu2
insignificant soldier (idiom); a nobody; nonentity
无名英雄無名英雄wu2 ming2 ying1 xiong2
unnamed hero
无名战士墓無名戰士墓wu2 ming2 zhan4 shi4 mu4
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
无名战死無名戰死wu2 ming2 zhan4 si3
the unknown soldier (symbolizing war dead)
无名指無名指wu2 ming2 zhi3
ring finger
无奈無奈wu2 nai4
helpless; without choice; for lack of better option; grudgingly; willy-nilly; nolens volens; abbr. for 無可奈何|无可奈何
无能無能wu2 neng2
incompetence; inability; incapable; powerless
无能为力無能為力wu2 neng2 wei2 li4
impotent (idiom); powerless; helpless
无宁無寧wu2 ning2
variant of 毋寧|毋宁
无农药無農藥wu2 nong2 yao4
without agricultural fertilizer (i.e. organic farming)
无牌無牌wu2 pai2
unlicensed; unlabeled (goods)
无品無品wu2 pin3
fretless (stringed instrument)
无期無期wu2 qi1
unspecified period; in the indefinite future; no fixed time; indefinite sentence (i.e. life imprisonment)
无期别無期別wu2 qi1 bie2
to part for an unspecified period; to take leave from indefinitely
无期徒刑無期徒刑wu2 qi1 tu2 xing2
life imprisonment
无奇不有無奇不有wu2 qi2 bu4 you3
nothing is too bizarre; full of extraordinary things
无牵无挂無牽無掛wu2 qian1 wu2 gua4
to have no cares; to be carefree
无巧不成书無巧不成書wu2 qiao3 bu4 cheng2 shu1
curious coincidence
无情無情wu2 qing2
pitiless; ruthless; merciless; heartless
无情无义無情無義wu2 qing2 wu2 yi4
completely lacking any feeling or sense of justice (idiom); cold and ruthless
无穷無窮wu2 qiong2
endless; boundless; inexhaustible
无穷集無窮集wu2 qiong2 ji2
infinite set (math.)
无穷无尽無窮無盡wu2 qiong2 wu2 jin4
endless; boundless; infinite
无穷小無窮小wu2 qiong2 xiao3
infinitesimal (in calculus); infinitely small
无穷序列無窮序列wu2 qiong2 xu4 lie4
infinite sequence
无穷远点無窮遠點wu2 qiong2 yuan3 dian3
point at infinity (math.); infinitely distant point
无取胜希望者無取勝希望者wu2 qu3 sheng4 xi1 wang4 zhe3
outsider (i.e. not expected to win a race or championship)
无趣無趣wu2 qu4
dull; vapid; colorless
无权無權wu2 quan2
to have no right; to have no authority
无缺無缺wu2 que1
无人無人wu2 ren2
unmanned; uninhabited
无人不無人不wu2 ren2 bu4
no man is not...
无人不晓無人不曉wu2 ren2 bu4 xiao3
known to everyone
无人不知無人不知wu2 ren2 bu4 zhi1
known to everybody
无人飞行器無人飛行器wu2 ren2 fei1 xing2 qi4
drone; unmanned aerial vehicle
无人机無人機wu2 ren2 ji1
drone; unmanned aerial vehicle
无人驾驶無人駕駛wu2 ren2 jia4 shi3
unmanned; unpiloted
无人能及無人能及wu2 ren2 neng2 ji2
nobody can compete with; unmatched by anybody; without rival
无人区無人區wu2 ren2 qu1
uninhabited region
无人售票無人售票wu2 ren2 shou4 piao4
self-service ticketing; automated ticketing
无人问津無人問津wu2 ren2 wen4 jin1
to be of no interest to anyone (idiom)
无任無任wu2 ren4
extremely (pleased, grateful etc)
无任感激無任感激wu2 ren4 gan3 ji1
deeply obliged
无容置疑無容置疑wu2 rong2 zhi4 yi2
cannot be doubted (idiom)
无色無色wu2 se4
无伤大雅無傷大雅wu2 shang1 da4 ya3
(of a defect etc) to be of no great matter (idiom); harmless
无上無上wu2 shang4
无神论無神論wu2 shen2 lun4
无神论者無神論者wu2 shen2 lun4 zhe3
无声無聲wu2 sheng1
noiseless; noiselessly; silent
无生命無生命wu2 sheng1 ming4
inert; lifeless
无声无息無聲無息wu2 sheng1 wu2 xi1
wordless and uncommunicative (idiom); without speaking; taciturn; not providing any news
The boundless vista is at the perilous peak (proverb); fig. exhilaration follows a hard-won victory
无限期無限期wu2 xian4 qi1
unlimited (time) duration
无线网路無線網路wu2 xian4 wang3 lu4
wireless network
无限小無限小wu2 xian4 xiao3
infinitesimal; infinitely small
无限小数無限小數wu2 xian4 xiao3 shu4
infinitesimal; infinite decimal expansion
无限制無限制wu2 xian4 zhi4
limitless; unrestricted
无效無效wu2 xiao4
not valid; ineffective; in vain
无邪無邪wu2 xie2
without guilt
无懈可击無懈可擊wu2 xie4 ke3 ji1
无心無心wu2 xin1
unintentionally; not in the mood to
无心插柳柳成阴無心插柳柳成陰wu2 xin1 cha1 liu3 liu3 cheng2 yin1
lit. idly poke a stick in the mud and it grows into a tree to shade you; (fig.) unintentional actions may bring unexpected success; also written 無心插柳柳成蔭|无心插柳柳成荫
Study everything, at all times, everywhere. (Zhu Xi 朱熹)
无依无靠無依無靠wu2 yi1 wu2 kao4
no one to rely on (idiom); on one's own; orphaned; left to one's own devices
无遗無遺wu2 yi2
completely; fully; without omission
无疑無疑wu2 yi2
no doubt; undoubtedly
无已無已wu2 yi3
endlessly; to have no choice
无以复加無以復加wu2 yi3 fu4 jia1
in the extreme (idiom); incapable of further increase
无以为报無以為報wu2 yi3 wei2 bao4
unable to return the favor
无以为生無以為生wu2 yi3 wei2 sheng1
no way to get by
无倚无靠無倚無靠wu2 yi3 wu2 kao4
variant of 無依無靠|无依无靠
无意無意wu2 yi4
inadvertent; accidental; to have no intention of (doing sth)
无义無義wu2 yi4
without meaning; nonsense; immoral; faithless
无益無益wu2 yi4
no good; not good for; not beneficial
无异無異wu2 yi4
nothing other than; to differ in no way from; the same as; to amount to
无意间無意間wu2 yi4 jian1
inadvertently; unintentionally
无意识無意識wu2 yi4 shi2
unconscious; involuntary
无意中無意中wu2 yi4 zhong1
accidentally; unintentionally; unexpectedly
无垠無垠wu2 yin2
boundless; vast
无影无踪無影無蹤wu2 ying3 wu2 zong1
to disappear without trace (idiom)
无庸無庸wu2 yong1
variant of 毋庸
无用無用wu2 yong4
useless; worthless
无用之树無用之樹wu2 yong4 zhi1 shu4
useless person (originally from Zhuangzi's "A Happy Excursion" 逍遙遊|逍遥游)
无忧无虑無憂無慮wu2 you1 wu2 lv4
carefree and without worries (idiom)
无由無由wu2 you2
to be unable (to do sth); no reason to ...; without rhyme or reason
无虞無虞wu2 yu2
not to be worried about; all taken care of
无虞匮乏無虞匱乏wu2 yu2 kui4 fa2
no fear of deficiency; sufficient; abundant
无语無語wu2 yu3
to remain silent; to have nothing to say; (coll.) speechless; dumbfounded
无与伦比無與倫比wu2 yu3 lun2 bi3
无援無援wu2 yuan2
without support; helpless
无缘無緣wu2 yuan2
to have no opportunity; no way (of doing sth); no chance; no connection; not placed (in a competition); (in pop lyrics) no chance of love, no place to be together etc
无缘无故無緣無故wu2 yuan2 wu2 gu4
no cause, no reason (idiom); completely uncalled for
无原则無原則wu2 yuan2 ze2
无远弗届無遠弗屆wu2 yuan3 fu2 jie4
to extend all over the globe (idiom); far-reaching
无怨无悔無怨無悔wu2 yuan4 wu2 hui3
no complaints; to have no regrets
无照经营無照經營wu2 zhao4 jing1 ying2
unlicensed business activity
无针注射器無針注射器wu2 zhen1 zhu4 she4 qi4
jet injector
无征不信無徵不信wu2 zheng1 bu4 xin4
without proof one can't believe it (idiom)
无争议無爭議wu2 zheng1 yi4
uncontroversial; accepted
无政府主义無政府主義wu2 zheng4 fu3 zhu3 yi4
无知無知wu2 zhi1
ignorant; ignorance
无知觉無知覺wu2 zhi1 jue2
无支祁無支祁wu2 zhi1 qi2
a water goblin in Chinese mythology usually depicted as a monkey
无纸化無紙化wu2 zhi3 hua4
无纸化办公無紙化辦公wu2 zhi3 hua4 ban4 gong1
paperless office
无秩序無秩序wu2 zhi4 xu4
无中生有無中生有wu2 zhong1 sheng1 you3
to create something from nothing (idiom)
无主见無主見wu2 zhu3 jian4
without one's own opinions
无主失物無主失物wu2 zhu3 shi1 wu4
lost property without a claimant (law)
无助無助wu2 zhu4
helpless; helplessness; feeling useless; no help
无助感無助感wu2 zhu4 gan3
to feel helpless; feeling useless
无状無狀wu2 zhuang4
insolence; insolent; ill-mannered
无着無著wu2 zhuo2
Asanga (Buddhist philosopher, c. 4th century AD)
无字碑無字碑wu2 zi4 bei1
stone tablet without inscription; blank stele
无足轻重無足輕重wu2 zu2 qing1 zhong4
无罪無罪wu2 zui4
innocent; guileless; not guilty (of crime)
无罪抗辩無罪抗辯wu2 zui4 kang4 bian4
plea of not guilty
无罪推定無罪推定wu2 zui4 tui1 ding4
presumption of innocence (law)
无做作無做作wu2 zuo4 zuo5
unaffected (i.e. behaving naturally)
习得性无助感習得性無助感xi2 de2 xing4 wu2 zhu4 gan3
(psychology) learned helplessness
喜怒无常喜怒無常xi3 nu4 wu2 chang2
temperamental; moody
纤悉无遗纖悉無遺xian1 xi1 wu2 yi2
detailed and nothing left out (idiom); meticulous and comprehensive; not missing an iota
闲来无事閒來無事xian2 lai2 wu2 shi4
at leisure; idle; to have nothing to do
相安无事相安無事xiang1 an1 wu2 shi4
to live together in harmony
详尽无遗詳盡無遺xiang2 jin4 wu2 yi2
exhaustive; thorough
心无二用心無二用xin1 wu2 er4 yong4
one cannot concentrate on two things at the same time
心中无数心中無數xin1 zhong1 wu2 shu4
to have no idea; to be unsure
胸大无脑胸大無腦xiong1 da4 wu2 nao3
(having) big boobs but no brain; bimbo
胸无城府胸無城府xiong1 wu2 cheng2 fu3
open and candid (idiom); not hiding anything; ingenuous
胸无大志胸無大志xiong1 wu2 da4 zhi4
to have no aspirations (idiom); unambitious
胸无宿物胸無宿物xiong1 wu2 su4 wu4
open and candid (idiom); not hiding anything; ingenuous
胸中无数胸中無數xiong1 zhong1 wu2 shu4
see 心中無數|心中无数
虚无虛無xu1 wu2
虚无假设虛無假設xu1 wu2 jia3 she4
null hypothesis (statistics)
虚无缥缈虛無縹緲xu1 wu2 piao3 miao3
unreal; illusory; imaginary; vague and with nothing in it
虚无主义虛無主義xu1 wu2 zhu3 yi4
学海无涯學海無涯xue2 hai3 wu2 ya2
sea of learning, no horizon (idiom); no limits to what one still has to learn; ars longa, vita brevis
学无止境學無止境xue2 wu2 zhi3 jing4
no end to learning (idiom); There's always something new to study.; You live and learn.
血本无归血本無歸xue4 ben3 wu2 gui1
to lose one's life savings (e.g. after a bankruptcy); no return for one's hard-earned savings
鸦雀无声鴉雀無聲ya1 que4 wu2 sheng1
lit. crow and peacock make no sound; absolute silence (idiom); not a single voice can be heard; absolute silence
哑口无言啞口無言ya3 kou3 wu2 yan2
dumbstruck and unable to reply (idiom); left speechless; at a loss for words
哑然无生啞然無生ya3 ran2 wu2 sheng1
silence reigns (idiom)
湮没无闻湮沒無聞yan1 mo4 wu2 wen2
to pass into oblivion
言而无信言而無信yan2 er2 wu2 xin4
to go back on one's word; to break one's promise; to be unfaithful; to be untrustworthy
don't blame the speaker, take note of his warning (idiom); an exhortation to speak one's mind without fear of reprisals, and with the expectation of being taken seriously
言之无物言之無物yan2 zhi1 wu2 wu4
(of a writing etc) to have no substance (idiom); to carry no weight
遥遥无期遙遙無期yao2 yao2 wu2 qi1
far in the indefinite future (idiom); so far away it seems forever
杳无人烟杳無人煙yao3 wu2 ren2 yan1
dark and uninhabited (idiom); remote and deserted; God-forsaken
杳无消息杳無消息yao3 wu2 xiao1 xi1
see 杳無音信|杳无音信
杳无音信杳無音信yao3 wu2 yin1 xin4
to have no news whatever
野调无腔野調無腔ye3 diao4 wu2 qiang1
coarse in speech and manner
一览无遗一覽無遺yi1 lan3 wu2 yi2
be plainly visible
一览无余一覽無餘yi1 lan3 wu2 yu2
to cover all at one glance (idiom); a panoramic view
一去无影踪一去無影蹤yi1 qu4 wu2 ying3 zong1
gone without a trace
衣食无忧衣食無憂yi1 shi2 wu2 you1
not having to worry about clothes and food (idiom); to be provided with the basic necessities
衣食无虞衣食無虞yi1 shi2 wu2 yu2
not having to worry about food and clothes (idiom); provided with the basic necessities
一事无成一事無成yi1 shi4 wu2 cheng2
to have achieved nothing; to be a total failure; to get nowhere
一往无前一往無前yi1 wang3 wu2 qian2
to advance courageously (idiom); to press forward
一望无际一望無際yi1 wang4 wu2 ji4
as far as the eye can see (idiom)
一望无垠一望無垠yi1 wang4 wu2 yin2
to stretch as far as the eye can see (idiom)
一无是处一無是處yi1 wu2 shi4 chu4
not one good point; everything about it is wrong
一无所长一無所長yi1 wu2 suo3 chang2
not having any special skill; without any qualifications
一无所动一無所動yi1 wu2 suo3 dong4
totally unaffected; unimpressed
一无所获一無所獲yi1 wu2 suo3 huo4
to gain nothing; to end up empty-handed
一无所闻一無所聞yi1 wu2 suo3 wen2
unheard of
一无所有一無所有yi1 wu2 suo3 you3
not having anything at all (idiom); utterly lacking; without two sticks to rub together
一无所知一無所知yi1 wu2 suo3 zhi1
not knowing anything at all (idiom); completely ignorant; without an inkling
贻害无穷貽害無窮yi2 hai4 wu2 qiong2
to have disastrous consequences
遗害无穷遺害無窮yi2 hai4 wu2 qiong2
to have disastrous consequences; also written 貽害無窮|贻害无穷
义无反顾義無反顧yi4 wu2 fan3 gu4
honor does not allow one to glance back (idiom); duty-bound not to turn back; no surrender; to pursue justice with no second thoughts
英雄无用武之地英雄無用武之地ying1 xiong2 wu2 yong4 wu3 zhi1 di4
a hero with no chance of using his might; to have no opportunity to display one's talents
庸碌无能庸碌無能yong1 lu4 wu2 neng2
mediocre and incompetent
永无止境永無止境yong3 wu2 zhi3 jing4
without end; never-ending
有百害而无一利有百害而無一利you3 bai3 hai4 er2 wu2 yi1 li4
having no advantage whatsoever
有百利而无一弊有百利而無一弊you3 bai3 li4 er2 wu2 yi1 bi4
to have many advantages and no disadvantages
有百利而无一害有百利而無一害you3 bai3 li4 er2 wu2 yi1 hai4
to have many advantages and no disadvantages
有备无患有備無患you3 bei4 wu2 huan4
Preparedness averts peril.; to be prepared, just in case (idiom)
有过之而无不及有過之而無不及you3 guo4 zhi1 er2 wu2 bu4 ji2
not to be inferior in any aspects (idiom); to surpass; to outdo; (derog.) to be even worse
有害无利有害無利you3 hai4 wu2 li4
harmful and without benefit (idiom); more harm than good
有害无益有害無益you3 hai4 wu2 yi4
harmful and without benefit (idiom); more harm than good
有教无类有教無類you3 jiao4 wu2 lei4
education for everyone, irrespective of background
有教无类法有教無類法you3 jiao4 wu2 lei4 fa3
No Child Left Behind Act, USA 2001
有惊无险有驚無險you3 jing1 wu2 xian3
to be more scared than hurt (idiom); to get through a daunting experience without mishap
有口无心有口無心you3 kou3 wu2 xin1
to speak harshly but without any bad intent (idiom)
有名无实有名無實you3 ming2 wu2 shi2
lit. has a name but no reality (idiom); exists only in name; nominal
有目无睹有目無睹you3 mu4 wu2 du3
has eyes but can't see (idiom); unable or unwilling to see the importance of sth; blind (to sth great)
有气无力有氣無力you3 qi4 wu2 li4
weakly and without strength (idiom); dispirited
有去无回有去無回you3 qu4 wu2 hui2
gone forever (idiom)
有色无胆有色無膽you3 se4 wu2 dan3
to be perverse and suggestive towards the opposite sex, but shrinking back when provoked to act on it; to have perverted thoughts but no guts to actually do it; to be all talk and no action
有始无终有始無終you3 shi3 wu2 zhong1
to start but not finish (idiom); to fail to carry things through; lack of sticking power; short attention span
有恃无恐有恃無恐you3 shi4 wu2 kong3
secure in the knowledge that one has backing
有头无尾有頭無尾you3 tou2 wu2 wei3
to start but not finish (idiom); to fail to carry things through; lack of sticking power; short attention span
有无有無you3 wu2
to have or have not; surplus and shortfall; tangible and intangible; corporeal and incorporeal
有无相通有無相通you3 wu2 xiang1 tong1
mutual exchange of assistance (idiom); to reciprocate with material assistance
lit. you plant a garden and the flowers do not bloom, you poke a stick in the mud and it grows into a tree; fig. things do not always turn out as one would expect; well-laid plans may fail, and success may come where you least expect it
有勇无谋有勇無謀you3 yong3 wu2 mou2
bold but not very astute (idiom)
有缘无分有緣無分you3 yuan2 wu2 fen4
destined to meet but not fated to be together (idiom)
If you want to condemn sb, don't worry about the pretext (idiom, from Zuozhuan 左傳|左传); one can always trump up a charge against sb; Give a dog a bad name, then hang him.
杂乱无章雜亂無章za2 luan4 wu2 zhang1
disordered and in a mess (idiom); all mixed up and chaotic
责无旁贷責無旁貸ze2 wu2 pang2 dai4
to be duty bound; to be one's unshrinkable responsibility
战无不胜戰無不勝zhan4 wu2 bu4 sheng4
to triumph in every battle (idiom); invincible; to succeed in every undertaking