not to do anything productive; to idle away one's time
财产財產cai2 chan3
property; assets; estate
财产公证財產公證cai2 chan3 gong1 zheng4
property notarization
财产价值財產價值cai2 chan3 jia4 zhi2
property value
财产权財產權cai2 chan3 quan2
property rights
产程產程chan3 cheng2
the process of childbirth
产道產道chan3 dao4
birth canal (in obstetrics)
产地產地chan3 di4
the source (of a product); place of origin; manufacturing location
产地证產地證chan3 di4 zheng4
certificate of origin (CO or CoO) (commerce)
产儿產兒chan3 er2
newborn baby; fig. brand-new object
产房產房chan3 fang2
delivery room (in hospital); labor ward
产妇產婦chan3 fu4
woman recuperating after childbirth; woman in childbirth
产后產後chan3 hou4
产假產假chan3 jia4
maternity leave
产检產檢chan3 jian3
abbr. for 產前檢查|产前检查
产经新闻產經新聞chan3 jing1 xin1 wen2
Business News; Sankei Shimbun (Tokyo daily)
产科產科chan3 ke1
maternity department; maternity ward; obstetrics
产粮產糧chan3 liang2
to grow crops; food growing
产粮大省產糧大省chan3 liang2 da4 sheng3
major agricultural province
产粮区產糧區chan3 liang2 qu1
food growing area
产量產量chan3 liang4
产量多產量多chan3 liang4 duo1
产卵產卵chan3 luan3
to lay eggs
产能產能chan3 neng2
production capacity
产品產品chan3 pin3
goods; merchandise; product
产品结构產品結構chan3 pin3 jie2 gou4
product mix
产品经理產品經理chan3 pin3 jing1 li3
product manager
产婆產婆chan3 po2
产期產期chan3 qi1
time of birth; period of labor; lying-in
产钳產鉗chan3 qian2
obstetric forceps
产前產前chan3 qian2
prenatal; antenatal
产前检查產前檢查chan3 qian2 jian3 cha2
prenatal examination; antenatal examination
产区產區chan3 qu1
place of production; manufacturing location
产权產權chan3 quan2
property right
产褥期產褥期chan3 ru4 qi1
postnatal period; puerperium (period of six weeks after childbirth)
产褥热產褥熱chan3 ru4 re4
postnatal fever; puerperal fever
产生產生chan3 sheng1
to arise; to come into being; to come about; to give rise to; to bring into being; to bring about; to produce; to engender; to generate; to appear; appearance; emergence; generation; production; yield
产物產物chan3 wu4
product; result (of)
产下產下chan3 xia4
to bear (give birth)
产销產銷chan3 xiao1
production and marketing
产业產業chan3 ye4
industry; estate; property; industrial
产业工人產業工人chan3 ye4 gong1 ren2
industrial worker
产业化產業化chan3 ye4 hua4
to industrialize; industrialization
产业集群產業集群chan3 ye4 ji2 qun2
industrial cluster
产业链產業鏈chan3 ye4 lian4
supply chain
产油国產油國chan3 you2 guo2
oil-producing countries
产院產院chan3 yuan4
maternity hospital
产值產值chan3 zhi2
value of output; output value
产制產製chan3 zhi4
production; manufacture
产仔產仔chan3 zi3
to give birth (animals); to bear a litter
超产超產chao1 chan3
to exceed a production goal
出产出產chu1 chan3
to produce (by natural growth, or by manufacture, mining etc); to yield; to turn out; produce; products
出口产品出口產品chu1 kou3 chan3 pin3
export product
催产催產cui1 chan3
to induce labor; to expedite childbirth
大量生产大量生產da4 liang4 sheng1 chan3
to manufacture in bulk; mass production
待产待產dai4 chan3
(of an expectant mother) to be in labor
单词产生器模型單詞產生器模型dan1 ci2 chan3 sheng1 qi4 mo2 xing2
logogen model
低产低產di1 chan3
low yield
地产地產di4 chan3
地产大亨地產大亨di4 chan3 da4 heng1
Monopoly (game); known as 大富翁 in PRC
第二产业第二產業di4 er4 chan3 ye4
secondary industry
第三产业第三產業di4 san1 chan3 ye4
tertiary sector of industry
第一产业第一產業di4 yi1 chan3 ye4
primary sector of industry
动产動產dong4 chan3
movable property; personal property
多产多產duo1 chan3
prolific; fertile; high yield
二产妇二產婦er4 chan3 fu4
lady who has given birth twice
房产房產fang2 chan3
real estate; the property market (e.g. houses)
房产证房產證fang2 chan3 zheng4
title deeds; certificate of property ownership
房产中介房產中介fang2 chan3 zhong1 jie4
real estate agent
房地产房地產fang2 di4 chan3
real estate
非物质文化遗产非物質文化遺產fei1 wu4 zhi4 wen2 hua4 yi2 chan3
(UNESCO) Intangible Cultural Heritage
丰产豐產feng1 chan3
high yield; bumper crop
妇产科婦產科fu4 chan3 ke1
department of gynecology and obstetrics; birth clinic
副产品副產品fu4 chan3 pin3
副产物副產物fu4 chan3 wu4
byproduct material
高产高產gao1 chan3
high yielding
公共财产公共財產gong1 gong4 cai2 chan3
public property
共产共產gong4 chan3
共产党共產黨gong4 chan3 dang3
Communist Party
共产党宣言共產黨宣言gong4 chan3 dang3 xuan1 yan2
Manifesto of the Communist Party; "Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei" by Marx and Engels (1848)
共产党员共產黨員gong4 chan3 dang3 yuan2
Communist Party member
共产国际共產國際gong4 chan3 guo2 ji4
Communist International or Comintern (1919-1943), also known as the Third International 第三國際|第三国际
Science and technology is the number one productive force (from 1978 speech by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平 introducing the Four Modernizations 四個現代化|四个现代化).
矿产礦產kuang4 chan3
矿产资源礦產資源kuang4 chan3 zi1 yuan2
mineral resources
亏产虧產kui1 chan3
a shortfall in production
扩大再生产擴大再生產kuo4 da4 zai4 sheng1 chan3
to expand production; to reproduce on an extended scale
历史遗产歷史遺產li4 shi3 yi2 chan3
heritage; historical legacy
联产聯產lian2 chan3
co-production; cooperative production
联产到户聯產到戶lian2 chan3 dao4 hu4
household responsibility system, introduced in the early 1980s, under which each rural household could freely decide what to produce and how to sell, as long as it fulfilled its quota of products to the state
联产到劳聯產到勞lian2 chan3 dao4 lao2
to pay sb according to their productivity
联产到组聯產到組lian2 chan3 dao4 zu3
to pay remuneration according to output (idiom)
量产量產liang4 chan3
to mass-produce
裂变产物裂變產物lie4 bian4 chan3 wu4
fission products
临产臨產lin2 chan3
to face childbirth; about to give birth; refers esp. to the onset of regular contractions
流产流產liu2 chan3
to have a miscarriage; miscarriage; to fail; to fall through