variant of 碌

see 碌碡

laborious; small stone; to record; to tape; to write down; to hire; to employ

strokes 13
strokes after radical 8
骨碌碌 骨碌碌 gu3 lu4 lu4
(onom.) rolling around; spinning; also spoken pr.

劳劳碌碌 勞勞碌碌 lao2 lao2 lu4 lu4
tiring; difficult to get by; painful

劳碌 勞碌 lao2 lu4

碌碡 碌碡 liu4 zhou5
stone roller (for threshing grain, leveling ground etc); Taiwan pr.

碌曲 碌曲 lu4 qu3
Luqu county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州, Gansu

碌曲县 碌曲縣 lu4 qu3 xian4
Luqu county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州, Gansu

忙碌 忙碌 mang2 lu4
busy; bustling

庸碌 庸碌 yong1 lu4
mediocre; mediocre person

庸碌无能 庸碌無能 yong1 lu4 wu2 neng2
mediocre and incompetent

庸庸碌碌 庸庸碌碌 yong1 yong1 lu4 lu4
ordinary; mediocre